Cyclops, v. 1, issue 1, 1941
Page 8
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PAGE 8 CYCLOPS "Polaris which is one of the top magazines, at least number one in weird material, has only the best authors, with good covers which for a change, are not stereotyped. Paul Freehafer mimeos his magazine quite neatly, though not as clearly as some, and usually has about twenty pages for the dime. It is quarterly, generally being on time if difficulties do not conflict. It is both F'A'P'A' and general so must have quite a circulation. There is one difficulty, that being the magazine looks dry at first glance due to a lack of illustrations. "Specula is the ASTOUNDING of science fiction, with almost ninety page small size, jammed with professional quality material for just a dime. Arthur Louis Joquel II, the rapidly sky-rocketing fan in activity, edits and publishes this neat and colorful magazine, which is bound professionally enough. The mag is bimonthly and has very good illustrations. There is a scarcity of Departments, but all are of a rare undefinable quality." "Fmz Digest is one of the newest and hails from the above editor. It is Stafandom's Reader's guide literally and actually, and is mimoed on an easy reding green type of cheviot to sell at sfx for a quarter. Monthly it holds great promise if the illustrations are only brushed up. Here at last is incentive for rival editors to pour on the heat in offering good material." "Imagindex, yearbook, hails from G. Ross Kuntz and presents a host of research and grinding labor. The first edition listed every magazine and story published in science fiction from 1926 until 1938. The price was fifty cents for the 70-some odd pages presented in and attractive and substantial binder. It proved very popular and the second edition 1940 Yearbook is now out for fifteen cents from the same boys. A suggestion offered by many is an index of the weird and fantasy material published from Weird Tales' inception up to date/" "Mikros and Sweetness & Light are Russ Hodgkins' fine publications which I would like to review at greater length, but, due to the fact that I have only received one and glanced at another, I can only review briefly. The former is a Technocratic bulletin which presents the material pretty convincingly and offers room for argument from opponents. There are about ten pages for a nickle while the latter contains about twice that amount for ten cents, both being neatly mimeoed. His Sweetness and Light is the best thing ever brought to fandom because it really gives fandom the needed boot in the pattootsy, giving a few lon-winded swell-heads the cold air. It's really good, features fine articles and has fairly good illustrations by Mooney. Bradbury's "Ad Conditioned" is one of the best articles to ever issue from Los Angeles -- at least from a humorous standpoint." "Stf-Effe is Patty Grev's all-girl magazine which was quite good though it has only seen one issue; fairly neat, though hadicapped by typographical errors, and mediocre material." "Sun Trails is Art Joqueits miscellaneous publication that appears whenever the editor is in the right mood. Really good, and your next copy can be reserved by postal." "Novacious is the Douglas-Fojak F.A.P.A. magazine which dotes on book reviews and such. It isn't worth the price of five cents for outsiders as it is too small. There is a variety of type used however."
PAGE 8 CYCLOPS "Polaris which is one of the top magazines, at least number one in weird material, has only the best authors, with good covers which for a change, are not stereotyped. Paul Freehafer mimeos his magazine quite neatly, though not as clearly as some, and usually has about twenty pages for the dime. It is quarterly, generally being on time if difficulties do not conflict. It is both F'A'P'A' and general so must have quite a circulation. There is one difficulty, that being the magazine looks dry at first glance due to a lack of illustrations. "Specula is the ASTOUNDING of science fiction, with almost ninety page small size, jammed with professional quality material for just a dime. Arthur Louis Joquel II, the rapidly sky-rocketing fan in activity, edits and publishes this neat and colorful magazine, which is bound professionally enough. The mag is bimonthly and has very good illustrations. There is a scarcity of Departments, but all are of a rare undefinable quality." "Fmz Digest is one of the newest and hails from the above editor. It is Stafandom's Reader's guide literally and actually, and is mimoed on an easy reding green type of cheviot to sell at sfx for a quarter. Monthly it holds great promise if the illustrations are only brushed up. Here at last is incentive for rival editors to pour on the heat in offering good material." "Imagindex, yearbook, hails from G. Ross Kuntz and presents a host of research and grinding labor. The first edition listed every magazine and story published in science fiction from 1926 until 1938. The price was fifty cents for the 70-some odd pages presented in and attractive and substantial binder. It proved very popular and the second edition 1940 Yearbook is now out for fifteen cents from the same boys. A suggestion offered by many is an index of the weird and fantasy material published from Weird Tales' inception up to date/" "Mikros and Sweetness & Light are Russ Hodgkins' fine publications which I would like to review at greater length, but, due to the fact that I have only received one and glanced at another, I can only review briefly. The former is a Technocratic bulletin which presents the material pretty convincingly and offers room for argument from opponents. There are about ten pages for a nickle while the latter contains about twice that amount for ten cents, both being neatly mimeoed. His Sweetness and Light is the best thing ever brought to fandom because it really gives fandom the needed boot in the pattootsy, giving a few lon-winded swell-heads the cold air. It's really good, features fine articles and has fairly good illustrations by Mooney. Bradbury's "Ad Conditioned" is one of the best articles to ever issue from Los Angeles -- at least from a humorous standpoint." "Stf-Effe is Patty Grev's all-girl magazine which was quite good though it has only seen one issue; fairly neat, though hadicapped by typographical errors, and mediocre material." "Sun Trails is Art Joqueits miscellaneous publication that appears whenever the editor is in the right mood. Really good, and your next copy can be reserved by postal." "Novacious is the Douglas-Fojak F.A.P.A. magazine which dotes on book reviews and such. It isn't worth the price of five cents for outsiders as it is too small. There is a variety of type used however."
Hevelin Fanzines