Imagination!, v. 1, issue 9, whole 9, June 1938
Page 4
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4 AMONG OUR MEMS [[illegible]] is my real name but am Leag-aly known as Anny. In fact, due to Mr Ackerman's influence they r even calling me Anny at th office. In my own home MayBelle is bcomng[[?]] a forgottename, rapidly being replaced by Anny. Anny day now-- but I am not one of "those" (i.e., punstrs). I startd this reading in antiquity. Some might say iniquity. Prefer storys of peopls of othr worlds. Favorit authrs r Verne, Haggard, Merritt. "20,00 Leags Undr th Sea" I'v read 2 or 3 times; it must b my favorit. Alos very fond of th "Wizrd of Oz" & "Alice in Wonderland". THINGS TO COME is th scientifilm I'v liked most. No sides on Michelism. I think we shoud hav a spcial systm--whatevr it might b--that woudnt b so wasteful, woud give workingirls like me (aswelas evrybody else) th full fruits of their labo, & leav us all mor chance to njoy life. My pet peevs r that we can't get along with les sleep; storys that let U down at th end; & croonrs & swing music. My othr hobys (bside stf) r Esperanto & Criminology. My chief wish (ambish") is to be able to read Ackermanese with as much ease as I do Esperanto. Military matrs? Say, I'm of Irish-Deutsch dscent! Seriously, tho: I'm a "prepared pacifist". Hav no superstitions. Am an introvert, optomist & "imaterialist"--if I may coin a word. Among my acomplishmnts is a very fair mastery of orthodox English... Ray Bradbury Is the funny man of the Los Angeles League. In other words, he is the Big Joke. Wears glasses, but doesn't wear a look of intelligence. At times, when you crack wise, he will rise from his stupor--momentarily. Has been reading stf irregularly since he was nine. His favorite magazine is Astounding--"without a doubt"; favorite theme, time travelling; authors, Burroughs and Kline. Names Dold top illustrator. "And, boy, if he's the top, Binder's the bottom!" Was born in small town of Waukegan, Illinois (Jack Benny's home town); of Swedish-English descent, came to Los Angeles in 1934 and intends staying. Plays the violin poorly and is terrible at all mathematics and figures except those of blondes. Plans being an author of science fiction (is still trying to live down "Hollerbrochen's Dilemma", which, he states, was a true dilemma to him). Likes to act and direct. Prays for the day when movie producers will make good science fiction films. His favorites h ave been THINGS TO COME and King Kong. A pet peeve is "how Tarzan is being ruined on the screen by inefficient acting and directing. I think they should follow the books chapter by chapter and not the pocketbooks dollar by dollar." Would like a limited dictatorship. Is prepared pacifist, an atheist, and an extrovert. "Would like to touch a match to the famous Ackerman language!"
4 AMONG OUR MEMS [[illegible]] is my real name but am Leag-aly known as Anny. In fact, due to Mr Ackerman's influence they r even calling me Anny at th office. In my own home MayBelle is bcomng[[?]] a forgottename, rapidly being replaced by Anny. Anny day now-- but I am not one of "those" (i.e., punstrs). I startd this reading in antiquity. Some might say iniquity. Prefer storys of peopls of othr worlds. Favorit authrs r Verne, Haggard, Merritt. "20,00 Leags Undr th Sea" I'v read 2 or 3 times; it must b my favorit. Alos very fond of th "Wizrd of Oz" & "Alice in Wonderland". THINGS TO COME is th scientifilm I'v liked most. No sides on Michelism. I think we shoud hav a spcial systm--whatevr it might b--that woudnt b so wasteful, woud give workingirls like me (aswelas evrybody else) th full fruits of their labo, & leav us all mor chance to njoy life. My pet peevs r that we can't get along with les sleep; storys that let U down at th end; & croonrs & swing music. My othr hobys (bside stf) r Esperanto & Criminology. My chief wish (ambish") is to be able to read Ackermanese with as much ease as I do Esperanto. Military matrs? Say, I'm of Irish-Deutsch dscent! Seriously, tho: I'm a "prepared pacifist". Hav no superstitions. Am an introvert, optomist & "imaterialist"--if I may coin a word. Among my acomplishmnts is a very fair mastery of orthodox English... Ray Bradbury Is the funny man of the Los Angeles League. In other words, he is the Big Joke. Wears glasses, but doesn't wear a look of intelligence. At times, when you crack wise, he will rise from his stupor--momentarily. Has been reading stf irregularly since he was nine. His favorite magazine is Astounding--"without a doubt"; favorite theme, time travelling; authors, Burroughs and Kline. Names Dold top illustrator. "And, boy, if he's the top, Binder's the bottom!" Was born in small town of Waukegan, Illinois (Jack Benny's home town); of Swedish-English descent, came to Los Angeles in 1934 and intends staying. Plays the violin poorly and is terrible at all mathematics and figures except those of blondes. Plans being an author of science fiction (is still trying to live down "Hollerbrochen's Dilemma", which, he states, was a true dilemma to him). Likes to act and direct. Prays for the day when movie producers will make good science fiction films. His favorites h ave been THINGS TO COME and King Kong. A pet peeve is "how Tarzan is being ruined on the screen by inefficient acting and directing. I think they should follow the books chapter by chapter and not the pocketbooks dollar by dollar." Would like a limited dictatorship. Is prepared pacifist, an atheist, and an extrovert. "Would like to touch a match to the famous Ackerman language!"
Hevelin Fanzines