Imagination!, v. 1, issue 9, whole 9, June 1938
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16 th formr club's xistence or its foundr. See Ast 31 Jan for anouncemnt of BSC. Woud seem to me th SCB must'v been inceptd sometime aftr my litl Leag broke up (due to its leadr's broken helth), else, had a stf club for yungstrs xistd at th time I bilt up mine, I shoud undoutdly'v joined th othr. But Linus Hegenmiller & I knew of nonesuch wen we started th BSC. --FJA.) ~~ Thought you were going to give every Voicer's address--and here Bloch, whom I want to write, turns up from nowhere. Never mind--I'll get the address from Pogo." (Re with-holding adres, U r referd to last 2 lines, pg 17, 38 Jan ish. Not every reader may wish to have his/her adres public, particularly wellknon writers, who probably woud become prey to all kinds of communications. --Madge.) Walter E. Marconette[[?]] of SCIENTI-SPU-PUBS, 2120 Pershing Blvd; Dayton/O: "Madge: Give Fred Shreyer a bag-full of nice, over-ripe scallions for his terrible attack on Michelism. Another bagful for the review 'The Golden Blight'. And just when I was beginning to really like his reviews of old books! ~~ In one point, Shreyer was right. I see no connection between Michelism and science-fiction. It would be better for every one concerned if the whole matter were dropped. ~~ The rest of the May IMAGINATION! was fairly good. I agree with the individual who labeled (libeled?) your cover 'The Spirit of Spring'. Ackerman's review of 'Flash Gordon's Trip to Mars' is none too good. (I agree. --FJA.) He leads us to believe the action takes place in 3000 A.D. (Universl's Publicityarns lead me to bliev that. --FJ.) The picture seems to place the period about now, at the latest only a deacade ahead. (Thanx for th info. "J") 'Why Stf Editors Go Nuts' was quite interesting. Three cheers for Coburn!" Louis[[?]] Kuda...[[?]] Sec-Treas the American Fantasy Assn, 170 Washington Av; W. Haven/Ct: "Dear 'Madge', I was immensely pleased to receive the latest issue right on time. ~~ Say, the cover for this issue was rather pornographic. Hans Bok ought to watch his stop or Uncle Sam will stop in and make things uncomfortable. (Uncle Sam? O, U must mean Moskowitz. Do U realy think he'd do anything drastic to us? We never realized... --Scared Staff.) ~~ 'Way Out West' continues as one of the top notch features. 'Fantascience Flashes' by Claire Voyant was very good, and that name, Claire Voyant, is rather clairver, oh what, Old Bean?'Among Our Members' was very interesting.'Fantascience Film Mart' was an improvement over previous issues. Keep it up, FJA!!.. Anent the Michelism articles, well, all I'll say is that Wellheim is much toeradical[[?]], and Freyer has some good arguments....I was very glad to see Allan Glasser's article. I just got active in science-fiction when Glasser was slowing up, so I never did know much about him... Erdstelulov, fee.... The poems by Farsaci, pretty good... 'Why STF Editors Go Nuts', whew, Coburn scores again.....'Ressurrection' by Shreyer, very good, fully u p to his earlier standard. Please have Fred review 'The Reckoning' by Conquest? (That title is a fony--th stf in it is so slite, don't waste any mor intrest in it, LK. --"J") ~~ Before I forget it, enclosed is an offering for 'Madge'. Also, I've enclosed a stamp so that you can send it back if it's not ok. (As we understand it, if we accept the article we can keep the stamp. See FORECAST!) ~~ Also, before I close, why not compromise on that futuristic spelling. Spell blak, and U and Y and so on, but don't use certn and receivd and toucht. Those words give me the willies. (What do U want for a dime--a nervous breakdown?) ~~ Very fooly[[?]] yours." Robert A.[[?]] Madle editor Fantascienc Digest, 333 E Belgrade; Philadelphia/Pa--postcards: "Dear 'Madge', The May issue has been received and red thoroly. The cover was quite good -- but wasn't it rather -- er -- bold? I'm quite pleased to see the article by Allen Glasser. It was okeh. The Michelism argument appears to be raging and rambling. i'd rather leave radical propaganda to the soap-box lecturers; but you're the Editor. A Scientification Star, long popular in all the Big 3, writes me: "Dear 'Madge': Please don't publish this. I like to
16 th formr club's xistence or its foundr. See Ast 31 Jan for anouncemnt of BSC. Woud seem to me th SCB must'v been inceptd sometime aftr my litl Leag broke up (due to its leadr's broken helth), else, had a stf club for yungstrs xistd at th time I bilt up mine, I shoud undoutdly'v joined th othr. But Linus Hegenmiller & I knew of nonesuch wen we started th BSC. --FJA.) ~~ Thought you were going to give every Voicer's address--and here Bloch, whom I want to write, turns up from nowhere. Never mind--I'll get the address from Pogo." (Re with-holding adres, U r referd to last 2 lines, pg 17, 38 Jan ish. Not every reader may wish to have his/her adres public, particularly wellknon writers, who probably woud become prey to all kinds of communications. --Madge.) Walter E. Marconette[[?]] of SCIENTI-SPU-PUBS, 2120 Pershing Blvd; Dayton/O: "Madge: Give Fred Shreyer a bag-full of nice, over-ripe scallions for his terrible attack on Michelism. Another bagful for the review 'The Golden Blight'. And just when I was beginning to really like his reviews of old books! ~~ In one point, Shreyer was right. I see no connection between Michelism and science-fiction. It would be better for every one concerned if the whole matter were dropped. ~~ The rest of the May IMAGINATION! was fairly good. I agree with the individual who labeled (libeled?) your cover 'The Spirit of Spring'. Ackerman's review of 'Flash Gordon's Trip to Mars' is none too good. (I agree. --FJA.) He leads us to believe the action takes place in 3000 A.D. (Universl's Publicityarns lead me to bliev that. --FJ.) The picture seems to place the period about now, at the latest only a deacade ahead. (Thanx for th info. "J") 'Why Stf Editors Go Nuts' was quite interesting. Three cheers for Coburn!" Louis[[?]] Kuda...[[?]] Sec-Treas the American Fantasy Assn, 170 Washington Av; W. Haven/Ct: "Dear 'Madge', I was immensely pleased to receive the latest issue right on time. ~~ Say, the cover for this issue was rather pornographic. Hans Bok ought to watch his stop or Uncle Sam will stop in and make things uncomfortable. (Uncle Sam? O, U must mean Moskowitz. Do U realy think he'd do anything drastic to us? We never realized... --Scared Staff.) ~~ 'Way Out West' continues as one of the top notch features. 'Fantascience Flashes' by Claire Voyant was very good, and that name, Claire Voyant, is rather clairver, oh what, Old Bean?'Among Our Members' was very interesting.'Fantascience Film Mart' was an improvement over previous issues. Keep it up, FJA!!.. Anent the Michelism articles, well, all I'll say is that Wellheim is much toeradical[[?]], and Freyer has some good arguments....I was very glad to see Allan Glasser's article. I just got active in science-fiction when Glasser was slowing up, so I never did know much about him... Erdstelulov, fee.... The poems by Farsaci, pretty good... 'Why STF Editors Go Nuts', whew, Coburn scores again.....'Ressurrection' by Shreyer, very good, fully u p to his earlier standard. Please have Fred review 'The Reckoning' by Conquest? (That title is a fony--th stf in it is so slite, don't waste any mor intrest in it, LK. --"J") ~~ Before I forget it, enclosed is an offering for 'Madge'. Also, I've enclosed a stamp so that you can send it back if it's not ok. (As we understand it, if we accept the article we can keep the stamp. See FORECAST!) ~~ Also, before I close, why not compromise on that futuristic spelling. Spell blak, and U and Y and so on, but don't use certn and receivd and toucht. Those words give me the willies. (What do U want for a dime--a nervous breakdown?) ~~ Very fooly[[?]] yours." Robert A.[[?]] Madle editor Fantascienc Digest, 333 E Belgrade; Philadelphia/Pa--postcards: "Dear 'Madge', The May issue has been received and red thoroly. The cover was quite good -- but wasn't it rather -- er -- bold? I'm quite pleased to see the article by Allen Glasser. It was okeh. The Michelism argument appears to be raging and rambling. i'd rather leave radical propaganda to the soap-box lecturers; but you're the Editor. A Scientification Star, long popular in all the Big 3, writes me: "Dear 'Madge': Please don't publish this. I like to
Hevelin Fanzines