National Fantasy Fan, v. 5, issue 4, June 1946
Page 3
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issue of The National Fantasy Fan every month from here on out. This initial issue of my reign is being produced under certain difficulties, as usually happens when there is an interruption in the normal course of events. The most serious difficulty is lack of an up-to-date membership list so that I don't even know how many copies of this to turn out. Let us hope that with loud playing of the William Tell Overture the postman will gallop to the rescue and deposit on the doorstep a message from Art Widner some time during the next two days. Otherwise I'm sunk. There is also a paper concerning the constitution by Speer, already stenciled, which was originally supposed to be published in these hallowed pages, but Speer may have changed his mind since those stencils began their fabulous career, so I am waiting to hear from him, also. Some vandal cut the stencils down to letter size, which act of rapacious destruction will put me to great torment to use them on my Speedoprint, which requires legal size stencils, so I don't think I'll use them at all, come what may. There's enough material already on hand for this issue to keep me perspiring far into the night. It's not my business as editor to remark upon the dissolution of the NFFF which is being plotted by at least three of the Board of Directors. But as a member I wish to point out the following: It will look like hell for all of fandom if the NFFF is added to the list of the ISA and New Fandom. Furthermore it will be embarassing with regards to the abovementioned advertisement in Famous Fantastic Mysteries. I expect to hear merry guffaws from certain gentlemen in New York if any of our board of directors resign because their attentions have been attracted by a new organization. You will recall that no end of ill feeling arose when certain officers of the FAPA resigned in order to form the VAPA. The ill feeling which will arise in the event that NFFF officers resign because of another organization is bound to bring a split in fandom which will jeopardize the success of both organizations, old and new. Furthermore, the NFFF cannot be dissolved without asking the membership at large. I bought my ticket to Los Angeles today, and I'm going to be at that NFFF meeting pitching for a compromise solution to the problems which beset us. Hope to see some of you there, I remain thine Milton A. Rothman PHILLY IN 1947 3
issue of The National Fantasy Fan every month from here on out. This initial issue of my reign is being produced under certain difficulties, as usually happens when there is an interruption in the normal course of events. The most serious difficulty is lack of an up-to-date membership list so that I don't even know how many copies of this to turn out. Let us hope that with loud playing of the William Tell Overture the postman will gallop to the rescue and deposit on the doorstep a message from Art Widner some time during the next two days. Otherwise I'm sunk. There is also a paper concerning the constitution by Speer, already stenciled, which was originally supposed to be published in these hallowed pages, but Speer may have changed his mind since those stencils began their fabulous career, so I am waiting to hear from him, also. Some vandal cut the stencils down to letter size, which act of rapacious destruction will put me to great torment to use them on my Speedoprint, which requires legal size stencils, so I don't think I'll use them at all, come what may. There's enough material already on hand for this issue to keep me perspiring far into the night. It's not my business as editor to remark upon the dissolution of the NFFF which is being plotted by at least three of the Board of Directors. But as a member I wish to point out the following: It will look like hell for all of fandom if the NFFF is added to the list of the ISA and New Fandom. Furthermore it will be embarassing with regards to the abovementioned advertisement in Famous Fantastic Mysteries. I expect to hear merry guffaws from certain gentlemen in New York if any of our board of directors resign because their attentions have been attracted by a new organization. You will recall that no end of ill feeling arose when certain officers of the FAPA resigned in order to form the VAPA. The ill feeling which will arise in the event that NFFF officers resign because of another organization is bound to bring a split in fandom which will jeopardize the success of both organizations, old and new. Furthermore, the NFFF cannot be dissolved without asking the membership at large. I bought my ticket to Los Angeles today, and I'm going to be at that NFFF meeting pitching for a compromise solution to the problems which beset us. Hope to see some of you there, I remain thine Milton A. Rothman PHILLY IN 1947 3
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