Sun Spots, v. 4, issue 3, whole no. 15, February 1941
Page 41
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February 1941, SUN SPOTS, Page 41 THE TRASH BASKET By N.E. Body FLASHES: The new editor of SCIENCE FICTION and FUTURE FICTION is Robert W. Lowndes, popular N.Y. fan, and well know Futurian. Mr. Lowndes in the past has printed many fanmags, the last of his regular publications being the popular weekly newspaper, SCIENCE FICTION WEEKLY, a small 4 pages mimeod mag that ran competition to the printed FANTASY NEWS. He is also putting out a spasmodic publication, LE VOMBITEUR. The former editor of SCIENCE FICTION and FUTURE FICTION was Charles Hornig. Maybe the two mags will appear regularly under a new editor-ship! . . . According to damon knight, popular fan artist and editor of SNIDE, Donald A. Wollheim, editor of the new COSMIC and STIRRING magazines, will be paying his authors after the second issue of STIRRING. Up till now, the authors have not been paid for their contributions. Wollheim is getting paid on the basis of whether the mag will be a success .. . . Raymond A. Palmer, editor of the magazines AMAZING and FANTASTIC, says that he won't use anything by any established author who contributes to Wollheim's mags under the no pay system! ((Palmer's all burned up cause STIRRING;s better than AMAZING, ---eds)). . . Cover on the next issue of fanmag FRONTIER will be a honey by Gene Miles of Denver, reoprts D.B. Thompson.. SPACEWAYS is conducting a poll for the five best stories of the year (1940); pro mags only . . . . . "Space Chore," a short story by Manly Wade Wellman has been accepted by TWS. The basic idea for "Space Chore," was based on one sold to Mr. Wellman by Roderick Gaetz and Roy Plotkin, two of the editors of SSp. Watch for this story The main characters are based on members of the Solaroid Club, that live here in Westwood, Forinstance, look for Gates the Cpatain (Gaetz), Delaroy the first Mate, (de la Ree), Plotkans, the space pirate (Plotkin), and Beler, his right hand man (Beling). The hero, and a neglected one too I might add, is none other than Mudge, (Harold Mitch) and that's that . . . . . . . . . "The Irony of It All" , the short story that appears in this issue of SSp, finished its long and dreary tour of the pro mags last week. It ended up with Tremaine, of COMET. He wrote as follows: "Not quite -- this time--but keep at it. Your styling is not bad, Try another idea... F.O.T." About the same thing came from Pohl, and as usual TWS sent its mimeod rejection slip. . . . . THE EDITORS REQUEST: "That all the readers of SSp write us a letter about this issue, telling why you liked or didn't like it, which stories, article, etc. you liked best, and if you wish, do the whole issue useing the "1 to 10" system. Even if you didn't read the whole issue, tell us what you thought of the part you did read. If we get a lot of letters, we'll have 4 pages of "Sun Squawks" next issue. But come on write them letters. In the past it has always been the same few who write, but this month, every body write. We worked hard on this issue, and we want to know what was liked, so we can judje what's best for the future. If you didn't like SSp, we don't mind if you tell us, but please give reasons, and the same for those who do like it." Have run over now....NEB
February 1941, SUN SPOTS, Page 41 THE TRASH BASKET By N.E. Body FLASHES: The new editor of SCIENCE FICTION and FUTURE FICTION is Robert W. Lowndes, popular N.Y. fan, and well know Futurian. Mr. Lowndes in the past has printed many fanmags, the last of his regular publications being the popular weekly newspaper, SCIENCE FICTION WEEKLY, a small 4 pages mimeod mag that ran competition to the printed FANTASY NEWS. He is also putting out a spasmodic publication, LE VOMBITEUR. The former editor of SCIENCE FICTION and FUTURE FICTION was Charles Hornig. Maybe the two mags will appear regularly under a new editor-ship! . . . According to damon knight, popular fan artist and editor of SNIDE, Donald A. Wollheim, editor of the new COSMIC and STIRRING magazines, will be paying his authors after the second issue of STIRRING. Up till now, the authors have not been paid for their contributions. Wollheim is getting paid on the basis of whether the mag will be a success .. . . Raymond A. Palmer, editor of the magazines AMAZING and FANTASTIC, says that he won't use anything by any established author who contributes to Wollheim's mags under the no pay system! ((Palmer's all burned up cause STIRRING;s better than AMAZING, ---eds)). . . Cover on the next issue of fanmag FRONTIER will be a honey by Gene Miles of Denver, reoprts D.B. Thompson.. SPACEWAYS is conducting a poll for the five best stories of the year (1940); pro mags only . . . . . "Space Chore," a short story by Manly Wade Wellman has been accepted by TWS. The basic idea for "Space Chore," was based on one sold to Mr. Wellman by Roderick Gaetz and Roy Plotkin, two of the editors of SSp. Watch for this story The main characters are based on members of the Solaroid Club, that live here in Westwood, Forinstance, look for Gates the Cpatain (Gaetz), Delaroy the first Mate, (de la Ree), Plotkans, the space pirate (Plotkin), and Beler, his right hand man (Beling). The hero, and a neglected one too I might add, is none other than Mudge, (Harold Mitch) and that's that . . . . . . . . . "The Irony of It All" , the short story that appears in this issue of SSp, finished its long and dreary tour of the pro mags last week. It ended up with Tremaine, of COMET. He wrote as follows: "Not quite -- this time--but keep at it. Your styling is not bad, Try another idea... F.O.T." About the same thing came from Pohl, and as usual TWS sent its mimeod rejection slip. . . . . THE EDITORS REQUEST: "That all the readers of SSp write us a letter about this issue, telling why you liked or didn't like it, which stories, article, etc. you liked best, and if you wish, do the whole issue useing the "1 to 10" system. Even if you didn't read the whole issue, tell us what you thought of the part you did read. If we get a lot of letters, we'll have 4 pages of "Sun Squawks" next issue. But come on write them letters. In the past it has always been the same few who write, but this month, every body write. We worked hard on this issue, and we want to know what was liked, so we can judje what's best for the future. If you didn't like SSp, we don't mind if you tell us, but please give reasons, and the same for those who do like it." Have run over now....NEB
Hevelin Fanzines