Imagination, v. 1, issue 12, whole no. 12, September 1938
Page 19
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IMAGINATION! #12 38 Sep CLASSIFY-ADS 19 Rates: 6 characters... 1¢; 3 consecutive inserts same ad, 9 chrs... 1¢ "gc" ----good condish, 2¢; & "sae" ---stampt-adrest envelope, 3¢ 1/4 pg, 75¢; 1/2, $1.25; Full-$2 For Sale SHEP'S SHOP for STF Our 12th Consecutive Ad 5518 Hollywood Blvd. H'wood CHALLENGE! In conjunction with the coming WORLD'S SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION to be held in New York City in 1939, More (3 No trump) Weisinger, Otto (4 no trump) Binder, Ed (Double) Weisinger & Julius (Yarborough) Schwartz hereby challenge any team of science fiction fans to a team-of-4 match in Contract Bridge! Write Julius Schwartz: 255 E 188th Street, New York City. THE HYBORIAN AGE: It's all the rage, note, not only with the admirers of the late, great Robert E. Howard, but every fantasy fan appreciative of imaginative genius. Universally-praised by purchasers, ltd. edit., lastime it will be advertised in IMAGINATION!. Order your copy now & have no regrets. 35¢ -ppd from LANY Cooperative Publications (PacifiCoast Representatives) j 1903 W 84 Pl Los Angeles /Calif. ~~ (THE NECRONOMICON (History of), HP Lovecraft. Printed. 15¢ ppd from W. Wright: 3504 W5, LA/Cal. ~~ Dr Keller's "Television Detective", a new story. 10¢ via Vodoso, c/o Morojo Bx 6475 Met Sta, LA. ~~ Stf & Nonsense, 10¢. Jack Erwin: Modern Apts, 3d & Vermont; LA. ~~ THE BLIND SPOT, RADIO FAN, GIRL IN THE GOLDEN ATOM, SNAKE MOTHER, .TREASURES OF TANTALUS, TUNED OUT, MAN IN THE MOON, PLANET OF PERIL, METAL EMPEROR, MAN ON THE METE0R, SKY ,WOMAN, SEA GIRL, SHOW GIRL SHADOW GIRL, MOON GIRL, RETURN OF GEO. WASHINGTON, JASON - SON OF JASON, LORD OF DEATH, QUEEN OF LIFE, TUBBYARNS, BEYOND THE STARS, BRAND NEW WORLD, COSMIC COURTSHIP & oountless other classics—send want list, sae. HB: Wantlist inquirys only can b cared for; no requests for complete stocklist. —Also Weird from '24, Amazing et al from V1N1; TTT, SFD, FM, US, RT, Fantasy Fan, Fanciful & 5000 other fanmags (not to b taken literally). fantascience fotos; & endless delectable items to deprive U of your dough but make U OH! so happy! So describe your desires. "J": 236 1/2 N New Hampshire, Hollywood. IMAGINATION! thru the months. Lacking any issues? Every one, 20 large size, attention-holding pgs. While they last: '37 Nov (#2--#1's gone again! We give 1 yr renewal or extension for ea. '37 Oct ish returned) 25¢; Dec, 30¢. '38 Jan, 35¢; Feb, 30¢; Mar, 15¢; Apr, 20¢; May, June, 10¢, July 15¢; Aug, 10¢; Marconotto, Hodgkins, Glasser, Yerke, FJA, Squires, Cunock, Kerley, Yerke, De Niato -- all pleased purchasers of the Green & Brown typewriter ribbon; & now, Miske! Don't take a ribbin' on your hack black--take a ribbon! Goodness gracious, b novacious! $ ppd for any make machine. Morojo: Bx 6475, Metro Sta; Los Angeles, Cal
IMAGINATION! #12 38 Sep CLASSIFY-ADS 19 Rates: 6 characters... 1¢; 3 consecutive inserts same ad, 9 chrs... 1¢ "gc" ----good condish, 2¢; & "sae" ---stampt-adrest envelope, 3¢ 1/4 pg, 75¢; 1/2, $1.25; Full-$2 For Sale SHEP'S SHOP for STF Our 12th Consecutive Ad 5518 Hollywood Blvd. H'wood CHALLENGE! In conjunction with the coming WORLD'S SCIENCE FICTION CONVENTION to be held in New York City in 1939, More (3 No trump) Weisinger, Otto (4 no trump) Binder, Ed (Double) Weisinger & Julius (Yarborough) Schwartz hereby challenge any team of science fiction fans to a team-of-4 match in Contract Bridge! Write Julius Schwartz: 255 E 188th Street, New York City. THE HYBORIAN AGE: It's all the rage, note, not only with the admirers of the late, great Robert E. Howard, but every fantasy fan appreciative of imaginative genius. Universally-praised by purchasers, ltd. edit., lastime it will be advertised in IMAGINATION!. Order your copy now & have no regrets. 35¢ -ppd from LANY Cooperative Publications (PacifiCoast Representatives) j 1903 W 84 Pl Los Angeles /Calif. ~~ (THE NECRONOMICON (History of), HP Lovecraft. Printed. 15¢ ppd from W. Wright: 3504 W5, LA/Cal. ~~ Dr Keller's "Television Detective", a new story. 10¢ via Vodoso, c/o Morojo Bx 6475 Met Sta, LA. ~~ Stf & Nonsense, 10¢. Jack Erwin: Modern Apts, 3d & Vermont; LA. ~~ THE BLIND SPOT, RADIO FAN, GIRL IN THE GOLDEN ATOM, SNAKE MOTHER, .TREASURES OF TANTALUS, TUNED OUT, MAN IN THE MOON, PLANET OF PERIL, METAL EMPEROR, MAN ON THE METE0R, SKY ,WOMAN, SEA GIRL, SHOW GIRL SHADOW GIRL, MOON GIRL, RETURN OF GEO. WASHINGTON, JASON - SON OF JASON, LORD OF DEATH, QUEEN OF LIFE, TUBBYARNS, BEYOND THE STARS, BRAND NEW WORLD, COSMIC COURTSHIP & oountless other classics—send want list, sae. HB: Wantlist inquirys only can b cared for; no requests for complete stocklist. —Also Weird from '24, Amazing et al from V1N1; TTT, SFD, FM, US, RT, Fantasy Fan, Fanciful & 5000 other fanmags (not to b taken literally). fantascience fotos; & endless delectable items to deprive U of your dough but make U OH! so happy! So describe your desires. "J": 236 1/2 N New Hampshire, Hollywood. IMAGINATION! thru the months. Lacking any issues? Every one, 20 large size, attention-holding pgs. While they last: '37 Nov (#2--#1's gone again! We give 1 yr renewal or extension for ea. '37 Oct ish returned) 25¢; Dec, 30¢. '38 Jan, 35¢; Feb, 30¢; Mar, 15¢; Apr, 20¢; May, June, 10¢, July 15¢; Aug, 10¢; Marconotto, Hodgkins, Glasser, Yerke, FJA, Squires, Cunock, Kerley, Yerke, De Niato -- all pleased purchasers of the Green & Brown typewriter ribbon; & now, Miske! Don't take a ribbin' on your hack black--take a ribbon! Goodness gracious, b novacious! $ ppd for any make machine. Morojo: Bx 6475, Metro Sta; Los Angeles, Cal
Hevelin Fanzines