FANews, October 28, 1945, no.227-9
Page 4
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been somewhat like forecasters in the Scientific Field and more so lately. Almost every issue has many items for a fan collection. I wont mention individual items but the October Popular Science has some 8 well illustrated pages on the atom which are outstanding. Last mag to be reviewed for the present (I haven't been to the news stand for ten minutes now, so there may be another 3 or 7 out) is POSTWAR DIGEST. The mag contains numerous items of interest which I wont cover here except that there is one item in there about Clinton, who run's Clifton's Cafeteria here in LA where the LASFS met for many many months. One other unusual item about the mag is this: It is dated FALL, 1945 - Volume 8, Number 5. According to this there are five seasons a year and this postwar digest was either awfully late for the last war or else premature for this one. It wasn't copyright till 1945 and their postal permit is only pending...Now I ask you????????? Robert Heinlein News: Bob and Leslyn Heinlein have returned to Los Angeles. In a conversation of a week ago Bob told me they had been in war work in the East. Bob was in Engineering and Leslyn was in the production department of a large aircraft dispersal unit. They have been having a great deal of difficulty trying to get their home back from the tenants who have occupied it during the war years. It will be another 6 weeks before they get their place as the legalities of eviction are complicated. In the meantime they are going to locate at a summer resort outside Los Angeles where they can get back on their feet from the strenuous year of work they have put in. Leslyn has lost 20 pounds and those of you who knew Leslyn can realize what that means to her. Bob, since the Victory, has been extremely busy on the politics of "The Atomic Bomb". He is connected with several authorities on the subject and on his trip out here from the East he stopped off in New Mexico where he had a conference with some of the Scientists connected with the big Atomic Bomb test they had there. As soon as Bob gets back to town I'll have more details to write on but this will have to suffice for the present. BLACK FLAMES IN LOS ANGELES: Yes, sir, Virginia is going to publish her own fan magazines of, by and for GIRLS IN FANDOM. If there are any fems who have not rec'd a mimeo'd notice about it, write Virginia today at 1305 W. Ingraham, LA. She is anxious to receive articles, stories, or art work from all femme-fans. The name of the mag will be BLACK FLAMES. Well, Dunk, how did I do this time - a whole column and not one single ad. I didn't even say that I'm still accepting $1.00 subscriptions for "FAN" nor did I say that the convebtion memberships are open at $1.00 each nor did I repeat that I'm prepared to do fan mag publishing at special rates. How about it, Dunk, don't you think I'm improving??? (((MMMmmmmmmmmmmm? Thinks he's clever, don't he??? MMMmmmmmmm???? - Dunk))) "WRAP 'EM UP AND HOME TO......VIRGINIA!" (Mmmmmmmmmmmm) SPECIAL SALE Julius Unger 6401 24 Ave Brooklyn, N.Y. 1. Can Such Things Be?..Bierce..$2.50 2. Complete run of Science & Invention 1914-1921. Bound May 1914 thru Dec. 1921. 9 volumes...set.........$75.00 100 issues...per volume....10.00 ((Perfect condition)) -o0o0o-
been somewhat like forecasters in the Scientific Field and more so lately. Almost every issue has many items for a fan collection. I wont mention individual items but the October Popular Science has some 8 well illustrated pages on the atom which are outstanding. Last mag to be reviewed for the present (I haven't been to the news stand for ten minutes now, so there may be another 3 or 7 out) is POSTWAR DIGEST. The mag contains numerous items of interest which I wont cover here except that there is one item in there about Clinton, who run's Clifton's Cafeteria here in LA where the LASFS met for many many months. One other unusual item about the mag is this: It is dated FALL, 1945 - Volume 8, Number 5. According to this there are five seasons a year and this postwar digest was either awfully late for the last war or else premature for this one. It wasn't copyright till 1945 and their postal permit is only pending...Now I ask you????????? Robert Heinlein News: Bob and Leslyn Heinlein have returned to Los Angeles. In a conversation of a week ago Bob told me they had been in war work in the East. Bob was in Engineering and Leslyn was in the production department of a large aircraft dispersal unit. They have been having a great deal of difficulty trying to get their home back from the tenants who have occupied it during the war years. It will be another 6 weeks before they get their place as the legalities of eviction are complicated. In the meantime they are going to locate at a summer resort outside Los Angeles where they can get back on their feet from the strenuous year of work they have put in. Leslyn has lost 20 pounds and those of you who knew Leslyn can realize what that means to her. Bob, since the Victory, has been extremely busy on the politics of "The Atomic Bomb". He is connected with several authorities on the subject and on his trip out here from the East he stopped off in New Mexico where he had a conference with some of the Scientists connected with the big Atomic Bomb test they had there. As soon as Bob gets back to town I'll have more details to write on but this will have to suffice for the present. BLACK FLAMES IN LOS ANGELES: Yes, sir, Virginia is going to publish her own fan magazines of, by and for GIRLS IN FANDOM. If there are any fems who have not rec'd a mimeo'd notice about it, write Virginia today at 1305 W. Ingraham, LA. She is anxious to receive articles, stories, or art work from all femme-fans. The name of the mag will be BLACK FLAMES. Well, Dunk, how did I do this time - a whole column and not one single ad. I didn't even say that I'm still accepting $1.00 subscriptions for "FAN" nor did I say that the convebtion memberships are open at $1.00 each nor did I repeat that I'm prepared to do fan mag publishing at special rates. How about it, Dunk, don't you think I'm improving??? (((MMMmmmmmmmmmmm? Thinks he's clever, don't he??? MMMmmmmmmm???? - Dunk))) "WRAP 'EM UP AND HOME TO......VIRGINIA!" (Mmmmmmmmmmmm) SPECIAL SALE Julius Unger 6401 24 Ave Brooklyn, N.Y. 1. Can Such Things Be?..Bierce..$2.50 2. Complete run of Science & Invention 1914-1921. Bound May 1914 thru Dec. 1921. 9 volumes...set.........$75.00 100 issues...per volume....10.00 ((Perfect condition)) -o0o0o-
Hevelin Fanzines