FANews, October 28, 1945, no.227-9
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LASFS Bearing a date line of Oct. 26, 1945 the following notice from the Sec'y of the LASFS has been rec'd: "I have been requested by the Director of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society to inform all fan news publications that during the Thursday, Oct. 18th, meeting of the L.A.S.F.S. Wally Daugherty, believing that some of the opposition toward the Convention is more of a personal affront, and that such attacks might result in unpleasant publicity for this coming great Fan-Gathering because of his being the head of the Convention Committee, announced that he would like to resign in favour of E. Everett Evans. A vote was taken and passed unanimously that Wally Daugherty be retained in his present capacity as Chairman. //Tigrina// Secretary" Some time ago we asked that an official reporter from the LASFS be assigned to FANEWS or that some arrangement for an "official" news source be established so that rumors and counter-rumors would not unintentionally get in to print. Tigrina, Sec'y of the LASFS, kindly volunteered to send us a "carbon" of the approved minutes of each meeting. When first rec'd it was our intention to print these minutes "as received". Because of this intention we have held off placing any of them in FANEWS until we now have such a back log that it would be impossible to catchup on our originally intended basis. Hence the following condensations of HIGHLIGHTS. In the future, whenever possible, we shall give you the complete minutes of the meeting as sent by TIGRINA, but for the moment you'll just have to take our work for it that she writes up (normally dry stuff) in a very interesting manner. Thank you - LASFS and TIGRINA in particular.......Dunk Sept. 13, 2945: Meeting began at 9:04 1/2 p.m. since the Director and the Committee for the Postwarcon were detained across the way at Tendril Towers, discussing plans for the coming convention....16 at meeting...Hewett stated that he was willing to continue as Editor of Shaggy if a tyewriter were reserved for his regular use for the organ.....Daugherty suggested that a Fan Census be taken---Details (financial and mechanical) were discussed.....Regular meeting was adjourned in favor of a rent-payers meeting. Myrt Douglas offered the two front rooms of her private dwelling (close to LASFS) a a rent lower than LASFS paying....Discussion as to whether it would be adviseable to move resulted in a "straw vote" of 8 negative and 17 1/2 affirmative votes.....Meeting adjourned at 9:40...The First of a series of lectures on WITCHCRAFT by the erudite S.D. Russell. The lecture was based on the historical rather than the mystical point of view..Roman and Greek ideas were lectured on...The speech was unintentionally highlighted by a bit of modern skullduggery when Master Gerard Hewett, annoyed no doubt by the blasphemous snores of Niesen Himmel, who was obtrusively seeking the Land of Nod, proceeded to apply, by means of a lighted "lucifer", prodigious heat to Monsieur Himmel's pedal extremities. This resulted in Master Gerald's initiation into the Order of the Rising Boot, but our learned speaker, seemingly unperturbed by the uproar, valiantly continued to expound upon his intriguing subject until the hour of half past ten..... September 20th, 1945...Meeting started at 8:35..13 present....Speer and Burbee both visited the club at this meeting...Discussion of fixing a price on Shangri L'Affaires sent to non-members of the Club, but no decision was reached...Meeting adjourned at 9:00 only to reconvene at 9:07 because Laney absent mindedly forgot to mention before that nominations were open for Club Officers..Laney and Acky were nominated...Election next meeting.....Russell's second lecture was postponed because Sam arrived too late (he'd been studying the subject and lost track of time)..... ((Next Page))
LASFS Bearing a date line of Oct. 26, 1945 the following notice from the Sec'y of the LASFS has been rec'd: "I have been requested by the Director of the Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society to inform all fan news publications that during the Thursday, Oct. 18th, meeting of the L.A.S.F.S. Wally Daugherty, believing that some of the opposition toward the Convention is more of a personal affront, and that such attacks might result in unpleasant publicity for this coming great Fan-Gathering because of his being the head of the Convention Committee, announced that he would like to resign in favour of E. Everett Evans. A vote was taken and passed unanimously that Wally Daugherty be retained in his present capacity as Chairman. //Tigrina// Secretary" Some time ago we asked that an official reporter from the LASFS be assigned to FANEWS or that some arrangement for an "official" news source be established so that rumors and counter-rumors would not unintentionally get in to print. Tigrina, Sec'y of the LASFS, kindly volunteered to send us a "carbon" of the approved minutes of each meeting. When first rec'd it was our intention to print these minutes "as received". Because of this intention we have held off placing any of them in FANEWS until we now have such a back log that it would be impossible to catchup on our originally intended basis. Hence the following condensations of HIGHLIGHTS. In the future, whenever possible, we shall give you the complete minutes of the meeting as sent by TIGRINA, but for the moment you'll just have to take our work for it that she writes up (normally dry stuff) in a very interesting manner. Thank you - LASFS and TIGRINA in particular.......Dunk Sept. 13, 2945: Meeting began at 9:04 1/2 p.m. since the Director and the Committee for the Postwarcon were detained across the way at Tendril Towers, discussing plans for the coming convention....16 at meeting...Hewett stated that he was willing to continue as Editor of Shaggy if a tyewriter were reserved for his regular use for the organ.....Daugherty suggested that a Fan Census be taken---Details (financial and mechanical) were discussed.....Regular meeting was adjourned in favor of a rent-payers meeting. Myrt Douglas offered the two front rooms of her private dwelling (close to LASFS) a a rent lower than LASFS paying....Discussion as to whether it would be adviseable to move resulted in a "straw vote" of 8 negative and 17 1/2 affirmative votes.....Meeting adjourned at 9:40...The First of a series of lectures on WITCHCRAFT by the erudite S.D. Russell. The lecture was based on the historical rather than the mystical point of view..Roman and Greek ideas were lectured on...The speech was unintentionally highlighted by a bit of modern skullduggery when Master Gerard Hewett, annoyed no doubt by the blasphemous snores of Niesen Himmel, who was obtrusively seeking the Land of Nod, proceeded to apply, by means of a lighted "lucifer", prodigious heat to Monsieur Himmel's pedal extremities. This resulted in Master Gerald's initiation into the Order of the Rising Boot, but our learned speaker, seemingly unperturbed by the uproar, valiantly continued to expound upon his intriguing subject until the hour of half past ten..... September 20th, 1945...Meeting started at 8:35..13 present....Speer and Burbee both visited the club at this meeting...Discussion of fixing a price on Shangri L'Affaires sent to non-members of the Club, but no decision was reached...Meeting adjourned at 9:00 only to reconvene at 9:07 because Laney absent mindedly forgot to mention before that nominations were open for Club Officers..Laney and Acky were nominated...Election next meeting.....Russell's second lecture was postponed because Sam arrived too late (he'd been studying the subject and lost track of time)..... ((Next Page))
Hevelin Fanzines