Fan, issue 6, February 1946
Page 14
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FANTASY ADVERTISER --------- It is hereby proposed that a new fanzine be published for a purpose heretofore left but mildly covered by the general or the specialized fantasy fan publications that are usually produced by fans for their own enjoyment. This publication will be devoted almost in its entirety to the advertising field with very small space allowed to other matter.The prime purpose of this magazine is to be the propagandizing of fantasy--- science-fiction---weird type of literature through the presentation of its various facets by advertisements. Now that the war is over with a relative theoretical increase in paper and the other publishing materials, it is assumed that fan publishers will desire to increase their circulations that were curtailed by the war and its shortages. Assuming further that with the release of our own service bound members there will be a related increase in fan activities, it is desired to furnish a medium by which a person may conduct his business with fans in a manner offering a modicum of regularity and scope. The contents of the Fantasy Advertiser will consist of adds for fan magazines, book sales, swaps,fan meetings and gatherings want ads, requests for fan mag material, propaganda of any fan organization for membership, and any and all other types of adds that might have occasion to be desired by the body of fantasts. It is not proposed to publish these advertisements gratis of course,BUT it is proposed that these advertisements be published for as close to cost basis as is possible. Following is a list of charges that will enable Fan Adds to opperate just inside costs: .02[[cent symbol]] per line (32 spaces) up to 10 lines .01[[cent symbol]] per line for all lines over 10 .25[[cent symbol]] per quarter page .50[[cent symbol]] per half page .75[[cent symbol]] per full page. Lithography is offered at a straight five dollars per page although costs vary from four to eight dollars depending upon the subject matter being reproduced. As every fan publisher knows, this is slightly above actual cost prices; HOWEVER, further reduction is offered. For every four consecutive adds ordered,a fifth is offered free of charge, i.e., five for four. There will be a reduction in price of adds if sufficient adds are received to cover expenses in the bulk. To insure that your adds receive as wide a circulation as possible, Fantasy Advertiser will be sent to every person interested in futuristic fiction whose name and address the publisher can secure. On the face of it, this insures that your add will receive wider notice than in any other publication. Fantasy Advertiser's present offer is one free add for every person who orders an advertisement now. In other words, for those who get in their adds promptly, the first issue is free! FANTASY ADVERTISER, Publisher, Gus Willmorth, 628 S. Bixel St., Los Angeles 14, California. Publication will be quarterly unless accumulation of material warrants sooner publication. ACT NOW!! 14
FANTASY ADVERTISER --------- It is hereby proposed that a new fanzine be published for a purpose heretofore left but mildly covered by the general or the specialized fantasy fan publications that are usually produced by fans for their own enjoyment. This publication will be devoted almost in its entirety to the advertising field with very small space allowed to other matter.The prime purpose of this magazine is to be the propagandizing of fantasy--- science-fiction---weird type of literature through the presentation of its various facets by advertisements. Now that the war is over with a relative theoretical increase in paper and the other publishing materials, it is assumed that fan publishers will desire to increase their circulations that were curtailed by the war and its shortages. Assuming further that with the release of our own service bound members there will be a related increase in fan activities, it is desired to furnish a medium by which a person may conduct his business with fans in a manner offering a modicum of regularity and scope. The contents of the Fantasy Advertiser will consist of adds for fan magazines, book sales, swaps,fan meetings and gatherings want ads, requests for fan mag material, propaganda of any fan organization for membership, and any and all other types of adds that might have occasion to be desired by the body of fantasts. It is not proposed to publish these advertisements gratis of course,BUT it is proposed that these advertisements be published for as close to cost basis as is possible. Following is a list of charges that will enable Fan Adds to opperate just inside costs: .02[[cent symbol]] per line (32 spaces) up to 10 lines .01[[cent symbol]] per line for all lines over 10 .25[[cent symbol]] per quarter page .50[[cent symbol]] per half page .75[[cent symbol]] per full page. Lithography is offered at a straight five dollars per page although costs vary from four to eight dollars depending upon the subject matter being reproduced. As every fan publisher knows, this is slightly above actual cost prices; HOWEVER, further reduction is offered. For every four consecutive adds ordered,a fifth is offered free of charge, i.e., five for four. There will be a reduction in price of adds if sufficient adds are received to cover expenses in the bulk. To insure that your adds receive as wide a circulation as possible, Fantasy Advertiser will be sent to every person interested in futuristic fiction whose name and address the publisher can secure. On the face of it, this insures that your add will receive wider notice than in any other publication. Fantasy Advertiser's present offer is one free add for every person who orders an advertisement now. In other words, for those who get in their adds promptly, the first issue is free! FANTASY ADVERTISER, Publisher, Gus Willmorth, 628 S. Bixel St., Los Angeles 14, California. Publication will be quarterly unless accumulation of material warrants sooner publication. ACT NOW!! 14
Hevelin Fanzines