Fanfare, issue 9, 1942
Page 6
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6 dots A gang of us took over a nearby cafeteria,and started Chicon and Denverminisding[[?]] for the benefit of the Columbia boys. They got a big kick from the hitherto undisclosed incident involving Widner, Trudy, a Hamburger Stand, and two drunks. The inner fan satisfied, we loaded the Spirit of FooFoo and the FooFoo special to the gun les[[?]], and set out for Winchester and the Swisher residence. We had intended to stay there for an hour or so and then come back to give the out-of-towners a chance to view Boston, but the fascination of the complete Swisher collection was too much for most of them, and we stayed until it was perilously close to train time for some. While there, we received a phone call from Bill Deutsch, who thought it was a two-day affair and had flown up from New York. We waited, and just as we were leaving, he rang from a nearby drugstore. We picked him up on the way back to Boston, and then Speer found he had forgotten his briefcase and camera. We led the way back to Swisher's, but Speer had become lost on the way. We waited until there was just barely time to get Bob Jones to his train, and had to leave without the other carful. After a hectic ride and a hectic dash thru the station, we got Bob aborad safely,and with the latest Astounding too. Then we hung around for a while, taking weird pix in a "Take-your-own-photo-for-10[[cent symbol]]" booth, until the rest showed up. The New Yorkers and Trudy got on the train and the Philly phellows disappeared for their bustation. We headed back for the Southerners' room and then to a nearby joy juice dispensary, but the extreme youth of Suddsy, Jenkins, Lazar, et al, only allowed us nothing stronger than cokes. Ah well.... Bill Deutsch had wangled a ride back to New York with the Spiritravellers, and shortly we watched them pile into Speer's car, shook hands all round four or five times, and then wistfully watched the light green Plymouth dwindle southwestward. We wended[[?]] our various ways homeward, with that queer, happy-tho-heavy-hearted feeling that comes when another fan convention is over . . . . *** THE MARCH 22ND MEETING, due, no doubt, to the stimulation of the BOSKONE, saw a larger attendance than usual. No less than eleven fans were present. Besides the "regulars," (Bob Swisher, Jules Lazar, Suddsy Schwartz, Harry Stubbs, Chan Davis, Tom Gardner, and Art Widner) two newcomers and two "comebacks" showed up. The returning pair were Sylvester Brown and Al Lopez, the "rookies" being Arseni "Arsenic" Karpovitch, and Parker Harrison. The meeting was called to order about 4PM, and the Treasurer's report was read. it was then voted to reimburse from the treasury the various members who had chipped in to pay BOSKONE expenses from their own pockets. The unusual situation of having a treasury, presented the perplexing problem of what to do with it. Suggestions such as club recorder, mimeograph, fan movie, etc., were considered, but rejected as involving too much money and work for little return. It was decided to have a beach party sometime during the summer, using the club funds to pay for food, and to let the rest ride until something came up. Plans were also made for the group to visit the Harvard Observatory in Cambridge on its next open house night. harry Stubbs arranged the details. There was some discussion about resuming the payment of dues,
6 dots A gang of us took over a nearby cafeteria,and started Chicon and Denverminisding[[?]] for the benefit of the Columbia boys. They got a big kick from the hitherto undisclosed incident involving Widner, Trudy, a Hamburger Stand, and two drunks. The inner fan satisfied, we loaded the Spirit of FooFoo and the FooFoo special to the gun les[[?]], and set out for Winchester and the Swisher residence. We had intended to stay there for an hour or so and then come back to give the out-of-towners a chance to view Boston, but the fascination of the complete Swisher collection was too much for most of them, and we stayed until it was perilously close to train time for some. While there, we received a phone call from Bill Deutsch, who thought it was a two-day affair and had flown up from New York. We waited, and just as we were leaving, he rang from a nearby drugstore. We picked him up on the way back to Boston, and then Speer found he had forgotten his briefcase and camera. We led the way back to Swisher's, but Speer had become lost on the way. We waited until there was just barely time to get Bob Jones to his train, and had to leave without the other carful. After a hectic ride and a hectic dash thru the station, we got Bob aborad safely,and with the latest Astounding too. Then we hung around for a while, taking weird pix in a "Take-your-own-photo-for-10[[cent symbol]]" booth, until the rest showed up. The New Yorkers and Trudy got on the train and the Philly phellows disappeared for their bustation. We headed back for the Southerners' room and then to a nearby joy juice dispensary, but the extreme youth of Suddsy, Jenkins, Lazar, et al, only allowed us nothing stronger than cokes. Ah well.... Bill Deutsch had wangled a ride back to New York with the Spiritravellers, and shortly we watched them pile into Speer's car, shook hands all round four or five times, and then wistfully watched the light green Plymouth dwindle southwestward. We wended[[?]] our various ways homeward, with that queer, happy-tho-heavy-hearted feeling that comes when another fan convention is over . . . . *** THE MARCH 22ND MEETING, due, no doubt, to the stimulation of the BOSKONE, saw a larger attendance than usual. No less than eleven fans were present. Besides the "regulars," (Bob Swisher, Jules Lazar, Suddsy Schwartz, Harry Stubbs, Chan Davis, Tom Gardner, and Art Widner) two newcomers and two "comebacks" showed up. The returning pair were Sylvester Brown and Al Lopez, the "rookies" being Arseni "Arsenic" Karpovitch, and Parker Harrison. The meeting was called to order about 4PM, and the Treasurer's report was read. it was then voted to reimburse from the treasury the various members who had chipped in to pay BOSKONE expenses from their own pockets. The unusual situation of having a treasury, presented the perplexing problem of what to do with it. Suggestions such as club recorder, mimeograph, fan movie, etc., were considered, but rejected as involving too much money and work for little return. It was decided to have a beach party sometime during the summer, using the club funds to pay for food, and to let the rest ride until something came up. Plans were also made for the group to visit the Harvard Observatory in Cambridge on its next open house night. harry Stubbs arranged the details. There was some discussion about resuming the payment of dues,
Hevelin Fanzines