Fandango, v. 2, issue 1, whole no. 5, Summer 1944
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FAN-DANGO AN OUTSIDE PUBLICATION! *********************************************************************** Vol. II No. 1 Summer -- 1944 Whole No. 5 *********************************************************************** GUTLESS WONDERS ** A DISCUSSION OF FAN ETHICS. ---ooOoo--- The appalling amount of shilly-shallying in the case of Clod Degler is enough to gag a maggot. Are fans so weak-minded, so spineless, so completely lacking in intestinal fortitude that they cannot even expel an undesirable from their midst? I had hoped devoutly that it would not be necessary to waste furthe space on Degler, but the infuriating vacillations of cowardly pllyannas--both in the LASFS and in FAPA--make it imperative for someone to speak plainly. First let me recite the treatment of Degler in the LASFS. Many weeks after he had outworn his welcome elsewhere in Shagri-La, he could still number two staunch friends in Forrest J. Ackerman and Murtle R. Douglas. Naturally, total fan Ackerman would love anyone like Superfan Rogers--their ideas are far close than most out-of-town fans have suspected. And when the Ack cracks the whip, Morojo jumps. The active LASFS membership otherwise was 100% anti-Degler--in fact, after Degler had left Los Angeles the clib adopted and entirely new constitution and system of membership applications designed wholly to prevent the possibility of other crackpots coming in and disrupting the society. Yet, for some mysterious reason, Degler still remained a member of the club. Every attempt to expel him, to demand his resignation, or any other positive action was bucked violently by Morojo, up to her old stunt of fighting Ackerman's battles for him. After weeks of fruitless haranguing, Morojo finally permitted the club to send a very apologetic letter to Degler, informing him that he was dropped for non-payment of dues. In other words, instead of the positive action as a matter of course, the LASFS tacitly encouraged this blot of fandom. Small wonder that twleve active fans fled into the Knaves and Outsiders, rahter than to remain in such a debasing atmosphere of indecision and cowardice, where they were forced to associate with any braying ass who chose to call himself a fan. Now we see the same thing happening in FAPA. Not only is Degler a complete disgrace to the organization, but here is an individual who has never contributed anything to the mailings. (The single issue of Cosmic Circle Commentator which Degler submitted was not a FAPA magazine, but was identical with the edition circulatied outside the mailings; while the stuff in the LASFS post-mailing envelipe was submitted as supporting evidence for Fan-Dango 3-A.) Yet how any Fapas actively oppose Degler's explusion! The persons who wish to increase our all over membership would do well to bear in mind that there is much dead wood on our present roster. It has been said by several that Degler has done nothing in violation of the FAPA constitution. This may very well be so, but I fail to see what bearing this has on the Question. If FAPA is to be a general fan organization (which Cthulhu forbid!), a group to which any person may belong regardless of merit, perhaps this view of the constitutionalists is valid. If, however, FAPA is to make any attempt at being a worthwhile group, it seems to me that its membership should --1--
FAN-DANGO AN OUTSIDE PUBLICATION! *********************************************************************** Vol. II No. 1 Summer -- 1944 Whole No. 5 *********************************************************************** GUTLESS WONDERS ** A DISCUSSION OF FAN ETHICS. ---ooOoo--- The appalling amount of shilly-shallying in the case of Clod Degler is enough to gag a maggot. Are fans so weak-minded, so spineless, so completely lacking in intestinal fortitude that they cannot even expel an undesirable from their midst? I had hoped devoutly that it would not be necessary to waste furthe space on Degler, but the infuriating vacillations of cowardly pllyannas--both in the LASFS and in FAPA--make it imperative for someone to speak plainly. First let me recite the treatment of Degler in the LASFS. Many weeks after he had outworn his welcome elsewhere in Shagri-La, he could still number two staunch friends in Forrest J. Ackerman and Murtle R. Douglas. Naturally, total fan Ackerman would love anyone like Superfan Rogers--their ideas are far close than most out-of-town fans have suspected. And when the Ack cracks the whip, Morojo jumps. The active LASFS membership otherwise was 100% anti-Degler--in fact, after Degler had left Los Angeles the clib adopted and entirely new constitution and system of membership applications designed wholly to prevent the possibility of other crackpots coming in and disrupting the society. Yet, for some mysterious reason, Degler still remained a member of the club. Every attempt to expel him, to demand his resignation, or any other positive action was bucked violently by Morojo, up to her old stunt of fighting Ackerman's battles for him. After weeks of fruitless haranguing, Morojo finally permitted the club to send a very apologetic letter to Degler, informing him that he was dropped for non-payment of dues. In other words, instead of the positive action as a matter of course, the LASFS tacitly encouraged this blot of fandom. Small wonder that twleve active fans fled into the Knaves and Outsiders, rahter than to remain in such a debasing atmosphere of indecision and cowardice, where they were forced to associate with any braying ass who chose to call himself a fan. Now we see the same thing happening in FAPA. Not only is Degler a complete disgrace to the organization, but here is an individual who has never contributed anything to the mailings. (The single issue of Cosmic Circle Commentator which Degler submitted was not a FAPA magazine, but was identical with the edition circulatied outside the mailings; while the stuff in the LASFS post-mailing envelipe was submitted as supporting evidence for Fan-Dango 3-A.) Yet how any Fapas actively oppose Degler's explusion! The persons who wish to increase our all over membership would do well to bear in mind that there is much dead wood on our present roster. It has been said by several that Degler has done nothing in violation of the FAPA constitution. This may very well be so, but I fail to see what bearing this has on the Question. If FAPA is to be a general fan organization (which Cthulhu forbid!), a group to which any person may belong regardless of merit, perhaps this view of the constitutionalists is valid. If, however, FAPA is to make any attempt at being a worthwhile group, it seems to me that its membership should --1--
Hevelin Fanzines