Southern Star, v. 1, issue 2, June 1941
Page 38
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From The Passenger Lounge SOUTHERN STAR Page 38 and grammar, and bring the capitals down on the typewriter. Oh, yes...and also very good was the handwriting on the wall. Enjoyed that immensely. Mimeoing was done rather well. I'm enclosing a quarter for the next three issues. Let's have the others done much better. Why not hekto them? Then Harry's work could be shown to good advantage. --BOB JONES YAAAAAHH, YA DANG YANKEES, WE'VE GOT OURSELVES A FEM FAN DOWN HERE TOO! WE'LL SEND A PIC OF VIRGINIA TO EVERYONE WE PARTICULARLY WANT TO ATTEND THE "DIXIECON"; WE KNOW THAT'LL GET 'EM DOWN HERE! First came the STAR, and a day or so later your letter. So to take the things in order, I'll start with the STAR. The poetry was good, but could be better. The Telecaster certainly will fill a need, long felt, in keeping fans united here in the Deep South. My own feelings were crystalized in one sentence, thus, Maybe there are other she-fans who will make themselves known. And don't forget, I am all for the "Dixiecon". I enjoyed the biography very much and hope to know the life stories behind all the fans (I never did know just what made them tick but I suppose that is psychology).Please, can't they be a bit longer, and more detailed? ((Like it better this time? JG)). The Handwriting On The Wall was swell and had the added attraction of novelty. ((Awwwwwwww, 'tweren't nuttin', Gal. But, thanks, anyway! JG)) The Munsey Panorama was a stellar feature. Boy, those old timers were the stuff... McQueen and Fischer only got wound good. There must be plenty more where that came from so let's hear from 'em often. I also thought Fischer showed up well in the gossip column, but being a woman that was natural I suppose. Anyway, he gets a vote from me. Harry Jenkins, Jr., deserves a long time contract with a bonus to start. All this could have been said in one sentence, "You've got a swell magazine there, but my feminine nature rebelled and I had to have my say...Thanks for listening... --VIRGINIA ALLEN THANKS, VINCENT. DARN SORRY ABOUT PLUTY, AND [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] YOU'LL BE ABLE TO RESUME IT SOME TIME IN THE FUTURE. Surprised pleasantly to see such a well-balanced first issue of a fan mag. SOUTHERN STAR should take its place with the top notch mags right off. Before I got into detail on the contents will voice my only complaint. Art Editor Harry Jenkins should take a bit more time with his work. I take it that he cut all the stencils and drew up the various headings thruout the ish not to mention the cover. ((No; I assume all blame for the fiasco resulting from my stenciling the art for the 1st issue. JG)). Best reading this ish was the Munsey Panorama; rates 9.From The Chicago Rocket Port: 8. From The Starport: 9. Think Fischer's and Korshak's columns are well worth the space, and hope you'll keep them going. Panurge's Munsey stuff is the type of material I always find interesting. The Dual Controls: 7. Editorials are always good, and this should be even better in times to come. Adventures in Re-Reading Harry writes well, but this not quite so interesting. For Adana: 6. Lowndes achieves one thing in a lot of his poetic efforts -- --- quite a bit of it disgust me. Have been reading some of his verses in Nepentho[[?]], and did find some there that I liked, but not so Adana. Handwriting On The Wall: 8. Nicely done......Comet News: 7. I'll be that LRC'S
From The Passenger Lounge SOUTHERN STAR Page 38 and grammar, and bring the capitals down on the typewriter. Oh, yes...and also very good was the handwriting on the wall. Enjoyed that immensely. Mimeoing was done rather well. I'm enclosing a quarter for the next three issues. Let's have the others done much better. Why not hekto them? Then Harry's work could be shown to good advantage. --BOB JONES YAAAAAHH, YA DANG YANKEES, WE'VE GOT OURSELVES A FEM FAN DOWN HERE TOO! WE'LL SEND A PIC OF VIRGINIA TO EVERYONE WE PARTICULARLY WANT TO ATTEND THE "DIXIECON"; WE KNOW THAT'LL GET 'EM DOWN HERE! First came the STAR, and a day or so later your letter. So to take the things in order, I'll start with the STAR. The poetry was good, but could be better. The Telecaster certainly will fill a need, long felt, in keeping fans united here in the Deep South. My own feelings were crystalized in one sentence, thus, Maybe there are other she-fans who will make themselves known. And don't forget, I am all for the "Dixiecon". I enjoyed the biography very much and hope to know the life stories behind all the fans (I never did know just what made them tick but I suppose that is psychology).Please, can't they be a bit longer, and more detailed? ((Like it better this time? JG)). The Handwriting On The Wall was swell and had the added attraction of novelty. ((Awwwwwwww, 'tweren't nuttin', Gal. But, thanks, anyway! JG)) The Munsey Panorama was a stellar feature. Boy, those old timers were the stuff... McQueen and Fischer only got wound good. There must be plenty more where that came from so let's hear from 'em often. I also thought Fischer showed up well in the gossip column, but being a woman that was natural I suppose. Anyway, he gets a vote from me. Harry Jenkins, Jr., deserves a long time contract with a bonus to start. All this could have been said in one sentence, "You've got a swell magazine there, but my feminine nature rebelled and I had to have my say...Thanks for listening... --VIRGINIA ALLEN THANKS, VINCENT. DARN SORRY ABOUT PLUTY, AND [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] YOU'LL BE ABLE TO RESUME IT SOME TIME IN THE FUTURE. Surprised pleasantly to see such a well-balanced first issue of a fan mag. SOUTHERN STAR should take its place with the top notch mags right off. Before I got into detail on the contents will voice my only complaint. Art Editor Harry Jenkins should take a bit more time with his work. I take it that he cut all the stencils and drew up the various headings thruout the ish not to mention the cover. ((No; I assume all blame for the fiasco resulting from my stenciling the art for the 1st issue. JG)). Best reading this ish was the Munsey Panorama; rates 9.From The Chicago Rocket Port: 8. From The Starport: 9. Think Fischer's and Korshak's columns are well worth the space, and hope you'll keep them going. Panurge's Munsey stuff is the type of material I always find interesting. The Dual Controls: 7. Editorials are always good, and this should be even better in times to come. Adventures in Re-Reading Harry writes well, but this not quite so interesting. For Adana: 6. Lowndes achieves one thing in a lot of his poetic efforts -- --- quite a bit of it disgust me. Have been reading some of his verses in Nepentho[[?]], and did find some there that I liked, but not so Adana. Handwriting On The Wall: 8. Nicely done......Comet News: 7. I'll be that LRC'S
Hevelin Fanzines