Southern Star, v. 1, issue 2, June 1941
Page 39
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From The Passenger's Lounge SOUTHERN STAR Page 39 Critique on Burroughs' is going to be all right. The Telecaster: — It's reasonable that this will become one of your best features. Much success to the Dixie Fantasy Federation. 8 1/2. Dreams Come True: Harry got a nice effect out of this. 7. Theo Storm Lover by Fischer, 7. Somewhat better than Lowndes. See below the verse that the SS is backing the Denvention. On to the DENVENTION! Space Ships and War 7, Not overly interested yet in Space War. Too much on the planet to speculate about. Passenger List: 9. Good idea these biogs. Was pleased to read all about E. B. H. Ads: 6, and incidentally, thanx for the plug for PLUTO. Wouldn't that boe something if all you fans could attend the Denvention in a group. Hope I & the rest of the Plutonians are able to mee [sic "meet"? "see'?] you there. .((The hope is quite mutual. JG)). But I might have to go AWOL. I'm about ready to say Bingo! that's my number!! More power to Dixie Fantasy and SOUTHERN STAR. I await the next issue. --VINCENT MANNING AND JUST TO END THINGS ON A PROPERLY SOUR NOTE --- ! The STAR was an anti-climax after all that ballyhoo. Altho I couldn't put finger, it gave me an impression of sloppiness only two degrees removed from SUN SPOTS. It rather reminded me of the old time fan mags back around 35-36. Mostly blab. Jenklns' cover stank, but I guess that wasn't entirely his fault. —ART WIDNER FROM THE INTERPLANETARY TRADING POST... Hi, guys and gals. Here's where you trade off what you don't don't [sic] want, but some other dope does, for something you want.but the other dope doesn't. The service is open to all subscribers. WANTED: Luna # 1; Tom Wright's The Comet # 1; S. F. Weekly # 3; Fantasy Fictioneer # 1; Fantasy Digest # 1. Have: Sweetness and Light # 3; Mikros # 6; Some other fanzines, and some money. Rajacz, 312 East Elm St Scranton, Pennsylvania. HAVE: 400 assorted Science-fiction and general pulp magazines. Want: Science-fiction magazines before '38. Two to one. Have: Jules Verne Omnibus, Will swap for Wells' or A. Merritt book. Harry Jenkins, Jr 2409 Santee Ave, Columbia, S. C. THE END
From The Passenger's Lounge SOUTHERN STAR Page 39 Critique on Burroughs' is going to be all right. The Telecaster: — It's reasonable that this will become one of your best features. Much success to the Dixie Fantasy Federation. 8 1/2. Dreams Come True: Harry got a nice effect out of this. 7. Theo Storm Lover by Fischer, 7. Somewhat better than Lowndes. See below the verse that the SS is backing the Denvention. On to the DENVENTION! Space Ships and War 7, Not overly interested yet in Space War. Too much on the planet to speculate about. Passenger List: 9. Good idea these biogs. Was pleased to read all about E. B. H. Ads: 6, and incidentally, thanx for the plug for PLUTO. Wouldn't that boe something if all you fans could attend the Denvention in a group. Hope I & the rest of the Plutonians are able to mee [sic "meet"? "see'?] you there. .((The hope is quite mutual. JG)). But I might have to go AWOL. I'm about ready to say Bingo! that's my number!! More power to Dixie Fantasy and SOUTHERN STAR. I await the next issue. --VINCENT MANNING AND JUST TO END THINGS ON A PROPERLY SOUR NOTE --- ! The STAR was an anti-climax after all that ballyhoo. Altho I couldn't put finger, it gave me an impression of sloppiness only two degrees removed from SUN SPOTS. It rather reminded me of the old time fan mags back around 35-36. Mostly blab. Jenklns' cover stank, but I guess that wasn't entirely his fault. —ART WIDNER FROM THE INTERPLANETARY TRADING POST... Hi, guys and gals. Here's where you trade off what you don't don't [sic] want, but some other dope does, for something you want.but the other dope doesn't. The service is open to all subscribers. WANTED: Luna # 1; Tom Wright's The Comet # 1; S. F. Weekly # 3; Fantasy Fictioneer # 1; Fantasy Digest # 1. Have: Sweetness and Light # 3; Mikros # 6; Some other fanzines, and some money. Rajacz, 312 East Elm St Scranton, Pennsylvania. HAVE: 400 assorted Science-fiction and general pulp magazines. Want: Science-fiction magazines before '38. Two to one. Have: Jules Verne Omnibus, Will swap for Wells' or A. Merritt book. Harry Jenkins, Jr 2409 Santee Ave, Columbia, S. C. THE END
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