Carroll Steinbeck letters to Evelyn Burton, July-August 1945
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will be no one at all to take our place for a long time. It looks pretty bad honey. Enough for my troubles, it's so unfair though honey. Darling, how I wish you were here with me, or I with with you. sitting out here I can think of so many things I'd like to say to you. It's so peaceful and quite. Almost isn't like the army at all. Oh yes honey, in Ken's last letter he said their baby looks just like me. Poor thing. He said my baby pictures look just like the baby. Isn't that great? Hope there are no boogy men out here. If you never hear from me
will be no one at all to take our place for a long time. It looks pretty bad honey. Enough for my troubles, it's so unfair though honey. Darling, how I wish you were here with me, or I with with you. sitting out here I can think of so many things I'd like to say to you. It's so peaceful and quite. Almost isn't like the army at all. Oh yes honey, in Ken's last letter he said their baby looks just like me. Poor thing. He said my baby pictures look just like the baby. Isn't that great? Hope there are no boogy men out here. If you never hear from me
World War II Diaries and Letters