Fantasy Commentator, v. 1, issue 3, September 1944
Page 33
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FANTASY COMMENTATOR 33 CONTENTS for September 1944 This-'n'-That devoted, in part, to an introduction to this issue's featured articles; two new books are mentioned; and a few items in the June F. A. P. A. mailing are discussed and criticisms appended....................34 Bibliography of William Hope Hodgson which gives a complete and concise listing of all the published volumes of that great and little-known fantasy writer of yesterday.................35 Forgotten Classics Sam Moskowitz reviews the old magazines of yesteryear and presents us with a new listing of great stories to be added to that given in his previous article, "Uncrowned Greats".............................36 William Hope Hodgson: in His Own Way in which Fantasy Commentator's editor is proud to present to fandom hitherto unavailable critical material concerning a great fantasy-writer of an earlier generation who, even now, has not yet gained the recognition to which undoubtedly he is entitled.....................43 ---oOo--- This is volume one, number three of Fantasy Commentator, bearing the date September, 1944. It is edited and published by A. Langley Searles, whose address is 19 East 235th Street, New York 66, N. Y. Unless otherwise noted, all material included herein is authored by him. Though no fiction is desired, I can use occasional worthwhile articles if anyone is in the mood to throw any my way. No extensive editing is ever done without express permission. Sixty-eight copies of this number are sent to F.A.P.A.'s official editor for distribution to members through the usual mailings; the remainder of the copies mimeographed (usually about twenty in number) is distributed free of charge to all those who want them. Please enclose postage with your request, and specify whether you wish the magazine flat or rolled........................ March, 1946. 60 copies reprinted and stencils destroyed. price of this number 20c
FANTASY COMMENTATOR 33 CONTENTS for September 1944 This-'n'-That devoted, in part, to an introduction to this issue's featured articles; two new books are mentioned; and a few items in the June F. A. P. A. mailing are discussed and criticisms appended....................34 Bibliography of William Hope Hodgson which gives a complete and concise listing of all the published volumes of that great and little-known fantasy writer of yesterday.................35 Forgotten Classics Sam Moskowitz reviews the old magazines of yesteryear and presents us with a new listing of great stories to be added to that given in his previous article, "Uncrowned Greats".............................36 William Hope Hodgson: in His Own Way in which Fantasy Commentator's editor is proud to present to fandom hitherto unavailable critical material concerning a great fantasy-writer of an earlier generation who, even now, has not yet gained the recognition to which undoubtedly he is entitled.....................43 ---oOo--- This is volume one, number three of Fantasy Commentator, bearing the date September, 1944. It is edited and published by A. Langley Searles, whose address is 19 East 235th Street, New York 66, N. Y. Unless otherwise noted, all material included herein is authored by him. Though no fiction is desired, I can use occasional worthwhile articles if anyone is in the mood to throw any my way. No extensive editing is ever done without express permission. Sixty-eight copies of this number are sent to F.A.P.A.'s official editor for distribution to members through the usual mailings; the remainder of the copies mimeographed (usually about twenty in number) is distributed free of charge to all those who want them. Please enclose postage with your request, and specify whether you wish the magazine flat or rolled........................ March, 1946. 60 copies reprinted and stencils destroyed. price of this number 20c
Hevelin Fanzines