Clara Steen Skott diary, 1942-1946
May 5
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May 5 1942 Did ironing. Rested a backache out in new chair. Frank spaded center round in tennis court where I seeded double sunflowers. Also border marigolds. Gave short talk on Alaska at Woman's Club + read my 1943 Comm. list. Wrote it up for Mrs. Daniels. 1943. Very windy but did a big washing. Very tired. Baked bread + cherry cake. Rain in eve. 84° 1944. Baked bread + choc nut cookies. Washed windows. Wind blows dirt in from dirt hauling outside. Didn't feel well- mild bilious spell. Typed dansk letter to Flo. My dansk [Syppe?] on Eimar Jensen in "Pioneer" en 43° 61° 1945 K + I took Tour of Old Homes in Alex. She worked in P.M. I saw all 12, inc. the old Fairfax House, St. Paul's, Talley's; lunch at Christ Church. Bot 2 cotton dresses t Jayco. Nap. Wrote MTT + danish letter to Hans in eve. 1946. A wonderful forenoon. I drove to Middleton Community church. Sat in back seat of capacity congregation. Heard new Hammond elec organ. Saw many friends. Called Adele, talked with Olga, who with Francis, Velma, + kids were there. Paul + Helen left after breakfast for Ill.-then Vermont. Finished "Rickshaw Boy" in eve.
May 5 1942 Did ironing. Rested a backache out in new chair. Frank spaded center round in tennis court where I seeded double sunflowers. Also border marigolds. Gave short talk on Alaska at Woman's Club + read my 1943 Comm. list. Wrote it up for Mrs. Daniels. 1943. Very windy but did a big washing. Very tired. Baked bread + cherry cake. Rain in eve. 84° 1944. Baked bread + choc nut cookies. Washed windows. Wind blows dirt in from dirt hauling outside. Didn't feel well- mild bilious spell. Typed dansk letter to Flo. My dansk [Syppe?] on Eimar Jensen in "Pioneer" en 43° 61° 1945 K + I took Tour of Old Homes in Alex. She worked in P.M. I saw all 12, inc. the old Fairfax House, St. Paul's, Talley's; lunch at Christ Church. Bot 2 cotton dresses t Jayco. Nap. Wrote MTT + danish letter to Hans in eve. 1946. A wonderful forenoon. I drove to Middleton Community church. Sat in back seat of capacity congregation. Heard new Hammond elec organ. Saw many friends. Called Adele, talked with Olga, who with Francis, Velma, + kids were there. Paul + Helen left after breakfast for Ill.-then Vermont. Finished "Rickshaw Boy" in eve.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries