Clara Steen Skott diary, 1936-1939
April 4
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April 4 9 More snow. Hilda & Thelma K. went on bus to Dubuque to get new dresses, etc. Hilda for lavender silk, for 17th birthday. Made her angel food cake. Signe dyed her old bluchina silk dress. 9 All of us but Frank went to Ruggeberg's for dinner. Sondra Lee 5 wks. old. Rain in P.M. Parked car on gravel. Hans stayed over for a Dept. investigation of Kirchoff's. Shoulders ache from driving. 9 Made pimento & pineapple cheese, baked Hilda's birthday cake, made flowered apron for her. 9 Finished ironing by 9. Mended. Made cookies. Cut out new dubonnet cotton shantung dress for Kathryn. Hans went to Wisconsin Rapids, but came back in eve as he had telegram to meet Jay at Vermilion. Put cushion together for Hilda that Signe had made. 9
April 4 9 More snow. Hilda & Thelma K. went on bus to Dubuque to get new dresses, etc. Hilda for lavender silk, for 17th birthday. Made her angel food cake. Signe dyed her old bluchina silk dress. 9 All of us but Frank went to Ruggeberg's for dinner. Sondra Lee 5 wks. old. Rain in P.M. Parked car on gravel. Hans stayed over for a Dept. investigation of Kirchoff's. Shoulders ache from driving. 9 Made pimento & pineapple cheese, baked Hilda's birthday cake, made flowered apron for her. 9 Finished ironing by 9. Mended. Made cookies. Cut out new dubonnet cotton shantung dress for Kathryn. Hans went to Wisconsin Rapids, but came back in eve as he had telegram to meet Jay at Vermilion. Put cushion together for Hilda that Signe had made. 9
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries