Clara Steen Skott diary, 1936-1939
April 25
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April 25 1936. Baked 3 pumpkin pies. Hilda & I to Hyannis house where she applied for summer work. I cut out my lavender print broadcloth dress. Lillian M & I picked out pt of walnut [meat?]. 1937. 7 in my S.S. class, making more than average of 6 this month, so invited them to party Sat. P.M. Showers & cold wind. Read half of "This Business of Exploring" 1938. Cleaned out and mopped Frank's room & cleaned out fruit room, packed a trunk, finished putting 2 braided rows in Frank's rug, baked chocolate cakes. Girls were waiters at Plunkett supper. 1939. Went with girls to Madison—Hilda starting on new job at Klinke's hatchery. Went with Rev. & Mrs. Barber, Mrs. Kirkpatrick & Keyes and Mrs. HR Clarke of La Grange, Ill. to WHMS convention at [illegible]. Flat tire. Also called on Ben Walker's. Clara Schwarz came to church to see me. Supper at Barber's, then he brought me home in rain. 19
April 25 1936. Baked 3 pumpkin pies. Hilda & I to Hyannis house where she applied for summer work. I cut out my lavender print broadcloth dress. Lillian M & I picked out pt of walnut [meat?]. 1937. 7 in my S.S. class, making more than average of 6 this month, so invited them to party Sat. P.M. Showers & cold wind. Read half of "This Business of Exploring" 1938. Cleaned out and mopped Frank's room & cleaned out fruit room, packed a trunk, finished putting 2 braided rows in Frank's rug, baked chocolate cakes. Girls were waiters at Plunkett supper. 1939. Went with girls to Madison—Hilda starting on new job at Klinke's hatchery. Went with Rev. & Mrs. Barber, Mrs. Kirkpatrick & Keyes and Mrs. HR Clarke of La Grange, Ill. to WHMS convention at [illegible]. Flat tire. Also called on Ben Walker's. Clara Schwarz came to church to see me. Supper at Barber's, then he brought me home in rain. 19
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries