Clara Steen Skott diary, 1936-1939
June 9
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June 9 9 Ironed. then went to Paulines about [?]:30—took till nearly 3 to picot my gray dress. First meal I ever ate with Waechter's. Nom. [illegible] of W.H.M.S. at Warton's in eve. Took S.S. money to Frances Bradley's. 9 Baked bread. Went with Eva W. to Belle Broessal's for L. Aid in P.M. with Reeder's in new Dodge to Dubuque to hear Bishop [Oxnom?] in eve. 6 [illegible] in from Epworth. 9 Up at 4:30. Letters from Dora, Emily H. Baked nut bread, frosted cake Hilda made, mopped bathroom, kitchen dining room, back sun room & entry. 11 of Waubesa mothers' here: Brandt, Timmerman, Gafke, Kledner, Fay, [Barkenhagen?], Rollis, Polly Gunderson, Voges, Kantmire. At Gallery & Indoor Field meet. Served nut bread, cake, ice cream with our first strawberries & fruit drink. 9 Ironed 5 pairs pants, finished varnishing Hilda's floor. Showery P.M. but I took Mrs. Rabe & Gloria, Mrs to Madison. Bought ball of [illegible] for Guild, orange metal chain, etc. Stomach pained me. Very hard storm, wind, rain, black clouds, etc. 9
June 9 9 Ironed. then went to Paulines about [?]:30—took till nearly 3 to picot my gray dress. First meal I ever ate with Waechter's. Nom. [illegible] of W.H.M.S. at Warton's in eve. Took S.S. money to Frances Bradley's. 9 Baked bread. Went with Eva W. to Belle Broessal's for L. Aid in P.M. with Reeder's in new Dodge to Dubuque to hear Bishop [Oxnom?] in eve. 6 [illegible] in from Epworth. 9 Up at 4:30. Letters from Dora, Emily H. Baked nut bread, frosted cake Hilda made, mopped bathroom, kitchen dining room, back sun room & entry. 11 of Waubesa mothers' here: Brandt, Timmerman, Gafke, Kledner, Fay, [Barkenhagen?], Rollis, Polly Gunderson, Voges, Kantmire. At Gallery & Indoor Field meet. Served nut bread, cake, ice cream with our first strawberries & fruit drink. 9 Ironed 5 pairs pants, finished varnishing Hilda's floor. Showery P.M. but I took Mrs. Rabe & Gloria, Mrs to Madison. Bought ball of [illegible] for Guild, orange metal chain, etc. Stomach pained me. Very hard storm, wind, rain, black clouds, etc. 9
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries