Clara Steen Skott diary, 1936-1939
June 19
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June 19 19 Packed up, Hans got haircut, etc—We called on E.R. Lommen's — she is Flo Riley's cousin. Dinner at Illyria where Hans & I were main speakers at Homecoming. 150 there. visited with Rev. Snyder 19 Heavy rain most of forenoon. Baked bread & cake, finished quilt. 19 S.S. & church. In P.M. we drove to Brandt's, who weren't home. Ran out of gas at [Gerbrandt?] Gunderson's & Josephine & Harry pushed us to McFarland. Got a boat at Larson's beach & went rowing, girls in swimming a while. 19 Indigestion put me below par. Delivered 12 qt. berries, canned 14 boxes, making 6 pt. jam qt preserves by Mrs. Muehlmeier's recipe. Shopped in Middleton, darned. Signe varnished little table. Wrote Helen, Miss A. Listened to 1900 getting degrees at Univ. Commencement. 19
June 19 19 Packed up, Hans got haircut, etc—We called on E.R. Lommen's — she is Flo Riley's cousin. Dinner at Illyria where Hans & I were main speakers at Homecoming. 150 there. visited with Rev. Snyder 19 Heavy rain most of forenoon. Baked bread & cake, finished quilt. 19 S.S. & church. In P.M. we drove to Brandt's, who weren't home. Ran out of gas at [Gerbrandt?] Gunderson's & Josephine & Harry pushed us to McFarland. Got a boat at Larson's beach & went rowing, girls in swimming a while. 19 Indigestion put me below par. Delivered 12 qt. berries, canned 14 boxes, making 6 pt. jam qt preserves by Mrs. Muehlmeier's recipe. Shopped in Middleton, darned. Signe varnished little table. Wrote Helen, Miss A. Listened to 1900 getting degrees at Univ. Commencement. 19
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries