Clara Steen Skott diary, 1936-1939
June 20
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June 20 Visited Grandma Maxwell in eve. 1936. Too tired to do much but try to start housekeeping again. Did some pressing & cleaning, pulled some weeds, etc. Fine coreopsis, spirea, etc. blooming roses, pansies 1937. Had charge of S.S. Only 4 in class. Hot & humid. Wrote Hans—first Gov't check. Called at Grandma Maxwell's & Mrs. Randall's. Heard Dr. Langford at E.L. Came home in rain. Rained several inches. Bad storm. 1938. Kathryn picked a lot of strawberries and sold some, but I had the last of them to can after supper, making 9 qt. canned & 27 pt. preserves so far. Went to Madison with Hans, but couldn't see Mrs. Hazard as it was Univ. Commencement. Left my script for her. 19 We have 41 qt. strawberries canned & 54 pt. jam & preserves. Today Kathryn picked 37 qt. & Signe 20; I stemmed 47 qt, made sunshine preserves as did Kathryn, also 19 pt. jam. Letter from Mrs. Reeder. Wrote Anna Skott. Baked bread. Had first peas from garden to eat. 19
June 20 Visited Grandma Maxwell in eve. 1936. Too tired to do much but try to start housekeeping again. Did some pressing & cleaning, pulled some weeds, etc. Fine coreopsis, spirea, etc. blooming roses, pansies 1937. Had charge of S.S. Only 4 in class. Hot & humid. Wrote Hans—first Gov't check. Called at Grandma Maxwell's & Mrs. Randall's. Heard Dr. Langford at E.L. Came home in rain. Rained several inches. Bad storm. 1938. Kathryn picked a lot of strawberries and sold some, but I had the last of them to can after supper, making 9 qt. canned & 27 pt. preserves so far. Went to Madison with Hans, but couldn't see Mrs. Hazard as it was Univ. Commencement. Left my script for her. 19 We have 41 qt. strawberries canned & 54 pt. jam & preserves. Today Kathryn picked 37 qt. & Signe 20; I stemmed 47 qt, made sunshine preserves as did Kathryn, also 19 pt. jam. Letter from Mrs. Reeder. Wrote Anna Skott. Baked bread. Had first peas from garden to eat. 19
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries