Clara Steen Skott diary, 1936-1939
June 30
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JUNE 30 1936. Huge ironing & some mending. Mrs. Simpson & I went to school board mtg, & inveigled $10 for Co. Traveling Library. 1937. Baked bread, mopped d.r. which K. waxed. At quilt show in P.M. 45 quilts. Epworth League netted $10.30 for Clear Lake fund. Lillian [M?] helped set up. 1938. Rained and rained. Girls' came home soaked from Wormut's, picking peas. Plenty of peas—girls canned 5 1/2 qt. while we were gone, also berries to make 30 qt. Set out some plants. Signe got hat rack from Luella, 2 books from Herman, perfume from Helen & [Helen?]. 1939. Weaker, so can't get up. Letter from Hilda, considering entering I.S.C. Sig ironed, K made jam. making 800 qt for her, 50 for me. 431 qt. picked so far. Wrote Hans and 7. 19
JUNE 30 1936. Huge ironing & some mending. Mrs. Simpson & I went to school board mtg, & inveigled $10 for Co. Traveling Library. 1937. Baked bread, mopped d.r. which K. waxed. At quilt show in P.M. 45 quilts. Epworth League netted $10.30 for Clear Lake fund. Lillian [M?] helped set up. 1938. Rained and rained. Girls' came home soaked from Wormut's, picking peas. Plenty of peas—girls canned 5 1/2 qt. while we were gone, also berries to make 30 qt. Set out some plants. Signe got hat rack from Luella, 2 books from Herman, perfume from Helen & [Helen?]. 1939. Weaker, so can't get up. Letter from Hilda, considering entering I.S.C. Sig ironed, K made jam. making 800 qt for her, 50 for me. 431 qt. picked so far. Wrote Hans and 7. 19
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries