Clara Steen Skott diary, 1936-1939
October 2
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OCTOBER 2 1936. Hans left for Waterloo Cattle Congress, and Ames. At Briggs' in P.M. where Bessie and I planned Rally Day services. Sent eggplants to Dora. Not well enuf to go. 1937. Extra busy. I baked pies, canned 6 qt. peaches after Hans came home from Mich. with load of beans, fruit, etc. Girls baked bread, cake, cookies, cleaned, did laundry. Damp day. 1938. Took Hilda to 7:30 bus for Maquoketa where she will get some office experience in Buckhorn creamery. Church. Frank went in as full member. We went to annual Ames picnic at Burrows Park. 50 there. Mosquitos drove us home early. 1939. Wrote Dora. Letter from Hilda. Sunned contents of cedar chest and put it in sun room. Washed some dresses, etc. Shortened Hilda's serge skirt for K. Washed hall closet and Frank's closet. 19
OCTOBER 2 1936. Hans left for Waterloo Cattle Congress, and Ames. At Briggs' in P.M. where Bessie and I planned Rally Day services. Sent eggplants to Dora. Not well enuf to go. 1937. Extra busy. I baked pies, canned 6 qt. peaches after Hans came home from Mich. with load of beans, fruit, etc. Girls baked bread, cake, cookies, cleaned, did laundry. Damp day. 1938. Took Hilda to 7:30 bus for Maquoketa where she will get some office experience in Buckhorn creamery. Church. Frank went in as full member. We went to annual Ames picnic at Burrows Park. 50 there. Mosquitos drove us home early. 1939. Wrote Dora. Letter from Hilda. Sunned contents of cedar chest and put it in sun room. Washed some dresses, etc. Shortened Hilda's serge skirt for K. Washed hall closet and Frank's closet. 19
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries