Clara Steen Skott diary, 1936-1939
October 28
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OCTOBER 28 1936. Ironed, canned last qt. [illegible], mended. Did a lot of useless telephoning for P.T.A. Got Pauline in eve. and she conducted recreational folk games for [illegible]. 1937. Another nice day. Canned 2 qt. spiced pears, 2 qt. beets and 3 pt. pear conserve. Cut out skirt for K from old gray pants of Hans', also 2 pajama tops. 1938. No furnace fire! Sunny and nice. I washed and put on 5 more storm windows, also their turn-buttons. Nailed on 6 weather strips on back steps. Picked lovely snap dragons. Hilda and Kathryn waited tables at anniversary banquet at Trousdale. 1939. Rainy so left Kodak in room, then cleared after we got on Fairgrounds! High wind and cold. Took in Gen. Elec. Glass, Home Furnishing and other exhibits, several movies. Walked ourselves tired. 19
OCTOBER 28 1936. Ironed, canned last qt. [illegible], mended. Did a lot of useless telephoning for P.T.A. Got Pauline in eve. and she conducted recreational folk games for [illegible]. 1937. Another nice day. Canned 2 qt. spiced pears, 2 qt. beets and 3 pt. pear conserve. Cut out skirt for K from old gray pants of Hans', also 2 pajama tops. 1938. No furnace fire! Sunny and nice. I washed and put on 5 more storm windows, also their turn-buttons. Nailed on 6 weather strips on back steps. Picked lovely snap dragons. Hilda and Kathryn waited tables at anniversary banquet at Trousdale. 1939. Rainy so left Kodak in room, then cleared after we got on Fairgrounds! High wind and cold. Took in Gen. Elec. Glass, Home Furnishing and other exhibits, several movies. Walked ourselves tired. 19
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries