Clara Steen Skott diary, 1936-1939
November 14
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NOVEMBER 14 Baked graham raisin bread and Kathryn peanut butter cookies. Billie went out to her brother's; I went in to Dubuque to help Hans pick new business suit. At Pauline's a few min. S.S. and church at Trousdale M.E. Met Mrs. Bruce Kirkpatrick and others. Raw day. Girls in to E.L. potluck supper in eve. Wrote Dora Coldest yet. Canned 3 qt. pumpkin, baked cake, steamed brown bread. Studied "Moving Millions". K and I went to Home Ec. Club. Mr. Klenter talked on new Food, Drugs and Cosmetics law. Finally made date with Mrs. Kalb. Up to 58°. Went with girls, then I drove Mrs. [Lu?] Frenne's Dodge coupe and we collected $8 for Red Cross as far as Ashton. Called on 2 Schmidt families in P.M. New house lovely. Letter from Hans.
NOVEMBER 14 Baked graham raisin bread and Kathryn peanut butter cookies. Billie went out to her brother's; I went in to Dubuque to help Hans pick new business suit. At Pauline's a few min. S.S. and church at Trousdale M.E. Met Mrs. Bruce Kirkpatrick and others. Raw day. Girls in to E.L. potluck supper in eve. Wrote Dora Coldest yet. Canned 3 qt. pumpkin, baked cake, steamed brown bread. Studied "Moving Millions". K and I went to Home Ec. Club. Mr. Klenter talked on new Food, Drugs and Cosmetics law. Finally made date with Mrs. Kalb. Up to 58°. Went with girls, then I drove Mrs. [Lu?] Frenne's Dodge coupe and we collected $8 for Red Cross as far as Ashton. Called on 2 Schmidt families in P.M. New house lovely. Letter from Hans.
Iowa Women’s Lives: Letters and Diaries