Daily Iowan, September 18, 1918
Page 2
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PAGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Wednesday, September 18, 1918 THE DAILY IOWAN The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa MEMBER IOWA COLLEGE PRESS A morning paper published five times a week by The Daily Iowan Publishing Company at 103 East Iowa Avenue, Iowa City Entered as second class matter at the post office of Iowa City, Iowa Subscription Rate... $2.50 per year BOARD OF TRUSTEES C,H. Weller, chairman; Harold Stoner, secretary; Dr. E. M. McEwen, Dr. E.S. Smith, Marian Dyer, Frederick Egan, Vergil Hancher Editor-in-chief Mildred E. Whitcomb Managing Editor Rowena Wellman (Staff to be announced later) "I have never had a policy. I have simply tried to do what seemed best each day as each day came."-Lincoln Special Edition, September 18, 1918 COMING INTO ITS OWN Higher education of a technical and scientific nature, being essential to the efficient conduct of military affairs and war industries, must be promoted. Government recognition of its values led to the establishment of the Student's Army Training Corps. For the first time in history, tribute to the trained mind has become in a sense universal. The S.A.T.C. has not been created by a war department of college men merely as a special favor to colleges and universities. The colleges and universities. The colleges have made no effort to retain their men during the war. In every way they have made their enlistment easy and have set aside hard and fast academic rules for the convenience of those going into service. They have turned over their laboratories clinics, and shops to the government. Though colleges bade their men godspeed, they saw such depletion was not conservation. Where their men became officers and leaders in war industries they did not regret. But indiscriminate enlisting of men with capacity for real scientific service, they saw was the result of social pressure that was not judicious. Now colleges and universities, thanks to the federal bureau of education, can give their men as definite military status and develop them for greater spheres of usefulness both [illegible] and in the reconstruction [illegible] which our country must [illegible]. The immediate [illegible] the war, and the government [illegible] the [illegible]. TO TRAIN STUDENTS FOR LINE OFFICERS New Courses Leading to Officers' Training Camps Will Be Given at University The shortest road to an officers' training camp and active service for men between 20 and 45 has been opened up through the establishment of an intensive course of training for line officers at the University, beginning with the opening of the year, Oct. 1. Any able-bodied man of draft age who is eligible for college work, has had some college training, or is a graduate of a college, will be accepted into this service. From Oct. 1 to Dec. 21, a three months' course will be given for men twenty years old and over. This is designed to enable mature men to gain adequate knowledge and training before going to officers training schools. Similar courses covering periods of six and nine months will be offered at the University for eighteen and nineteen year old men, the duration of the courses corresponding to the proposed dates for calling the men of the S.A.T.C. into active service. Along with practical and theoretical military drill by the War Department, the University will offer, under government supervision, work in topographical mapping, sketching, and plotting, military and international law, hygiene and sanitation and a course on the Issues of the War. Men taking these courses will be members of the S.A.T.C. and will receive $30. a month, mess, and will live in barracks. Tuition will be furnished, but students must buy their own textbooks. Additional barracks are being provided for these men. Elaborate facilities are already provided at the University for the training of staff officers in the technical college. Subscribe for The Daily Iowan, $2.50 THE [?] [illegible] New Arrivals Interpret Fall Fashions in Suits and Coats for Women WOMEN are just as keen for style smartness in their new autumn clothes as ever, and they are finding just what they want at this store. The vogue of velvet is visioned in early arrivals in CONDE suits at $55.00 to $75.00 The finished suit is an unusual harmony of style. The skilled [illegible] of Mode have surely made[?] a rare study of the requisites of youth- if one may judge from these suits and coats newly has arrived from CONDE. From $30.00 to $65.00 new Autumn CONDE wraps are here to meet any taste, in not one, but many different delightful ways. F.J. STRUB & SON 118 1/2 - 122 1/2 SOUTH CLINTON BEAUTY SHOP [illegible] DOVE[?] SISTERS HAT SHOP 114 SOUTH CLINTON STREET IOWA CITY, IOWA We guarantee absolute correction in eye fitting or money refunded. A.M. Greer. Do you know you can buy the latest in stationery from 30c up at McGuan's Pharmacy, 123 Clinton St. BOERNER'S PHARMACY Specializes in Drugs and Medicines [illegible] Snap and Go [illegible] handsome foot war, slim, trim [illegible] [illegible] colors[?] are the rule. [illegible] have seen so far, grey, brown, [illegible] -2 inch tops, high Louis and the [illegible] $11.50 [illegible] new Brown Calf Lace "Maxine" shoes, [illegible] you return to Iowa City. [illegible] pairing[?], we use the same make of machin- [illegible] [illegible] BROS. [illegible] Shoe Store 108 S. Clinton IOWA CITY, IOWA
PAGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Wednesday, September 18, 1918 THE DAILY IOWAN The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa MEMBER IOWA COLLEGE PRESS A morning paper published five times a week by The Daily Iowan Publishing Company at 103 East Iowa Avenue, Iowa City Entered as second class matter at the post office of Iowa City, Iowa Subscription Rate... $2.50 per year BOARD OF TRUSTEES C,H. Weller, chairman; Harold Stoner, secretary; Dr. E. M. McEwen, Dr. E.S. Smith, Marian Dyer, Frederick Egan, Vergil Hancher Editor-in-chief Mildred E. Whitcomb Managing Editor Rowena Wellman (Staff to be announced later) "I have never had a policy. I have simply tried to do what seemed best each day as each day came."-Lincoln Special Edition, September 18, 1918 COMING INTO ITS OWN Higher education of a technical and scientific nature, being essential to the efficient conduct of military affairs and war industries, must be promoted. Government recognition of its values led to the establishment of the Student's Army Training Corps. For the first time in history, tribute to the trained mind has become in a sense universal. The S.A.T.C. has not been created by a war department of college men merely as a special favor to colleges and universities. The colleges and universities. The colleges have made no effort to retain their men during the war. In every way they have made their enlistment easy and have set aside hard and fast academic rules for the convenience of those going into service. They have turned over their laboratories clinics, and shops to the government. Though colleges bade their men godspeed, they saw such depletion was not conservation. Where their men became officers and leaders in war industries they did not regret. But indiscriminate enlisting of men with capacity for real scientific service, they saw was the result of social pressure that was not judicious. Now colleges and universities, thanks to the federal bureau of education, can give their men as definite military status and develop them for greater spheres of usefulness both [illegible] and in the reconstruction [illegible] which our country must [illegible]. The immediate [illegible] the war, and the government [illegible] the [illegible]. TO TRAIN STUDENTS FOR LINE OFFICERS New Courses Leading to Officers' Training Camps Will Be Given at University The shortest road to an officers' training camp and active service for men between 20 and 45 has been opened up through the establishment of an intensive course of training for line officers at the University, beginning with the opening of the year, Oct. 1. Any able-bodied man of draft age who is eligible for college work, has had some college training, or is a graduate of a college, will be accepted into this service. From Oct. 1 to Dec. 21, a three months' course will be given for men twenty years old and over. This is designed to enable mature men to gain adequate knowledge and training before going to officers training schools. Similar courses covering periods of six and nine months will be offered at the University for eighteen and nineteen year old men, the duration of the courses corresponding to the proposed dates for calling the men of the S.A.T.C. into active service. Along with practical and theoretical military drill by the War Department, the University will offer, under government supervision, work in topographical mapping, sketching, and plotting, military and international law, hygiene and sanitation and a course on the Issues of the War. Men taking these courses will be members of the S.A.T.C. and will receive $30. a month, mess, and will live in barracks. Tuition will be furnished, but students must buy their own textbooks. Additional barracks are being provided for these men. Elaborate facilities are already provided at the University for the training of staff officers in the technical college. Subscribe for The Daily Iowan, $2.50 THE [?] [illegible] New Arrivals Interpret Fall Fashions in Suits and Coats for Women WOMEN are just as keen for style smartness in their new autumn clothes as ever, and they are finding just what they want at this store. The vogue of velvet is visioned in early arrivals in CONDE suits at $55.00 to $75.00 The finished suit is an unusual harmony of style. The skilled [illegible] of Mode have surely made[?] a rare study of the requisites of youth- if one may judge from these suits and coats newly has arrived from CONDE. From $30.00 to $65.00 new Autumn CONDE wraps are here to meet any taste, in not one, but many different delightful ways. F.J. STRUB & SON 118 1/2 - 122 1/2 SOUTH CLINTON BEAUTY SHOP [illegible] DOVE[?] SISTERS HAT SHOP 114 SOUTH CLINTON STREET IOWA CITY, IOWA We guarantee absolute correction in eye fitting or money refunded. A.M. Greer. Do you know you can buy the latest in stationery from 30c up at McGuan's Pharmacy, 123 Clinton St. BOERNER'S PHARMACY Specializes in Drugs and Medicines [illegible] Snap and Go [illegible] handsome foot war, slim, trim [illegible] [illegible] colors[?] are the rule. [illegible] have seen so far, grey, brown, [illegible] -2 inch tops, high Louis and the [illegible] $11.50 [illegible] new Brown Calf Lace "Maxine" shoes, [illegible] you return to Iowa City. [illegible] pairing[?], we use the same make of machin- [illegible] [illegible] BROS. [illegible] Shoe Store 108 S. Clinton IOWA CITY, IOWA
Daily Iowan Newspapers