Daily Iowan, September 18, 1918
Page 3
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Wednesday, September 18, 1918 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE MISS KLEIN VISITS CHICAGO Has Been Studying "Weinberg" Scalp Treatment Miss Klein of the Klein Beauty Culture recently returned from Chicago where she has been studying the styles and getting new ideas for her trade. She has been taking further instruction under "Weinberg," the noted scalp specialist. A few treatments when needed keep the hair from splitting and falling, and removes dandruff. These treatments are all given with a good nutriment and hand massage. Among others things she found a hair net which gives the henna blend, and the bronze hair pin much in demand. Miss Klein aims to keep almost a complete line of Paris toilet articles. Her large stock of hair goods enables the girls to find any color or length of switch desired. She has added a new wave to make a dip at the ear and still give the straight backward effect. Come in and make yourself at home. Patrons, prospective patrons and visitors equally welcome. adv. Pathe Phonographs and Records at A.M. Greer's. All the popular odors in toilet waters and perfumes at lowest prices McGuan's Pharmacy, 123 Clinton St. Pianos for sale or rent at A.M. Greer's. BOERNER'S PHARMACY Specializes in Drugs and Medicines WOMEN! Take This Advice About Shoes The "war industries board" have urged certain restrictions, for the conservation of leather, most important of which are 1-Maximum height of women's shoes to be 8 inches 2-Color of leather that may be used, black and two shades of tan. Our present stock, bought before these manufacturing restrictions were in force, contains many beautiful models and several shades of leather, which we cannot replace. They are offered at no advance in prices than those at which we would regularly mark them. We anticipate a heavy demand for them and urge an immediate selection, if you desire to participate in the possession of these exclusive models and leather which, as stated, cannot be replaced. George H. Duker 127. E. College St. Specializing in Selz Shoes GOOD THINGS TO EAT AT THE QUALITY CAFE 108 South Dubuque St. OUR NATION AT WAR Cheer the absent ones with a Townsend Portrait of Yourself MAKE OUR STUDIO YOUR HEADQUARTERS TOWNSEND STUDIO OPPOSITE THE CAMPUS COASTS' Iowa University Students' Headquarters for Many Years Coast quality and Coast service are and have been for a long time the magnet for student buying.-Nothing but established, advertised lines are carried- Hart Schaffner and Marx Suits, Overcoats and Top Coats, Superior Underwear, Borsaline Hats and finest Shirts, Hosiery, Neckwear and Furnishings made in America. It will be pleasure to extend Regular Soast Service to you. The Big $60,000.00 Clothing Sale now in progress will continue up to and including Sat., Oct. 5th. Arranging for your Fall and Winter Wants is highly desirable, both from an Economy as well as Wantable standpoint. All Clothing as well as Furnishings at a Cut Price
Wednesday, September 18, 1918 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE MISS KLEIN VISITS CHICAGO Has Been Studying "Weinberg" Scalp Treatment Miss Klein of the Klein Beauty Culture recently returned from Chicago where she has been studying the styles and getting new ideas for her trade. She has been taking further instruction under "Weinberg," the noted scalp specialist. A few treatments when needed keep the hair from splitting and falling, and removes dandruff. These treatments are all given with a good nutriment and hand massage. Among others things she found a hair net which gives the henna blend, and the bronze hair pin much in demand. Miss Klein aims to keep almost a complete line of Paris toilet articles. Her large stock of hair goods enables the girls to find any color or length of switch desired. She has added a new wave to make a dip at the ear and still give the straight backward effect. Come in and make yourself at home. Patrons, prospective patrons and visitors equally welcome. adv. Pathe Phonographs and Records at A.M. Greer's. All the popular odors in toilet waters and perfumes at lowest prices McGuan's Pharmacy, 123 Clinton St. Pianos for sale or rent at A.M. Greer's. BOERNER'S PHARMACY Specializes in Drugs and Medicines WOMEN! Take This Advice About Shoes The "war industries board" have urged certain restrictions, for the conservation of leather, most important of which are 1-Maximum height of women's shoes to be 8 inches 2-Color of leather that may be used, black and two shades of tan. Our present stock, bought before these manufacturing restrictions were in force, contains many beautiful models and several shades of leather, which we cannot replace. They are offered at no advance in prices than those at which we would regularly mark them. We anticipate a heavy demand for them and urge an immediate selection, if you desire to participate in the possession of these exclusive models and leather which, as stated, cannot be replaced. George H. Duker 127. E. College St. Specializing in Selz Shoes GOOD THINGS TO EAT AT THE QUALITY CAFE 108 South Dubuque St. OUR NATION AT WAR Cheer the absent ones with a Townsend Portrait of Yourself MAKE OUR STUDIO YOUR HEADQUARTERS TOWNSEND STUDIO OPPOSITE THE CAMPUS COASTS' Iowa University Students' Headquarters for Many Years Coast quality and Coast service are and have been for a long time the magnet for student buying.-Nothing but established, advertised lines are carried- Hart Schaffner and Marx Suits, Overcoats and Top Coats, Superior Underwear, Borsaline Hats and finest Shirts, Hosiery, Neckwear and Furnishings made in America. It will be pleasure to extend Regular Soast Service to you. The Big $60,000.00 Clothing Sale now in progress will continue up to and including Sat., Oct. 5th. Arranging for your Fall and Winter Wants is highly desirable, both from an Economy as well as Wantable standpoint. All Clothing as well as Furnishings at a Cut Price
Daily Iowan Newspapers