Daily Iowan, September 18, 1918
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Wednesday, September 18, 1918 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE FIVE New Fall Styles for the STUDENT GIRL Suits, Coats, Dresses, Party Dresses Waists, Furs, Distinct Accessories Throughout THE BIG STORE the STUDENT GIRL has important consideration at this time. The newest ideas in clothes and accessories have been assembled for her inspection and things lovelier than for years are being shown in Suits, Dresses, Sweaters, Blouses, Veils, Gloves, Neckwear, Hosiery and Millinery. It is with pride and unusual confidence that we announce this beautiful showing of fall styles in apparel for the student girl. SUITS The Suit pictured at the left, in the illustration at the right, is beautifully designed for women and misses of exacting taste. It is made of finest quality twilight blue broadcloth. Lined throughout with blue fancy striped peau-de-cygue silk. This is a very stylish suit in a new fall length and artistic lines. Collar and cuffs of Siberian squirrel that harmonizes perfectly with color of material. Button trimmed of self materials ornament the sleeve and cuff and the panel at lower side of jacket. FALL STYLE SHOW For Autumn and Winter, 1918 THURSDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 19 ENGLERT THEATER Exhibiting New Fall and Winter Apparel for Women, Juniors, Misses and Girls on LIVING MODELS Admission 10c and 20c DRESSES Fashion's latest expression, interesting to every woman who has been awaiting the arrival of Autumn authoritative modes. Tailored wool serges and panamas, all beautifully finished. The prices are exceedingly reasonably prices-$15.00, $18.50, up to $50.00. SATIN DRESSES Fringed satin frocks in new designs. Satin frocks combined with Georgette, embroidered and fringe trimmed. Extra values at $12.98, $15.00, $18.50, $25.00 to $50. COATS It is not too early to buy winter coats. It must be remembered that the times are very unusual. The scarcity of materials and labor must lead toward an upward trend in prices later. All are reasonably priced-make your selections early. WAISTS Such unusual styles, qualities and values as these are responsible for the prestige of our Waist section. And you are sure to appreciate these pretty waists-Every size, from 3 6to 46. All excellent values. FURS This offering will be interesting to women intending to buy furs this season. By making a fair down payment on furs bought now, they will be stored for you free of charge until you want them. We advise making your purchase early. BEST QUALITY ALWAYS AT LOWEST PRICES Yetter's THE BIG STORE The O.K. Boarding House 10 N. CLINTON ST. OPPOSITE THE CAMPUS Will serve meals during the school year. Board at $5 per week. Single meals 35c. JOHN'S COLLEGE INN IS THE BBEST PLACE TO EAT AND DRINK LUNCHES, REGULAR MEALS, ICE CREAM, ETC. SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR PARTIES 215 EAST WASHINGTON Harold Rigler, manager of the Hawkeye last year and a prominent man in dramatics and literary work, leaves Tuesday to enter the aviation mechanics school at St. Paul. Mr. Rigler was one of the four University singers who were on the chautauqua platform this summer. Lieut. Tom Sheade is to be detailed home from France to recover from an infection following pneumonia. He was graduated from the law college of the University three years ago. Lieutenant Sheade received his first lieutenant's commission at Fort Riley. He was in the tenches when the first American shot was fired. Philip J. Stach ESTABLISHED 1885 IOWA CITY IA. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES
Wednesday, September 18, 1918 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE FIVE New Fall Styles for the STUDENT GIRL Suits, Coats, Dresses, Party Dresses Waists, Furs, Distinct Accessories Throughout THE BIG STORE the STUDENT GIRL has important consideration at this time. The newest ideas in clothes and accessories have been assembled for her inspection and things lovelier than for years are being shown in Suits, Dresses, Sweaters, Blouses, Veils, Gloves, Neckwear, Hosiery and Millinery. It is with pride and unusual confidence that we announce this beautiful showing of fall styles in apparel for the student girl. SUITS The Suit pictured at the left, in the illustration at the right, is beautifully designed for women and misses of exacting taste. It is made of finest quality twilight blue broadcloth. Lined throughout with blue fancy striped peau-de-cygue silk. This is a very stylish suit in a new fall length and artistic lines. Collar and cuffs of Siberian squirrel that harmonizes perfectly with color of material. Button trimmed of self materials ornament the sleeve and cuff and the panel at lower side of jacket. FALL STYLE SHOW For Autumn and Winter, 1918 THURSDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 19 ENGLERT THEATER Exhibiting New Fall and Winter Apparel for Women, Juniors, Misses and Girls on LIVING MODELS Admission 10c and 20c DRESSES Fashion's latest expression, interesting to every woman who has been awaiting the arrival of Autumn authoritative modes. Tailored wool serges and panamas, all beautifully finished. The prices are exceedingly reasonably prices-$15.00, $18.50, up to $50.00. SATIN DRESSES Fringed satin frocks in new designs. Satin frocks combined with Georgette, embroidered and fringe trimmed. Extra values at $12.98, $15.00, $18.50, $25.00 to $50. COATS It is not too early to buy winter coats. It must be remembered that the times are very unusual. The scarcity of materials and labor must lead toward an upward trend in prices later. All are reasonably priced-make your selections early. WAISTS Such unusual styles, qualities and values as these are responsible for the prestige of our Waist section. And you are sure to appreciate these pretty waists-Every size, from 3 6to 46. All excellent values. FURS This offering will be interesting to women intending to buy furs this season. By making a fair down payment on furs bought now, they will be stored for you free of charge until you want them. We advise making your purchase early. BEST QUALITY ALWAYS AT LOWEST PRICES Yetter's THE BIG STORE The O.K. Boarding House 10 N. CLINTON ST. OPPOSITE THE CAMPUS Will serve meals during the school year. Board at $5 per week. Single meals 35c. JOHN'S COLLEGE INN IS THE BBEST PLACE TO EAT AND DRINK LUNCHES, REGULAR MEALS, ICE CREAM, ETC. SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR PARTIES 215 EAST WASHINGTON Harold Rigler, manager of the Hawkeye last year and a prominent man in dramatics and literary work, leaves Tuesday to enter the aviation mechanics school at St. Paul. Mr. Rigler was one of the four University singers who were on the chautauqua platform this summer. Lieut. Tom Sheade is to be detailed home from France to recover from an infection following pneumonia. He was graduated from the law college of the University three years ago. Lieutenant Sheade received his first lieutenant's commission at Fort Riley. He was in the tenches when the first American shot was fired. Philip J. Stach ESTABLISHED 1885 IOWA CITY IA. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES
Daily Iowan Newspapers