Daily Iowan, September 18, 1918
Page 6
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PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Wednesday, September 18, 1918 WANT ADS FOR RENT-Have taken a fraternity house to conduct a real home for student girls with room and board, with the approval of the dean of women. Terms will be reasonable. Call or write for particulars. 311 South Clinton St., Iowa City. FOR RENT-Two large modern rooms 3 blocks south of University. $14 and $13. Would take man and wife or rent to girls. Mrs. Etta Scheark, 504 S. Capitol. FOR RENT-Three modern rooms either single or double, ear Nniversity. $8 and $12 Mrs. E. Sheedy, 311 N. Gilbert St. FOR RENT-Two front double rooms, 1 front single room and 1 other single room in modern up-to-date house of good location. Both gas and electric lights. Mrs. E.M. Shaver. 304 E. Davenport St. FOR RENT-Two choice double rooms in modern home near University. Gas, hot air, clean, pleasant and homelike. Mrs. Geo. Freyder, 320 E. Davenport. We can fit Victor Phonographs to play Pathe records- then you can select from the largest Record Library in the world. A.M. Greer. Eyes examined free at A.M. Greer's WILL GIVE COURSES FOR QUARTERMASTERS Department of Economics Revises Work to Include Branch of Military Study. To enable students to gain the knowledge necessary for an officer in the quartermaster's department, a special quartermaster's accounting course will be given in the school of commerce curriculum at the University of Iowa. Since S.A.T.C. men are allowed by the war department to pursue courses in the department those which have a bearing on the war have been revised. The course in life insurance will emphasize war insurance. The monetary system of France will be emphasized in the course in Money and Foreign Exchange, so that soldiers sent over there will already know the value of French coins. The Commercial Geography course will be extended to include trade routes. The course in Industrial History has been changed to Economic Development of Europe. Special economic problems connected with the war will be emphasized in Principles of Economics. An interesting course will be the study of the socialistic movements in the warring nations. Principles of war relief for soldiers and their dependents and the methods of the Red Cross and other relief agencies are also offered in the revised curriculum. The course in Foreign Commerce will emphasize the trade with waring countries, and the course in Efficiency will pay particular attention to the factories necessary for the development of leadership. New labor problems arising from the war will be emphasized in the course in Labor. CAPTURED BY GERMANS Lieut. Lyman E. Case of the aviation corps is reported missing in action. Lieutenant Case is a University students in the engineering college. He received his commission at Fort Snelling. All kinds of musical instruments at A.M. Greer's Send in your subscription-$2.50 When you need anything in drugs-See us. We have it. McGuan's Pharmacy, 123 Clinton St. S.U.I. WAR HERO TO BE SENT HOME TO RECOVER Williard Dodd, one of the members of the University ambulance unit awarded the croix de guerre recently for distinguished bravery under fire, will be detailed home to recover from wounds received. Mr. Dodd was reported killed a few weeks ago, but later advices proved him only severely wounded. It is reported that he has lost one eye and one leg. Dodd along with Clarence Hamilton of Winterset, Carl B. Randklev of Iowa City and Charles O. Powers of Cedar Rapids is received his decoration for bravery in May. All four of these men were members of the University ambulance unit which left here for service more than a year ago. Subscribe early-$2.50 per year. RIES IOWA BOOK STORE 30 CLINTON ST. TEXT BOOKS FOR THE COLLEGES OF LIBERAL ARTS PHARMACY MEDICINE ENGINEERING DENTISTRY HOME ECONOMICS WE AIM TO SUPPLY EVERYTHING THE STUDENT NEEDS Engineers Drawing Sets and Supplies, Dissecting Sets Waterman, Moore and Ries' Safety Fountain Pens Loose Leaf Leather Note Books Iowa Banners and Jewelry Some special bargain in second-hand Medical and Dental Texts JOHN T. RIES IOWA CITY, IOWA USE SIDWELL'S YELLOW CABS PHONES 24-25 BOERNER'S PHARMACY Specializes in Drugs and Medicines Haeselery Zimmerman MILLINERY IOWA CITY, IOWA. NEXT THE GARDEN THEATER For GOOD SHOE REPAIRING GO TO The WASHINGTON SHOE REPAIRING SHOP Across from Englert Theater WHEN IN NEED OF PERFECT FITTING GLASSES TRY FUIKS The Big Little Store Lenses of any kind duplicated A full line of bracelet watches for ladies and gents. Blue white perfect diamonds Eyes examined free. GARDEN THEATER BLDG., WASHINGTON ST. HOFFELDER BROS. for Quick Service in Dry Goods and Fancy Notions 111 EAST WASHINGTON BANNER DAIRY LUNCH 11 South Dubuque Street S.A.T.C. LOYALTY-first to the country, then to home. To cheer those who cannot serve but whose hearts are with you- your photograph. NEWBERG STUDIO Breeze Into Either of Our Smokeries What we don't know about tobacco you probably do, so between us, you're bound to be satisfied RACINE CIGAR STORES RACINE CIGAR STORES
PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Wednesday, September 18, 1918 WANT ADS FOR RENT-Have taken a fraternity house to conduct a real home for student girls with room and board, with the approval of the dean of women. Terms will be reasonable. Call or write for particulars. 311 South Clinton St., Iowa City. FOR RENT-Two large modern rooms 3 blocks south of University. $14 and $13. Would take man and wife or rent to girls. Mrs. Etta Scheark, 504 S. Capitol. FOR RENT-Three modern rooms either single or double, ear Nniversity. $8 and $12 Mrs. E. Sheedy, 311 N. Gilbert St. FOR RENT-Two front double rooms, 1 front single room and 1 other single room in modern up-to-date house of good location. Both gas and electric lights. Mrs. E.M. Shaver. 304 E. Davenport St. FOR RENT-Two choice double rooms in modern home near University. Gas, hot air, clean, pleasant and homelike. Mrs. Geo. Freyder, 320 E. Davenport. We can fit Victor Phonographs to play Pathe records- then you can select from the largest Record Library in the world. A.M. Greer. Eyes examined free at A.M. Greer's WILL GIVE COURSES FOR QUARTERMASTERS Department of Economics Revises Work to Include Branch of Military Study. To enable students to gain the knowledge necessary for an officer in the quartermaster's department, a special quartermaster's accounting course will be given in the school of commerce curriculum at the University of Iowa. Since S.A.T.C. men are allowed by the war department to pursue courses in the department those which have a bearing on the war have been revised. The course in life insurance will emphasize war insurance. The monetary system of France will be emphasized in the course in Money and Foreign Exchange, so that soldiers sent over there will already know the value of French coins. The Commercial Geography course will be extended to include trade routes. The course in Industrial History has been changed to Economic Development of Europe. Special economic problems connected with the war will be emphasized in Principles of Economics. An interesting course will be the study of the socialistic movements in the warring nations. Principles of war relief for soldiers and their dependents and the methods of the Red Cross and other relief agencies are also offered in the revised curriculum. The course in Foreign Commerce will emphasize the trade with waring countries, and the course in Efficiency will pay particular attention to the factories necessary for the development of leadership. New labor problems arising from the war will be emphasized in the course in Labor. CAPTURED BY GERMANS Lieut. Lyman E. Case of the aviation corps is reported missing in action. Lieutenant Case is a University students in the engineering college. He received his commission at Fort Snelling. All kinds of musical instruments at A.M. Greer's Send in your subscription-$2.50 When you need anything in drugs-See us. We have it. McGuan's Pharmacy, 123 Clinton St. S.U.I. WAR HERO TO BE SENT HOME TO RECOVER Williard Dodd, one of the members of the University ambulance unit awarded the croix de guerre recently for distinguished bravery under fire, will be detailed home to recover from wounds received. Mr. Dodd was reported killed a few weeks ago, but later advices proved him only severely wounded. It is reported that he has lost one eye and one leg. Dodd along with Clarence Hamilton of Winterset, Carl B. Randklev of Iowa City and Charles O. Powers of Cedar Rapids is received his decoration for bravery in May. All four of these men were members of the University ambulance unit which left here for service more than a year ago. Subscribe early-$2.50 per year. RIES IOWA BOOK STORE 30 CLINTON ST. TEXT BOOKS FOR THE COLLEGES OF LIBERAL ARTS PHARMACY MEDICINE ENGINEERING DENTISTRY HOME ECONOMICS WE AIM TO SUPPLY EVERYTHING THE STUDENT NEEDS Engineers Drawing Sets and Supplies, Dissecting Sets Waterman, Moore and Ries' Safety Fountain Pens Loose Leaf Leather Note Books Iowa Banners and Jewelry Some special bargain in second-hand Medical and Dental Texts JOHN T. RIES IOWA CITY, IOWA USE SIDWELL'S YELLOW CABS PHONES 24-25 BOERNER'S PHARMACY Specializes in Drugs and Medicines Haeselery Zimmerman MILLINERY IOWA CITY, IOWA. NEXT THE GARDEN THEATER For GOOD SHOE REPAIRING GO TO The WASHINGTON SHOE REPAIRING SHOP Across from Englert Theater WHEN IN NEED OF PERFECT FITTING GLASSES TRY FUIKS The Big Little Store Lenses of any kind duplicated A full line of bracelet watches for ladies and gents. Blue white perfect diamonds Eyes examined free. GARDEN THEATER BLDG., WASHINGTON ST. HOFFELDER BROS. for Quick Service in Dry Goods and Fancy Notions 111 EAST WASHINGTON BANNER DAIRY LUNCH 11 South Dubuque Street S.A.T.C. LOYALTY-first to the country, then to home. To cheer those who cannot serve but whose hearts are with you- your photograph. NEWBERG STUDIO Breeze Into Either of Our Smokeries What we don't know about tobacco you probably do, so between us, you're bound to be satisfied RACINE CIGAR STORES RACINE CIGAR STORES
Daily Iowan Newspapers