Daily Iowan, September 28, 1918
Page 2
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PAGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, September 28, 1918 THE DAILY IOWAN The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa MEMBER IOWA COLLEGE PRESS A morning paper published for the period of the war three times a week - Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday by the Daily Iowan Publishing Company at the 103 Iowa Avenue, Iowa City Entered as second class matter at the post office of Iowa City, Iowa Subscription Rate.. $2.00 per year BOARD OF TRUSTEES C.H. Weller, chairman; Harold Stoner secretary; Dr. E.M. McEwen, Dr. E.S. Smith, Marian Dyer, Fredrick Egan, Vergil Hancher Editor-in-chief Mildred E. Whitcomb Acting Business Manager Romola Latchem (staff to be announced later) "I have never had a policy. I have simply tried to do what seemed best each day as each day came."- Lincoln IN THE SERVICE The opening of the school year finds the University enlisted in the service of the United States. The schools, their faculties, the entire equipment, as well as the cooperative spirit of the people of the state of Iowa, are being given over to tht task of bringing the war to a successful conclusion. The Students' Army Training corps has already been installed and the incoming men will shortly be sworn into the regular service of government. Drafted men are also being trained for various mechanical branches of the army, forming a separate military unit under direct control of the war department. There will also be a unit of naval men here at the University. Besides these army men there will be some men ineligible for regular service who will be preparing for civilian war work and hundreds of women will be studying in preparation for the best interests of the nation. The somewhat carefree life of college days is gone. More than ever the men and women on the campus this year will realize the new obligation of the University privilege. The women of the University inherit the opportunities never before opened to them. For any of them to shelve these openings in the college world is nothing else than to shift the burdens, to slack. The year is ours The aim is definite. Nothing else but the war matters. Its up to the faculty, the students, the University to make the best preparation for the war in whatever capacity we may be called. FLYING CADET KILLED IS UNIVERSITY MAN The fourteenth gold star on the University service flag represents Frank J. Oliver, aviation cadet. He was killed by a fall of 300 feet when the airplane which he was flying collided with another at Rich Field, Waco, Texas. Oliver attended the officers training camp at Chicago and was sent from there to Ithaca, N.Y., where he entered the aviation branch of the service. He was transferred to Rich Field about three months ago Cadet Oliver was a student in the liberal arts college at the University two years ago. Blue stars on the University service flag now number 1129. BUSH TWICE CITED FOR BRAVERY University Professors in Y.M.C.A Work Wins Praise From French Two citations for bravery have been won by Prof. Stephen H. Bush, head of the department of Romance languages on leave of absence for Y.M.C.A. service in France. Word of the second official recognition by the French government of the heroic conduct of Professor Bush came close in the wake of the first citation. The cablegram received by Mrs.Bush in Iowa City from France told of the heroism under fire that the American Y.M.C.A. workers astached to the Moroccan division displayed Professor Bush was one on these. "They were constantly under fire," says the message, "for four days at a time, helped the wounded, saved the fallen from death by shell and aerial bombs, and carried food and water. The French medical officers paid glowing tributes to these men and insist on the Foyer du Soldat (Y.M.C.A. hut) men being with them constantly. The men act also as interpreters. S.H. Bush of Iowa City is cited for courage and tenacity in bringing in wounded over exposed places. The escape of these men was miraculous. The French are devoted to them and are gaining a high opinion of Americans through constant association with them." This was the gist of the cablegram. Army shoes for me and women at Stewarts. THE STUDENTS' RESTAURANT BANNER DAIRY LUNCH 11 SOUTH DUBUQUE ST. Visit Us in Our New Home JOHNSON COUNTY SAVINGS BANK SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS DEPOSITS $2,500,000.00 Haeseler & Zimmerman MILLINERY IOWA CITY, IOWA San=tox Shaving Lotion A pleasant soothing lotion for use after shaving Antiseptic-Healing-Comforting 4 ounce bottle 25c WHITING'S PHARMACY ON DUBUQUE STREET Marian Dyer, Alpha Xi Delta and member of the board of trustees of The Iowan, has accepted a position in the office of the Food Administration at Washington. Autumn Time Models Just Now Displayed Boots more cleverly style have never come to take the place of summer favorites. Each beauty of simple line and curve-style without extravagance. Come in and see and try on these new models. A.M. EWERS & CO. The Corner Shoe Store 101 S. Clinton St. The First National Bank and Farmers Loan and Trust Co. Total Assets Over $3,000,000.00 We Solicit Your Business BOOK AND CRAFT SHOP University text books for all colleges Loose-Leaf notebooks, fillers, fountain pens Laboratory supplies 124 EAST WASHINGTON STREET STUDENTS! Come in and try our ice-cream sundaes. We also serve lunches. PRINCESS CANDY KITCHEN COASTS' As usual are at the Front with a most complete line regulation Military apparel and accessories- Suits, Over Coats, Puttees, Belts, Hats and Caps, Hat Bands and Laces, Sox, etc. all properly priced Also The Big $60,000 Sale Throughout their entire store on all Civilian Clothing and Furnishings Prices are below Manufacturers' Cost. SALE CONTINUE UP TO AND INCLUDING SAT. OCT, 5.
PAGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, September 28, 1918 THE DAILY IOWAN The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa MEMBER IOWA COLLEGE PRESS A morning paper published for the period of the war three times a week - Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday by the Daily Iowan Publishing Company at the 103 Iowa Avenue, Iowa City Entered as second class matter at the post office of Iowa City, Iowa Subscription Rate.. $2.00 per year BOARD OF TRUSTEES C.H. Weller, chairman; Harold Stoner secretary; Dr. E.M. McEwen, Dr. E.S. Smith, Marian Dyer, Fredrick Egan, Vergil Hancher Editor-in-chief Mildred E. Whitcomb Acting Business Manager Romola Latchem (staff to be announced later) "I have never had a policy. I have simply tried to do what seemed best each day as each day came."- Lincoln IN THE SERVICE The opening of the school year finds the University enlisted in the service of the United States. The schools, their faculties, the entire equipment, as well as the cooperative spirit of the people of the state of Iowa, are being given over to tht task of bringing the war to a successful conclusion. The Students' Army Training corps has already been installed and the incoming men will shortly be sworn into the regular service of government. Drafted men are also being trained for various mechanical branches of the army, forming a separate military unit under direct control of the war department. There will also be a unit of naval men here at the University. Besides these army men there will be some men ineligible for regular service who will be preparing for civilian war work and hundreds of women will be studying in preparation for the best interests of the nation. The somewhat carefree life of college days is gone. More than ever the men and women on the campus this year will realize the new obligation of the University privilege. The women of the University inherit the opportunities never before opened to them. For any of them to shelve these openings in the college world is nothing else than to shift the burdens, to slack. The year is ours The aim is definite. Nothing else but the war matters. Its up to the faculty, the students, the University to make the best preparation for the war in whatever capacity we may be called. FLYING CADET KILLED IS UNIVERSITY MAN The fourteenth gold star on the University service flag represents Frank J. Oliver, aviation cadet. He was killed by a fall of 300 feet when the airplane which he was flying collided with another at Rich Field, Waco, Texas. Oliver attended the officers training camp at Chicago and was sent from there to Ithaca, N.Y., where he entered the aviation branch of the service. He was transferred to Rich Field about three months ago Cadet Oliver was a student in the liberal arts college at the University two years ago. Blue stars on the University service flag now number 1129. BUSH TWICE CITED FOR BRAVERY University Professors in Y.M.C.A Work Wins Praise From French Two citations for bravery have been won by Prof. Stephen H. Bush, head of the department of Romance languages on leave of absence for Y.M.C.A. service in France. Word of the second official recognition by the French government of the heroic conduct of Professor Bush came close in the wake of the first citation. The cablegram received by Mrs.Bush in Iowa City from France told of the heroism under fire that the American Y.M.C.A. workers astached to the Moroccan division displayed Professor Bush was one on these. "They were constantly under fire," says the message, "for four days at a time, helped the wounded, saved the fallen from death by shell and aerial bombs, and carried food and water. The French medical officers paid glowing tributes to these men and insist on the Foyer du Soldat (Y.M.C.A. hut) men being with them constantly. The men act also as interpreters. S.H. Bush of Iowa City is cited for courage and tenacity in bringing in wounded over exposed places. The escape of these men was miraculous. The French are devoted to them and are gaining a high opinion of Americans through constant association with them." This was the gist of the cablegram. Army shoes for me and women at Stewarts. THE STUDENTS' RESTAURANT BANNER DAIRY LUNCH 11 SOUTH DUBUQUE ST. Visit Us in Our New Home JOHNSON COUNTY SAVINGS BANK SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS DEPOSITS $2,500,000.00 Haeseler & Zimmerman MILLINERY IOWA CITY, IOWA San=tox Shaving Lotion A pleasant soothing lotion for use after shaving Antiseptic-Healing-Comforting 4 ounce bottle 25c WHITING'S PHARMACY ON DUBUQUE STREET Marian Dyer, Alpha Xi Delta and member of the board of trustees of The Iowan, has accepted a position in the office of the Food Administration at Washington. Autumn Time Models Just Now Displayed Boots more cleverly style have never come to take the place of summer favorites. Each beauty of simple line and curve-style without extravagance. Come in and see and try on these new models. A.M. EWERS & CO. The Corner Shoe Store 101 S. Clinton St. The First National Bank and Farmers Loan and Trust Co. Total Assets Over $3,000,000.00 We Solicit Your Business BOOK AND CRAFT SHOP University text books for all colleges Loose-Leaf notebooks, fillers, fountain pens Laboratory supplies 124 EAST WASHINGTON STREET STUDENTS! Come in and try our ice-cream sundaes. We also serve lunches. PRINCESS CANDY KITCHEN COASTS' As usual are at the Front with a most complete line regulation Military apparel and accessories- Suits, Over Coats, Puttees, Belts, Hats and Caps, Hat Bands and Laces, Sox, etc. all properly priced Also The Big $60,000 Sale Throughout their entire store on all Civilian Clothing and Furnishings Prices are below Manufacturers' Cost. SALE CONTINUE UP TO AND INCLUDING SAT. OCT, 5.
Daily Iowan Newspapers