Daily Iowan, September 28, 1918
Page 3
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Thursday, September 28, 1918 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE WILL HEAR BEST LECTURES ON WAR Students at University of Iowa To Listen to Many Men Back From War Some real fighting men with the added qualifications of being famous lecturers will be presented on the University platforms for the students, soldiers, and sailors during the year. Captain A. Radcliffe Dugmore of the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, the first speaker of the year, will be here Oct. 17. Captain Dugmore was captured by the Germans early in the war, escaped and was appointed brigade scout and intelligence officer for the British. He was gassed in the battle of the Somme with the result that he has been disabled for active service. Sir John Foster Frazer, possibly England's greatest journalist, will also speak at the University during the year. He is a leading authority on the Russian situation. Leon Dabo, an American artist, who was interpreter and photographer for the American financial mission to Europe and who has jut returned from his second trip to the war zone has been secured by the University lecture committee. The Saturday Evening Post staff contributor and feature writer, Isaac F. Marcosson will speak in January on The War and After. Mr. Marcosson has made five trips to the war zone. The largest dinner ever given at the Waldorf-Astoria was the testimonial dinner given him. Italy's part in the War will be presented to the University public by Charles Upson Clark of the American Academy in Rome. Baroness Huard, daughter of the famous American actor, Francis Wilson, and wife of the French painter of note, will also address the University students. She is completing her third book on the war at this time. WORKS OUT PROBLEMS OF ECONOMY IN OHIO To work out problems of home economy with the Society for Savings of Cleveland, Ohio, Prof. Ruth A. Wardall, head of the home economics department at the University has been granted leave of absence for six months. Miss Wardall has been engaged in this work since June. The University woman co-operates in this field with the housing committee of the mayor's war board and with the agencies representing the with the agencies representing the food administration. She is particlulary interested in research along the ling of economy in clothing. Miss Wardall will return to the University for the first week of school, and then proceed with her work in Cleveland. A full line of military shoes at Stewarts. VENUS PENCILS These famous pencils are the standard by which all other pencils are judged. 17 black degrees 6B softest to 9H hardest and hard and medium copying Look for the VENUS finish FREE! Trial Samples of VENUS Pencils and Eraser sent free. Please enclose 6c in stamps for packing and postage. American Lead Pencil Co. [?]15 Fifth Avenue. N.Y. Dept. D DOVE SISTERS HAT SHOP 114 SOUTH CLINTON STREET IOWA CITY, IOWA We Serve Regular Meals We make good breakfasts our specialty Home-made candies JOHN'S COLLEGE INN HAESELER & ZIMMERMAN Fine millinery GOODWIN CORSETS Fittings by appointments De Bevois Brassieres Abdominal belts NEXT GARDEN THEATRE S.A.T.C. Loyalty-first to the country, then to home To cheer those who cannot serve but whose hearts are with you-your photograph NEWBERG STUDIO THE BEST MEAL IN TOWN at REICHARDT'S CAFE and Soda Fountain 21 SOUTH DUBUQUE ST. RIES IOWA BOOK STORE 30 CLINTON ST. TEXT BOOKS FOR THE COLLEGES LIBERAL ARTS MEDICINE DENTISTRY PHARMACY ENGINEERING HOME ECONOMICS WE AIM TO SUPPLY EVERYTHING THE STUDENT NEEDS Engineers Drawing Sets and Supplies, Dissecting Sets Waterman, Moore and Ries' Safety Fountain Pens Loose Leaf Leather Note Books Iowa Banners and Jewelry ALL THE MILITARY BOOKS JOHN T. RIES IOWA CITY, IOWA Stewart's Shoes Surely Correct When in need of Perfect Fitting Glasses TRY FUIKS THE BIG LITTLE STORE Lenses of any kind duplicated. A full line of bracelet watches for ladies and gents. Blue white perfect diamonds. Eyes examined free. GARDEN THEATER BLDG., WASHINGTON ST. EAT AT THE QUALITY CAFE 108 SOUTH DUBUQUE STREET ATTENTION LADIES! We have a selection of the latest styles of Ladies' Shoes in all colors at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES A. Abramsohn Visit Our Military Department. We are at Your Service Army Hats Canvass Leggings Serge Uniforms Leather lined Leggins Money Belts Trench Pillows Whipcord Uniforms Officers Overcoats Service Hat Cords Service Buttons Khaki Uniforms Khaki Breeches In fact everything you need in Military goods will be found in our Department. BREMERS' GOLDEN EAGLE IOWA CITY, IOWA
Thursday, September 28, 1918 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE WILL HEAR BEST LECTURES ON WAR Students at University of Iowa To Listen to Many Men Back From War Some real fighting men with the added qualifications of being famous lecturers will be presented on the University platforms for the students, soldiers, and sailors during the year. Captain A. Radcliffe Dugmore of the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, the first speaker of the year, will be here Oct. 17. Captain Dugmore was captured by the Germans early in the war, escaped and was appointed brigade scout and intelligence officer for the British. He was gassed in the battle of the Somme with the result that he has been disabled for active service. Sir John Foster Frazer, possibly England's greatest journalist, will also speak at the University during the year. He is a leading authority on the Russian situation. Leon Dabo, an American artist, who was interpreter and photographer for the American financial mission to Europe and who has jut returned from his second trip to the war zone has been secured by the University lecture committee. The Saturday Evening Post staff contributor and feature writer, Isaac F. Marcosson will speak in January on The War and After. Mr. Marcosson has made five trips to the war zone. The largest dinner ever given at the Waldorf-Astoria was the testimonial dinner given him. Italy's part in the War will be presented to the University public by Charles Upson Clark of the American Academy in Rome. Baroness Huard, daughter of the famous American actor, Francis Wilson, and wife of the French painter of note, will also address the University students. She is completing her third book on the war at this time. WORKS OUT PROBLEMS OF ECONOMY IN OHIO To work out problems of home economy with the Society for Savings of Cleveland, Ohio, Prof. Ruth A. Wardall, head of the home economics department at the University has been granted leave of absence for six months. Miss Wardall has been engaged in this work since June. The University woman co-operates in this field with the housing committee of the mayor's war board and with the agencies representing the with the agencies representing the food administration. She is particlulary interested in research along the ling of economy in clothing. Miss Wardall will return to the University for the first week of school, and then proceed with her work in Cleveland. A full line of military shoes at Stewarts. VENUS PENCILS These famous pencils are the standard by which all other pencils are judged. 17 black degrees 6B softest to 9H hardest and hard and medium copying Look for the VENUS finish FREE! Trial Samples of VENUS Pencils and Eraser sent free. Please enclose 6c in stamps for packing and postage. American Lead Pencil Co. [?]15 Fifth Avenue. N.Y. Dept. D DOVE SISTERS HAT SHOP 114 SOUTH CLINTON STREET IOWA CITY, IOWA We Serve Regular Meals We make good breakfasts our specialty Home-made candies JOHN'S COLLEGE INN HAESELER & ZIMMERMAN Fine millinery GOODWIN CORSETS Fittings by appointments De Bevois Brassieres Abdominal belts NEXT GARDEN THEATRE S.A.T.C. Loyalty-first to the country, then to home To cheer those who cannot serve but whose hearts are with you-your photograph NEWBERG STUDIO THE BEST MEAL IN TOWN at REICHARDT'S CAFE and Soda Fountain 21 SOUTH DUBUQUE ST. RIES IOWA BOOK STORE 30 CLINTON ST. TEXT BOOKS FOR THE COLLEGES LIBERAL ARTS MEDICINE DENTISTRY PHARMACY ENGINEERING HOME ECONOMICS WE AIM TO SUPPLY EVERYTHING THE STUDENT NEEDS Engineers Drawing Sets and Supplies, Dissecting Sets Waterman, Moore and Ries' Safety Fountain Pens Loose Leaf Leather Note Books Iowa Banners and Jewelry ALL THE MILITARY BOOKS JOHN T. RIES IOWA CITY, IOWA Stewart's Shoes Surely Correct When in need of Perfect Fitting Glasses TRY FUIKS THE BIG LITTLE STORE Lenses of any kind duplicated. A full line of bracelet watches for ladies and gents. Blue white perfect diamonds. Eyes examined free. GARDEN THEATER BLDG., WASHINGTON ST. EAT AT THE QUALITY CAFE 108 SOUTH DUBUQUE STREET ATTENTION LADIES! We have a selection of the latest styles of Ladies' Shoes in all colors at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES A. Abramsohn Visit Our Military Department. We are at Your Service Army Hats Canvass Leggings Serge Uniforms Leather lined Leggins Money Belts Trench Pillows Whipcord Uniforms Officers Overcoats Service Hat Cords Service Buttons Khaki Uniforms Khaki Breeches In fact everything you need in Military goods will be found in our Department. BREMERS' GOLDEN EAGLE IOWA CITY, IOWA
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