Daily Iowan, October 1, 1918
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Tuesday, October 1, 1918 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE SOCIAL FRATERNITIES SUSPENDED UNDER MILITARY RULES Four Houses Will Give Residence To More Than One Hundred Women Social fraternities at the University have suspended all rushing, pledging and initiation during the period of "military occupation." The exit of the social Greek letter organizations which was decided upon at a recent meeting of fraternity delegates with Robert Reinow, advisor of men, has been followed by an invasion of women students of the University, at many of the fraternity houses. Fraternity Homes Taken The following houses have been taken over by the University, and are being remodelled and in some instances refurnished, for immediate occupancy: Theta Xi, Phi Kappa Psi, Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu, and Acacia. The four national fraternity chapter houses will give residence to more than one hundred women, the Phi Kappa Psi house receiving thirty three. The Acacia house will be, to some extent, under supervision of private interests. Following the same move of University authorities, it is probable that the Phi Delta Theta and the Psi Omega houses will be taken over for women. Other fraternities will rent for discontinue occupancy of their chapter houses. The Delta Chi house will be used by the University military authorities as barracks for men under 18 years of age. Rienow Approves Action Mr. Reinow is pleased with the action of the social fraternities in connection with the new military rule here, and has pronounced it "the only course" to be taken. "Fraternity representatives," he says, "have shown themselves as directly in accordance with the wishes of the faculty, and have undergone many inconveniences without complaint, in order that the military program may be continued with the least possible confusion." Practically the only remodelling to be done at most houses will be the converting of dining rooms, which will not be used, into dormitory and study rooms. Professional fraternities will continue their houses as in former years. CANTONMENT Y.M. HUT IS OPENED (continued from page 1) Things of a similar nature. Moving pictures will be given about twice a week when the association gets everything working on schedule. The Y.M.C.A. office will be general information bureau. Rooms for rent, second hand books, and general inquiries will be attended to. Mr. LeSourd, the director of the Y.M.C.A. work, has come to the University from six months' service at Camp Sherman, Ohio. He has spent the past two weeks at Madison, Wis., studying the way the Y.M.C.A. work is handled there in connection with the S.A.T.C. Anne Marie Glasgow is secretary of the association rooms, and Ray Wycoff is assisting Mr. LeSourd in the work. We Serve Regular Meals We make good breakfasts our specialty Home-made candies JOHN'S COLLEGE INN HAESELER & ZIMMERMAN Fine millinery GOODWIN CORSETS Fittings by appointments De Bevois Brassieres Abdominal belts NEXT GARDEN THEATRE S.A.T.C. loyalty-first to the country, then to home To cheer those who cannot serve but whose hearts are with you-your photograph NEWBERG STUDIO THE BEST MEAL IN TOWN at REICHARDT'S CAFE and Soda Fountain 21 SOUTH DUBUQUE ST. RIES IOWA BOOK STORE 30 CLINTON ST. TEXT BOOKS FOR THE COLLEGES OF LIBERAL ARTS MEDICINE DENTISTRY PHARMACY ENGINEERING HOME ECONOMICS WE AIM TO SUPPLY EVERYTHING THE STUDENT NEEDS Engineers Drawing Sets and Supplies, Dissecting Sets Waterman, Moore and Ries' Safety Fountain Pens Loose Leaf Leather Note Books Iowa Banners and Jewelry ALL THE MILITARY BOOKS JOHN T. RIES IOWA CITY, IOWA Have a complexion that is always presentable- Instead of coating your skin with cosmetics which merely mask a poor complexion with easily detected "make believe beauty"-use MARINELLO Toilet Preparation You'll be benefited right from the beginning. You'll not only conceal unsightly skin affections-but correct them. In an amazingly short time you'll possess a skin that is naturally beautiful-a complexion that needs but little attention to keep it clear, velvety, soft and strikingly attractive. Marinello preparations-a reliable preparation for every complexion requirement-represent the highest standard of surety and safety ever reached in the correction of skin disorders and creation of complexion beauty. Marinello Phantom Powder Conceals a Bad Complexion and Produces a Good One Immediately gives the skin the appearance of beauty-then aids in really beautifying it. Possesses a highly beneficial value. No coarsening effect. An actual beauty builder-for face, neck and hands. Doesn't rub or wash off. Admirably suited to evening make-up. Try it. Your mirror will convince you of its merit. BEST QUALITY ALWAYS AT LOWEST PRICES Yetter's THE BIG STORE Visit Our Military Department. We are at Your Service Army Hats Canvass Leggings Serge Uniforms Leather lined Leggins Money Belts Trench Pillows Whipcord Uniforms Officers Overcoats Service Hat Cords Service Buttons Khaki Uniforms Khaki Breeches In fact everything you need in Military goods will be found in our Department. BREMERS' GOLDEN EAGLE IOWA CITY, IOWA ADMISSION $1.00- WAR TAX EXTRA VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory MAHANA & OGLE ORCHESTRA SATURDAY EVE., OCT. 5TH DANCING FROM 7 TO 9:45 By Order of Commanding Officer of Training Camp.
Tuesday, October 1, 1918 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE SOCIAL FRATERNITIES SUSPENDED UNDER MILITARY RULES Four Houses Will Give Residence To More Than One Hundred Women Social fraternities at the University have suspended all rushing, pledging and initiation during the period of "military occupation." The exit of the social Greek letter organizations which was decided upon at a recent meeting of fraternity delegates with Robert Reinow, advisor of men, has been followed by an invasion of women students of the University, at many of the fraternity houses. Fraternity Homes Taken The following houses have been taken over by the University, and are being remodelled and in some instances refurnished, for immediate occupancy: Theta Xi, Phi Kappa Psi, Sigma Chi, Sigma Nu, and Acacia. The four national fraternity chapter houses will give residence to more than one hundred women, the Phi Kappa Psi house receiving thirty three. The Acacia house will be, to some extent, under supervision of private interests. Following the same move of University authorities, it is probable that the Phi Delta Theta and the Psi Omega houses will be taken over for women. Other fraternities will rent for discontinue occupancy of their chapter houses. The Delta Chi house will be used by the University military authorities as barracks for men under 18 years of age. Rienow Approves Action Mr. Reinow is pleased with the action of the social fraternities in connection with the new military rule here, and has pronounced it "the only course" to be taken. "Fraternity representatives," he says, "have shown themselves as directly in accordance with the wishes of the faculty, and have undergone many inconveniences without complaint, in order that the military program may be continued with the least possible confusion." Practically the only remodelling to be done at most houses will be the converting of dining rooms, which will not be used, into dormitory and study rooms. Professional fraternities will continue their houses as in former years. CANTONMENT Y.M. HUT IS OPENED (continued from page 1) Things of a similar nature. Moving pictures will be given about twice a week when the association gets everything working on schedule. The Y.M.C.A. office will be general information bureau. Rooms for rent, second hand books, and general inquiries will be attended to. Mr. LeSourd, the director of the Y.M.C.A. work, has come to the University from six months' service at Camp Sherman, Ohio. He has spent the past two weeks at Madison, Wis., studying the way the Y.M.C.A. work is handled there in connection with the S.A.T.C. Anne Marie Glasgow is secretary of the association rooms, and Ray Wycoff is assisting Mr. LeSourd in the work. We Serve Regular Meals We make good breakfasts our specialty Home-made candies JOHN'S COLLEGE INN HAESELER & ZIMMERMAN Fine millinery GOODWIN CORSETS Fittings by appointments De Bevois Brassieres Abdominal belts NEXT GARDEN THEATRE S.A.T.C. loyalty-first to the country, then to home To cheer those who cannot serve but whose hearts are with you-your photograph NEWBERG STUDIO THE BEST MEAL IN TOWN at REICHARDT'S CAFE and Soda Fountain 21 SOUTH DUBUQUE ST. RIES IOWA BOOK STORE 30 CLINTON ST. TEXT BOOKS FOR THE COLLEGES OF LIBERAL ARTS MEDICINE DENTISTRY PHARMACY ENGINEERING HOME ECONOMICS WE AIM TO SUPPLY EVERYTHING THE STUDENT NEEDS Engineers Drawing Sets and Supplies, Dissecting Sets Waterman, Moore and Ries' Safety Fountain Pens Loose Leaf Leather Note Books Iowa Banners and Jewelry ALL THE MILITARY BOOKS JOHN T. RIES IOWA CITY, IOWA Have a complexion that is always presentable- Instead of coating your skin with cosmetics which merely mask a poor complexion with easily detected "make believe beauty"-use MARINELLO Toilet Preparation You'll be benefited right from the beginning. You'll not only conceal unsightly skin affections-but correct them. In an amazingly short time you'll possess a skin that is naturally beautiful-a complexion that needs but little attention to keep it clear, velvety, soft and strikingly attractive. Marinello preparations-a reliable preparation for every complexion requirement-represent the highest standard of surety and safety ever reached in the correction of skin disorders and creation of complexion beauty. Marinello Phantom Powder Conceals a Bad Complexion and Produces a Good One Immediately gives the skin the appearance of beauty-then aids in really beautifying it. Possesses a highly beneficial value. No coarsening effect. An actual beauty builder-for face, neck and hands. Doesn't rub or wash off. Admirably suited to evening make-up. Try it. Your mirror will convince you of its merit. BEST QUALITY ALWAYS AT LOWEST PRICES Yetter's THE BIG STORE Visit Our Military Department. We are at Your Service Army Hats Canvass Leggings Serge Uniforms Leather lined Leggins Money Belts Trench Pillows Whipcord Uniforms Officers Overcoats Service Hat Cords Service Buttons Khaki Uniforms Khaki Breeches In fact everything you need in Military goods will be found in our Department. BREMERS' GOLDEN EAGLE IOWA CITY, IOWA ADMISSION $1.00- WAR TAX EXTRA VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory MAHANA & OGLE ORCHESTRA SATURDAY EVE., OCT. 5TH DANCING FROM 7 TO 9:45 By Order of Commanding Officer of Training Camp.
Daily Iowan Newspapers