Daily Iowan, October 1, 1918
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, October 1, 1918 WANT ADS RATE 10C a line or fraction: 50% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOR RENT - Nicely furnished modern apartment, 604 S. Clinton 6 WANTED-A good baritone soloist. Church position call 815. WANTED- Waiters Phi Rho Sigma House 521 E College St. Apply at once 5 WANTED Two girls or men to wait tables at sorority house for board. Phone 113 or write X care of Daily Iowan. 6 MANY APPLICATIONS FOR NAVAL SECTIONS (continued from page 1) fers upper classmen, especially students of engineering, but that upper classmen of the college of liberal arts and freshman engineers are eligible. Liberal arts freshmen with special qualifications may be accepted. Freshman engineers will probably be kept in training for a period of two years, and upperclassmen and liberal arts men will be called within six months or a year, as they become qualified and are needed in active service. Quarters in Gymnasium Members of the naval training section will be quartered in the two gymnasiums and the engineering building, but regular barracks will be erected for their use later. Naval headquarters are in an office at the Women's gymnasium. The former drawing room is used for physical examinations. Dormitories have been provided for by second story floors built in the physical training rooms and above the swimming pool, and another floor built over the pool itself. It is not certain where the mess hall will be yet. All barracks in the women's gymnasium are only temporary, and physical training for women will continue as usual throughout the year. Stewarts' Shoes- Surely Correct When in need of Perfect Fitting Glasses TRY FUIKS THE BIG LITTLE STORE Lenses of any kind duplicated. A full line of bracelet watches for ladies and gents. Blue white perfect diamonds. Eyes examined free. GARDEN THEATER BLDG., WASHINGTON ST. DOVE SISERS HAT SHOP 114 SOUTH CLINTON STREET IOWA CITY, IOWA ATTENTION MEN! We have one of the best kind of ARMY SHOES AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE Come in and see them A. Abramsohn 119 EAST WASHINGTON STREET EAT AT THE QUALITY CAFE 108 SOUTH DUBUQUE STREET Boost and Save Buy a Year Book Admitting You to All University Athletic Contests SCHEDULE Sept. 28-Great Lakes Training Camp Oct. 12-Northwestern University Oct. 26-Grinnell College Nov. 23-Indiana University
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, October 1, 1918 WANT ADS RATE 10C a line or fraction: 50% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOR RENT - Nicely furnished modern apartment, 604 S. Clinton 6 WANTED-A good baritone soloist. Church position call 815. WANTED- Waiters Phi Rho Sigma House 521 E College St. Apply at once 5 WANTED Two girls or men to wait tables at sorority house for board. Phone 113 or write X care of Daily Iowan. 6 MANY APPLICATIONS FOR NAVAL SECTIONS (continued from page 1) fers upper classmen, especially students of engineering, but that upper classmen of the college of liberal arts and freshman engineers are eligible. Liberal arts freshmen with special qualifications may be accepted. Freshman engineers will probably be kept in training for a period of two years, and upperclassmen and liberal arts men will be called within six months or a year, as they become qualified and are needed in active service. Quarters in Gymnasium Members of the naval training section will be quartered in the two gymnasiums and the engineering building, but regular barracks will be erected for their use later. Naval headquarters are in an office at the Women's gymnasium. The former drawing room is used for physical examinations. Dormitories have been provided for by second story floors built in the physical training rooms and above the swimming pool, and another floor built over the pool itself. It is not certain where the mess hall will be yet. All barracks in the women's gymnasium are only temporary, and physical training for women will continue as usual throughout the year. Stewarts' Shoes- Surely Correct When in need of Perfect Fitting Glasses TRY FUIKS THE BIG LITTLE STORE Lenses of any kind duplicated. A full line of bracelet watches for ladies and gents. Blue white perfect diamonds. Eyes examined free. GARDEN THEATER BLDG., WASHINGTON ST. DOVE SISERS HAT SHOP 114 SOUTH CLINTON STREET IOWA CITY, IOWA ATTENTION MEN! We have one of the best kind of ARMY SHOES AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE Come in and see them A. Abramsohn 119 EAST WASHINGTON STREET EAT AT THE QUALITY CAFE 108 SOUTH DUBUQUE STREET Boost and Save Buy a Year Book Admitting You to All University Athletic Contests SCHEDULE Sept. 28-Great Lakes Training Camp Oct. 12-Northwestern University Oct. 26-Grinnell College Nov. 23-Indiana University
Daily Iowan Newspapers