Daily Iowan, October 3, 1918
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, October 3, 1918 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOR RENT--Nicely furnished modern apartment. 604 S Clinton 6 WANTED--A good baritone soloist. Church position call 815. WANTED--Waiters Phi Rho Sigma House 521 E College St. Apply at once 5 WANTED Two girls or men to wait tables at sorority house for board. Phone 113 or write X care of Daily Iowan. 6 LOST--A diamond Alpha Epsilon fraternity pin. Octagon shaped, has diamond on face, engraving on back. Return to Gamma Phi Beta house and receive reward. LOST--Light grey kid glove probably on or near campus. Leave at Iowa office. WANTED--Boarders by the week, two or three meals. 335 S. Clinton 9 WANTED--Student girl to work for board and room. Phone Black 2202. 9 LOST--Conklin fountain pen near Natural science. Return to Iowan office. WAR BRIDES POPULAR DURING PAST VACATION The following marriages of former students and graduates took place during the summer: Marguerite Roberts, gymnasium instructor last year, to Lieut. Peter Laud, graduate of the college of denistry '17. Coey Custer, former assistant to Dr. Houser, to Ray Jones of Ft. Collins, Colo. Milton J. Katzenmeyer, a former student, to Miss Hazel Hammond, of Iowa City. Marguerite Yoder, former student,to Hofard K. Stewart, of Keota. Loran F. Marsh, pharmacy '16, to Eldred Lucille of Estherville. Lieut. Roswell Puckett, Engr. '09, to Catherine Creamer, former instructor in economics. Irene Jones, former student L.A. and graduate of S.U.I. Nurses' Training school '10, to John Arthur Williams of Dubuque. Erla Mae, Messerli, former student, Alpha Chi Omega, to Carl A. Frexel, former student, Alpha Tau Omega. Raymond McFate, former student in college of dentistry, to Nina Talbot of Waveland. Arthur Zimmerman, Law '14, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, to Macetta Browning, L.A. '14. Calvin Besore, former law student, to Hope Sutton of Ida Grove. Etta Coulter, former L.A. student, to Emery Hemmingway of West Branch. James C. Andrew, B.S. '15, to Kathleen Crandall of Chattanooga, Tenn. Maj. Alfred G. Brown, former student, to Kathryn Cox of Deep River. Stanley Haynes, Law '17, Pi Alpha Delta, to Vinnee Peedan of Mason City. Dr. O.C. Miehe, Delta Sigma Delta, Dental '16, to Dora Warnke of Maynard. BACONIAN MEETS Baconian club will meet in the Physics lecture room. Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Dayton Stoner, the retiring president will deliver the address on "The Barbadies-Antigua Expedition." TRANSFER S.U.L. MAN TO STARS AND STRIPES His journalistic experience at the University as reporter and later editor-in-chief of The Daily Iowan, the student paper, secured for Homer G. Roland, of Iowa City a much-coveted position on the Stars and Stripes, the official paper of the American Expeditionary Forces. He is now in Paris engaged in that work. Roland received his first gold chevron, designating six months foreign service on September 14. He [picture of him inserted] has been stationed near Bordeaux as company clerk of fire, hose, and truck company, No. 317, the first overseas fire company to land in France. Before his enlistment in January, Roland was a senior in the University and acting director of athletics. He was editor of The Iowan in 1916-17. S.U.I. PRIZE WINNER GETS BIG POSITION The winner of $700 cash prizes at the University of Iowa, Charles H. Safely of Cedar Rapids, has been appointed vice-counsel to Stockholm, Sweden. Mr. Safely was graduated from the law college at the University in 1917. The prize money won by Mr. Safely was used to pay his expenses through a graduate course at Harvard. There the attention of Francis B. Sayre, son-in-law of President Wilson, was attracted to Safely who took the dean's rapid lectures in shorthand and sold them to his fellow students. While at the University he tried on two occasions to enlist in the army, but as rejected on account of physical disabilities. [advertisement] The World War and a Woman Is the Fascinating Theme of METRO'S Great 8-Act Special Production LEST WE FORGET The Mighty Arraignment of the HUN Starring The Beautiful Survivor of the Lusitania Disaster RITA JOLIVET STRAND THEATER TWO DAYS BEGINNING SATURDAY (Continued from page 1) S.A.T.C. MEN TAKE A SOLEMN OATH "The success of our armies will be measured by our success in turning over to the government technicians and leaders," the President said. "This is our job, and I hereby publicly pledge the government that the students and faculty of the tate University of Iowa will throw in every ounce of their ability that we may be able to do our part in winning this great war." [advertisement] GARDEN THURSDAY "One Law For Both" CAST Elga Pulaski--Rita Jolivet Helen Hutchinson--Leah BaBird Renee Doucet--Margaret Greene Magda Strunski--Helen Arnold Ossip Pulaski--James Morrison Norman Hutchinson--Vincent Serrano Count de Fernac--Pedro de Cordoba Baron Jan Slazek--Paul Capellani Sergeious Gourko--Anders Randolf Feodor Wolski--Hassan Mussali Henri--Walter Gould [advertisement] PASTIME THEATRE A special feature for FRIDAY & SATURDAY America's Distinguished actor Walker Whiteside in "THE BELGIUM" A 7-reel Master-piece--the story of Poor Old Belgium A great show--See it Admission 10 and 20 cts. [advertisement] ATTENTION S.A.T.C.! Dancing Party for War Benefit. Given by Iowa City Improvement League at ELK'S CLUB ROOM SATURDAY EVENING OCTOBER 5, 7 TO 12 $1.00 Couple [advertisement] I HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM CHICAGO AND MY ESTABLISHMENT IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS MME. KROTZ [advertisement] T. DELL KELLEY "THE OLD RELIABLE" Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Military Suits to Order 211 E. COLLEGE ST. TELEPHONE 17 [advertisement] THE FASHION SHOP Ladies, Misses and Chidrens Suits Millinery and Furnishings Elegant new line of waists and afternoon dresses MARGARET CASH 205 E. WASHINGTON ST. [advertisement] BOOK AND CRAFT SHOP Loose-leaf notebooks, fillers, fountain pens Laboratory supplies 124 EAST WASHINGTON STREET [advertisement] NOTICE TO S.A.T.C. MEN We have just completed arrangements for the care of your Life Insurance Policies and other valuable papers in the best vault in Iowa. Checking and savings accounts will be handled for you to your entire satisfaction. 4 per cent interest paid on Time Certificates and savings accounts. Services of our Trust Department free to all soldiers. Call at once. IOWA CITY STATE BANK Corner of Clinton and College Streets [advertisement] COASTS' Military Department The best in the State of Iowa an entire and complete line of Uniforms, Shirts, Blankets, Puttees, Hats and Accessories Properly Priced Our main store for Civilian apparel is, as ever, efficient
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, October 3, 1918 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOR RENT--Nicely furnished modern apartment. 604 S Clinton 6 WANTED--A good baritone soloist. Church position call 815. WANTED--Waiters Phi Rho Sigma House 521 E College St. Apply at once 5 WANTED Two girls or men to wait tables at sorority house for board. Phone 113 or write X care of Daily Iowan. 6 LOST--A diamond Alpha Epsilon fraternity pin. Octagon shaped, has diamond on face, engraving on back. Return to Gamma Phi Beta house and receive reward. LOST--Light grey kid glove probably on or near campus. Leave at Iowa office. WANTED--Boarders by the week, two or three meals. 335 S. Clinton 9 WANTED--Student girl to work for board and room. Phone Black 2202. 9 LOST--Conklin fountain pen near Natural science. Return to Iowan office. WAR BRIDES POPULAR DURING PAST VACATION The following marriages of former students and graduates took place during the summer: Marguerite Roberts, gymnasium instructor last year, to Lieut. Peter Laud, graduate of the college of denistry '17. Coey Custer, former assistant to Dr. Houser, to Ray Jones of Ft. Collins, Colo. Milton J. Katzenmeyer, a former student, to Miss Hazel Hammond, of Iowa City. Marguerite Yoder, former student,to Hofard K. Stewart, of Keota. Loran F. Marsh, pharmacy '16, to Eldred Lucille of Estherville. Lieut. Roswell Puckett, Engr. '09, to Catherine Creamer, former instructor in economics. Irene Jones, former student L.A. and graduate of S.U.I. Nurses' Training school '10, to John Arthur Williams of Dubuque. Erla Mae, Messerli, former student, Alpha Chi Omega, to Carl A. Frexel, former student, Alpha Tau Omega. Raymond McFate, former student in college of dentistry, to Nina Talbot of Waveland. Arthur Zimmerman, Law '14, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, to Macetta Browning, L.A. '14. Calvin Besore, former law student, to Hope Sutton of Ida Grove. Etta Coulter, former L.A. student, to Emery Hemmingway of West Branch. James C. Andrew, B.S. '15, to Kathleen Crandall of Chattanooga, Tenn. Maj. Alfred G. Brown, former student, to Kathryn Cox of Deep River. Stanley Haynes, Law '17, Pi Alpha Delta, to Vinnee Peedan of Mason City. Dr. O.C. Miehe, Delta Sigma Delta, Dental '16, to Dora Warnke of Maynard. BACONIAN MEETS Baconian club will meet in the Physics lecture room. Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Dayton Stoner, the retiring president will deliver the address on "The Barbadies-Antigua Expedition." TRANSFER S.U.L. MAN TO STARS AND STRIPES His journalistic experience at the University as reporter and later editor-in-chief of The Daily Iowan, the student paper, secured for Homer G. Roland, of Iowa City a much-coveted position on the Stars and Stripes, the official paper of the American Expeditionary Forces. He is now in Paris engaged in that work. Roland received his first gold chevron, designating six months foreign service on September 14. He [picture of him inserted] has been stationed near Bordeaux as company clerk of fire, hose, and truck company, No. 317, the first overseas fire company to land in France. Before his enlistment in January, Roland was a senior in the University and acting director of athletics. He was editor of The Iowan in 1916-17. S.U.I. PRIZE WINNER GETS BIG POSITION The winner of $700 cash prizes at the University of Iowa, Charles H. Safely of Cedar Rapids, has been appointed vice-counsel to Stockholm, Sweden. Mr. Safely was graduated from the law college at the University in 1917. The prize money won by Mr. Safely was used to pay his expenses through a graduate course at Harvard. There the attention of Francis B. Sayre, son-in-law of President Wilson, was attracted to Safely who took the dean's rapid lectures in shorthand and sold them to his fellow students. While at the University he tried on two occasions to enlist in the army, but as rejected on account of physical disabilities. [advertisement] The World War and a Woman Is the Fascinating Theme of METRO'S Great 8-Act Special Production LEST WE FORGET The Mighty Arraignment of the HUN Starring The Beautiful Survivor of the Lusitania Disaster RITA JOLIVET STRAND THEATER TWO DAYS BEGINNING SATURDAY (Continued from page 1) S.A.T.C. MEN TAKE A SOLEMN OATH "The success of our armies will be measured by our success in turning over to the government technicians and leaders," the President said. "This is our job, and I hereby publicly pledge the government that the students and faculty of the tate University of Iowa will throw in every ounce of their ability that we may be able to do our part in winning this great war." [advertisement] GARDEN THURSDAY "One Law For Both" CAST Elga Pulaski--Rita Jolivet Helen Hutchinson--Leah BaBird Renee Doucet--Margaret Greene Magda Strunski--Helen Arnold Ossip Pulaski--James Morrison Norman Hutchinson--Vincent Serrano Count de Fernac--Pedro de Cordoba Baron Jan Slazek--Paul Capellani Sergeious Gourko--Anders Randolf Feodor Wolski--Hassan Mussali Henri--Walter Gould [advertisement] PASTIME THEATRE A special feature for FRIDAY & SATURDAY America's Distinguished actor Walker Whiteside in "THE BELGIUM" A 7-reel Master-piece--the story of Poor Old Belgium A great show--See it Admission 10 and 20 cts. [advertisement] ATTENTION S.A.T.C.! Dancing Party for War Benefit. Given by Iowa City Improvement League at ELK'S CLUB ROOM SATURDAY EVENING OCTOBER 5, 7 TO 12 $1.00 Couple [advertisement] I HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM CHICAGO AND MY ESTABLISHMENT IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS MME. KROTZ [advertisement] T. DELL KELLEY "THE OLD RELIABLE" Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Military Suits to Order 211 E. COLLEGE ST. TELEPHONE 17 [advertisement] THE FASHION SHOP Ladies, Misses and Chidrens Suits Millinery and Furnishings Elegant new line of waists and afternoon dresses MARGARET CASH 205 E. WASHINGTON ST. [advertisement] BOOK AND CRAFT SHOP Loose-leaf notebooks, fillers, fountain pens Laboratory supplies 124 EAST WASHINGTON STREET [advertisement] NOTICE TO S.A.T.C. MEN We have just completed arrangements for the care of your Life Insurance Policies and other valuable papers in the best vault in Iowa. Checking and savings accounts will be handled for you to your entire satisfaction. 4 per cent interest paid on Time Certificates and savings accounts. Services of our Trust Department free to all soldiers. Call at once. IOWA CITY STATE BANK Corner of Clinton and College Streets [advertisement] COASTS' Military Department The best in the State of Iowa an entire and complete line of Uniforms, Shirts, Blankets, Puttees, Hats and Accessories Properly Priced Our main store for Civilian apparel is, as ever, efficient
Daily Iowan Newspapers