Daily Iowan, October 8, 1918
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The Daily Iowan The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa Vol. VXIII New series VOL. III Iowa City, Iowa, Tuesday, October 8, 1918 Number 7 Hawkeyes Return All Lit Up Over Nebraska Victory Iowa Squad Defeats Huskers For First Time in 19 Years Tied in 1909 Lohman Plays A Brilliant Game Iowa Victory Is Decisive Line Holds Like Stone Score in Third Quarter The Iowa team returned Sunday morning after downing the Huskers in the fastest game of the season by a 12 to 0 score. Although tired and weary through their long ride on a rattler, the Hawkeyes were in the best spirits for this was the first time in many years that an Iowa team has ever handed a cipher to an eleven from the Nebraska metropolis of learning. It took Jones' men just two quarters to get going in order to make their hard driving attack count in the box score, for it was not until the third quarter that Iowa scored. In comparing the two teams, Iowa outclassed its rivals so far that a few figures make the Huskers like a high school eleven and not a university team. The Hawkeyes made 19 first downs to Nebraska 7 and their yardage nearly tripled that of the Huskers. When one sees this, the question comes up, who's the reason? This may be answered by one word Lohman. It was this hard driving tank who hit the Husker wall for a huge grain on every attempt he made. In figuring up his gains, it is found that the Fort Madison boy crawled through for a total of 92 yards, in 24 tries and average of 4 yards each time. His punts also were good for 45 yards. Scott also proved his worth, for he always responded with a telling gain. In Sykes, Iowa has found a fullback who is on a par with the best in the west. The line held its own against the enemy wall in easy fashion, and they were the deciding factors that made it possible for the backs to go through. Below is a short summary by quarters: First Quarter Nebraska won the toss and chose the north goal. Greenie kicked off for 60 yards., McMahon returning the oval 7 yds. Here a penalty caused them to punt and Iowa took the ball only to lose it on a fumble. Nebraska began an attack which carried the ball to Iowa's one yd. line. Schellenberger, McMahon and Hubka were good for the gain. Lohman punted out of danger and Nebraska came (continued on page 4) No Intercollegiate Debate This Year No intercollegeiate debate has been arranged, nor is it likely there will be any intercollegiate oratorical contest, according to Prof. Glenn N. Merry of the department of public speaking. He states further that the men's literary societies will be inactive this year but the Forensic league will meet every other week and all students who are interested will be welcome. The Dramatic club will organize as usual, Professor Merry has just returned from a trip in western Iowa where he held patriotic meetings in Orange City, Sioux City, and Denison in the interests of Four Minute men. Official Notice To S.A.T.C. All men who are enlisted in the various reserve corps (including the engineer, dental, medical, quartermaster, signal, ordnance and veterinary corps and naval reserve) and who are enrolled in the State University of Iowa, will report to Lieutenant Cook at the women's gymnasium at 10 o'clock Tuesday, Oct. 8 for the purpose of being called to active duty and being transferred to the Students' Army Training Corps. LeRoy E. Cook 1st Lieut. Inf. U.S.A Adjutant. Bernard Wallace, Freshman, Dies Pneumonia Develops and Proves Fatal to Member of the Auxillary Corps Bernard Wallace of Belmond, a member of the Auxillary unit of the S.A.T.C. and freshman in the University, died at the University hospital at 11 o'clock Saturday morning. Too young to enter the S.A.T.C. he registered for regular freshman work in the college of liberal arts. After coming to Iowa City he spent a few days at the home of his cousin, B. E. Manville of Manville Heights. In keeping with his wish to enter some branch of the army, he was transferred to the barracks for boys under military age, located at 617 S Van Buren street. He reported Friday at the University hospital, where he developed a serious case of pneumonia. The father arrived in Iowa City at 6 o'clock Saturday morning and the mother came at 9:20 that evening. Both parents remained at the boy's bedside until he passed away. Bernard Wallace was born at Belmond on May 28, 1901. He attended school at Belmond, and in South Dakota, but completed his high school course at Hampton last June. Besides his father and mother, he is survived by two sisters: Leona Wallace of Canton, and Jessie Wallace of Belmond. Dr. and Mrs. Wallace left yesterdoy morning for Belmond. From there the remains will be taken to Hampton for funeral services and burial. Eighty Six Men In Vocational School Eighty six men are in the University vocational training school as telephone electricians, says A. H. Ford, professor of electrical engineering. These men arrived September 1, and will remain three months, after which they will be sent to various army camps. One hundred men will arrive the first of each month and will remain for the three month's training period of the vocational training school. There will not be more than 300 men here at any time. This schedule extends to June 3, 1913. As yet the October quota has not arrived. The Y.W.C.A has planned a hike for freshman girls, to take place this afternoon at five o'clock. After meeting in the liberal arts drawing room, the girls will be divided into several small groups to prevent any danger of spreading influenza. Each girl who wishes to go is to bring her own picnic lunch, ukeleles, or other picnic equipment. Varsity in Light Workout After Cornhusker Game Lohman Reports On Field With Arm Fractured Place Can Be Filled Schedule Coe Game For Saturday Combat With Purple Eleven Has To Be Cancelled because of Government Ruling Only a small squad reported last night for the first practice following the Husker game. Coach Jones directed his charges through a snappy signal drill, this being followed with a light scrimmage. Although the first team was without the service of a few regulars they succeeded in getting the better of the scrappy second team in a short and lively game. Though some of the Hawkeye regulars were somewhat bruised and sore from the attack of the Huskers they seemed to go through signals with clocklike precision and accuracy which marked their play in the Nebraska set to. Lohman, the future all western halfback, reported with his left arm in a sling. This means that Iowa will be minus the services of the big fellow in the Coe game next Saturday. His hard and accurate line smashing plunges will be missed in no small way for the big fellow succeeded in defeating the Huskers very nearly by his own efforts, thanks to the immense holes opened up in the Nebraska line by the Hawkeye forward wall. Coach Jones is well fortified against the loss for he has a number of extra backs who would be a credit to any varsity team. Donnelly, a veteran of three years experience and one of the slippriest backs that ever donned the Hawkeye moleskins, is out again and his presence will relieve the worry connected with the situation. In addition to Donnelly, Voege from last years team must be reckoned with when candidates are being considered for the position vacated by Lohman's accident. Schedule Is Changed Although war time measures have destroyed a number of schedules Iowa has succeeded in filling in its open date on the coming Saturday with Carruther's Coe college team. Northwestern came next on the Iowa schedule, but this game has been cancelled because authorities have refused to allow University teams to make trips that require their staying away from their own school for more than the time allowed by the war department. In order to be back the same night the game is played, the Hawkeyes were forced to call the Purple game off, and schedule the next battle with the fast Coe crew. The loss of the purple game from the card was a hard blow as this fray would greatly improve Iowa's ranking among the Big 10 schools. In recent years the Hawkeyes have had little trouble in winning from Murphy's men, and the style in which the Iowa team is travelling now indicates that the Hawkeyes could, if given the chance, have easily downed the Evanston squad. Coe has also had some hard luck, war taking a number of their best athletes. Although this will be the first game on their schedule, they will no doubt prove to be a worthy foe, for Coe has in the last few years (continued on page 4) Helen Bennison Dies Helen C. Bennison, daughter of J. Bennison, dry goods merchant of this city, died Sunday noon, October 6, of pleural pneumonia. Her illness dated from Friday morining when she was obliged to come home from work. Miss Bennison was a sophomore in the University in 1915. Funeral services will be today, Tuesday, at 4 o'clock at the home 329 South Dodge Street. Jessup Is Speaker At Girls' Meeting President Tells Women of Duty In Present Crisis "Must Carry on" President W. A. Jessup was the speaker at a mass meetnieg for university women held on the steps of the liberal arts building at 11:30 o'clock yesterday morning. He talked to them about the epidemic which has been sweeping over the country and gave them a few simple precautions to follow. When the epidemic first broke out, he declared, the question was whether the authorities should wait until the people were sick and then put them in hospitals or whether to examine everybody and isolate the suspected cases. The latter idea was quickly decided upon by the University authorities, and the women's gymnasium was taken over for the men who are likely to take down with the disease. In former years professors always arranged their classes and schedules to suit themselves, he stated, but now they must change their plans to suit the government. Each one in the University ought to make a little sacrifice for the men in the S.A.T..C. The president declared himself confident that the girls would catch the spirit, that they would make the sacrifice, that they would safeguard their health as well as that of the men. In closing the president said: "The mere fact that you are in this University community, that you have interests here, ought to metn that each girl involve a certain amount of response that you can and must maintain. You all must carry on." About 800 women attended the meeting. Reserve Corps Go In Active Service Notices sent out from the adjutant's office yesterday to deans of various professional colleges ask for rosters of the men in the enlisted reserve corps. It is likely that men of the enlisted reserve corps will be transferred to active duty and the S.A.T.C. some time this week. The rosters requested include men enlisted in the engineering, dental, medical, quartermaster, signal, ordnance and veterinary corps, and the naval reserve. Men are being asked to pay their own expenses until they are formally inducted, as the government does not provide subsistence until men are in active service. Football Men In Barracks No partiality will be shown to football men by military authorities. Practically all the football men are in the S.A.T.C., and contrary to current report they will be quartered in the regular barracks. In an interview yesterday Coach Jones said that they will practice as usual in spite of the quarantine. Isolation Cases Not Of Serious Nature Rienow Isolation Facilities Are Adequate For All Possible Cases at Institution Fatalities From Disease Are Few Faculty Members and Students Have Their Examinations at University Hospital Influenza cases among S.A.T.C. men numbered between 450 and 500 yesterday afternoon. None were seriously ill, declared R. E. Rienow, adviser of men when he made his round to each of the detention hospitals in the morning. A single fatality, that of Bernard Wallace, has occurred. Currier Hall has been made official isolation hospital for women with influenza or suspected cases. Floors one, two, and three of the west wing have been set aside for hospital purposes. The girls who had rooms on this side have moved to the Delta Tau, Theta Xi, and Phi Psi houses, except those who have developed the influenza. Only eight real cases were reported from the Hall yesterday. Isolate For Colds In addition to the regular isolation hospital which had been filled for some days, the Sigma Nu, Phi Delt, Psi Omega, women's gymnasium, and low building are in use for detention purposes. Cases or suspected cases are sent to the University hospital where they are placed in the corridors until they can be assigned to definite detention hospitals. During the day yesterday the examination of faculty members and assistants took place at the University hospital. Students who for some reason has missed their appointments last week were also examined. Every possible effort is being made by University medical authorities both civil and military to give cases prompt treatment so that no serious developments follow. Men with bad colds are isolated in rooms to themselves and are watched carefully for signs of the disease. Died Sunday Bernard Wallace, who died Sunday morning the first victim of influenza among University men was taken sick the day after he arrived here. He was only 17 years old and was installed in the auxiliary barracks at 617 S. Van Buren street. He is the son of a physician in Belmond. Vacant rooms in the Dey building are not being used for detention purposes. The University has secured them for guard houses and guard relief. Men on guard duty at the various buildings about the campus rest there between shifts. Writes Iowa Song Mrs. Sadie Hess Ford, wife of A. H. Ford, professor of electrical engineering, is the author of a new and snappy university song, "Three Cheers For Iowa." The song consists of two verses and a chorus into which Mrs. Ford has successfully worked a university yell. Much credit is due to author of the new song, for the music as well as the words is original. As yet, the song has not been formally sung, but copies may be had at a down town music store.
The Daily Iowan The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa Vol. VXIII New series VOL. III Iowa City, Iowa, Tuesday, October 8, 1918 Number 7 Hawkeyes Return All Lit Up Over Nebraska Victory Iowa Squad Defeats Huskers For First Time in 19 Years Tied in 1909 Lohman Plays A Brilliant Game Iowa Victory Is Decisive Line Holds Like Stone Score in Third Quarter The Iowa team returned Sunday morning after downing the Huskers in the fastest game of the season by a 12 to 0 score. Although tired and weary through their long ride on a rattler, the Hawkeyes were in the best spirits for this was the first time in many years that an Iowa team has ever handed a cipher to an eleven from the Nebraska metropolis of learning. It took Jones' men just two quarters to get going in order to make their hard driving attack count in the box score, for it was not until the third quarter that Iowa scored. In comparing the two teams, Iowa outclassed its rivals so far that a few figures make the Huskers like a high school eleven and not a university team. The Hawkeyes made 19 first downs to Nebraska 7 and their yardage nearly tripled that of the Huskers. When one sees this, the question comes up, who's the reason? This may be answered by one word Lohman. It was this hard driving tank who hit the Husker wall for a huge grain on every attempt he made. In figuring up his gains, it is found that the Fort Madison boy crawled through for a total of 92 yards, in 24 tries and average of 4 yards each time. His punts also were good for 45 yards. Scott also proved his worth, for he always responded with a telling gain. In Sykes, Iowa has found a fullback who is on a par with the best in the west. The line held its own against the enemy wall in easy fashion, and they were the deciding factors that made it possible for the backs to go through. Below is a short summary by quarters: First Quarter Nebraska won the toss and chose the north goal. Greenie kicked off for 60 yards., McMahon returning the oval 7 yds. Here a penalty caused them to punt and Iowa took the ball only to lose it on a fumble. Nebraska began an attack which carried the ball to Iowa's one yd. line. Schellenberger, McMahon and Hubka were good for the gain. Lohman punted out of danger and Nebraska came (continued on page 4) No Intercollegiate Debate This Year No intercollegeiate debate has been arranged, nor is it likely there will be any intercollegiate oratorical contest, according to Prof. Glenn N. Merry of the department of public speaking. He states further that the men's literary societies will be inactive this year but the Forensic league will meet every other week and all students who are interested will be welcome. The Dramatic club will organize as usual, Professor Merry has just returned from a trip in western Iowa where he held patriotic meetings in Orange City, Sioux City, and Denison in the interests of Four Minute men. Official Notice To S.A.T.C. All men who are enlisted in the various reserve corps (including the engineer, dental, medical, quartermaster, signal, ordnance and veterinary corps and naval reserve) and who are enrolled in the State University of Iowa, will report to Lieutenant Cook at the women's gymnasium at 10 o'clock Tuesday, Oct. 8 for the purpose of being called to active duty and being transferred to the Students' Army Training Corps. LeRoy E. Cook 1st Lieut. Inf. U.S.A Adjutant. Bernard Wallace, Freshman, Dies Pneumonia Develops and Proves Fatal to Member of the Auxillary Corps Bernard Wallace of Belmond, a member of the Auxillary unit of the S.A.T.C. and freshman in the University, died at the University hospital at 11 o'clock Saturday morning. Too young to enter the S.A.T.C. he registered for regular freshman work in the college of liberal arts. After coming to Iowa City he spent a few days at the home of his cousin, B. E. Manville of Manville Heights. In keeping with his wish to enter some branch of the army, he was transferred to the barracks for boys under military age, located at 617 S Van Buren street. He reported Friday at the University hospital, where he developed a serious case of pneumonia. The father arrived in Iowa City at 6 o'clock Saturday morning and the mother came at 9:20 that evening. Both parents remained at the boy's bedside until he passed away. Bernard Wallace was born at Belmond on May 28, 1901. He attended school at Belmond, and in South Dakota, but completed his high school course at Hampton last June. Besides his father and mother, he is survived by two sisters: Leona Wallace of Canton, and Jessie Wallace of Belmond. Dr. and Mrs. Wallace left yesterdoy morning for Belmond. From there the remains will be taken to Hampton for funeral services and burial. Eighty Six Men In Vocational School Eighty six men are in the University vocational training school as telephone electricians, says A. H. Ford, professor of electrical engineering. These men arrived September 1, and will remain three months, after which they will be sent to various army camps. One hundred men will arrive the first of each month and will remain for the three month's training period of the vocational training school. There will not be more than 300 men here at any time. This schedule extends to June 3, 1913. As yet the October quota has not arrived. The Y.W.C.A has planned a hike for freshman girls, to take place this afternoon at five o'clock. After meeting in the liberal arts drawing room, the girls will be divided into several small groups to prevent any danger of spreading influenza. Each girl who wishes to go is to bring her own picnic lunch, ukeleles, or other picnic equipment. Varsity in Light Workout After Cornhusker Game Lohman Reports On Field With Arm Fractured Place Can Be Filled Schedule Coe Game For Saturday Combat With Purple Eleven Has To Be Cancelled because of Government Ruling Only a small squad reported last night for the first practice following the Husker game. Coach Jones directed his charges through a snappy signal drill, this being followed with a light scrimmage. Although the first team was without the service of a few regulars they succeeded in getting the better of the scrappy second team in a short and lively game. Though some of the Hawkeye regulars were somewhat bruised and sore from the attack of the Huskers they seemed to go through signals with clocklike precision and accuracy which marked their play in the Nebraska set to. Lohman, the future all western halfback, reported with his left arm in a sling. This means that Iowa will be minus the services of the big fellow in the Coe game next Saturday. His hard and accurate line smashing plunges will be missed in no small way for the big fellow succeeded in defeating the Huskers very nearly by his own efforts, thanks to the immense holes opened up in the Nebraska line by the Hawkeye forward wall. Coach Jones is well fortified against the loss for he has a number of extra backs who would be a credit to any varsity team. Donnelly, a veteran of three years experience and one of the slippriest backs that ever donned the Hawkeye moleskins, is out again and his presence will relieve the worry connected with the situation. In addition to Donnelly, Voege from last years team must be reckoned with when candidates are being considered for the position vacated by Lohman's accident. Schedule Is Changed Although war time measures have destroyed a number of schedules Iowa has succeeded in filling in its open date on the coming Saturday with Carruther's Coe college team. Northwestern came next on the Iowa schedule, but this game has been cancelled because authorities have refused to allow University teams to make trips that require their staying away from their own school for more than the time allowed by the war department. In order to be back the same night the game is played, the Hawkeyes were forced to call the Purple game off, and schedule the next battle with the fast Coe crew. The loss of the purple game from the card was a hard blow as this fray would greatly improve Iowa's ranking among the Big 10 schools. In recent years the Hawkeyes have had little trouble in winning from Murphy's men, and the style in which the Iowa team is travelling now indicates that the Hawkeyes could, if given the chance, have easily downed the Evanston squad. Coe has also had some hard luck, war taking a number of their best athletes. Although this will be the first game on their schedule, they will no doubt prove to be a worthy foe, for Coe has in the last few years (continued on page 4) Helen Bennison Dies Helen C. Bennison, daughter of J. Bennison, dry goods merchant of this city, died Sunday noon, October 6, of pleural pneumonia. Her illness dated from Friday morining when she was obliged to come home from work. Miss Bennison was a sophomore in the University in 1915. Funeral services will be today, Tuesday, at 4 o'clock at the home 329 South Dodge Street. Jessup Is Speaker At Girls' Meeting President Tells Women of Duty In Present Crisis "Must Carry on" President W. A. Jessup was the speaker at a mass meetnieg for university women held on the steps of the liberal arts building at 11:30 o'clock yesterday morning. He talked to them about the epidemic which has been sweeping over the country and gave them a few simple precautions to follow. When the epidemic first broke out, he declared, the question was whether the authorities should wait until the people were sick and then put them in hospitals or whether to examine everybody and isolate the suspected cases. The latter idea was quickly decided upon by the University authorities, and the women's gymnasium was taken over for the men who are likely to take down with the disease. In former years professors always arranged their classes and schedules to suit themselves, he stated, but now they must change their plans to suit the government. Each one in the University ought to make a little sacrifice for the men in the S.A.T..C. The president declared himself confident that the girls would catch the spirit, that they would make the sacrifice, that they would safeguard their health as well as that of the men. In closing the president said: "The mere fact that you are in this University community, that you have interests here, ought to metn that each girl involve a certain amount of response that you can and must maintain. You all must carry on." About 800 women attended the meeting. Reserve Corps Go In Active Service Notices sent out from the adjutant's office yesterday to deans of various professional colleges ask for rosters of the men in the enlisted reserve corps. It is likely that men of the enlisted reserve corps will be transferred to active duty and the S.A.T.C. some time this week. The rosters requested include men enlisted in the engineering, dental, medical, quartermaster, signal, ordnance and veterinary corps, and the naval reserve. Men are being asked to pay their own expenses until they are formally inducted, as the government does not provide subsistence until men are in active service. Football Men In Barracks No partiality will be shown to football men by military authorities. Practically all the football men are in the S.A.T.C., and contrary to current report they will be quartered in the regular barracks. In an interview yesterday Coach Jones said that they will practice as usual in spite of the quarantine. Isolation Cases Not Of Serious Nature Rienow Isolation Facilities Are Adequate For All Possible Cases at Institution Fatalities From Disease Are Few Faculty Members and Students Have Their Examinations at University Hospital Influenza cases among S.A.T.C. men numbered between 450 and 500 yesterday afternoon. None were seriously ill, declared R. E. Rienow, adviser of men when he made his round to each of the detention hospitals in the morning. A single fatality, that of Bernard Wallace, has occurred. Currier Hall has been made official isolation hospital for women with influenza or suspected cases. Floors one, two, and three of the west wing have been set aside for hospital purposes. The girls who had rooms on this side have moved to the Delta Tau, Theta Xi, and Phi Psi houses, except those who have developed the influenza. Only eight real cases were reported from the Hall yesterday. Isolate For Colds In addition to the regular isolation hospital which had been filled for some days, the Sigma Nu, Phi Delt, Psi Omega, women's gymnasium, and low building are in use for detention purposes. Cases or suspected cases are sent to the University hospital where they are placed in the corridors until they can be assigned to definite detention hospitals. During the day yesterday the examination of faculty members and assistants took place at the University hospital. Students who for some reason has missed their appointments last week were also examined. Every possible effort is being made by University medical authorities both civil and military to give cases prompt treatment so that no serious developments follow. Men with bad colds are isolated in rooms to themselves and are watched carefully for signs of the disease. Died Sunday Bernard Wallace, who died Sunday morning the first victim of influenza among University men was taken sick the day after he arrived here. He was only 17 years old and was installed in the auxiliary barracks at 617 S. Van Buren street. He is the son of a physician in Belmond. Vacant rooms in the Dey building are not being used for detention purposes. The University has secured them for guard houses and guard relief. Men on guard duty at the various buildings about the campus rest there between shifts. Writes Iowa Song Mrs. Sadie Hess Ford, wife of A. H. Ford, professor of electrical engineering, is the author of a new and snappy university song, "Three Cheers For Iowa." The song consists of two verses and a chorus into which Mrs. Ford has successfully worked a university yell. Much credit is due to author of the new song, for the music as well as the words is original. As yet, the song has not been formally sung, but copies may be had at a down town music store.
Daily Iowan Newspapers