Daily Iowan, October 8, 1918
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, October 8, 1918 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. WANTED- A good baritone soloist. Church position call 815. WANTED- Boarders by the week two or three meals. 335 S. Clinton 9 Wanted- Student girl to work for board and room. Phone Black 2202 9 LOST-Conklin fountain pen near Natural science. Return too Iowan office. TO RENT-Two large front rooms meals served for girls Call B 216 9 LOST- A tank service pin on or near campus. Return to Iowan office (continued from page 1) HAWKEYES RETURN FROM NEBRASKA back to the 20 yd. line, where Hubka tried a kick which failed. Second Quarter After a penalty, Nebraska kicked for 30 yds. and Iowa took the ball only to lose it on downs. The Huskers went to our 18 yd. line and Lohman made 19 yds. on three plays through center. Iowa fumbled and Nebraska recovered, only to be set back by a penalty for holding. The Hawks started an offense that carried the oval to Nebraska'a 37 yard line. Lohman, Scott, Kelley and Sykes found the openings. Third Quarter Iowa took the ball on her 18 yard line and soon began to hit the Husker wall for huge gains, Lohman, Scott and Sykes gaining on each play. This brought the ball to Nebraska's 10 yd. line from where Lohman shot a pretty pass to Reed. Score: Iowa 6, Neb: 0 Greenwood booted the oval over the line, McMahon returning 5 yds. Hubka punted 30 yds. and Iowa returned 12 yds. Lohman hit for 12 yds. Scott added two, Sykes made 3, Lohman added with 4 more, Sykes 4 through tackle. It was Iowa's ball on Nebraska's 3 yard line. Here the big halfback Lohman was called to take it over, going through center for 4 yards and a touchdown. The score was Iowa 12, Huskers, 0. Fourth Quarter Greenie kicked off 50 yds. Hubka returning for 15 yds. The Nebraska pilot, seeing his chances fading, sent Hubka, the big ace through for three successive gains, totalling 41 yds. Nebraska ran in several new men at this point of the game as the starters seemed to give away under the rific attack being used by the Hawkeyes. The Huskers gave the ball to the Iowa team on downs and the Old Gold immediately began to tear up the enemy's line. Sykes slid off tackle 4 yds., Lohman through for 5 more, Scott hit a tackle for three, and Lohman ended the drive with a mammoth gain for 6 yds. The first down was again to Iowa. On an incomplete pass Nebraska took the ball, bringing it out on the 35 yd. line. Nebraska fumbled and Iowa recovered. Scott went through for 5 yds., Lohman repeated for 5 and a first down. Sykes came through for 4 yds, Slater was called back from his tackle entrenchment and found his way clear for 4 yds and a rst down. Time was called with the ball in Iowa's possession on the Huskers 5 yd line. Score: Iowa 12, Nebraska 0. Fraternities at University of Kensas have the "business as usual" sign up. At the opening of the school year nine national fraternities pledged over 160. At the Missouri University the first classes of the day begin at 7:30. (continued from page 1) VARSITY UNDERGOES LIGHT WORKOUT turned out a team on a par with the best elevens in the state. Coach Jones has mapped out a week of hard training and practice, to be carried out in order that the Hawks may be at their best in the second game of the season for Iowa Field. ALL WOMEN STUDENTS MUST STAY IN CITY Epidemiologist Orders Girls and Men Not In Barracks To Remain Here No student will be allowed to leave Iowa City for his home during the period of quarrantine, according to an order given out by Dr. John H. Hamilton, state epidemiologist today. The reason for this new ruling is to prevent the spreading of the disease throughout the state. Several young women have already gone home, but such action has been discouraged ever since the epidemic began. University authorities believe that women will be in less danger attending classes during the period of the epidemic than if they were excused from them. All students, however, who have a cold, influenza, or any other disease are asked to remain out of class. Persons who cough or sneeze during class hours or on the campus without covering their noses and mouths with handkerchiefs will be reported to the University hospital as well as to the health authorities of the city. In all such cases, the students are asked to remain at home, to isolate themselves from other persons in the house, and at all times, except when taking meals, to have the nose and mouth covered with gauze or other cloth. PROF. BORDWELL IS GRANTED MAJORSHIP Prof. Percy Bordwell, formerly professor in the college of law and until recently a captain in the National Army, has been given his majorship and is now serving in a school or staff officers in France. Professor Bordwell was granted a leave of absence from the University to enter the army shortly after the declaration of war. He was stationed at Camp Dodge before being sent abroad. Mrs. Bordwell, after a brief visit in Iowa City, has left for Chicago to visit at the home of Prof. and Mrs. Barry Gilbert. HOLT WINS RECOGNITION IN ARMY A.H. Holt, Instructor at University Now a Captain Although ten years under age, A.H. Holt of the college of applied science, University of Iowa, is a captain in the engineering corps of the army. He is also adjutant of his regiment, an unusual attainment for a reserve officer since adjutants are rarely chosen from other than regular army men. Captain Holt is stationed at Camp Lee, Virginia, with the 305th engineers. When he won his promotion he was twenty-seven, then one year under age. Now the age requirement for a captainey in the engineering corps is 37 years. Captain Holt was instructor in civil engineering at the University for three years and is on leave of absence for the period of the war. He is a graduate of Vermont University. Cora Richards, secretary of the alumni bureau, has the grippe and is confined to her home on Dearborn street. BOOK AND CRAFT SHOP University text books for all colleges Loose-leaf notebooks, fillers, fountain pens Laboratory supplies 124 EAST WASHINGTON STREET THE FASHION SHOP Ladies, Misses and Childrens Suits Millinery and Furnishings Elegant new line of waists and afternoon dresses MARGARENT CASH 205 E. WASHINGTON St. VENUS PENCILS These famous pencils are the standard by which all other pencils are judged. 17 black degrees 6B softest to 9H hardest and hard and medium copying Look for the VENUS finish FREE! Trial Samples of VENUS Pencils and Eraser sent free. Please enclose 6c in stamps for packing and postage. American Lead Pencil Co. 215 Fifth Avenue. N.Y. Dept. D T. DELL KELLEY "THE OLD RELIABLE" Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Military Suits to Order 211 E. COLLEGE ST. TELEPHONE 17 Our Army Shoes are Made Right and Priced Right. $5.50 to $7.00 Geo. H. Duker 127 E. COLLEGE ST. REGULATION "MUNSON" ARMY SHOES $5.00 $6.00 $7.00 Philip J. Stach ESTABLISHED 1885 IOWA CITY IA. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES 17 South Dubuque St. Is Your Soldier Boy a long way from Home? If he is, he will probably want to hear from all his old University friends. He will want to know the astonishing developments that are now taking place on the old campus. You can write him of course. But you are busy and can't remember to tell him everything when you write to him. THE DAILY IOWAN will solve your problem. This student owned University newspaper makes a specialty of gathering accurately and quickly all the news of the campus. Subscribe now and let your boy know that the University is a real military camp and is doing its share in the winning of the war. For the period of the war published three times a week. Subscription $2.
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, October 8, 1918 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. WANTED- A good baritone soloist. Church position call 815. WANTED- Boarders by the week two or three meals. 335 S. Clinton 9 Wanted- Student girl to work for board and room. Phone Black 2202 9 LOST-Conklin fountain pen near Natural science. Return too Iowan office. TO RENT-Two large front rooms meals served for girls Call B 216 9 LOST- A tank service pin on or near campus. Return to Iowan office (continued from page 1) HAWKEYES RETURN FROM NEBRASKA back to the 20 yd. line, where Hubka tried a kick which failed. Second Quarter After a penalty, Nebraska kicked for 30 yds. and Iowa took the ball only to lose it on downs. The Huskers went to our 18 yd. line and Lohman made 19 yds. on three plays through center. Iowa fumbled and Nebraska recovered, only to be set back by a penalty for holding. The Hawks started an offense that carried the oval to Nebraska'a 37 yard line. Lohman, Scott, Kelley and Sykes found the openings. Third Quarter Iowa took the ball on her 18 yard line and soon began to hit the Husker wall for huge gains, Lohman, Scott and Sykes gaining on each play. This brought the ball to Nebraska's 10 yd. line from where Lohman shot a pretty pass to Reed. Score: Iowa 6, Neb: 0 Greenwood booted the oval over the line, McMahon returning 5 yds. Hubka punted 30 yds. and Iowa returned 12 yds. Lohman hit for 12 yds. Scott added two, Sykes made 3, Lohman added with 4 more, Sykes 4 through tackle. It was Iowa's ball on Nebraska's 3 yard line. Here the big halfback Lohman was called to take it over, going through center for 4 yards and a touchdown. The score was Iowa 12, Huskers, 0. Fourth Quarter Greenie kicked off 50 yds. Hubka returning for 15 yds. The Nebraska pilot, seeing his chances fading, sent Hubka, the big ace through for three successive gains, totalling 41 yds. Nebraska ran in several new men at this point of the game as the starters seemed to give away under the rific attack being used by the Hawkeyes. The Huskers gave the ball to the Iowa team on downs and the Old Gold immediately began to tear up the enemy's line. Sykes slid off tackle 4 yds., Lohman through for 5 more, Scott hit a tackle for three, and Lohman ended the drive with a mammoth gain for 6 yds. The first down was again to Iowa. On an incomplete pass Nebraska took the ball, bringing it out on the 35 yd. line. Nebraska fumbled and Iowa recovered. Scott went through for 5 yds., Lohman repeated for 5 and a first down. Sykes came through for 4 yds, Slater was called back from his tackle entrenchment and found his way clear for 4 yds and a rst down. Time was called with the ball in Iowa's possession on the Huskers 5 yd line. Score: Iowa 12, Nebraska 0. Fraternities at University of Kensas have the "business as usual" sign up. At the opening of the school year nine national fraternities pledged over 160. At the Missouri University the first classes of the day begin at 7:30. (continued from page 1) VARSITY UNDERGOES LIGHT WORKOUT turned out a team on a par with the best elevens in the state. Coach Jones has mapped out a week of hard training and practice, to be carried out in order that the Hawks may be at their best in the second game of the season for Iowa Field. ALL WOMEN STUDENTS MUST STAY IN CITY Epidemiologist Orders Girls and Men Not In Barracks To Remain Here No student will be allowed to leave Iowa City for his home during the period of quarrantine, according to an order given out by Dr. John H. Hamilton, state epidemiologist today. The reason for this new ruling is to prevent the spreading of the disease throughout the state. Several young women have already gone home, but such action has been discouraged ever since the epidemic began. University authorities believe that women will be in less danger attending classes during the period of the epidemic than if they were excused from them. All students, however, who have a cold, influenza, or any other disease are asked to remain out of class. Persons who cough or sneeze during class hours or on the campus without covering their noses and mouths with handkerchiefs will be reported to the University hospital as well as to the health authorities of the city. In all such cases, the students are asked to remain at home, to isolate themselves from other persons in the house, and at all times, except when taking meals, to have the nose and mouth covered with gauze or other cloth. PROF. BORDWELL IS GRANTED MAJORSHIP Prof. Percy Bordwell, formerly professor in the college of law and until recently a captain in the National Army, has been given his majorship and is now serving in a school or staff officers in France. Professor Bordwell was granted a leave of absence from the University to enter the army shortly after the declaration of war. He was stationed at Camp Dodge before being sent abroad. Mrs. Bordwell, after a brief visit in Iowa City, has left for Chicago to visit at the home of Prof. and Mrs. Barry Gilbert. HOLT WINS RECOGNITION IN ARMY A.H. Holt, Instructor at University Now a Captain Although ten years under age, A.H. Holt of the college of applied science, University of Iowa, is a captain in the engineering corps of the army. He is also adjutant of his regiment, an unusual attainment for a reserve officer since adjutants are rarely chosen from other than regular army men. Captain Holt is stationed at Camp Lee, Virginia, with the 305th engineers. When he won his promotion he was twenty-seven, then one year under age. Now the age requirement for a captainey in the engineering corps is 37 years. Captain Holt was instructor in civil engineering at the University for three years and is on leave of absence for the period of the war. He is a graduate of Vermont University. Cora Richards, secretary of the alumni bureau, has the grippe and is confined to her home on Dearborn street. BOOK AND CRAFT SHOP University text books for all colleges Loose-leaf notebooks, fillers, fountain pens Laboratory supplies 124 EAST WASHINGTON STREET THE FASHION SHOP Ladies, Misses and Childrens Suits Millinery and Furnishings Elegant new line of waists and afternoon dresses MARGARENT CASH 205 E. WASHINGTON St. VENUS PENCILS These famous pencils are the standard by which all other pencils are judged. 17 black degrees 6B softest to 9H hardest and hard and medium copying Look for the VENUS finish FREE! Trial Samples of VENUS Pencils and Eraser sent free. Please enclose 6c in stamps for packing and postage. American Lead Pencil Co. 215 Fifth Avenue. N.Y. Dept. D T. DELL KELLEY "THE OLD RELIABLE" Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing Military Suits to Order 211 E. COLLEGE ST. TELEPHONE 17 Our Army Shoes are Made Right and Priced Right. $5.50 to $7.00 Geo. H. Duker 127 E. COLLEGE ST. REGULATION "MUNSON" ARMY SHOES $5.00 $6.00 $7.00 Philip J. Stach ESTABLISHED 1885 IOWA CITY IA. THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES 17 South Dubuque St. Is Your Soldier Boy a long way from Home? If he is, he will probably want to hear from all his old University friends. He will want to know the astonishing developments that are now taking place on the old campus. You can write him of course. But you are busy and can't remember to tell him everything when you write to him. THE DAILY IOWAN will solve your problem. This student owned University newspaper makes a specialty of gathering accurately and quickly all the news of the campus. Subscribe now and let your boy know that the University is a real military camp and is doing its share in the winning of the war. For the period of the war published three times a week. Subscription $2.
Daily Iowan Newspapers