Daily Iowan, October 13, 1918
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday, October 13, 1918 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions, Want ads cash in advance. WANTED--A good baritone soloist. Church position call 815. WANTED--Boarders by the week, two or three meals. 335 S. Clinton. 9 Wanted--Student girl to work for board and room. Pone Black 2202. 9 LOST--Conklin fountain pen near Natural science. Return to Iowan office. TO RENT--Two large front rooms meals served for girls. Call B 216 9 LOST--A tank service pin on or near campus. Return to Iowan office LOST--Glasses with chain and hairpin. Return Iowan office 9 LOST--A Pi Beta Phi diamond arrow. Finder call B 925 Reward LOST--Sigma pi pin between women's gym and Yetter's. Liberal reward. LOST--Pi Phi arrow, jewelled, near Home Ec, armory, or West Side. Call B 749 10 (continued from page 1) MANY FACULTY MEN ARE IN THE SERVICE From the department of English: Conger Reynolds, lieutenant, staff of Gen. Pershing; Henning Larsen, lieutenant, assistant military attachee, American legation, Christiania, Norway; Walter L. Myers, lieutenant, artillery, Camp Hancock. From the college of applied science: B. J. Lamber, major, 23rd Highway Engineers, 3rd Batallion; B. P. Fleming, captain; A. H. Holt, captain. From the college of dentistry: Earling lieutenant; V. Van Zele lieutenant, aviation; C. A. Pike, lieutenant. From the college of pharmacy: R. A. Kuever, Fort Sheridan. From the college of medicine: John B. Gregg, 1st lieutenant, field ambulance; T. R. Gittins, 1st lieutenant, Camp Dix; L. A. Nelson, 1st lieutenant, Fort Riley; H. R. Secoy, 1st lieutenant, Fort Riley; W. Diven, 1st lieutenant, Fort Riley; W. J. Foster, 1st lieutenant, Fort Oglethorpe; C. E. Chenoweth, 1st lieutenant, Fort Oglethorpe; E. E. Hobby, captain; C. A. Dragstedt, 2nd lieutenant; H. L. Beye, lieutenant; C. Van Epps, major, Fort Riley; J. Hinman, lieutenant; H. Jenkinson, lieutenant; James L. Laughlin, lieutenant. From the college of law: Percy Bordwell, major, Camp Dodge. From the child welfare station: Bird T. Baldwin, major, S. C. N. A. PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE AVAILABLE S. L. Franzen Now Identified With Physics Department The University is fortunate at this time, when so many photographers have been called into the service of the Government, to be able to avail itself of the services of S. L. Franzen, who until recently conducted the studio of Franzen and Benson. Mr. Franzen is installed in the photographic laboratory of the department of physics and is prepared to take care of all kinds of photographic work including slide making and enlargements. All arrangements are to be made directly with Mr. Franzen, who can be reached through the University mail service. Send the Iowan home. (continued from page 1) HAWKEYES TROUNCE COE COLLEGE TEAM gin. Time and time again did the Hawks take the ball to their 10 yd. line only to have a pass broken up or the ball taken away on a fumble. Justin who attempted to represent the Hawkeye school on the cinders this spring ,received the kickoff in the latter part of the third quarter and eluded the entire Coe team for a gain of 35 yards. Placing the ball on the midfield chalk mark. Iowa fumbled here, Coe taking the ball. After the second down, Hill failed in an attempt for a goal. Iowa punted through and smeared Chamber's punt, Iowa taking the ball on the Coe 3 yd. line. By the start of the final quarter, Jones had an entire new team with only four old men to make the exception. Iowa carried the ball down to the visitors, 10, 5, and 3yd mark only to be spurned by the effect of a penalty, fumble or some other unlucky reason. After an exchange of punts Iowa got the oval on her own 25 yd. line and drove Coe back on her 2 yard line from where Scottie went over for this third touchdown, Justin missed his try for goal. Scott, Voege, Sykes, and Belding were good for the gains. A few minutes before time was called, Coe marched to Iowa's 12 yd. line only to have its chance blasted by the whistle. Considering the fact that Iowa was minus four varsity men, the Hawks put up a fine brand of football. The line stood up well and the backs found the holes to perfection. If any individual must be picked out as the star, Scottie should be the one for their husky back hit the line for telling gains, netting 3 markers. His passing was of the best too. Belding, proved that he is no flash in the pan for his kicks went for 45 and 50 yards, while his plunges reached the 15 yd. mark. Sykes and Voege also were good for huge gain any Time that it was needed. The entire Coe team put up a stiff battle with Hill, Habenicht, and Filipi in the limelight. Iowa. Coe. Smith E. RE Lundaman LE Slater RG Haesk Lt Block RG Monroe LG Heldt C Kremers C Mockmore LG Chambers LG Lynhorst LT Wood RT Worth LE Finch RE Kelly QB Hill QB Donnelly RHB Habenicht RHB Sykes LHB Collins LHB Scott FB Filipi FB Touchdonws: Scott 2, Sykes 1. Goals from touchdown Kelly 3. Referee, Hedges. Umpire, Van Meter. Substitutions Belding for Donnelly, P. Belding for E. Smith, H. Smith for P. Belding Cumberland for Heldt, Jewell for Slater, Parker for Worth, Scranlon for Parker, Harding for Mockmore. MARQUARDT-MURPHY The wedding of Lieut. Thomas C. Murphy of Red Oak and Marion Marquardt of Des Moines took place in Des Moines, Saturday, October 12. Mrs. Murphy is a former University student and a member of the Delta Gamma sorority. Lieutenant Murphy, a Sigma Chi, was on the Daily Iowan staff for three years, and last year acted as managing editor. After going to Chicago they will make a brief visit in Iowa City. Friends in Iowa City were unable to attend the wedding on account of quarantine regulations. EXCUSE US, PLEASE The Iowan was mistaken Thursday in quoting Dr. H. J. Prentiss to the effect that the use of atomizers and especially nasal sprays drives influenza germs into the sinuses and may result in serious operative cases. MESS HALL FUMIGATED The mess hall at the women's gymnasium was fumigated Friday under the direction of Doctor Chase. Flies have been numerous this week and the fumigation was suggested as a means of getting rid of them. Alexander Simms, of Harlan, arrived yesterday to visit his son, George, freshman in liberal arts. Marie M. Agnew, instructor in mathematics, has been ill the past week with a severe case of the influenza. She is now recovering. ATHENA: The will be a regular business meeting of the society in the L. A. auditorium at 4:30 [T?] President. Two University of Missouri [g?] are in training for motor corps [w?] WARM KIMONOS Just the kind you need to slip on these cool, crispy mornings and feel perfectly comfortable and at ease in. Beautiful patterns and styles, in either light or dark colors, with elastic or loose waist. Long or three-quarter length sleeves. All sizes. Paice $2.50, $3.00, $3.98 and $4.98. BLANKET BATH ROBES Of heavy blanket cloth in fancy colors including rose, Copenhagen, purple, gray, red, and brown. They have large collars, long sleeves, pockets and a cord at the waist. Special values at-- $4.98, $5.98, $6.98 $7.98 to $12.85 KIMONA AND BATH ROBE MATERIALS, ALSO BATH ROBE BLANKETS Yetter's THE BIG STORE IOWA CITY'S GREATEST AND BEST STORE COASTS' Military Tent For the period of the quarantine military clothing and accessories will be sold in temporary quarters located north of the Old Capitol Building. Hart Schaffner and Marx dress uniforms in either stock size or made to measure COASTS'
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday, October 13, 1918 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions, Want ads cash in advance. WANTED--A good baritone soloist. Church position call 815. WANTED--Boarders by the week, two or three meals. 335 S. Clinton. 9 Wanted--Student girl to work for board and room. Pone Black 2202. 9 LOST--Conklin fountain pen near Natural science. Return to Iowan office. TO RENT--Two large front rooms meals served for girls. Call B 216 9 LOST--A tank service pin on or near campus. Return to Iowan office LOST--Glasses with chain and hairpin. Return Iowan office 9 LOST--A Pi Beta Phi diamond arrow. Finder call B 925 Reward LOST--Sigma pi pin between women's gym and Yetter's. Liberal reward. LOST--Pi Phi arrow, jewelled, near Home Ec, armory, or West Side. Call B 749 10 (continued from page 1) MANY FACULTY MEN ARE IN THE SERVICE From the department of English: Conger Reynolds, lieutenant, staff of Gen. Pershing; Henning Larsen, lieutenant, assistant military attachee, American legation, Christiania, Norway; Walter L. Myers, lieutenant, artillery, Camp Hancock. From the college of applied science: B. J. Lamber, major, 23rd Highway Engineers, 3rd Batallion; B. P. Fleming, captain; A. H. Holt, captain. From the college of dentistry: Earling lieutenant; V. Van Zele lieutenant, aviation; C. A. Pike, lieutenant. From the college of pharmacy: R. A. Kuever, Fort Sheridan. From the college of medicine: John B. Gregg, 1st lieutenant, field ambulance; T. R. Gittins, 1st lieutenant, Camp Dix; L. A. Nelson, 1st lieutenant, Fort Riley; H. R. Secoy, 1st lieutenant, Fort Riley; W. Diven, 1st lieutenant, Fort Riley; W. J. Foster, 1st lieutenant, Fort Oglethorpe; C. E. Chenoweth, 1st lieutenant, Fort Oglethorpe; E. E. Hobby, captain; C. A. Dragstedt, 2nd lieutenant; H. L. Beye, lieutenant; C. Van Epps, major, Fort Riley; J. Hinman, lieutenant; H. Jenkinson, lieutenant; James L. Laughlin, lieutenant. From the college of law: Percy Bordwell, major, Camp Dodge. From the child welfare station: Bird T. Baldwin, major, S. C. N. A. PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE AVAILABLE S. L. Franzen Now Identified With Physics Department The University is fortunate at this time, when so many photographers have been called into the service of the Government, to be able to avail itself of the services of S. L. Franzen, who until recently conducted the studio of Franzen and Benson. Mr. Franzen is installed in the photographic laboratory of the department of physics and is prepared to take care of all kinds of photographic work including slide making and enlargements. All arrangements are to be made directly with Mr. Franzen, who can be reached through the University mail service. Send the Iowan home. (continued from page 1) HAWKEYES TROUNCE COE COLLEGE TEAM gin. Time and time again did the Hawks take the ball to their 10 yd. line only to have a pass broken up or the ball taken away on a fumble. Justin who attempted to represent the Hawkeye school on the cinders this spring ,received the kickoff in the latter part of the third quarter and eluded the entire Coe team for a gain of 35 yards. Placing the ball on the midfield chalk mark. Iowa fumbled here, Coe taking the ball. After the second down, Hill failed in an attempt for a goal. Iowa punted through and smeared Chamber's punt, Iowa taking the ball on the Coe 3 yd. line. By the start of the final quarter, Jones had an entire new team with only four old men to make the exception. Iowa carried the ball down to the visitors, 10, 5, and 3yd mark only to be spurned by the effect of a penalty, fumble or some other unlucky reason. After an exchange of punts Iowa got the oval on her own 25 yd. line and drove Coe back on her 2 yard line from where Scottie went over for this third touchdown, Justin missed his try for goal. Scott, Voege, Sykes, and Belding were good for the gains. A few minutes before time was called, Coe marched to Iowa's 12 yd. line only to have its chance blasted by the whistle. Considering the fact that Iowa was minus four varsity men, the Hawks put up a fine brand of football. The line stood up well and the backs found the holes to perfection. If any individual must be picked out as the star, Scottie should be the one for their husky back hit the line for telling gains, netting 3 markers. His passing was of the best too. Belding, proved that he is no flash in the pan for his kicks went for 45 and 50 yards, while his plunges reached the 15 yd. mark. Sykes and Voege also were good for huge gain any Time that it was needed. The entire Coe team put up a stiff battle with Hill, Habenicht, and Filipi in the limelight. Iowa. Coe. Smith E. RE Lundaman LE Slater RG Haesk Lt Block RG Monroe LG Heldt C Kremers C Mockmore LG Chambers LG Lynhorst LT Wood RT Worth LE Finch RE Kelly QB Hill QB Donnelly RHB Habenicht RHB Sykes LHB Collins LHB Scott FB Filipi FB Touchdonws: Scott 2, Sykes 1. Goals from touchdown Kelly 3. Referee, Hedges. Umpire, Van Meter. Substitutions Belding for Donnelly, P. Belding for E. Smith, H. Smith for P. Belding Cumberland for Heldt, Jewell for Slater, Parker for Worth, Scranlon for Parker, Harding for Mockmore. MARQUARDT-MURPHY The wedding of Lieut. Thomas C. Murphy of Red Oak and Marion Marquardt of Des Moines took place in Des Moines, Saturday, October 12. Mrs. Murphy is a former University student and a member of the Delta Gamma sorority. Lieutenant Murphy, a Sigma Chi, was on the Daily Iowan staff for three years, and last year acted as managing editor. After going to Chicago they will make a brief visit in Iowa City. Friends in Iowa City were unable to attend the wedding on account of quarantine regulations. EXCUSE US, PLEASE The Iowan was mistaken Thursday in quoting Dr. H. J. Prentiss to the effect that the use of atomizers and especially nasal sprays drives influenza germs into the sinuses and may result in serious operative cases. MESS HALL FUMIGATED The mess hall at the women's gymnasium was fumigated Friday under the direction of Doctor Chase. Flies have been numerous this week and the fumigation was suggested as a means of getting rid of them. Alexander Simms, of Harlan, arrived yesterday to visit his son, George, freshman in liberal arts. Marie M. Agnew, instructor in mathematics, has been ill the past week with a severe case of the influenza. She is now recovering. ATHENA: The will be a regular business meeting of the society in the L. A. auditorium at 4:30 [T?] President. Two University of Missouri [g?] are in training for motor corps [w?] WARM KIMONOS Just the kind you need to slip on these cool, crispy mornings and feel perfectly comfortable and at ease in. Beautiful patterns and styles, in either light or dark colors, with elastic or loose waist. Long or three-quarter length sleeves. All sizes. Paice $2.50, $3.00, $3.98 and $4.98. BLANKET BATH ROBES Of heavy blanket cloth in fancy colors including rose, Copenhagen, purple, gray, red, and brown. They have large collars, long sleeves, pockets and a cord at the waist. Special values at-- $4.98, $5.98, $6.98 $7.98 to $12.85 KIMONA AND BATH ROBE MATERIALS, ALSO BATH ROBE BLANKETS Yetter's THE BIG STORE IOWA CITY'S GREATEST AND BEST STORE COASTS' Military Tent For the period of the quarantine military clothing and accessories will be sold in temporary quarters located north of the Old Capitol Building. Hart Schaffner and Marx dress uniforms in either stock size or made to measure COASTS'
Daily Iowan Newspapers