Daily Iowan, October 15, 1918
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PAGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, October 15, 1918 THE DAILY IOWAN A morning paper published for the period of the war three times a week--Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday--by The Daily Iowan Publishing company at 103 Iowa avenue, Iowa City EDITORIAL STAFF Mildred E. Whitcomb--Editor-in chief Telephone Black 1757 Office Hours--8 to 12; 1 to 6 daily, Room 14, L. A. building. Managing editor Rowena Wellman News Editor--Agnes Kingsbury Humorous Editor--Elizabeth Hendee Exchange Editor--Ethyn Williams Spoting Editor--G. D. Evans Feature Editor--Ruth Stewart BUSINESS STAFF Romola Latchem--Business Manager Telephone 935 Office Hours--daily, 103 Iowa Avenue Night Editor Beth Wellman Assisted by M. Elizabeth Hendee THE STAFF In announcing the staff of The Iowan, the editor makes no attempt to conceal her pride. Of their ability to co-operate she is convinced; she knows of their individual capacities. Where last year a precedent was broken to allow a place on The Iowan staff for one woman, this year a lone man finds his name on the masthead. No college, no department, no class in the institution has seen a revolution so complete. A year ago, general skepticism prevailed when the women were allowed to publish an edition of their own. In the editorial rooms and the business office their disorganized efforts were viewed with smiling condescension and open rebuke. It was several months before taunts of their business inefficiency died away. The printers still discuss the first women's edition with raillery. Now the business management of the paper, under the direction of a woman, runs without friction, and under adverse conditions of quarantine gives the financial support that is fundamental to a news sheet. In editorial matters, due to the cooperative efforts of the new staff, the paper is proceeding much as usual. Handicaps to this feminine staff mean nothing. Insurmountable obstacles simply do not exist. One paper last week was written by fifteen reporters whose sole experience in the newspaper field was limited to the composition of a personal item in the preceding class hour. The copy was edited by girls who had the first glimpse into The Iowan style book that afternoon. They laboriously counted out their first headlines for that issue. The make-up of the edition was in charge of a girl whose only claim to a night editorship was gained from following a completed "dummy" on two previous occasions. She was assisted by another young woman who only had a glimpse of a printing office on a conducted tour. The editor has been approached with no major criticism of last Thursday's issue. For the Iowan thus far, there are no apologies to make. There have been errors of expression, of fact, of makeup, but there were due almost wholly to inexperience, rarely to carelessness. Weeks, possibly a month or two, will pass before The Iowan is even approximately what its staff means for it to be, but every member of the staff announced today, together with the reportorial staff, is working toward a definite goal:--to make each issue of the paper excell its predecessor in every conceivable way. SAUCE FOR THE GOOSE Three girls, members of one of the leading sororities, slipped past the guard Sunday and made a self directed tour through the barracks and guard house on the west side of the river. It is a mystery to everyone except the girls, how they accomplished this feat. The military authorities are highly incensed at this breach of etiquette and good taste. Though the young officers smile over it in a polite and casual way, they give the impression that they do not like to be trifled with. The older officers are actually angry. One man went so far as to ask the Iowan to publish the names of the would be adventurers. This will not be done this time because it is the first offense of the kind, --not because we do not know the names. The Iowa is asked to state positively that this is a serious matter. Civilians as well as soldiers are expected to live according to the new rules and laws now in force on the campus. Warning is given that such an offense will not be treated so leniently in the future. OUR SOLDIERS' PEACE "Let the weak hearted who are dreaming of a compromise; let the pacifists who are talking a peace by agreement; let the sideliners who have had enough of war; let the secretly inclined pro-German who think this war should end without a decision--let them one and all know once and for all that for the American Expeditionary Force there is no such word as 'Peace' with the Huns unbeaten. The man who talks of peace to-day, except through victory, is a traitor."--Stars and Stripes WHAT OTHERS THINK The Daily Iowan will gladly print any communications from students or faculty membes. The writer must sign the article to show his good faith in sending it, but no name will be printed if the sender so designates. To the Editor and to a Senior Woman: Several thousand men drilling in the S. A. T. C. have cause an epidemic in the minds of a few women for similar training. That the University women should desire physical training throughout their college course to maintain the best of health is the conservative opinion of the majority. The institution is not half divided strictly speaking. The various representatives of women's organizations on the campus have the following consenus of ideas. Lillian Prentiss, president of the Iowa Woman's Athletic association states, "A few girl's like a small brother half-seriously wish to imitate their elders and wear a uniform and carry a gun. So it is with a few Iowa women they see Uncle Sam's soldiers drilling and catch the fever. The president of the Women's League, Edythe Sailor, declares, "I am strongly against strict military training for girls in my college. We have a wonderfully equipped gymnasium; let some of these militaristic women leaders go down and take a few hours work on the floor. The rudiments of military training may be learned in these exercises." The library of the State Historical library and president of the Women's Suffrage organization says "Never, but I wish physical training for all women on the campus.' The acting dean of women advocates "Let the University girl 'Keep the Home Fires Burning' and stabilize conditions. There is plenty of war work and exercise for all of us to do this year." Marion R. Lyon, head of the department of physical training believes that we should not take well trained army officers who are needed in the service to train a few women to object to even strenous physical culture. Then too, the uniform factories are having a hard time to fill rush orders for our ever increasing armies. "The Plattsburg Manual" and other manuals are complete and will give any military information that the serious minded girl desires to know. Rather let us keep up the morale of the college campus, let us help in the Red Cross shop and take the regular university work. Then let us take our hour of physical culture daily purchase a military manual for a quarter, and master everything military from a corporal up to a general. I pledge myself against the establishment of military training at the university. Senior Woman III. MORE PEP When the S. A. T. C. men were cheerfully carolling "Smiles" at their "sing" the other evening, it was remarked that they should spend their time learning Iowa songs, by means of which a little Iowa spirit might be injected into the brave soldiers. But, it might be suggested, how can they sing Iowa songs when there is no collection of them? How can they learn "Old Gold," "Iowa University Iowa," or "Three Cheers for Iowa", or even "Whoop her up for Iowa," when copies are not easily available? Northwestern has a song book, in which not only N. W. songs, but the characteristic songs of other colleges and universities and peppy little ditties have been printed. It is an admirable aid to college spirit. Why can not some competent person, familiar with Iowa spirit, collect the Iowa songs and have them published? It would be appreciated by the old grads, especially. E. W. SENTRIES GRATEFUL FOR NIGHT LUNCHES Sentry duty at night is not the gayest occupation on earth, but there are compensations, at least in Iowa City. When you are chilly, hungry S.A.T.C. boy and have been tramping all around one lonely corner for two solid hours in the middle of the night it's pretty fine to be presented with two large fat sandwiches and a liberal portion of fruit, just when you have got to the place where you are about all "in". Just as The Iowan was going to press last night, the corporal of the guard of Co. H. came into the printing office with a message from all the boys on sentry duty. They wish publicly to express their thanks to the Iowa City ladies who have generously furnished them with lunches every night this week. A number of patriotic women have grouped themselves together to provide a little cheer for the sentries in Iowa City and more than seven hundred lunches a week are provided. Each lady furnishes an entire week's supply of more than a hundred lunches every night. It takes work and time and money to make two hundred sandwiches a night, but the heartiness with which the boys express their appreciation proves the task worth while. STUDENT WRITES FOR MAGAZINE Stella Clearman Contributes Article on Laysan Island. Stella Clearman of Oxford, who for three years was a member of The Iowan staff, and who last year was features writer for this paper has an article in the September issue of the Greater Iowa Magazine entitled "Iowa's Cyclorama of Laysan Island." In this article she tells why the exhibit in the natural science building is without parallel. She also states that Prof. Homer R. Dill of the University with his two assistants collected many specimens on the island and they returned here. where they worked the following three years in reproducing the wonders they had seen. Prof. C. C. Nutting, head of the department of zoology, visited the island in 1902, and as Miss Clearman stated, he promoted the expedition by persuading a number of graduating classes to donate their class memorials. It was fortunate that this exhibit was made permanent for today these famous Laysan rookeries are almost entirely destroyed by Japanese poachers and this exhibition is the principal record remaining from this once beautiful island of birds. Miss Clearman is now working on the Davenport Democrat. TO STAY IN QUARANTINE Neither University nor military authorities can make and definite announcement as to how long [?] may be till the S. A. T. C. boys [?] return to classes. They will [?] kept in strict quarantine until [?] danger of further spread of the influenza epidemic is over. No [?] at present can predict how long [?] time that will be, but some [?] arrangement will of course be [?] as to the class work they [?]. Officers and professors expect [?] operate to the fullest to [?] possible for all credit t be [?] without increasing the work of [?] boys whose time is already filled. GORGEOUS That's the word that best describes our nobby neckwear at .50 .65 $1.00 to $3.50 HANDSOME HOSE For Ladies in thread and pure silk hose at $1.00 to $2.50 HOFFELDER BROS. FOR QUICK SERVICE NOTICE TO S. A. T. C. MEN We have just completed arrangements for the care of your Life Insurance Policies and other valuable papers in the best vault in Iowa. Checking and savings accounts will be handled for you to your entire satisfaction. [?] per cent interest paid on Time Certificates and savings accounts. Services of our Trust Department free to all soldiers. Call at once. IOWA CITY STATE BANK Corner of Clinton and College Streets Winter cold'll get you if you don't watch out Don't delay an hour. Call up 10 and give us your coal order today. Then you'll be safe. YOUR'RE SURE WHEN YOU BUY OF DUNLAP BY THE DAM PHONE 10 DUNLAP LUMBER AND COAL QUALITY SERVICE PRICE
PAGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, October 15, 1918 THE DAILY IOWAN A morning paper published for the period of the war three times a week--Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday--by The Daily Iowan Publishing company at 103 Iowa avenue, Iowa City EDITORIAL STAFF Mildred E. Whitcomb--Editor-in chief Telephone Black 1757 Office Hours--8 to 12; 1 to 6 daily, Room 14, L. A. building. Managing editor Rowena Wellman News Editor--Agnes Kingsbury Humorous Editor--Elizabeth Hendee Exchange Editor--Ethyn Williams Spoting Editor--G. D. Evans Feature Editor--Ruth Stewart BUSINESS STAFF Romola Latchem--Business Manager Telephone 935 Office Hours--daily, 103 Iowa Avenue Night Editor Beth Wellman Assisted by M. Elizabeth Hendee THE STAFF In announcing the staff of The Iowan, the editor makes no attempt to conceal her pride. Of their ability to co-operate she is convinced; she knows of their individual capacities. Where last year a precedent was broken to allow a place on The Iowan staff for one woman, this year a lone man finds his name on the masthead. No college, no department, no class in the institution has seen a revolution so complete. A year ago, general skepticism prevailed when the women were allowed to publish an edition of their own. In the editorial rooms and the business office their disorganized efforts were viewed with smiling condescension and open rebuke. It was several months before taunts of their business inefficiency died away. The printers still discuss the first women's edition with raillery. Now the business management of the paper, under the direction of a woman, runs without friction, and under adverse conditions of quarantine gives the financial support that is fundamental to a news sheet. In editorial matters, due to the cooperative efforts of the new staff, the paper is proceeding much as usual. Handicaps to this feminine staff mean nothing. Insurmountable obstacles simply do not exist. One paper last week was written by fifteen reporters whose sole experience in the newspaper field was limited to the composition of a personal item in the preceding class hour. The copy was edited by girls who had the first glimpse into The Iowan style book that afternoon. They laboriously counted out their first headlines for that issue. The make-up of the edition was in charge of a girl whose only claim to a night editorship was gained from following a completed "dummy" on two previous occasions. She was assisted by another young woman who only had a glimpse of a printing office on a conducted tour. The editor has been approached with no major criticism of last Thursday's issue. For the Iowan thus far, there are no apologies to make. There have been errors of expression, of fact, of makeup, but there were due almost wholly to inexperience, rarely to carelessness. Weeks, possibly a month or two, will pass before The Iowan is even approximately what its staff means for it to be, but every member of the staff announced today, together with the reportorial staff, is working toward a definite goal:--to make each issue of the paper excell its predecessor in every conceivable way. SAUCE FOR THE GOOSE Three girls, members of one of the leading sororities, slipped past the guard Sunday and made a self directed tour through the barracks and guard house on the west side of the river. It is a mystery to everyone except the girls, how they accomplished this feat. The military authorities are highly incensed at this breach of etiquette and good taste. Though the young officers smile over it in a polite and casual way, they give the impression that they do not like to be trifled with. The older officers are actually angry. One man went so far as to ask the Iowan to publish the names of the would be adventurers. This will not be done this time because it is the first offense of the kind, --not because we do not know the names. The Iowa is asked to state positively that this is a serious matter. Civilians as well as soldiers are expected to live according to the new rules and laws now in force on the campus. Warning is given that such an offense will not be treated so leniently in the future. OUR SOLDIERS' PEACE "Let the weak hearted who are dreaming of a compromise; let the pacifists who are talking a peace by agreement; let the sideliners who have had enough of war; let the secretly inclined pro-German who think this war should end without a decision--let them one and all know once and for all that for the American Expeditionary Force there is no such word as 'Peace' with the Huns unbeaten. The man who talks of peace to-day, except through victory, is a traitor."--Stars and Stripes WHAT OTHERS THINK The Daily Iowan will gladly print any communications from students or faculty membes. The writer must sign the article to show his good faith in sending it, but no name will be printed if the sender so designates. To the Editor and to a Senior Woman: Several thousand men drilling in the S. A. T. C. have cause an epidemic in the minds of a few women for similar training. That the University women should desire physical training throughout their college course to maintain the best of health is the conservative opinion of the majority. The institution is not half divided strictly speaking. The various representatives of women's organizations on the campus have the following consenus of ideas. Lillian Prentiss, president of the Iowa Woman's Athletic association states, "A few girl's like a small brother half-seriously wish to imitate their elders and wear a uniform and carry a gun. So it is with a few Iowa women they see Uncle Sam's soldiers drilling and catch the fever. The president of the Women's League, Edythe Sailor, declares, "I am strongly against strict military training for girls in my college. We have a wonderfully equipped gymnasium; let some of these militaristic women leaders go down and take a few hours work on the floor. The rudiments of military training may be learned in these exercises." The library of the State Historical library and president of the Women's Suffrage organization says "Never, but I wish physical training for all women on the campus.' The acting dean of women advocates "Let the University girl 'Keep the Home Fires Burning' and stabilize conditions. There is plenty of war work and exercise for all of us to do this year." Marion R. Lyon, head of the department of physical training believes that we should not take well trained army officers who are needed in the service to train a few women to object to even strenous physical culture. Then too, the uniform factories are having a hard time to fill rush orders for our ever increasing armies. "The Plattsburg Manual" and other manuals are complete and will give any military information that the serious minded girl desires to know. Rather let us keep up the morale of the college campus, let us help in the Red Cross shop and take the regular university work. Then let us take our hour of physical culture daily purchase a military manual for a quarter, and master everything military from a corporal up to a general. I pledge myself against the establishment of military training at the university. Senior Woman III. MORE PEP When the S. A. T. C. men were cheerfully carolling "Smiles" at their "sing" the other evening, it was remarked that they should spend their time learning Iowa songs, by means of which a little Iowa spirit might be injected into the brave soldiers. But, it might be suggested, how can they sing Iowa songs when there is no collection of them? How can they learn "Old Gold," "Iowa University Iowa," or "Three Cheers for Iowa", or even "Whoop her up for Iowa," when copies are not easily available? Northwestern has a song book, in which not only N. W. songs, but the characteristic songs of other colleges and universities and peppy little ditties have been printed. It is an admirable aid to college spirit. Why can not some competent person, familiar with Iowa spirit, collect the Iowa songs and have them published? It would be appreciated by the old grads, especially. E. W. SENTRIES GRATEFUL FOR NIGHT LUNCHES Sentry duty at night is not the gayest occupation on earth, but there are compensations, at least in Iowa City. When you are chilly, hungry S.A.T.C. boy and have been tramping all around one lonely corner for two solid hours in the middle of the night it's pretty fine to be presented with two large fat sandwiches and a liberal portion of fruit, just when you have got to the place where you are about all "in". Just as The Iowan was going to press last night, the corporal of the guard of Co. H. came into the printing office with a message from all the boys on sentry duty. They wish publicly to express their thanks to the Iowa City ladies who have generously furnished them with lunches every night this week. A number of patriotic women have grouped themselves together to provide a little cheer for the sentries in Iowa City and more than seven hundred lunches a week are provided. Each lady furnishes an entire week's supply of more than a hundred lunches every night. It takes work and time and money to make two hundred sandwiches a night, but the heartiness with which the boys express their appreciation proves the task worth while. STUDENT WRITES FOR MAGAZINE Stella Clearman Contributes Article on Laysan Island. Stella Clearman of Oxford, who for three years was a member of The Iowan staff, and who last year was features writer for this paper has an article in the September issue of the Greater Iowa Magazine entitled "Iowa's Cyclorama of Laysan Island." In this article she tells why the exhibit in the natural science building is without parallel. She also states that Prof. Homer R. Dill of the University with his two assistants collected many specimens on the island and they returned here. where they worked the following three years in reproducing the wonders they had seen. Prof. C. C. Nutting, head of the department of zoology, visited the island in 1902, and as Miss Clearman stated, he promoted the expedition by persuading a number of graduating classes to donate their class memorials. It was fortunate that this exhibit was made permanent for today these famous Laysan rookeries are almost entirely destroyed by Japanese poachers and this exhibition is the principal record remaining from this once beautiful island of birds. Miss Clearman is now working on the Davenport Democrat. TO STAY IN QUARANTINE Neither University nor military authorities can make and definite announcement as to how long [?] may be till the S. A. T. C. boys [?] return to classes. They will [?] kept in strict quarantine until [?] danger of further spread of the influenza epidemic is over. No [?] at present can predict how long [?] time that will be, but some [?] arrangement will of course be [?] as to the class work they [?]. Officers and professors expect [?] operate to the fullest to [?] possible for all credit t be [?] without increasing the work of [?] boys whose time is already filled. GORGEOUS That's the word that best describes our nobby neckwear at .50 .65 $1.00 to $3.50 HANDSOME HOSE For Ladies in thread and pure silk hose at $1.00 to $2.50 HOFFELDER BROS. FOR QUICK SERVICE NOTICE TO S. A. T. C. MEN We have just completed arrangements for the care of your Life Insurance Policies and other valuable papers in the best vault in Iowa. Checking and savings accounts will be handled for you to your entire satisfaction. [?] per cent interest paid on Time Certificates and savings accounts. Services of our Trust Department free to all soldiers. Call at once. IOWA CITY STATE BANK Corner of Clinton and College Streets Winter cold'll get you if you don't watch out Don't delay an hour. Call up 10 and give us your coal order today. Then you'll be safe. YOUR'RE SURE WHEN YOU BUY OF DUNLAP BY THE DAM PHONE 10 DUNLAP LUMBER AND COAL QUALITY SERVICE PRICE
Daily Iowan Newspapers