Daily Iowan, October 15, 1918
Page 3
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Tuesday, October 15, 1918 The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Page Three (continued from page 1) VARSITY IS GIVEN PEPPERY WORKOUT war orders upset some mighty nifty battles, which were scheduled. Coach Issues Call For Linemen In an attempt to bolster his forward wall, the coach sent out a call for more linemen. The long list of backs looks good, but the shortage in good line candidates has led the Iowa teacher to stir up the football air so as to bring out the good material which has not showed up as yet. There are several star performers of state wide known high schools at Iowa this year who are not out for a place and those interested are asked to do their best in order to bring out the best available material. Keen competition for places is the thing that brings out the scrap in a football man and with help from the student body in getting more men to try out, Coach Jones believes he will be able to turn out a title winning machine. Without this help the Hawkeyes will be handicapped. Iowa's coach has turned out wonderful teams in the past and with far less material than that which he has at his disposal this year. With a far greater list of men from which to pick a varsity he no doubt will have a better opportunity to send on the field a team that will prove the best team in the west. No fewer than 75 men at least will please the coach. To have Iowa at its best in the next game the varsity men will be sent through a hard week of practice in and effort to perfect their play. With the return of the now sick Hawkeyes, Iowa will go into the rest of the games as a logical choice to bring victory to the Old Gold institution. HESPERIA: There will be a meeting at the home of Romola Latchem Tuesday evening at seven thirty. Every one must be on time since we wish to get through the business meeting early. The address is 606 North Gilbert Street. President DIRECT INFORMATION GIVEN PRE-MEDICS Dean of College of Medicine Returns From Washington With News For S. A. T. C. L. W. Dean, dean of the college of medicine, is back from an official visit to Washington. He brings the following definite information relative to pre-medical courses: Under war conditions in those colleges where there has been established units of the S.AT.C. the requirement for admission to the medical course will be one year's work in a college of liberal arts. "one year" in this connection means a calendar year of twelve months or four full terms of work as the college caledar is now arranged. This will permit students starting their pre-medical work this fall to complete the course and be ready to enter the medical college by Oct. 1st 1919. No definite statement of the specific subjects which students will be expected to take in this course has yet been issued but it will probably be in the hands of the college authorities in a short time. It has been intimated, however, that the course will consist largely of science subjects, such as chemistry, biology, and physics. In the lack of definite information those contemplating entering medicine should include as much work in these subjects as possible and then be prepared to adjust their schedule as soon as the definite subject requirements are made public. The authorities at Washington insist that it is essential for the welfare of the army that medical education continue, but like other essential industries a speeding up process is necessary. They therefore recommend that those who anticipate the study of medicine continue to do so and that provision will be made so that those who do will be given a reasonable opportunity to continue to serve the government in this esstential way. [advertisement] F.W. WOOLWORTH & CO. Visit Our Music Department The Latest Hits--10c a Copy 124 South Clinton [advertisement] UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE On The Corner Text Books and Supplies Waterman Conklin Shaeffer Fountain Pens UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE (continued from page 1) IOWAN STAFF TO BE CHOSEN EVERY MONTH ing at Municipal Pier; Harold Stoner, secretary of the board, is in the service; Frederick Egan left last week for an officers' training school, and Marian Dyer is working with the food administration at Washington, D. C. New members will be elected at the next board meeting. The members of the Alpha club are nicely located in their new home at 603 S. Lucas street. The house was formerly occupied by the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity. Grinnell has an army of 150 women. It is planned to have officers; a bugle will call the unit to the training grounds. The girls are to wear gymnasium suits. The "no-date" tradition of Grinnell has been changed by an almost unanimous vote; certain hours are now set aside in which the women may entertain their S.A.T.C. friends. "Sunday sings" are being held at McGill university this year, at which hymns and popular airs are the favorites. [advertisement] THE BEAUTY SHOP Shampooing Hair Dressing Electric Scalp Treatment Hair Goods Toilet Articles Mrs. L. L. Kenyon, Proprietor 21 1-2 E. Washington Phone 1051 [advertisement] VENUS PENCILS These famous pencils are the standard by which all other pencils are judged. 17 black degrees 6B softest to 9H hardest and hard and medium copying Look for the VENUS finish FREE! Trial Samples of VENUS Pencils and Eraser sent free. Please enclose 6c in stamps for packing and postage. AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL CO. 215 Fifth Avenue, N. Y. Dept. D [advertisement] H. A. STRUB & CO. Dress Silks----Hosiery Gloves Underwear We are Leaders in these lines H. A. STRUB & CO. [advertisement] RACINE'S CIGAR STORE [advertisement] Have you seen the new Collegian Nock-abouts----warm, roomy overcoats that save you one dollar of every five? ADLER COLLEGIAN CLOTHES Smart Styles for Men of 17 to 70 Prices just those that you like to pay Ready To Wear SPEIDEL BROS Clothes 121 East Washington [advertisement] Buy Your Military Equipment at-- BREMERS' O. D. Serge Uniforms O. D. Whipcord Uniforms Khaki Cotton Uniforms Army Hat and Hat Cords Army Flannel Shirts Khaki Breeches Army Shoes and Officers Shoes Money Belts and Trench Pillows Khaki Gloves, Shirts and Hdfs. Wool Sox, Medium and Heavy Grades Canvass Leggins, Leather Puttees Leather Lined and Cork Lined Puttees, Khaki, Scarlet and Green Hat Cords U. S. Insigna buttons Officers Overcoats and Uniforms Officers Army Hats Every article guaranteed to give Satisfaction. BREMERS' GOLDEN EAGLE Iowa City, Iowa
Tuesday, October 15, 1918 The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Page Three (continued from page 1) VARSITY IS GIVEN PEPPERY WORKOUT war orders upset some mighty nifty battles, which were scheduled. Coach Issues Call For Linemen In an attempt to bolster his forward wall, the coach sent out a call for more linemen. The long list of backs looks good, but the shortage in good line candidates has led the Iowa teacher to stir up the football air so as to bring out the good material which has not showed up as yet. There are several star performers of state wide known high schools at Iowa this year who are not out for a place and those interested are asked to do their best in order to bring out the best available material. Keen competition for places is the thing that brings out the scrap in a football man and with help from the student body in getting more men to try out, Coach Jones believes he will be able to turn out a title winning machine. Without this help the Hawkeyes will be handicapped. Iowa's coach has turned out wonderful teams in the past and with far less material than that which he has at his disposal this year. With a far greater list of men from which to pick a varsity he no doubt will have a better opportunity to send on the field a team that will prove the best team in the west. No fewer than 75 men at least will please the coach. To have Iowa at its best in the next game the varsity men will be sent through a hard week of practice in and effort to perfect their play. With the return of the now sick Hawkeyes, Iowa will go into the rest of the games as a logical choice to bring victory to the Old Gold institution. HESPERIA: There will be a meeting at the home of Romola Latchem Tuesday evening at seven thirty. Every one must be on time since we wish to get through the business meeting early. The address is 606 North Gilbert Street. President DIRECT INFORMATION GIVEN PRE-MEDICS Dean of College of Medicine Returns From Washington With News For S. A. T. C. L. W. Dean, dean of the college of medicine, is back from an official visit to Washington. He brings the following definite information relative to pre-medical courses: Under war conditions in those colleges where there has been established units of the S.AT.C. the requirement for admission to the medical course will be one year's work in a college of liberal arts. "one year" in this connection means a calendar year of twelve months or four full terms of work as the college caledar is now arranged. This will permit students starting their pre-medical work this fall to complete the course and be ready to enter the medical college by Oct. 1st 1919. No definite statement of the specific subjects which students will be expected to take in this course has yet been issued but it will probably be in the hands of the college authorities in a short time. It has been intimated, however, that the course will consist largely of science subjects, such as chemistry, biology, and physics. In the lack of definite information those contemplating entering medicine should include as much work in these subjects as possible and then be prepared to adjust their schedule as soon as the definite subject requirements are made public. The authorities at Washington insist that it is essential for the welfare of the army that medical education continue, but like other essential industries a speeding up process is necessary. They therefore recommend that those who anticipate the study of medicine continue to do so and that provision will be made so that those who do will be given a reasonable opportunity to continue to serve the government in this esstential way. [advertisement] F.W. WOOLWORTH & CO. Visit Our Music Department The Latest Hits--10c a Copy 124 South Clinton [advertisement] UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE On The Corner Text Books and Supplies Waterman Conklin Shaeffer Fountain Pens UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE (continued from page 1) IOWAN STAFF TO BE CHOSEN EVERY MONTH ing at Municipal Pier; Harold Stoner, secretary of the board, is in the service; Frederick Egan left last week for an officers' training school, and Marian Dyer is working with the food administration at Washington, D. C. New members will be elected at the next board meeting. The members of the Alpha club are nicely located in their new home at 603 S. Lucas street. The house was formerly occupied by the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity. Grinnell has an army of 150 women. It is planned to have officers; a bugle will call the unit to the training grounds. The girls are to wear gymnasium suits. The "no-date" tradition of Grinnell has been changed by an almost unanimous vote; certain hours are now set aside in which the women may entertain their S.A.T.C. friends. "Sunday sings" are being held at McGill university this year, at which hymns and popular airs are the favorites. [advertisement] THE BEAUTY SHOP Shampooing Hair Dressing Electric Scalp Treatment Hair Goods Toilet Articles Mrs. L. L. Kenyon, Proprietor 21 1-2 E. Washington Phone 1051 [advertisement] VENUS PENCILS These famous pencils are the standard by which all other pencils are judged. 17 black degrees 6B softest to 9H hardest and hard and medium copying Look for the VENUS finish FREE! Trial Samples of VENUS Pencils and Eraser sent free. Please enclose 6c in stamps for packing and postage. AMERICAN LEAD PENCIL CO. 215 Fifth Avenue, N. Y. Dept. D [advertisement] H. A. STRUB & CO. Dress Silks----Hosiery Gloves Underwear We are Leaders in these lines H. A. STRUB & CO. [advertisement] RACINE'S CIGAR STORE [advertisement] Have you seen the new Collegian Nock-abouts----warm, roomy overcoats that save you one dollar of every five? ADLER COLLEGIAN CLOTHES Smart Styles for Men of 17 to 70 Prices just those that you like to pay Ready To Wear SPEIDEL BROS Clothes 121 East Washington [advertisement] Buy Your Military Equipment at-- BREMERS' O. D. Serge Uniforms O. D. Whipcord Uniforms Khaki Cotton Uniforms Army Hat and Hat Cords Army Flannel Shirts Khaki Breeches Army Shoes and Officers Shoes Money Belts and Trench Pillows Khaki Gloves, Shirts and Hdfs. Wool Sox, Medium and Heavy Grades Canvass Leggins, Leather Puttees Leather Lined and Cork Lined Puttees, Khaki, Scarlet and Green Hat Cords U. S. Insigna buttons Officers Overcoats and Uniforms Officers Army Hats Every article guaranteed to give Satisfaction. BREMERS' GOLDEN EAGLE Iowa City, Iowa
Daily Iowan Newspapers