Daily Iowan, October 27, 1918
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The Daily Iowan The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa VOL. VXIII-NEW SERIES VOL. III IOWA CITY, IOWA, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1918. NUMBER 15 HAWKEYES PREPARE FOR HOT CONTEST WITH ILLINI SQUAD Jones Sends Men Against Seconds in Long Scrimmage-Sykes Is on Detail GRINNEL BREAKS DATES FOR GAME Scarlet and Black Team Upsets Hawkeye's Schedule-Iowa Much Disappointed The Iowa team went through a long snappy workout yesterday afternoon, the first in preparation for the hard game with Illinois next Saturday at Urbana. The football followers were sadly disappointed over the fact that there was not game, not until the last minute were the fans notified that the Scarlet refused to play the game they had scheduled. The varsity had no trouble in scoring three touchdowns against the seconds yesterday afternoon. In an effort to present an attack that will stop Zuppke, the Iowa coach ordered the men to open up and spring the new formations on the scrubs, who were completely outclassed by the late plays handed to the regulars. Team Looks Fine Time after time the backs went for long gains on the recently devised tricks (?). The varsity lined up with Reed, Synhorst, Hunselman, Heldt, Slater and Greenwood in the front wall and Justin, Donnelly, Scott and Lohman in the backfield. Kelly who is ill, was unable to report, and Justin handled the team in his absence. Captain Reed ran signals with the team and looked better than he ever did, and from all omens he will lead the team when they go on the field in the initial conference contest. Smith replaced Reed when the latter went on to the showers. Block was back and going good, and with Hunselamn in his old place the line went the best it has in several nights. Greenwood has been shifted to an end where he plated last year in the last three games. Backfield Scoring Machine The backs clearly showed that they will rank as one of the best scoring quartets in the west for they got away for long runs continually. Sykes who had a prosperous campus job, was not out and Donnelly took his half. Lohman appeared to be recovering from his injury, and will start against Illinois. Belding worked at half until Scottie made his appearance. After the long scrimmage the varsity ran signals for an hour, running of the plays in clock-like manner. The second team put in the rest of the practice in a long signal drill (illegible), with Scanlon, Voege, and Belding the backfield positions. Conn and Morrisons two of Kent's huskies who've been showing real ability in the line and spill their share of the (continued on page five) HOME COMING SAME AS EVER A rousing home-coming is practically assured in spite of the epi[d?]emic which has delayed the plans. An all-University committee is now [at?] work and will soon be able to announce definite arrangements. Home-coming this year will be of [the?] usual interest since such a large [nu?]mber of our alumni who have sons [in?] the S. A. T. C. are expected back. Alpha Chi Omega announces the [pl?]edging of Alice O'Reilly of Iowa [Ci?]ty. [2nd column] INSTRUCTORS APPOINTED Marguerite Saunders, '17, is an instructor in the department of drawing in the college of applied science. Miss Saunders took a special course in drawing last year under Prof. Higbee. Other appointments which have been made recently are: S. P. Bewick, a graduate of the University of Missouri, is an instructor in the department of descriptive geometry and drawing. Glen K .Pierce, '13 is an instructor in electrical engineering. Ralph Puckett, '18 is assistant in mechanical engineering. James Vanek is instructor in forging and E. A. Putman is instructor in laboratory mechanics. CIVILIAN STUDENTS TO BE ADMITTED TO OFFICERS SCHOOL Adjutant Announces a New Training School at Camp Fremont, California REQUIRES HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION Only Registrants In Last Draft Are Eligible Except Those In Deferred Classes Applications for a new training school for infantry officers to be established Dec. 1 at Camp Fremont, Cal., can be made at once at the office of Capt. George W. Robertson, University commandant. Civilians are eligible for the camp. Announcement of the new training school from the University adjutant's office shows the following are eligible: "Draft registrants between the ages of 18 and 45, who are physically qualified for general military service, except registrants in Class 1, qualified for general service, who were registered prior to Sep. 12, and registrants in deferred classification on account of occupation, industry or employment, including agriculture. Candidates Apply Here "Candidates must have a high school education or the equivalent. This does not mean that candidates must have completed a high school course. The term equivalent is used in a broad general sense and takes into account an applicant's business experience. Civilians who desire to make application for admission to these schools should apply to the army officer on duty at the educational institution nearest their residence. These institutions are the same as those to which civilians apply for admission to the other central officer's training schools. Civilians in Class 1 who registered Sept. 12 or subsequent to that date, who may be admitted to the school, will be required to remain in the service for the period of the war if not found qualified for a commission upon campletion of the course. Deferred Classes Eligible "Civilians in deferred classification, except on grounds of occupation, industry, or employment, including agriculture, may be admitted to this school and if not found qualified upon completion of the course may be discharged and have the option of a reversion to their original classification under the selective service regulations." S. A T. C. students are transferred to officers' training schools from the military headquarters here. This camp is open only to civilian students of the University. [3rd column] CLASSES TO MEET ON HOUR INSTEAD OF THE HALF HOUR University's New Time Schedule to Begin Tomorrow--Eight O'clock Again GIVES MORE DAYLIGHT FOR DRILL Turning Back of Clocks Causes University Officials to Make Change The University time schedule has been changed. Beginning Monday morning 8:30 classes will meet at 8 o'clock in the pharmacy, engineering and liberal arts colleges. Int he college of dentistry, freshmen classes will start at 9 o'clock and meet there after the hours; senior and junior dentistry classes will meet at 8:30. The complete new schedule for all colleges is: Liberal Arts.....8-12; 1-5 Engineering.....8-1; 1-5 Pharmacy.....8-12; 1-5 Dentistry.....8:30-12; 1-5 Medicine.....8:30-12; 1-5 The reason for the change in class hours is brought about by the government ruling concerning the restoring of clocks to astronomical time which takes place today. The hours of the late afternoon, under the new system, can better be utilized for drill purposes. While not interfering with academic work in the least, the new schedule will vastly benefit the work of the military department. The variation in time in the different colleges is caused by the fact that the professional men are not required to take as much drill as men not in technical work. They drill six hours in place of eleven a week. In liberal arts the S. A. T. C. will be turned over to academic work from 9 until 12 and from 1 until 4. Women's classes in this college formerly scheduled for 4:30 will meet at 4 o'clock. GRADES OF S. A. T. C. UNDER OBSERVATION Registrar and Personnel Officer Keen Records of All Men in Student Army A monthly record of the grades of each member of the S. A. T. C. is required by the government. The first academic grades must be on record at the office of the registrar not later than Nov. 1. The military record of the S. A. T. C. men will be kept with the personnel officer, Lieut. R M. Perkins at the headquarters, on a form prescribed and provided by the War Department. The record of grades both military and academic, are required by the government since it may be necessary to transfer the students at any time in their course. At the end of each term, the committee on education and special training advise University authorities, or oftener, according to military necessity, a rating board will meet to grade each student on certain personnel qualities of military value, and on his academic accomplishment. All grading will be done on a percentage basis of 100. Lieut. Perkins personnel adjutant, will have in addition to his own records, a duplicate set of the registrar's grades. [4th column] UNPACKS BARBADOS SPECIMENS If one were sufficiently courageous to brave the fumes of formaldahyde in the northwest corner of the natural science basement he might see the countless crates and boxes being unpacked under the supervision of Gertrude Van Wagnen. These boxes contain the specimens brought back from the Barbadoes expedition. Every imaginable kind of coral, sea ferns, weeds, and fans are being catalogued and put away for use in exhibits laboratory work. The party was successful in obtaining some very delicate specimens of jelly fish and a weird crabbish creature with a hideous face. An expert diver under the direction of Professor Nutting obtained the specimens. GIRLS' VOLUNTEER WAR UNIT STARTS WORK TOMORROW Women Will Report Work Daily as It Is Done--No Credit For Back Work COUNTS SOCIAL COMMITTEE WORK Women's League Expects Every Girl in University To Sign for Work Every woman on the campus has not yet signed the cards for the volunteer War Unit, the president of Women's league declares, but it is expected that this aim of the league will soon be realized. Cards are to be found at the league headquarters in the liberal arts drawing room. At the Women's league office hours, 10:30 to 12:30 every morning of the week except Saturday and Sunday, the girls are to report the work they do and will be given points. A record of the kind of work done and the time spent will be put on the back of each girls' card. No credit is to be given for back work but beginning with tomorrow morning all work will count. For the most part, one point will be given for each hour's work. One point will be given for the work in the following activities:-- typewriting, one hour; clerical work, one hour; publicity, one hour; poster making, one poster; surgical dressings, one hour; refugee sewing, one hour; hospital garments, one hour; knitting five squares for a quilt; mending, one hour; helping cook, one hour; serving, one meal; orderly or nurse's aid, one hour; supplying three comforts for the sick; reading for sick, one hour. Points for Knitting At one entertainment the following activities will be given one point;-- singing ;leadin gin the singing, a solo; and chorus work, playing the piano, orchestra work, exhibition dancing (in groups). Patriotic speeches, one speech, one point; financial drive work, six pledges, one point; social committee work--helping to plan one party, one point at the recommendation of the chairman of committee. In knitting the following points can be made: a helmet, six points; a sweater, five points; a pair of socks, five points; a scarf, three points, a pair of wristlets, two points. Organizing new work, will be announced as the work comes in, and other work that may be created by an emergency will be announced as work is created. [5th column] QUARANTINE WILL CONTINUE ANOTHER WEEK IS THE ORDER Medical and Military Authorities Decide on Extension of Bans For Week or Two NURSE SUCCUMBS TO PNEUMONIA Sadie Culp, Junior in Training School, Died Friday--Fourth Nurse to Give Life The University quarantine will not be lifted for at least a week or perhaps two weeks, it was announced at faculty meeting Friday evening. The city health officer, Dr. W. M. Rohrbacher, states that no definite action has yet been taken in regard to the removal of the ban from schools, churches and theatres of the city. Dr. G. H. Summer, secretary of the state board of health, has congratulated the University on the way it has handled the influenza situation. At present the seriousness of the situation has passed, it is thought. Care must now be taken, say authorities, to prevent any further outbreak. Students must continue as zealously to guard against colds, wet feet and general debility. Lieutenant Lowry who was inspecting here this week, said, "I know of no other large institution where the difficulties of the situation have been so successfully handled as in the University of Iowa." Will Not Use Vaccine A continuous line of students are now being let out of quarantine with an order to report every day for a certain length of time. This precaution is being taken so that no complications or set backs will occur. There are but few girls left in isolation at Curriar and gradually those girls who gave up their rooms for the sick have been able to move back. The medical experts of the University do not favor the use of the influenza vaccine in this city for use either as a cure or a preventative The authorities state that the University and city are so "well out of the woods" that it is not necessary to use such drastic measures at this late hour. Nurse Dies of Pneumonia No deaths have been reported from among the S. A. T. C. men. Miss Sadie Culp, junior in the nurses' training school at the University hospital, died Friday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock after a weeks illness which began as influenza and terminated in pneumonia. Her father, H. G. Culp and her brother, William, were here from Paullina when the end came. WINTER COMES UNANNOUNCED "Br-r-r-r-r-r-r" and Old Man Winter shook his whiskers in Iowa City. The wise and careful, who fear the "flu" will take the warning and hunt up the "winter woolies;" fair co-eds will lay away their furs until next summer; don their sheerest georgette waists, and go shivering forth to classes. "It did." "No, it didn't." Thus the doubters argue, bu the careful and observing know that Iowa City's first snow fell yesterday morning at 11 o'clock. Though it didn't pile in drifts nor hinder traffic, yet the fact remains, "it fell." Eleanor Enright, matron of Currier Hall, was summoned to her home at Janesville, Wisconsin Tuesday night. Her father is seriously ill.
The Daily Iowan The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa VOL. VXIII-NEW SERIES VOL. III IOWA CITY, IOWA, SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1918. NUMBER 15 HAWKEYES PREPARE FOR HOT CONTEST WITH ILLINI SQUAD Jones Sends Men Against Seconds in Long Scrimmage-Sykes Is on Detail GRINNEL BREAKS DATES FOR GAME Scarlet and Black Team Upsets Hawkeye's Schedule-Iowa Much Disappointed The Iowa team went through a long snappy workout yesterday afternoon, the first in preparation for the hard game with Illinois next Saturday at Urbana. The football followers were sadly disappointed over the fact that there was not game, not until the last minute were the fans notified that the Scarlet refused to play the game they had scheduled. The varsity had no trouble in scoring three touchdowns against the seconds yesterday afternoon. In an effort to present an attack that will stop Zuppke, the Iowa coach ordered the men to open up and spring the new formations on the scrubs, who were completely outclassed by the late plays handed to the regulars. Team Looks Fine Time after time the backs went for long gains on the recently devised tricks (?). The varsity lined up with Reed, Synhorst, Hunselman, Heldt, Slater and Greenwood in the front wall and Justin, Donnelly, Scott and Lohman in the backfield. Kelly who is ill, was unable to report, and Justin handled the team in his absence. Captain Reed ran signals with the team and looked better than he ever did, and from all omens he will lead the team when they go on the field in the initial conference contest. Smith replaced Reed when the latter went on to the showers. Block was back and going good, and with Hunselamn in his old place the line went the best it has in several nights. Greenwood has been shifted to an end where he plated last year in the last three games. Backfield Scoring Machine The backs clearly showed that they will rank as one of the best scoring quartets in the west for they got away for long runs continually. Sykes who had a prosperous campus job, was not out and Donnelly took his half. Lohman appeared to be recovering from his injury, and will start against Illinois. Belding worked at half until Scottie made his appearance. After the long scrimmage the varsity ran signals for an hour, running of the plays in clock-like manner. The second team put in the rest of the practice in a long signal drill (illegible), with Scanlon, Voege, and Belding the backfield positions. Conn and Morrisons two of Kent's huskies who've been showing real ability in the line and spill their share of the (continued on page five) HOME COMING SAME AS EVER A rousing home-coming is practically assured in spite of the epi[d?]emic which has delayed the plans. An all-University committee is now [at?] work and will soon be able to announce definite arrangements. Home-coming this year will be of [the?] usual interest since such a large [nu?]mber of our alumni who have sons [in?] the S. A. T. C. are expected back. Alpha Chi Omega announces the [pl?]edging of Alice O'Reilly of Iowa [Ci?]ty. [2nd column] INSTRUCTORS APPOINTED Marguerite Saunders, '17, is an instructor in the department of drawing in the college of applied science. Miss Saunders took a special course in drawing last year under Prof. Higbee. Other appointments which have been made recently are: S. P. Bewick, a graduate of the University of Missouri, is an instructor in the department of descriptive geometry and drawing. Glen K .Pierce, '13 is an instructor in electrical engineering. Ralph Puckett, '18 is assistant in mechanical engineering. James Vanek is instructor in forging and E. A. Putman is instructor in laboratory mechanics. CIVILIAN STUDENTS TO BE ADMITTED TO OFFICERS SCHOOL Adjutant Announces a New Training School at Camp Fremont, California REQUIRES HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION Only Registrants In Last Draft Are Eligible Except Those In Deferred Classes Applications for a new training school for infantry officers to be established Dec. 1 at Camp Fremont, Cal., can be made at once at the office of Capt. George W. Robertson, University commandant. Civilians are eligible for the camp. Announcement of the new training school from the University adjutant's office shows the following are eligible: "Draft registrants between the ages of 18 and 45, who are physically qualified for general military service, except registrants in Class 1, qualified for general service, who were registered prior to Sep. 12, and registrants in deferred classification on account of occupation, industry or employment, including agriculture. Candidates Apply Here "Candidates must have a high school education or the equivalent. This does not mean that candidates must have completed a high school course. The term equivalent is used in a broad general sense and takes into account an applicant's business experience. Civilians who desire to make application for admission to these schools should apply to the army officer on duty at the educational institution nearest their residence. These institutions are the same as those to which civilians apply for admission to the other central officer's training schools. Civilians in Class 1 who registered Sept. 12 or subsequent to that date, who may be admitted to the school, will be required to remain in the service for the period of the war if not found qualified for a commission upon campletion of the course. Deferred Classes Eligible "Civilians in deferred classification, except on grounds of occupation, industry, or employment, including agriculture, may be admitted to this school and if not found qualified upon completion of the course may be discharged and have the option of a reversion to their original classification under the selective service regulations." S. A T. C. students are transferred to officers' training schools from the military headquarters here. This camp is open only to civilian students of the University. [3rd column] CLASSES TO MEET ON HOUR INSTEAD OF THE HALF HOUR University's New Time Schedule to Begin Tomorrow--Eight O'clock Again GIVES MORE DAYLIGHT FOR DRILL Turning Back of Clocks Causes University Officials to Make Change The University time schedule has been changed. Beginning Monday morning 8:30 classes will meet at 8 o'clock in the pharmacy, engineering and liberal arts colleges. Int he college of dentistry, freshmen classes will start at 9 o'clock and meet there after the hours; senior and junior dentistry classes will meet at 8:30. The complete new schedule for all colleges is: Liberal Arts.....8-12; 1-5 Engineering.....8-1; 1-5 Pharmacy.....8-12; 1-5 Dentistry.....8:30-12; 1-5 Medicine.....8:30-12; 1-5 The reason for the change in class hours is brought about by the government ruling concerning the restoring of clocks to astronomical time which takes place today. The hours of the late afternoon, under the new system, can better be utilized for drill purposes. While not interfering with academic work in the least, the new schedule will vastly benefit the work of the military department. The variation in time in the different colleges is caused by the fact that the professional men are not required to take as much drill as men not in technical work. They drill six hours in place of eleven a week. In liberal arts the S. A. T. C. will be turned over to academic work from 9 until 12 and from 1 until 4. Women's classes in this college formerly scheduled for 4:30 will meet at 4 o'clock. GRADES OF S. A. T. C. UNDER OBSERVATION Registrar and Personnel Officer Keen Records of All Men in Student Army A monthly record of the grades of each member of the S. A. T. C. is required by the government. The first academic grades must be on record at the office of the registrar not later than Nov. 1. The military record of the S. A. T. C. men will be kept with the personnel officer, Lieut. R M. Perkins at the headquarters, on a form prescribed and provided by the War Department. The record of grades both military and academic, are required by the government since it may be necessary to transfer the students at any time in their course. At the end of each term, the committee on education and special training advise University authorities, or oftener, according to military necessity, a rating board will meet to grade each student on certain personnel qualities of military value, and on his academic accomplishment. All grading will be done on a percentage basis of 100. Lieut. Perkins personnel adjutant, will have in addition to his own records, a duplicate set of the registrar's grades. [4th column] UNPACKS BARBADOS SPECIMENS If one were sufficiently courageous to brave the fumes of formaldahyde in the northwest corner of the natural science basement he might see the countless crates and boxes being unpacked under the supervision of Gertrude Van Wagnen. These boxes contain the specimens brought back from the Barbadoes expedition. Every imaginable kind of coral, sea ferns, weeds, and fans are being catalogued and put away for use in exhibits laboratory work. The party was successful in obtaining some very delicate specimens of jelly fish and a weird crabbish creature with a hideous face. An expert diver under the direction of Professor Nutting obtained the specimens. GIRLS' VOLUNTEER WAR UNIT STARTS WORK TOMORROW Women Will Report Work Daily as It Is Done--No Credit For Back Work COUNTS SOCIAL COMMITTEE WORK Women's League Expects Every Girl in University To Sign for Work Every woman on the campus has not yet signed the cards for the volunteer War Unit, the president of Women's league declares, but it is expected that this aim of the league will soon be realized. Cards are to be found at the league headquarters in the liberal arts drawing room. At the Women's league office hours, 10:30 to 12:30 every morning of the week except Saturday and Sunday, the girls are to report the work they do and will be given points. A record of the kind of work done and the time spent will be put on the back of each girls' card. No credit is to be given for back work but beginning with tomorrow morning all work will count. For the most part, one point will be given for each hour's work. One point will be given for the work in the following activities:-- typewriting, one hour; clerical work, one hour; publicity, one hour; poster making, one poster; surgical dressings, one hour; refugee sewing, one hour; hospital garments, one hour; knitting five squares for a quilt; mending, one hour; helping cook, one hour; serving, one meal; orderly or nurse's aid, one hour; supplying three comforts for the sick; reading for sick, one hour. Points for Knitting At one entertainment the following activities will be given one point;-- singing ;leadin gin the singing, a solo; and chorus work, playing the piano, orchestra work, exhibition dancing (in groups). Patriotic speeches, one speech, one point; financial drive work, six pledges, one point; social committee work--helping to plan one party, one point at the recommendation of the chairman of committee. In knitting the following points can be made: a helmet, six points; a sweater, five points; a pair of socks, five points; a scarf, three points, a pair of wristlets, two points. Organizing new work, will be announced as the work comes in, and other work that may be created by an emergency will be announced as work is created. [5th column] QUARANTINE WILL CONTINUE ANOTHER WEEK IS THE ORDER Medical and Military Authorities Decide on Extension of Bans For Week or Two NURSE SUCCUMBS TO PNEUMONIA Sadie Culp, Junior in Training School, Died Friday--Fourth Nurse to Give Life The University quarantine will not be lifted for at least a week or perhaps two weeks, it was announced at faculty meeting Friday evening. The city health officer, Dr. W. M. Rohrbacher, states that no definite action has yet been taken in regard to the removal of the ban from schools, churches and theatres of the city. Dr. G. H. Summer, secretary of the state board of health, has congratulated the University on the way it has handled the influenza situation. At present the seriousness of the situation has passed, it is thought. Care must now be taken, say authorities, to prevent any further outbreak. Students must continue as zealously to guard against colds, wet feet and general debility. Lieutenant Lowry who was inspecting here this week, said, "I know of no other large institution where the difficulties of the situation have been so successfully handled as in the University of Iowa." Will Not Use Vaccine A continuous line of students are now being let out of quarantine with an order to report every day for a certain length of time. This precaution is being taken so that no complications or set backs will occur. There are but few girls left in isolation at Curriar and gradually those girls who gave up their rooms for the sick have been able to move back. The medical experts of the University do not favor the use of the influenza vaccine in this city for use either as a cure or a preventative The authorities state that the University and city are so "well out of the woods" that it is not necessary to use such drastic measures at this late hour. Nurse Dies of Pneumonia No deaths have been reported from among the S. A. T. C. men. Miss Sadie Culp, junior in the nurses' training school at the University hospital, died Friday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock after a weeks illness which began as influenza and terminated in pneumonia. Her father, H. G. Culp and her brother, William, were here from Paullina when the end came. WINTER COMES UNANNOUNCED "Br-r-r-r-r-r-r" and Old Man Winter shook his whiskers in Iowa City. The wise and careful, who fear the "flu" will take the warning and hunt up the "winter woolies;" fair co-eds will lay away their furs until next summer; don their sheerest georgette waists, and go shivering forth to classes. "It did." "No, it didn't." Thus the doubters argue, bu the careful and observing know that Iowa City's first snow fell yesterday morning at 11 o'clock. Though it didn't pile in drifts nor hinder traffic, yet the fact remains, "it fell." Eleanor Enright, matron of Currier Hall, was summoned to her home at Janesville, Wisconsin Tuesday night. Her father is seriously ill.
Daily Iowan Newspapers