Daily Iowan, October 27, 1918
Page 3
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Sunday, October 27, 1918 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE PRINCESS CANDY KITCHEN LUNCHES We serve them quickly and neatly, the way you like to be served. CANDY We sell it fresh and in good measure the way you like to eat it. ICE CREAM We make any flavor and put nuts on it for only 10 cents. BEVERAGES We know how to make them taste the best, cold or hot. EVERYTHING NEW BUT THE PRICES--AT 114 SOUTH DUBUQUE STREET GRADUATE COLLEGE HAS ANNOUNCED APPOINTEES Dean Seashore, chairman of the administrative council of the graduate college has given out an official list of the appointees in the graduate college. All graduate appointment are for one year. There are four research associates: N. B. Basset, Cordia C. Bunch, Esther Allen Gaw, Thorsten Lngvaldsen. Seven research assistants are listed: E. M. Berry, Norma Haller, H. A. Green, Henry Magnus Halverson, Margaret Taylor, Gertrude Van Wagenen, G. M. Wilcox. There are two senior fellows: Audrey Ward Goodenough and Martin Luther Reyme. The ten junior fellows are: Robert Benjamin Bidson, Anna Evelyn Ensign, Charles E. Germane, Hilda G. Lundin, Kathering Eggleston Roberts, Gerald Alan Yoakam, Hazel Martha Stanton, Beryl Taylor, Herbert John Wahman, Paul H. Heisey. The twelve scholars are: G. H. Alderman, Carl Frederick Diller, Adolph Emil Theodore Fant, Naomi Helen Gunderson, Ruth Ellen Sailor, Chloris Corynne Shade, J. H. Shoemaker, Vivian Shumway, Pauline Pickard, Mary Reynolds, Selina M. Terry, Helen J. Williams. The two nurses are Julia Mary Madden, Carrie E. Knieriem, and one dietitian, Frances Martin. THE CHILDREN'S HOUR "All work and no play. Makes a Yank a dull boy," is the belief of S. A. T. C. men and of E. G. Schroeder, physical director of men and manager of recreation for the S. U. I army unit. Consequently the University soldiers "play" [[?]] 4:30 to 5:30 every afternoon [except?] Sunday on which day, after [[?]] quarantine is lifted, they may be [[?]]ed to find their own amusement. [[?]] games, they say, are good fun,-- [[?]] is a matter of doubt whether [[?]] getting-up exercises may right-[[?]] be called play. Howeved, they [[?]] the "play-hour" is a welcome relief from kitchen duty, rak-[?] poor dead grass, or "halting" [[?]]insome girlies. ADVERTISED LETTERS Men Anderson, Henry Baggs, L. E. Boughton, Willoughby Edwards Newton (2) Forst, CHas. Gnozey, Christ Harrison, Laurence Hoff, Henry Howe, Clement Keesey, Linford I. Martenc, A. B. Miller, Willard (2) Mitchell, John H. Morrison, Francis V. Murphy, EArl Murphy, Robt. H. Noble, Kenneth C. Peterson, C. Peterson, Eli Prusia, Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Rausch, Edmund Smith, E. A. Sponey, Frank Stoner, J. W. Tappan, C. W. Throckmorton, Harold Weaver, Walter I. Women Ahern, Mrs. Sarah Brown, Mrs. Rose Carter, Mrs. E. E. Claire, Miss Gertrude Dolliver, Miss Margaret Filean, Miss Judith Gallaher, Miss Theresa Henderson, Mrs. C. E. Jenison, Mrs. E. Kerr, Miss Marian Lowe, Mrs. R. T. Lynch, Mrs. Clemie Maaser, Miss Elma McIntosh, Miss Carrie Mulroney, Miss Margaret Murray, Miss R. (2) Myers, Miss Minnie Rabe, Mrs. Lucy Robson, Mary E. Sall, Margarette Sawyer, Miss Lucille Silkwood, Nora Waterbury, Mrs. Helen R. Milimek, Miss Etta Minther, Mrs. C. P. Max Mayer, P. M. Send the Iowan home. THE BEAUTY SHOP Shampooing Electric Scalp Ptreatment Hair Goods Hair Dressing Toilet ARticles Mrs. L. L. Kenyon, Proprietor 21 1-2 E. Washington Phone 1051 BOOK AND CRAFT SHOP University Text Books and Supplies 124 EAST WASHINGTON STREET Your Dress Uniform The big things for you to consider in buying your dress uniforms are (1) Fit (2) QUality (3) Workmanship A uniform made of the finest fabric int he world that does not fit properly is not as desirable for you to have as one that is a perfect fit, although the material is not as fine. What You Want is a combination of three essential points--fit, quality and workmanship. You'll get all these in our Hart Schaffner & Marx All Wool Serge Uniforms. Try one on, that is the one best proof. (Our store is just across the way from the University campus, most convenient for you to drop in between classes. Lounging room on the second floor for S .A. T. C. men) COASTS'
Sunday, October 27, 1918 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE PRINCESS CANDY KITCHEN LUNCHES We serve them quickly and neatly, the way you like to be served. CANDY We sell it fresh and in good measure the way you like to eat it. ICE CREAM We make any flavor and put nuts on it for only 10 cents. BEVERAGES We know how to make them taste the best, cold or hot. EVERYTHING NEW BUT THE PRICES--AT 114 SOUTH DUBUQUE STREET GRADUATE COLLEGE HAS ANNOUNCED APPOINTEES Dean Seashore, chairman of the administrative council of the graduate college has given out an official list of the appointees in the graduate college. All graduate appointment are for one year. There are four research associates: N. B. Basset, Cordia C. Bunch, Esther Allen Gaw, Thorsten Lngvaldsen. Seven research assistants are listed: E. M. Berry, Norma Haller, H. A. Green, Henry Magnus Halverson, Margaret Taylor, Gertrude Van Wagenen, G. M. Wilcox. There are two senior fellows: Audrey Ward Goodenough and Martin Luther Reyme. The ten junior fellows are: Robert Benjamin Bidson, Anna Evelyn Ensign, Charles E. Germane, Hilda G. Lundin, Kathering Eggleston Roberts, Gerald Alan Yoakam, Hazel Martha Stanton, Beryl Taylor, Herbert John Wahman, Paul H. Heisey. The twelve scholars are: G. H. Alderman, Carl Frederick Diller, Adolph Emil Theodore Fant, Naomi Helen Gunderson, Ruth Ellen Sailor, Chloris Corynne Shade, J. H. Shoemaker, Vivian Shumway, Pauline Pickard, Mary Reynolds, Selina M. Terry, Helen J. Williams. The two nurses are Julia Mary Madden, Carrie E. Knieriem, and one dietitian, Frances Martin. THE CHILDREN'S HOUR "All work and no play. Makes a Yank a dull boy," is the belief of S. A. T. C. men and of E. G. Schroeder, physical director of men and manager of recreation for the S. U. I army unit. Consequently the University soldiers "play" [[?]] 4:30 to 5:30 every afternoon [except?] Sunday on which day, after [[?]] quarantine is lifted, they may be [[?]]ed to find their own amusement. [[?]] games, they say, are good fun,-- [[?]] is a matter of doubt whether [[?]] getting-up exercises may right-[[?]] be called play. Howeved, they [[?]] the "play-hour" is a welcome relief from kitchen duty, rak-[?] poor dead grass, or "halting" [[?]]insome girlies. ADVERTISED LETTERS Men Anderson, Henry Baggs, L. E. Boughton, Willoughby Edwards Newton (2) Forst, CHas. Gnozey, Christ Harrison, Laurence Hoff, Henry Howe, Clement Keesey, Linford I. Martenc, A. B. Miller, Willard (2) Mitchell, John H. Morrison, Francis V. Murphy, EArl Murphy, Robt. H. Noble, Kenneth C. Peterson, C. Peterson, Eli Prusia, Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Rausch, Edmund Smith, E. A. Sponey, Frank Stoner, J. W. Tappan, C. W. Throckmorton, Harold Weaver, Walter I. Women Ahern, Mrs. Sarah Brown, Mrs. Rose Carter, Mrs. E. E. Claire, Miss Gertrude Dolliver, Miss Margaret Filean, Miss Judith Gallaher, Miss Theresa Henderson, Mrs. C. E. Jenison, Mrs. E. Kerr, Miss Marian Lowe, Mrs. R. T. Lynch, Mrs. Clemie Maaser, Miss Elma McIntosh, Miss Carrie Mulroney, Miss Margaret Murray, Miss R. (2) Myers, Miss Minnie Rabe, Mrs. Lucy Robson, Mary E. Sall, Margarette Sawyer, Miss Lucille Silkwood, Nora Waterbury, Mrs. Helen R. Milimek, Miss Etta Minther, Mrs. C. P. Max Mayer, P. M. Send the Iowan home. THE BEAUTY SHOP Shampooing Electric Scalp Ptreatment Hair Goods Hair Dressing Toilet ARticles Mrs. L. L. Kenyon, Proprietor 21 1-2 E. Washington Phone 1051 BOOK AND CRAFT SHOP University Text Books and Supplies 124 EAST WASHINGTON STREET Your Dress Uniform The big things for you to consider in buying your dress uniforms are (1) Fit (2) QUality (3) Workmanship A uniform made of the finest fabric int he world that does not fit properly is not as desirable for you to have as one that is a perfect fit, although the material is not as fine. What You Want is a combination of three essential points--fit, quality and workmanship. You'll get all these in our Hart Schaffner & Marx All Wool Serge Uniforms. Try one on, that is the one best proof. (Our store is just across the way from the University campus, most convenient for you to drop in between classes. Lounging room on the second floor for S .A. T. C. men) COASTS'
Daily Iowan Newspapers