Daily Iowan, October 27, 1918
Page 6
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PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday, October 27, 1918 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOR RENT-- A single room for $7 in a modern home. Call Black 1664 at meal times. LOST--Waltham gold watch in City Park. Hunting case, one lid removed. Name on back. Liberal Reward. Call 1091. LOST--Black bill folder containing sum of money and check, also registration card. Reward. Return to Iowan office. 17 LOST--During rush week black seal skin collar. Reward. Edith D. Leopold, Delta Gamma house. 17 SPORT SPARKS According to the dope in the State Student ,Ames owns 5 men from their last year's varsity and a number of second string men from the squad. With these as a foundation for a team, Mayer should build a formidable eleven for the Aggi followers. Vanderloo, Schalk, Hadley, Breeden, and Captain Heater are the varsity men around whom the coach will center his play. These lads played fine football last year, Vanderloo came from Coon Rapids, looming up as a bright light in all games. Heater was the boy who fought in the Iowa game last year, making his gain nearly every time he attempted. Several good men were lost, Boyd, midget quarter, received a commission, Baker, guard, was conscripted, Wallace and Jager, two regulars, have not put in their appearance. There should be a merry battle at the Ames school November 16 when the Hawks will journey there with intentions of once more of defeating their old rival and putting them out of the race for state honors. What might have ben one of the most interest games on the Wolverine card, but which was cut by the flu, has been given the Michigan Aggies, the proposed opposition for that game, a chance for the men to recuperate, preparatory to their meeting Northwestern next Saturday. Michigan's old time rival fell before Yost last Saturday in a hard game. This season they have built their team about one man, Ferris, the clever little pilot. On him they are basing all their hopes, though the rest of their team is very strong. They were able to meet Michigan last Saturday but owing to th epidemic, the game was cancelled. AT the time the stellar little pilot was in the hospital with the flu. Without him they would have been at a total loss at the hands of the Wolverines. Luck is with them for the following week as Ferris has received his K. O. from the infirmary of the school and is back on the squad. Carl Johnson star track man of Michigan, wrenched his back slightly while in one of the company exercises games during their dull period this week. The injury will not interfere with his sprints this fall as he has recovered from like wrenches in a short time. His record in track last year was perhaps the most remarkable even made on the Wolverine cinders, and his loss through such an injury would be most severely felt. All this man did in the conference meet was to take four firsts and a second totalling the most points of any man in the meet. He also tore things up considerably in the eastern meet. STUDENT GIRLS--ATTENTION You will find a Wealth of Charm and Beauty In Our Collection of DRESS ACCESSORIES APPROPRIATE FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS AND GENERAL WEAR Hose of Luxite Made of LUxite Synthetic Silk The Incomparable Hosiery For Young Women Washing Leaves Hose of Luxite as Firm and Lustrous as New because its charming shimmer and full-bodied appearance come from the extra rich materials used--not from heavy metallic compounds that some makers add to their dyes to give their skimped hosiery weight and gloss. Hosiery so treated deteriorates swiftly, for fine threads cannot stand "loading" in the dyes. We chose Hose of Luxite for this store because it merits the approval of particular student girls and other exacting young women. The wide range of styles and prices will suit every purse and purpose. Fine, close, stitches give it lasting style and beauty. Luxite fiber silk hose $1. and $1.25; pure silk, $1.50 and $2.00. FAMOUS HOLEPROOF HOSIERY FOR MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN SPECIAL VALUES FOR YOUNG WOMEN--COTTON PAIR 50c SILK $1.25 and $1.50 "Onyx" [emblem ONYX] Hosiery EXCEPTIONAL VALUES--COTTON PAIR 30c and 40c. MERCERIZED 40c and 59c. SILK $1.25, [$1.??] and $2.00. UNCLE SAM OPENS THE CHRISTMAS SEASON UNCLE SAM SAYS, "SPEED UP THE CHRISTMAS SELLING." In order that it will not be necessary to keep stores open longer hours in December nor to employ additional help, Uncle Sam requests that we begin our Christmas selling season immediately. Sensible gifts are in order this year. There are no flub-dubs, no silly frills nor foolish fancies in our wartime Christmas display. Solid, substantial, appreciated merchandise is the patriotic thing. Do your Christmas buying at the earliest possible moment. Help us carry out Uncle Sam's order, so that there will be no congestion in the mails and no waste of extra heat and light during the holiday season. [hand drawn pic of lady] Christmas Neckwear For the one-piece dress of serge and silk for the new fall suit many refreshingly new and different pieces of neckwear are shown in various materials. One of the most highly favored shapes is the long narrow roll in dainty organdy and pique. All are priced moderately from 50c to $2. [hand drawn pic of 2 women] NEW LEATHER GOODS A big variety to choose from. The prices are less than you'll expect. THE COUNCIL OF NATIONAL DEFENSE requests that Christmas shopping be done early this year. Early you say? But Uncle Sam doesn't think so. Yetter's THE BIG STORE THE BIG STORE cooperates in spirit and letter and is displaying holiday goods now. We urge patrons to shop early in the Morning, Early in the Week and Early in the Season.
PAGE SIX THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday, October 27, 1918 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOR RENT-- A single room for $7 in a modern home. Call Black 1664 at meal times. LOST--Waltham gold watch in City Park. Hunting case, one lid removed. Name on back. Liberal Reward. Call 1091. LOST--Black bill folder containing sum of money and check, also registration card. Reward. Return to Iowan office. 17 LOST--During rush week black seal skin collar. Reward. Edith D. Leopold, Delta Gamma house. 17 SPORT SPARKS According to the dope in the State Student ,Ames owns 5 men from their last year's varsity and a number of second string men from the squad. With these as a foundation for a team, Mayer should build a formidable eleven for the Aggi followers. Vanderloo, Schalk, Hadley, Breeden, and Captain Heater are the varsity men around whom the coach will center his play. These lads played fine football last year, Vanderloo came from Coon Rapids, looming up as a bright light in all games. Heater was the boy who fought in the Iowa game last year, making his gain nearly every time he attempted. Several good men were lost, Boyd, midget quarter, received a commission, Baker, guard, was conscripted, Wallace and Jager, two regulars, have not put in their appearance. There should be a merry battle at the Ames school November 16 when the Hawks will journey there with intentions of once more of defeating their old rival and putting them out of the race for state honors. What might have ben one of the most interest games on the Wolverine card, but which was cut by the flu, has been given the Michigan Aggies, the proposed opposition for that game, a chance for the men to recuperate, preparatory to their meeting Northwestern next Saturday. Michigan's old time rival fell before Yost last Saturday in a hard game. This season they have built their team about one man, Ferris, the clever little pilot. On him they are basing all their hopes, though the rest of their team is very strong. They were able to meet Michigan last Saturday but owing to th epidemic, the game was cancelled. AT the time the stellar little pilot was in the hospital with the flu. Without him they would have been at a total loss at the hands of the Wolverines. Luck is with them for the following week as Ferris has received his K. O. from the infirmary of the school and is back on the squad. Carl Johnson star track man of Michigan, wrenched his back slightly while in one of the company exercises games during their dull period this week. The injury will not interfere with his sprints this fall as he has recovered from like wrenches in a short time. His record in track last year was perhaps the most remarkable even made on the Wolverine cinders, and his loss through such an injury would be most severely felt. All this man did in the conference meet was to take four firsts and a second totalling the most points of any man in the meet. He also tore things up considerably in the eastern meet. STUDENT GIRLS--ATTENTION You will find a Wealth of Charm and Beauty In Our Collection of DRESS ACCESSORIES APPROPRIATE FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS AND GENERAL WEAR Hose of Luxite Made of LUxite Synthetic Silk The Incomparable Hosiery For Young Women Washing Leaves Hose of Luxite as Firm and Lustrous as New because its charming shimmer and full-bodied appearance come from the extra rich materials used--not from heavy metallic compounds that some makers add to their dyes to give their skimped hosiery weight and gloss. Hosiery so treated deteriorates swiftly, for fine threads cannot stand "loading" in the dyes. We chose Hose of Luxite for this store because it merits the approval of particular student girls and other exacting young women. The wide range of styles and prices will suit every purse and purpose. Fine, close, stitches give it lasting style and beauty. Luxite fiber silk hose $1. and $1.25; pure silk, $1.50 and $2.00. FAMOUS HOLEPROOF HOSIERY FOR MEN WOMEN AND CHILDREN SPECIAL VALUES FOR YOUNG WOMEN--COTTON PAIR 50c SILK $1.25 and $1.50 "Onyx" [emblem ONYX] Hosiery EXCEPTIONAL VALUES--COTTON PAIR 30c and 40c. MERCERIZED 40c and 59c. SILK $1.25, [$1.??] and $2.00. UNCLE SAM OPENS THE CHRISTMAS SEASON UNCLE SAM SAYS, "SPEED UP THE CHRISTMAS SELLING." In order that it will not be necessary to keep stores open longer hours in December nor to employ additional help, Uncle Sam requests that we begin our Christmas selling season immediately. Sensible gifts are in order this year. There are no flub-dubs, no silly frills nor foolish fancies in our wartime Christmas display. Solid, substantial, appreciated merchandise is the patriotic thing. Do your Christmas buying at the earliest possible moment. Help us carry out Uncle Sam's order, so that there will be no congestion in the mails and no waste of extra heat and light during the holiday season. [hand drawn pic of lady] Christmas Neckwear For the one-piece dress of serge and silk for the new fall suit many refreshingly new and different pieces of neckwear are shown in various materials. One of the most highly favored shapes is the long narrow roll in dainty organdy and pique. All are priced moderately from 50c to $2. [hand drawn pic of 2 women] NEW LEATHER GOODS A big variety to choose from. The prices are less than you'll expect. THE COUNCIL OF NATIONAL DEFENSE requests that Christmas shopping be done early this year. Early you say? But Uncle Sam doesn't think so. Yetter's THE BIG STORE THE BIG STORE cooperates in spirit and letter and is displaying holiday goods now. We urge patrons to shop early in the Morning, Early in the Week and Early in the Season.
Daily Iowan Newspapers