Daily Iowan, November 3, 1918
Page 3
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Sunday, November 3, 1918 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE CHURCH NOTICES "Open House" will be observed at the Congregation conference house today from 4 to 5, with the Christian Endeavor meeting immediately following. "The Bible as I Should Know It" is the topic for the week. The Rev. Mr. Schafer will lead. All Congregation young people are invited The Epworth League of the Methodist church will have a social house from 4 to 5 o'clock in the rooms at the church. From 5 to 5:45 devotionals will be held under the leadership of Mr. Howard M. LeSourd. S.A.T.C. men are asked to come by the League. Bible study courses for University students at the Presbyterian church will meet this morning at 9:30. This afternoon from 4 to 7 the young people of the church will meet at the church parlors. S.A.T.C. are especially invited, the student pastor declares. Dr. C.W. Wassam will adress the student class at the English Lutheran church this morning at 9:45. All students are welcome, church official say. Delta Gamma announces the pledging of Marguerite Moe of Algona. Margaret Mallory, Delta Gamma, is spending the week end at her home in Hampton. Catherine Crosby of Rockwell City, and Helen Birdman of Newton are visiting at the Gamma Phi Beta house. C. Biedman of Ames is visiting Miss Florence Adams, Acoth. Sophia Kleaveland and Clarice and Ardys Knudson of Currier Hall have gone to their homes at Jewell for over Sunday. The Alpha Delta Pi's enjoyed a Hallowe'en dinner Thursdat evening. Elsie Atwood, Alpha Theta, has gone to her home at LeMars to recover from the flu. Delta Zeta announces the pledging of Lucille Goodykoonts of Waukon, and of Florence Huber of Tipton. Jack Dixon is visiting his sister, Mrs. Edith Dixon Leopold, at the Delta Gamma house. Lorna Ludwig, Currier Hall, is in Cedar Rapids today. The Alpha Chi girls held a Hallowe'en party Friday night. Irene Anderson, Gamma Phi Beta, has recovered from the flu. Anne Perrin of Clarkesville is the guest of Marjorie Madden at the Delta Gamma house. Achoth entertained at a Hallowe'en party at the chapter house on Saturday evening. Dorothy Cave, Alpha Delta Pi, has gone to her home at Greene for several days. Evelyn Larson of Mason City, and Margaret Evans of Cedar Rappids, spent Friday with the Pi Phi's. Mary Meredith of Atlantic, is visiting her sister, Bess, who is suffering with the influenza. Sallie Hamilton, Delta Gamma, is the guest of relatives at Fort Madison. Currier Hall has an elaborate Hallowe'en dinner party Friday night. The parlors and dining rooms were most appropriately decorated with autumn leaves and brightly colored festoons. Stunts, fortunes, a ghost march, and dancing formed the entertainment. Vida Guthrie of West Liberty, is visiting at the Achoth house. Helen Von Lackum, Delta Delta Delta, was discharged from the isolation hospital Saturday after an attack of Spanish influenza. Mrs. O.A. Byington entertained the Alpha Xi Delta girls Friday evening. The Delta Zeta sorority will have an informal tea this afternoon. Mrs. Matyk of Cedar Rapids is visiting her daughter, Lucille at Currier Hall. Selma Millich has returned to Currier Annex from her home in Dubuque, where she had been called last week on account of the serious illness fo her father. Enola Smith has gone to Belle Plaine, Josephine Thielen to Grundy Center, and Frieda Reinemund to Muscatine for the week end. Other Currier hall girls who have gone are: Lorraine Friedlund who was summoned to Osage because of the death of her brother-in-law; and Sarah Kerns to Webster City to attend her brother's funeral. Helen Blount's mother and little sister from Des Moines are her guests over the week end. Prof. H.R. Dill of the zoology department is beginning work on the new Avery Island group for the museum. Professor Dill made an expedition to the Gulf of Mexico in the spring where he collected material for this exhibit. Jules Le Dieu, assistant to Professor Dill in the museum department, is recovering from pneumonia. His case has been one of the worst at the hospital; his temperature ran as high as 105, and he was unconscious for several days. He will probably be in condition to resume work within the next month. Hallowe'en parties were given at Currier Hall, Phi Psi and Sigma Chi houses Friday evening. Florence Barnes, Pi Phi, is visiting at her home in Des Moines over the week end. Helen Blount, Delta Gamma, is entertaining her mother and sister from Des Moines over the week end at the Sigma Chi house. Serg. Leo. A. Linder, formerly of the liberal arts college now has departed from Baltimore, Md. for "over there." He is now 1rst sergeant of a battery which consists of 104 men. He is with Battery D of the 7th Anti-Aircraft battalion. Capt. J. Hoyt Dreibelbia, formerly of this university, has been transferrer from Ft. Sill, Okla., to Camp Zachary Taylor, Louisville, Ky, as an instructor in material for the artillery. Send the Iowan home. DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. Quality Drugs Whetstones Quality Drugs MRS. H.R. MOORE SHAMPOOING 219 E. COLLEGE Strictly Soft Water PHONE 1110 BOOK AND CRAFT SHOP University Text Books and Supplies 124 EAST WASHINGTON STREET UNIFORMS Complete Outfits S.A.T.C. Overcoats Wool Uniforms Army Shoes Army Sweaters Hats and Caps Leggings Puttees Insignia, Cords Shirts Sheepskin Coats Uniforms Made to Measure Military Instruction Books Send for Catalog 9 Satisfaction or Money Back ARMY & NAVY EQUIPMENT CO 37 West 125th St. New York City THE BEAUTY SHOP Shampooing Hair Dressing Electric Scalp Treatment Hair Goods Toilet Articles Mrs. L.L. Kenyon, Proprietor 21 1-2 E. Washington Phone 1051 MENU JEFFERSON SPECIAL TABLE D'HOTE DINNER $1.25 per cover 12 to 2 6 to 8 Cream of Tomato or Beef Bouillon, en Tasse Celery Queen Olives Radishes Choice of:- Roast Spring Chicken, Stuffed, Jelly Roast Prime Ribs of Beef, au jus Fried Lake Trout, Potato Chips Mashed Potatoes or Browned Sweet Potatoes Brussells Sprouts or Sugar Corn Head Lettuce, 1000 Island Dressing Choice of:- Chocolate Ice Cream, Assorted Cake Blueberry Pie Apple Pie Tea Coffee Milk U.E. Food Administration License No. B 27666 "The Stars and Stripes Forever!" Lieut. John Philip Sousa and his U.S. Naval Reserve Band The world's greatest bands on the Victrola Sousa's Band, Pryor's Band, Conway's Band, Vessella's Band, United States Marine Band, Black Diamonds Band of London, Band of H.M. Coldstream Guards, Garde Republicaine Band of France, Banda de Alabarderos of Madrid, and other celebrated organizations. Listening to these famous bands on the Victrola, arouses your enthusiasm both for the bands that play such stirring music and the instrument that reproduces it so perfectly. Now of all the times band music is an inspiration to all of us- and the Victrola brings right into the home the thrilling music of the greatest bands in all the world. Come in and let us demonstrate the Victrola for you and explain our terms of easy payment. Harmony Hall Victrolas Records Pianos L.R. SPENCER, Iowa City Iowa
Sunday, November 3, 1918 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE CHURCH NOTICES "Open House" will be observed at the Congregation conference house today from 4 to 5, with the Christian Endeavor meeting immediately following. "The Bible as I Should Know It" is the topic for the week. The Rev. Mr. Schafer will lead. All Congregation young people are invited The Epworth League of the Methodist church will have a social house from 4 to 5 o'clock in the rooms at the church. From 5 to 5:45 devotionals will be held under the leadership of Mr. Howard M. LeSourd. S.A.T.C. men are asked to come by the League. Bible study courses for University students at the Presbyterian church will meet this morning at 9:30. This afternoon from 4 to 7 the young people of the church will meet at the church parlors. S.A.T.C. are especially invited, the student pastor declares. Dr. C.W. Wassam will adress the student class at the English Lutheran church this morning at 9:45. All students are welcome, church official say. Delta Gamma announces the pledging of Marguerite Moe of Algona. Margaret Mallory, Delta Gamma, is spending the week end at her home in Hampton. Catherine Crosby of Rockwell City, and Helen Birdman of Newton are visiting at the Gamma Phi Beta house. C. Biedman of Ames is visiting Miss Florence Adams, Acoth. Sophia Kleaveland and Clarice and Ardys Knudson of Currier Hall have gone to their homes at Jewell for over Sunday. The Alpha Delta Pi's enjoyed a Hallowe'en dinner Thursdat evening. Elsie Atwood, Alpha Theta, has gone to her home at LeMars to recover from the flu. Delta Zeta announces the pledging of Lucille Goodykoonts of Waukon, and of Florence Huber of Tipton. Jack Dixon is visiting his sister, Mrs. Edith Dixon Leopold, at the Delta Gamma house. Lorna Ludwig, Currier Hall, is in Cedar Rapids today. The Alpha Chi girls held a Hallowe'en party Friday night. Irene Anderson, Gamma Phi Beta, has recovered from the flu. Anne Perrin of Clarkesville is the guest of Marjorie Madden at the Delta Gamma house. Achoth entertained at a Hallowe'en party at the chapter house on Saturday evening. Dorothy Cave, Alpha Delta Pi, has gone to her home at Greene for several days. Evelyn Larson of Mason City, and Margaret Evans of Cedar Rappids, spent Friday with the Pi Phi's. Mary Meredith of Atlantic, is visiting her sister, Bess, who is suffering with the influenza. Sallie Hamilton, Delta Gamma, is the guest of relatives at Fort Madison. Currier Hall has an elaborate Hallowe'en dinner party Friday night. The parlors and dining rooms were most appropriately decorated with autumn leaves and brightly colored festoons. Stunts, fortunes, a ghost march, and dancing formed the entertainment. Vida Guthrie of West Liberty, is visiting at the Achoth house. Helen Von Lackum, Delta Delta Delta, was discharged from the isolation hospital Saturday after an attack of Spanish influenza. Mrs. O.A. Byington entertained the Alpha Xi Delta girls Friday evening. The Delta Zeta sorority will have an informal tea this afternoon. Mrs. Matyk of Cedar Rapids is visiting her daughter, Lucille at Currier Hall. Selma Millich has returned to Currier Annex from her home in Dubuque, where she had been called last week on account of the serious illness fo her father. Enola Smith has gone to Belle Plaine, Josephine Thielen to Grundy Center, and Frieda Reinemund to Muscatine for the week end. Other Currier hall girls who have gone are: Lorraine Friedlund who was summoned to Osage because of the death of her brother-in-law; and Sarah Kerns to Webster City to attend her brother's funeral. Helen Blount's mother and little sister from Des Moines are her guests over the week end. Prof. H.R. Dill of the zoology department is beginning work on the new Avery Island group for the museum. Professor Dill made an expedition to the Gulf of Mexico in the spring where he collected material for this exhibit. Jules Le Dieu, assistant to Professor Dill in the museum department, is recovering from pneumonia. His case has been one of the worst at the hospital; his temperature ran as high as 105, and he was unconscious for several days. He will probably be in condition to resume work within the next month. Hallowe'en parties were given at Currier Hall, Phi Psi and Sigma Chi houses Friday evening. Florence Barnes, Pi Phi, is visiting at her home in Des Moines over the week end. Helen Blount, Delta Gamma, is entertaining her mother and sister from Des Moines over the week end at the Sigma Chi house. Serg. Leo. A. Linder, formerly of the liberal arts college now has departed from Baltimore, Md. for "over there." He is now 1rst sergeant of a battery which consists of 104 men. He is with Battery D of the 7th Anti-Aircraft battalion. Capt. J. Hoyt Dreibelbia, formerly of this university, has been transferrer from Ft. Sill, Okla., to Camp Zachary Taylor, Louisville, Ky, as an instructor in material for the artillery. Send the Iowan home. DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. Quality Drugs Whetstones Quality Drugs MRS. H.R. MOORE SHAMPOOING 219 E. COLLEGE Strictly Soft Water PHONE 1110 BOOK AND CRAFT SHOP University Text Books and Supplies 124 EAST WASHINGTON STREET UNIFORMS Complete Outfits S.A.T.C. Overcoats Wool Uniforms Army Shoes Army Sweaters Hats and Caps Leggings Puttees Insignia, Cords Shirts Sheepskin Coats Uniforms Made to Measure Military Instruction Books Send for Catalog 9 Satisfaction or Money Back ARMY & NAVY EQUIPMENT CO 37 West 125th St. New York City THE BEAUTY SHOP Shampooing Hair Dressing Electric Scalp Treatment Hair Goods Toilet Articles Mrs. L.L. Kenyon, Proprietor 21 1-2 E. Washington Phone 1051 MENU JEFFERSON SPECIAL TABLE D'HOTE DINNER $1.25 per cover 12 to 2 6 to 8 Cream of Tomato or Beef Bouillon, en Tasse Celery Queen Olives Radishes Choice of:- Roast Spring Chicken, Stuffed, Jelly Roast Prime Ribs of Beef, au jus Fried Lake Trout, Potato Chips Mashed Potatoes or Browned Sweet Potatoes Brussells Sprouts or Sugar Corn Head Lettuce, 1000 Island Dressing Choice of:- Chocolate Ice Cream, Assorted Cake Blueberry Pie Apple Pie Tea Coffee Milk U.E. Food Administration License No. B 27666 "The Stars and Stripes Forever!" Lieut. John Philip Sousa and his U.S. Naval Reserve Band The world's greatest bands on the Victrola Sousa's Band, Pryor's Band, Conway's Band, Vessella's Band, United States Marine Band, Black Diamonds Band of London, Band of H.M. Coldstream Guards, Garde Republicaine Band of France, Banda de Alabarderos of Madrid, and other celebrated organizations. Listening to these famous bands on the Victrola, arouses your enthusiasm both for the bands that play such stirring music and the instrument that reproduces it so perfectly. Now of all the times band music is an inspiration to all of us- and the Victrola brings right into the home the thrilling music of the greatest bands in all the world. Come in and let us demonstrate the Victrola for you and explain our terms of easy payment. Harmony Hall Victrolas Records Pianos L.R. SPENCER, Iowa City Iowa
Daily Iowan Newspapers