Daily Iowan, November 3, 1918
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PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday, November 3, 1918 WANTS ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOR RENT-A single room for $7 in a modern home. Call Black 1664 at meal times. LOST-Grey kid glove. Call 2147 FOR RENT-Modern light house keeping roms. 505 E. Washington St. Close in. 19 New perfumes in latest odors at McGuan Bros. Pharmacy, 123 Clinto St. 19 LOST-Elgin wrist watch. Black leather case. Probably on campus. Return to Iowan office. 1 MASS MEETING IS TO LAUNCH DRIVE (continued from page 1) included in the drive is notable for its welfare and relief work among the army camps. Besides the Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. which taken men and women even to canteen huts just outside and in the trenches, there are the Knights of Columbus, who carry on similar work and have been highly commended by military officials, the Jewish welfare Board, the Salvation Army, the American Library Association and the War Camp Community service. It is a part of the work of the [?]wish welfare Board and the War [illegible] Community Service to plan re[illegible] for the men in service, the American Library Association [illegible] camp libraries, and representations of the Salvation Army are [illegible] for making pies and doughnuts [illegible] giving that "homey" touch to [illegible] at the front. The women of the University urged to get behind these organizations and go over the top in their campaign. TELLS OF GALLANTRY Paris Edition of New York Herald Gives Words of Citation The European edition of the New York Herald for Oct. 2 carried the following announcement of the citation of Lieut. Fred H. Becker, the Iowa football player of note. Harold Chamberlin of the University ambulance corps sent the clipping to The Iowan with the note that the citation carried the distinguished service cross. "Destroys Machine Gun Nest. "Second Lieutenant Fred H. Becker-U.S.M.C. (deceased).-For extraordinary heroism in action near Vierzy, France, July 18, 1918. Lieutenant Becker went forward in advance of his platoon and destroyed a machine gun nest, thereby preventing the death or injury of many men of his command. His self-sacrificing courage permitted his platoon to advance, but as he completed the performance of this nable work he himself was killed." Next of kin: Mr. J.B. Becker, Father, 224 Newell Street, Waterloo, Iowa." COMMISSION ELECTS OFFICERS It is customary for the outgoing Freshman commission to choose twelve freshman girls of the new class to act as members. This year one of the twelve chosen has left school, and the eleven left will choose five instead of four new members to make up the usual sixteen. The new members will be chosen at a meeting on November 9. The freshman commission will have an advisor this year for the first time. Marjorie Heberling, secretary of the Y.W.C.A. cabinet, has been chosen advisor for the new commission. ILLINOIS ELEVEN BESTS IOWA TEAM (continued from page 1) utes the Hawkeyes outclassed their rivals. Illinois kicked to Kelley on his 30 yd. line and Iowa started a march to the goal, Scott gained 4. Sykes added 8 on an end run. Lohman was given the ball and went for 4 yards. Lohman tore through for 5 more, Lohman gained 6 yards through right tackle, and Lohman carried the ball for a 4 yard again. Lohman passed to Scott but it was broken by an Illinois man. Illinois took the ball but were unable to gain and Kirkpatrick dropped back for a try at a goal which he missed. After the first quarter the Iowa team was on the defensive for the rest of the game. Illinois worked passes continually and their own plays were a sort of myster to the Hawkeyes. Although the Iowa team was defeated, it put up a fight that made Illinois hit the ball from start to finish. The Hawkeye line though not up to its standard, played a hard game, breaking through several times and sprilling the runner for a loss. Synhorst, Captain Reed, and Slater played an unusually strong game. Slater broke through and blocked Kirkpatrick's try for goal. This play took the oval from Iowa territory and up to midfield where Greenwood recovered on the fifty yard line. The Iowa back field did not get the chance to employ their hard driving attack for the Hawks were held on the defense all the time. Lohman again loomed as a star for this boy carries the oval to their 20-yard line almost single handed, gaining 23 yards in five times. Scott and Sykes hit the line for long gains when they were called on. Scottie grabbed several passes from Lohman for good advances. With the Illinois game as history, the Iowa team will turn their efforts to the Gophers who came here for the Homecoming game, Minnesota has not their usual strong lineup, having played but a few games. Their showing in the last game makes them look like a hard team to beat and nothing will be left undone in an attempt to put out the best eleven possible to battle for a win over the Gophers. Lineup: Iowa Reed Synhorst Mockmore Heldt Hunselman Slater Greenwood Kelley Sykes Scott Lohman Position L.C. L.T. L.G. C. R.G. R.T. R.C. Q.B. L.H.B. R.H.B. F.B. Illinois Lovejoy Ingerswein Hanschmann Delpher Mohr Olander Butzer Fletcher Kirkpatrick Walquist Kopp Touchdowns: Sabo, 2. Kirkpatrick Goals: Butzer Substitutions: Leitch for Hauschman; Butzer for Lovejoy; Johnson for Mohr; Sabo for Walquist; Lanum for Kopp. Iowa: Block for Mockmore; Belding for Greenwood. Officials: Holderness, Lehigh, umpire; Bordalio, Maine, linesman; Masher, Michigan, referee. Time: 15 minute periods. At a meeting Saturday the Freshman commission elected the following officers for this year: Ardis Woodward, president, Florence Barnes, vice president, Julia Hysham, secretary and treasurer. McGuan Bros Pharmacy have a choice line of candies. 19 THE GARDEN CHARLOTTE IN The Frozen Warning SUNDAY & MONDAY 5c & 10c Pastime THEATRE TODAY & TOMORROW Norma Talmadge That charming actress IN 'The Forbidden City' An American-Chinese Love Story This is the best picture this star has ever made. SEE IT ADMISSION 10-15c STRAND THEATRE LAST TIME TODAY Rita Jolivet International Star Survivor of the Lusitania IN Lest We Forget Coming Tomorrow and Tuesday another big feature show- MY OWN UNITED STATES Englert Theatre TODAY Enid Bennet IN PARAMOUNT PICTURE "Naughty Naughty" Just as Jolly as the name implies Blanket Bath Robes Warm Kimonas Blanket bath robes made of heavy fancy materials in the appropriate colors. They have large collars, long sleeves, pockets, and cord at the waist. All excellent values at- $4.98, $5.98, $6.98, $7.98 to $12.85 Warm Kimonas Serpentine Crepes and Flannelletts Beautiful patterns and styles in either light or dark, with elastic or loose waist, long or three-quarter sleeve. Just the kind you will need to slip on these cool mornings and evenings. All sizes, moderately priced at $2.50, $3.00, $3.98 and $4.98 Furs By all means buy furs now. Owing to conditions the manufacturers are sure to advance prices soon, and besides, there may be a special tax added any time. Neck Pieces French coney neck pieces in black, brown and gray. Russian wolf in black, brown and gray. Fox in natural red, gray and black; also lynx. Excellent values at $10.00, $12.85, $15.00, $18.50 to $65.00 Muffs Russian wolf, gray squirrel, and many other pelts. Russian wolf comes in black only. All moderately, priced at - $7.98, $9.98, $15.00, $18.50 to $45.00 New Furtex Coats SILK AND PLUSH Remarkable values at ... $25.00 They could not be reordered at this time so that we could sell them at less than $35.00 Smart Blouses In a profusion of styles that feature all of the new fashion ideas. Hundreds of them. Very special values at - $5.98 Sensible Gifts This year practical, substantial things are patriotic. Come here for NECKWEAR, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, Leather Goods, Toilet Articles, Hosiery, Waists, Kimonas, Bath Robes, etc. Please do not delay your Christmas shopping UNCLE SAM URGES us to speed up the Christmas buying. Yetter's THE BIG STORE UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ON THE CORNER Text Books and Supplies ALL COLLEGES ALL ENGINEERS SUPPLIES
PAGE FOUR THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Sunday, November 3, 1918 WANTS ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOR RENT-A single room for $7 in a modern home. Call Black 1664 at meal times. LOST-Grey kid glove. Call 2147 FOR RENT-Modern light house keeping roms. 505 E. Washington St. Close in. 19 New perfumes in latest odors at McGuan Bros. Pharmacy, 123 Clinto St. 19 LOST-Elgin wrist watch. Black leather case. Probably on campus. Return to Iowan office. 1 MASS MEETING IS TO LAUNCH DRIVE (continued from page 1) included in the drive is notable for its welfare and relief work among the army camps. Besides the Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. which taken men and women even to canteen huts just outside and in the trenches, there are the Knights of Columbus, who carry on similar work and have been highly commended by military officials, the Jewish welfare Board, the Salvation Army, the American Library Association and the War Camp Community service. It is a part of the work of the [?]wish welfare Board and the War [illegible] Community Service to plan re[illegible] for the men in service, the American Library Association [illegible] camp libraries, and representations of the Salvation Army are [illegible] for making pies and doughnuts [illegible] giving that "homey" touch to [illegible] at the front. The women of the University urged to get behind these organizations and go over the top in their campaign. TELLS OF GALLANTRY Paris Edition of New York Herald Gives Words of Citation The European edition of the New York Herald for Oct. 2 carried the following announcement of the citation of Lieut. Fred H. Becker, the Iowa football player of note. Harold Chamberlin of the University ambulance corps sent the clipping to The Iowan with the note that the citation carried the distinguished service cross. "Destroys Machine Gun Nest. "Second Lieutenant Fred H. Becker-U.S.M.C. (deceased).-For extraordinary heroism in action near Vierzy, France, July 18, 1918. Lieutenant Becker went forward in advance of his platoon and destroyed a machine gun nest, thereby preventing the death or injury of many men of his command. His self-sacrificing courage permitted his platoon to advance, but as he completed the performance of this nable work he himself was killed." Next of kin: Mr. J.B. Becker, Father, 224 Newell Street, Waterloo, Iowa." COMMISSION ELECTS OFFICERS It is customary for the outgoing Freshman commission to choose twelve freshman girls of the new class to act as members. This year one of the twelve chosen has left school, and the eleven left will choose five instead of four new members to make up the usual sixteen. The new members will be chosen at a meeting on November 9. The freshman commission will have an advisor this year for the first time. Marjorie Heberling, secretary of the Y.W.C.A. cabinet, has been chosen advisor for the new commission. ILLINOIS ELEVEN BESTS IOWA TEAM (continued from page 1) utes the Hawkeyes outclassed their rivals. Illinois kicked to Kelley on his 30 yd. line and Iowa started a march to the goal, Scott gained 4. Sykes added 8 on an end run. Lohman was given the ball and went for 4 yards. Lohman tore through for 5 more, Lohman gained 6 yards through right tackle, and Lohman carried the ball for a 4 yard again. Lohman passed to Scott but it was broken by an Illinois man. Illinois took the ball but were unable to gain and Kirkpatrick dropped back for a try at a goal which he missed. After the first quarter the Iowa team was on the defensive for the rest of the game. Illinois worked passes continually and their own plays were a sort of myster to the Hawkeyes. Although the Iowa team was defeated, it put up a fight that made Illinois hit the ball from start to finish. The Hawkeye line though not up to its standard, played a hard game, breaking through several times and sprilling the runner for a loss. Synhorst, Captain Reed, and Slater played an unusually strong game. Slater broke through and blocked Kirkpatrick's try for goal. This play took the oval from Iowa territory and up to midfield where Greenwood recovered on the fifty yard line. The Iowa back field did not get the chance to employ their hard driving attack for the Hawks were held on the defense all the time. Lohman again loomed as a star for this boy carries the oval to their 20-yard line almost single handed, gaining 23 yards in five times. Scott and Sykes hit the line for long gains when they were called on. Scottie grabbed several passes from Lohman for good advances. With the Illinois game as history, the Iowa team will turn their efforts to the Gophers who came here for the Homecoming game, Minnesota has not their usual strong lineup, having played but a few games. Their showing in the last game makes them look like a hard team to beat and nothing will be left undone in an attempt to put out the best eleven possible to battle for a win over the Gophers. Lineup: Iowa Reed Synhorst Mockmore Heldt Hunselman Slater Greenwood Kelley Sykes Scott Lohman Position L.C. L.T. L.G. C. R.G. R.T. R.C. Q.B. L.H.B. R.H.B. F.B. Illinois Lovejoy Ingerswein Hanschmann Delpher Mohr Olander Butzer Fletcher Kirkpatrick Walquist Kopp Touchdowns: Sabo, 2. Kirkpatrick Goals: Butzer Substitutions: Leitch for Hauschman; Butzer for Lovejoy; Johnson for Mohr; Sabo for Walquist; Lanum for Kopp. Iowa: Block for Mockmore; Belding for Greenwood. Officials: Holderness, Lehigh, umpire; Bordalio, Maine, linesman; Masher, Michigan, referee. Time: 15 minute periods. At a meeting Saturday the Freshman commission elected the following officers for this year: Ardis Woodward, president, Florence Barnes, vice president, Julia Hysham, secretary and treasurer. McGuan Bros Pharmacy have a choice line of candies. 19 THE GARDEN CHARLOTTE IN The Frozen Warning SUNDAY & MONDAY 5c & 10c Pastime THEATRE TODAY & TOMORROW Norma Talmadge That charming actress IN 'The Forbidden City' An American-Chinese Love Story This is the best picture this star has ever made. SEE IT ADMISSION 10-15c STRAND THEATRE LAST TIME TODAY Rita Jolivet International Star Survivor of the Lusitania IN Lest We Forget Coming Tomorrow and Tuesday another big feature show- MY OWN UNITED STATES Englert Theatre TODAY Enid Bennet IN PARAMOUNT PICTURE "Naughty Naughty" Just as Jolly as the name implies Blanket Bath Robes Warm Kimonas Blanket bath robes made of heavy fancy materials in the appropriate colors. They have large collars, long sleeves, pockets, and cord at the waist. All excellent values at- $4.98, $5.98, $6.98, $7.98 to $12.85 Warm Kimonas Serpentine Crepes and Flannelletts Beautiful patterns and styles in either light or dark, with elastic or loose waist, long or three-quarter sleeve. Just the kind you will need to slip on these cool mornings and evenings. All sizes, moderately priced at $2.50, $3.00, $3.98 and $4.98 Furs By all means buy furs now. Owing to conditions the manufacturers are sure to advance prices soon, and besides, there may be a special tax added any time. Neck Pieces French coney neck pieces in black, brown and gray. Russian wolf in black, brown and gray. Fox in natural red, gray and black; also lynx. Excellent values at $10.00, $12.85, $15.00, $18.50 to $65.00 Muffs Russian wolf, gray squirrel, and many other pelts. Russian wolf comes in black only. All moderately, priced at - $7.98, $9.98, $15.00, $18.50 to $45.00 New Furtex Coats SILK AND PLUSH Remarkable values at ... $25.00 They could not be reordered at this time so that we could sell them at less than $35.00 Smart Blouses In a profusion of styles that feature all of the new fashion ideas. Hundreds of them. Very special values at - $5.98 Sensible Gifts This year practical, substantial things are patriotic. Come here for NECKWEAR, HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES, Leather Goods, Toilet Articles, Hosiery, Waists, Kimonas, Bath Robes, etc. Please do not delay your Christmas shopping UNCLE SAM URGES us to speed up the Christmas buying. Yetter's THE BIG STORE UNIVERSITY BOOK STORE ON THE CORNER Text Books and Supplies ALL COLLEGES ALL ENGINEERS SUPPLIES
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