Daily Iowan, November 7, 1918
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The Daily Iowan The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa VOL. VXIII-NEW SERIES VOL. III IOWA CITY, IOWA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1918 NUMBER 20 IOWA READY FOR GREATEST HOMECOMING UNIVERSITY PLANS BIG HOMECOMING EVENTS THIS YEAR Monster Mass Meeting on Campus Friday Afternoon-Followed by S. A. T. C. Retreat MESS SERVED AT ARMORY Chawa Kwai Women's Annual Japanese Party Featured By A Sing Homecoming events will start with the monster mass meeting which will be held in front of the physics building Friday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. Speeches will be given by prominent alumni, football players, faculty members and music will be furnished by the University band. The Iowa Fights spirit will predominate the meeting. Retreat at 5:30 by the members of the S. A. T. C. and the band will follow, after which mess will be served down at the armory. Tickets for the soldiers mess may be obtained by alumni and friends either at the alumni headquarters or at the armory door that evening for thirty cents. All visitors, alumni and members of the instructional staff are invited to eat a soldiers meal. Girls to Stage Party The annual Chawa Kwai will start at 7:30 at the liberal arts building. This event is given under the auspices of the Y. W. C. A.; Women's League, Forensic Council, [?] W. A. A. and Pan-Hellenic council. All university women, both students, alumni, faculty members and the wives of faculty members are invited. Those in the receiving [ne?] will be Mrs. W. A. Jessup, Mrs. [ellie?] S. Aurner, Mrs. George F. [ay?], and the presidents of the [women's?] organizations Bernice Cole, [iolet?] Blakely, Hermina Dorweiller, [orothy?] Cave, Edythe Saylor, and [illian?] Prentiss. The procession of girls carrying [rightly?] lighted Japanese lanterns will march in front of the liberal arts building, natural science and the [ld?] Capitol. The girls glee club, as- [sted?] by Gladys Coon, will lead in [e?] sing which will be held on the steps of Old Capitol. Following this program will be given in the drawing room of the liberal arts building consisting of stunts, speeches, [ncing?] and games. Inspection will be held on Iowa [eld?] Saturday morning from 8:30 til 9:30. This will be followed by close order drill by company N. Before the game at 2:30 an exhibit will be given a small class in bayonet fighting. Between halves an [ipment?] race will be given, which will consist of men who will dis- [d?] and retreive various articles of [thing?]. The first man to arrive the starting point will be awarded prize. Explain New Situation Both the city and the university (continued on page 4) IOWA FIGHTS TO WIN; WATCH PREPARATIONS Four thirty is the hour. The place is between the back door of the liberal arts building and the backdoor of the physics hall. In this big back yard is to be the event. And it's some event. Listen. There will be the team. They're first. And the band to make lively music. And Professor Lauer to say funny things. And Private Wilis O'Brien, "Fat" O'Brien, Iowa gridiron star of 1911 and 12. He will be the biggest individual part of the show. There'll be real yelling from first to last with Wheeler and Barney Dondore to do the stage stunts. They and the speakers will be up on the platform so that the folks with short necks can see them. Then there will be soldiers, about 2000 of them, and all the women students, and several hundred alumni and parents of soldiers. The girls are planning a stunt, too; they don't say just what, but girls delight in mysteries. Another novelty will be a high tension electric sign that shoots out sparks and spells in brilliant letters: IOWA FIGHTS TO WIN. Then when the speeches, yells, and songs have died away, the regiment will form for retreat and as the band plays "The Star Spangled Banner," Old Glory will be lowered as the climax and benediction of the whole affair. It will be the mass meeting of your life. SELECT SOLICITORS FOR WOMEN'S DRIVE Oolooah Burner, National Y. W. C. A. Worker to Address Girls' Mass Meeting Miss Oolooah Burner, student secretary of the national board of the Y. W. C. A., will address a mass-meeting of the women of the University in the Natural Science auditorium Tuesday afternoon at 4:30. Miss Burner will come here in the interest of the United War Work campaign, which begins next week. The meeting will probably be exceptionally interesting, as Miss Burner returned to this country after spending six months in France as a social worker. She had charge of a nurses hut near a base hospital, and will tell of her experiences. Campaign solicitors for the various sororities, freshmen and boarding houses of the city have been chose and will meet in the Liberal Arts drawing room for a conference this afternoon at 4:30. Means of making a thorough canvass of all women of the University will be discussed. UNIVERSITY CLUB WILL OPEN FOR ACTIVITIES The University club will begin its activities for the year with a musical to be given at eight o'clocfl Saturday evening. The program will be furnished by Mrs. Starbuck, Mrs. Robson, Miss Cooper. Mrs. Dill, Miss Arms, Miss Condit, and Mrs. H. L. Dodge will be the hostesses. The entertainment is one of the features of Homecoming, not only to start the season out for the old members, but to entertain any guests who may be here on this occasion. The officers of the organization for this year are as follows: President, Mrs. J. N. Pearce; vice-president, Mrs. Ernest Horn; secretary, Mrs. Helen Loos Whitney; treasurer, Miss Ethel Martin. MAJOR DUGMORE GIVES INTERESTING TALK British Officer Delights Audience With Many Details and Horrors of the War Major A. R. Dugmore, who has been in the British army for over three years, spoke Tuesday night in the natural science auditorium to the University students on the subject of "Winning Out". A short time ago he was under a bombardment of gas, and as he has not been allowed to go back into active service, he [talks?] on the war. [hole in the paper] has been in such close contact with the Germans that he was able to tell a great many interesting things concerning their tactics. He said that a German diplomat would be called a spy after the war, and nothing bad enough could be done to these men. Major Dugmore thought a great deal of credit should be given to England for the amount of work she has done in this war. England sent to France 90,000 men within ten days after the war was declared, and now one million shells weighing from sixty to 220 pounds, are used daily in the battles. To every ton of shells the German [aeroplanes?] drop on English towns the British drop 250 tons on the German gas and munition factories. In telling of the trench life, he said that it was divided, first ten days in the trenches, then ten in the rest billets, ten in reserve, ten days out, and then back to ten days in the trenches again. The English receive their mail the morning after it is posted and London Daily papers the day of publication. The British think that a good German is a dead German and it is their hope that at the end of the war they will all be good Germans. An Erodelphian meeting will be held tonight at 7:30 at the home of Mrs. Nellie S. Aurner. DRIVE IS ORGANIZED FOR WAR WORK FUND Committees Will Canvass Various Companies and Visit the Men Not in S. A. T. C. Next Thursday has been set aside as the day on which the S. A. T. C. men are expected to go over the top in the raising of their amount to be given over to the funds of the United War Work Campaign board. Canvass of the men in the different companies will be made by the committee in charge. Blanks will be distributed to be filled out and returned to the company commander, so that the entire amount may be summarized and the total result of the drive may be readily ascertained at any time. The committee in charge is headed by J. H. Sheppard of Co. G; Robert Aurner of the Naval unit, Henry Willits of Co. E, and Richard Treynor of Co. C are other members. "I believe I am voicing the spirit of the S. A. T. C. men here," said a member of the committee in charge. "when I say that the men are anxious rather than ready, to back to the limit their pals who are bearing the brunt of the war. We realize it is the men who are across that are winning the war. When the supreme sacrifice is made, it is they who are to make it, not we. I don't believe there is an S. A. T. C. man here who will feel square with himself until he has pledged just a abit more than his limit to the fellows who are fighting now." A committee for carrying on the drive among the hundred or more men not enrolled in S. A. T. C. was elected at a recent meeting called by Dean G. F. Kay. A complete list of the men not in S. A. T. C. has been prepared, and this list will be turned over to the members of the committee and the several subcommittees so that every man in the University will be solicited. UNIVERSITY ORCHESTRA ORGANIZED FOR GIRLS The University girls orchestra held a meeting Monday night. About 20 girls were present and formed an organization. Mrs. Helen Katz Robeson states that another flute, clarinet player and double bass player are needed. Any person who knows how to play a flute will be furnished with the instrument and any one who wishes to devote her time to learning to play the double bass will be given instruction by O. E. Van Doren, director of the band. A number of stringed instruments are available. This orchestra will give a concert in the spring and will furnish music at different University functions. LECTURES FOR FRESHMEN Freshman lectures will be resumed today. Miss Roberts will explain how to use the general library. JONES SENDS TEAM THROUGH HARDEST DRILL OF SEASON Varsity Trounces Seconds by Two Touchdowns-Coach Pleased With Practice OLD STARS ASSIST COACH "Bunt" Kirk, "Obie" O'Brien, anw West Point Man Lend Hand At Coaching With only one more night of hard scrimmage ahead in which to perfect his team to stop the big Gopher eleven in Saturday's mix, Coach Jones gave the squad a gruelling drill last night which lasted until the field was in total darkness. The coach handed out the hardest scrimmage of the season lasting for over an hour. The seconds were given the oval time after time and sent against the firsts who succeeded in stopping the shifting style of Kent's eleven after they had been coached all the football they could absorb. After the seconds had failed to gain any length of ground the first string took the ball and hammered the second line for four or five touchdowns, Scottie, Donnelly, and Lohman going over for markers, Donnelly seemed to find the holes with marked rapidity for he went for long gains almost every time his number was called. Lohmna was good for telling advances, and his passing was exceptionally good. Though hampered by an injury sustained in a mix Scottie played a hard game his work on defense being of the extra variety. Sykes who was injured by a tackle Tuesday night did not report; Donnelly took his half. It is almost certain that Sykes will be able to play in the Gopher game. Line Improves Steadily Showing a form doubly as strong as that in the Illinois game, the linemen put up the best exhibition of defensive playing they ever did in practice. Coach Jones impressed upon them that to win the Minnesota game every man must be of the best mettle. The forward line of defense was given instructions in shifting with th open and spreading formations used by Kent's men, and in a short while the varsity line had their opponents outfought. Mockmore who has been playing a regular guard position was relegated to the second team, and Greenwood who has been on a wing was sent in his place. Belding held down the right end, and the dope as if this player might start in the Gopher struggle for he has been improving at a steady gait, and his punts furnish him with another advantage over his rivals for a position. Providing that his injured knee does not bother, the Gophers will have a real punts to return. That the line will be much stronger in the next game is almost a certainty for the coach is (continued on page 4) CHANT Ho, Ho, Ho! Hi, Hi, Hi! Hawkeye, Hawkeye! S. U. I! G-r-r-r-r (Grunt..) Rah! (Short) Wh-z-z (Whistle) Rah! Iowa! Iowa! Iowa! IOWA Who Wah Wah! Who Wah Wah! Iowa, Iowa! Who Wah Wah! (Repeat.) Hoo! Rah! Hoo! Ray! I-O-W-A Hoo! Rah! Hoo! Ray! Varsity! Varsity! Ioway! Hoo! Rah! Hoo! Ray! Ioway! THE TEAM Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! The Team! The Team! The Team!
The Daily Iowan The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa VOL. VXIII-NEW SERIES VOL. III IOWA CITY, IOWA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1918 NUMBER 20 IOWA READY FOR GREATEST HOMECOMING UNIVERSITY PLANS BIG HOMECOMING EVENTS THIS YEAR Monster Mass Meeting on Campus Friday Afternoon-Followed by S. A. T. C. Retreat MESS SERVED AT ARMORY Chawa Kwai Women's Annual Japanese Party Featured By A Sing Homecoming events will start with the monster mass meeting which will be held in front of the physics building Friday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. Speeches will be given by prominent alumni, football players, faculty members and music will be furnished by the University band. The Iowa Fights spirit will predominate the meeting. Retreat at 5:30 by the members of the S. A. T. C. and the band will follow, after which mess will be served down at the armory. Tickets for the soldiers mess may be obtained by alumni and friends either at the alumni headquarters or at the armory door that evening for thirty cents. All visitors, alumni and members of the instructional staff are invited to eat a soldiers meal. Girls to Stage Party The annual Chawa Kwai will start at 7:30 at the liberal arts building. This event is given under the auspices of the Y. W. C. A.; Women's League, Forensic Council, [?] W. A. A. and Pan-Hellenic council. All university women, both students, alumni, faculty members and the wives of faculty members are invited. Those in the receiving [ne?] will be Mrs. W. A. Jessup, Mrs. [ellie?] S. Aurner, Mrs. George F. [ay?], and the presidents of the [women's?] organizations Bernice Cole, [iolet?] Blakely, Hermina Dorweiller, [orothy?] Cave, Edythe Saylor, and [illian?] Prentiss. The procession of girls carrying [rightly?] lighted Japanese lanterns will march in front of the liberal arts building, natural science and the [ld?] Capitol. The girls glee club, as- [sted?] by Gladys Coon, will lead in [e?] sing which will be held on the steps of Old Capitol. Following this program will be given in the drawing room of the liberal arts building consisting of stunts, speeches, [ncing?] and games. Inspection will be held on Iowa [eld?] Saturday morning from 8:30 til 9:30. This will be followed by close order drill by company N. Before the game at 2:30 an exhibit will be given a small class in bayonet fighting. Between halves an [ipment?] race will be given, which will consist of men who will dis- [d?] and retreive various articles of [thing?]. The first man to arrive the starting point will be awarded prize. Explain New Situation Both the city and the university (continued on page 4) IOWA FIGHTS TO WIN; WATCH PREPARATIONS Four thirty is the hour. The place is between the back door of the liberal arts building and the backdoor of the physics hall. In this big back yard is to be the event. And it's some event. Listen. There will be the team. They're first. And the band to make lively music. And Professor Lauer to say funny things. And Private Wilis O'Brien, "Fat" O'Brien, Iowa gridiron star of 1911 and 12. He will be the biggest individual part of the show. There'll be real yelling from first to last with Wheeler and Barney Dondore to do the stage stunts. They and the speakers will be up on the platform so that the folks with short necks can see them. Then there will be soldiers, about 2000 of them, and all the women students, and several hundred alumni and parents of soldiers. The girls are planning a stunt, too; they don't say just what, but girls delight in mysteries. Another novelty will be a high tension electric sign that shoots out sparks and spells in brilliant letters: IOWA FIGHTS TO WIN. Then when the speeches, yells, and songs have died away, the regiment will form for retreat and as the band plays "The Star Spangled Banner," Old Glory will be lowered as the climax and benediction of the whole affair. It will be the mass meeting of your life. SELECT SOLICITORS FOR WOMEN'S DRIVE Oolooah Burner, National Y. W. C. A. Worker to Address Girls' Mass Meeting Miss Oolooah Burner, student secretary of the national board of the Y. W. C. A., will address a mass-meeting of the women of the University in the Natural Science auditorium Tuesday afternoon at 4:30. Miss Burner will come here in the interest of the United War Work campaign, which begins next week. The meeting will probably be exceptionally interesting, as Miss Burner returned to this country after spending six months in France as a social worker. She had charge of a nurses hut near a base hospital, and will tell of her experiences. Campaign solicitors for the various sororities, freshmen and boarding houses of the city have been chose and will meet in the Liberal Arts drawing room for a conference this afternoon at 4:30. Means of making a thorough canvass of all women of the University will be discussed. UNIVERSITY CLUB WILL OPEN FOR ACTIVITIES The University club will begin its activities for the year with a musical to be given at eight o'clocfl Saturday evening. The program will be furnished by Mrs. Starbuck, Mrs. Robson, Miss Cooper. Mrs. Dill, Miss Arms, Miss Condit, and Mrs. H. L. Dodge will be the hostesses. The entertainment is one of the features of Homecoming, not only to start the season out for the old members, but to entertain any guests who may be here on this occasion. The officers of the organization for this year are as follows: President, Mrs. J. N. Pearce; vice-president, Mrs. Ernest Horn; secretary, Mrs. Helen Loos Whitney; treasurer, Miss Ethel Martin. MAJOR DUGMORE GIVES INTERESTING TALK British Officer Delights Audience With Many Details and Horrors of the War Major A. R. Dugmore, who has been in the British army for over three years, spoke Tuesday night in the natural science auditorium to the University students on the subject of "Winning Out". A short time ago he was under a bombardment of gas, and as he has not been allowed to go back into active service, he [talks?] on the war. [hole in the paper] has been in such close contact with the Germans that he was able to tell a great many interesting things concerning their tactics. He said that a German diplomat would be called a spy after the war, and nothing bad enough could be done to these men. Major Dugmore thought a great deal of credit should be given to England for the amount of work she has done in this war. England sent to France 90,000 men within ten days after the war was declared, and now one million shells weighing from sixty to 220 pounds, are used daily in the battles. To every ton of shells the German [aeroplanes?] drop on English towns the British drop 250 tons on the German gas and munition factories. In telling of the trench life, he said that it was divided, first ten days in the trenches, then ten in the rest billets, ten in reserve, ten days out, and then back to ten days in the trenches again. The English receive their mail the morning after it is posted and London Daily papers the day of publication. The British think that a good German is a dead German and it is their hope that at the end of the war they will all be good Germans. An Erodelphian meeting will be held tonight at 7:30 at the home of Mrs. Nellie S. Aurner. DRIVE IS ORGANIZED FOR WAR WORK FUND Committees Will Canvass Various Companies and Visit the Men Not in S. A. T. C. Next Thursday has been set aside as the day on which the S. A. T. C. men are expected to go over the top in the raising of their amount to be given over to the funds of the United War Work Campaign board. Canvass of the men in the different companies will be made by the committee in charge. Blanks will be distributed to be filled out and returned to the company commander, so that the entire amount may be summarized and the total result of the drive may be readily ascertained at any time. The committee in charge is headed by J. H. Sheppard of Co. G; Robert Aurner of the Naval unit, Henry Willits of Co. E, and Richard Treynor of Co. C are other members. "I believe I am voicing the spirit of the S. A. T. C. men here," said a member of the committee in charge. "when I say that the men are anxious rather than ready, to back to the limit their pals who are bearing the brunt of the war. We realize it is the men who are across that are winning the war. When the supreme sacrifice is made, it is they who are to make it, not we. I don't believe there is an S. A. T. C. man here who will feel square with himself until he has pledged just a abit more than his limit to the fellows who are fighting now." A committee for carrying on the drive among the hundred or more men not enrolled in S. A. T. C. was elected at a recent meeting called by Dean G. F. Kay. A complete list of the men not in S. A. T. C. has been prepared, and this list will be turned over to the members of the committee and the several subcommittees so that every man in the University will be solicited. UNIVERSITY ORCHESTRA ORGANIZED FOR GIRLS The University girls orchestra held a meeting Monday night. About 20 girls were present and formed an organization. Mrs. Helen Katz Robeson states that another flute, clarinet player and double bass player are needed. Any person who knows how to play a flute will be furnished with the instrument and any one who wishes to devote her time to learning to play the double bass will be given instruction by O. E. Van Doren, director of the band. A number of stringed instruments are available. This orchestra will give a concert in the spring and will furnish music at different University functions. LECTURES FOR FRESHMEN Freshman lectures will be resumed today. Miss Roberts will explain how to use the general library. JONES SENDS TEAM THROUGH HARDEST DRILL OF SEASON Varsity Trounces Seconds by Two Touchdowns-Coach Pleased With Practice OLD STARS ASSIST COACH "Bunt" Kirk, "Obie" O'Brien, anw West Point Man Lend Hand At Coaching With only one more night of hard scrimmage ahead in which to perfect his team to stop the big Gopher eleven in Saturday's mix, Coach Jones gave the squad a gruelling drill last night which lasted until the field was in total darkness. The coach handed out the hardest scrimmage of the season lasting for over an hour. The seconds were given the oval time after time and sent against the firsts who succeeded in stopping the shifting style of Kent's eleven after they had been coached all the football they could absorb. After the seconds had failed to gain any length of ground the first string took the ball and hammered the second line for four or five touchdowns, Scottie, Donnelly, and Lohman going over for markers, Donnelly seemed to find the holes with marked rapidity for he went for long gains almost every time his number was called. Lohmna was good for telling advances, and his passing was exceptionally good. Though hampered by an injury sustained in a mix Scottie played a hard game his work on defense being of the extra variety. Sykes who was injured by a tackle Tuesday night did not report; Donnelly took his half. It is almost certain that Sykes will be able to play in the Gopher game. Line Improves Steadily Showing a form doubly as strong as that in the Illinois game, the linemen put up the best exhibition of defensive playing they ever did in practice. Coach Jones impressed upon them that to win the Minnesota game every man must be of the best mettle. The forward line of defense was given instructions in shifting with th open and spreading formations used by Kent's men, and in a short while the varsity line had their opponents outfought. Mockmore who has been playing a regular guard position was relegated to the second team, and Greenwood who has been on a wing was sent in his place. Belding held down the right end, and the dope as if this player might start in the Gopher struggle for he has been improving at a steady gait, and his punts furnish him with another advantage over his rivals for a position. Providing that his injured knee does not bother, the Gophers will have a real punts to return. That the line will be much stronger in the next game is almost a certainty for the coach is (continued on page 4) CHANT Ho, Ho, Ho! Hi, Hi, Hi! Hawkeye, Hawkeye! S. U. I! G-r-r-r-r (Grunt..) Rah! (Short) Wh-z-z (Whistle) Rah! Iowa! Iowa! Iowa! IOWA Who Wah Wah! Who Wah Wah! Iowa, Iowa! Who Wah Wah! (Repeat.) Hoo! Rah! Hoo! Ray! I-O-W-A Hoo! Rah! Hoo! Ray! Varsity! Varsity! Ioway! Hoo! Rah! Hoo! Ray! Ioway! THE TEAM Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! Rah! The Team! The Team! The Team!
Daily Iowan Newspapers