Daily Iowan, November 7, 1918
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PAGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, November 7, 1918 THE DAILY IOWAN The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa MEMBER IOWA COLLEGE PRESS A morning paper published for the period of the war three times a week-Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday-by The Daily Iowan Publishing company at 103 Iowa avenue, Iowa City Entered as second class matter at the post office of Iowa City, Iowa Subscription Rate $2.00 per year BOARD OF TRUSTEES C.H. Weller, chairman, E.M. McEwen, E.S. Smith, Gretchen Kane, Alice Hinkley, M. Elizabeth Hendee, Mary Anderson EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-in-chief Mildred E. Whitcomb Telephone Black 1757 Office Hours-8 to 12; 1 to 6 daily, Room 14, L.A. building Managing editor Rowena Wellman New Editor Agnes Kingsbury Humorous Editor Elizabeth Hendee Exchange Editor Ethyn Williams Feature Editor Ruth Stewart Sporting Editor G.D. Evans BUSINESS STAFF Romola Latchem-Business Manager Telephone 935 Office Hours-daily, 103 Iowa Avenue "I have never had a policy. I have simply tried to do what seemed best each day as each day came."-Lincoln WHO WAH WAH! Mrs. Charlotte Whitney Eastman who has just returned from Washington, D.C., tells the following incident which occurred while she was there: It was the night of the Liberty Loan campaign when the state of Iowa went over the top. In the largest motion picture theatre in the capital, the report of Iowa's great record was flashed upon the screen. "Iowa again is first over the top." In the middle of the theatre a man jumped upon a seat and began that old Varsity yell, Who, Wah, Wah. Then from remote corners of the building dozens of voices took up the cry and the whole theatre in the nationa's capital rang with Who Wah Wah! Who Wah Wah! Iowa, Iowa! Who Wah Wah! "HOLD!' Practically all the victories of the Allies from the first stand on the Marne in 1914 to the surrender of Bulgaria, Turkey and Austria may be condensed into the word "Hold!" Marshall Joffre's order of Sept. 5, 1914, commanded the French troops to hold every inch of ground occupied and die in their tracks rather than yield. At Chauteau Thierry last July the same principle governed the American marines and infantry. "Hold!" That is the word for Liberty bond subscribers. F.O. Wetmore, president of the First National Bank of Chicago sums up the case in this way: "The people responded most loyally and liberally in their subscriptions to the Fourth Liberty Loan. Unless the purchasers now hold and pay for their bonds their action in buying has been of little benefit. Every purchaser, therefore, to make his loyalty and liberalty one hundred percent must save and pay for his bonds, when he or she will have in addition that grand and glorious feeling of being the owner outright of the most choice investment in the world." A subscriber who keeps his payment pledge wins a real Marne victory over temptation to "quit." A subscriber who fails, needlessly, suffers a terrible moral defeat. NO PLANS YET FOR ANNUAL Plans for the new Hawkeye are indefinite as yet, according to Prof. C.H. Weller, chairman of the board of trustees. Only one student member of the board is in school this year and no meeting has been held. Last year's annual was successful financially. All expenses, amounting to over $5,000, were paid and $400 invested in war savings certificates for the benefit of the sinking fund. IOWA TICKET LAUNCHED Women Will Enter Actively in Class Politics This Year Iowa ticket is the name of the senior class ticket. Election will occur Monday afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock. The polling places will be announced later. Hand bills will be distributed among the voters early Monday. General election rules will hold for this class election. The following people appear on the Iowa ticket: President, Lillian Prentiss; Vice President, Albert Wilcox; Recording secretary, Helen Grotwohl; Corresponding secretary, Romola Latchem; Treasurer, Violet Blakely; Class representative, Mary Huebner; Athletic representative, Ronald Reed. This ticket is strongly approved by Mrs. Nellie S. Aurner, acting dean of women and by leading faculty members. The platform of the ticket is to "Carry On" and especially, the women pledge themselves to help with all war work this year and to carry on all policies for the good of the senior class. NOTICE TO STUDENTS Any case of sickness among student must now be reported to the office of Dr. Steelsmith, health commissioner of the University, telephone 526, or Mrs. Nellie S. Aurner, dean of women, telephone 2168. This new health ruling is designed to prevent cases of serious illness, and outbreaks of epidemics. It will be the duty of students at rooming houses to report such cases. This notice comes from the office of the dean of women. Y.W. MEMBERSHIP GROWS Outlook Is Favorable For Many New Members This Year Forty-four Y.W.C.A. triangles appear on the membership flag which hangs in the Y.W.'s new headquarters in Room 117 L.A. Building. As each triangle represents ten pledges, the total number of members is at least 440, of which 20 are faculty women. Although the campaign proper has closed, it is expected that within a month, the membership will number 600 strong. Many university girls who live in private homes throughout the city, were not personaally canvassed, because their addresses were unknown to the membership committee. However, anyone who wishes to join, may sign a pledge card at the secretary's office. Business men and faculty members will be asked to contribute to the Y.W. fund, of which $625 has already been promised. WANTS OF S.A.T.C. WILL BE SATISFIED Directors of the war camp community service canteen plan to sell one kind of home made food every afternon. Recently, a homesick S.A.T.C. was heard sighing for apple pie and milk. We have his fairy godmother's word that his wants will be satisfied tonight. The boys are not going to be allowed to forget what "food like mother used to make" tastes like if the women of Iowa City can prevent it. University volunteer workers are not needed yet, Mrs. Volland states. It is not the policy of the W.C.C.S. to allow girls to sell anything to the soldiers. However, University girls may be called upon to help make sandwiches or similar work. The women are confident they can get all the ssistance necessary at any time. For, one of them remarked "I have always got whot I wanted when I appealed to the girls." Ruth Rogers is entertaining her mother from Manning. CONVALESCENTS THINK COOKS ARE ALL O.K. If the old saying, "He who empties the plate must kiss the cook," were enforced, the women who prepared food for the convalescents at the law building would be overwhelmed with affectionate embraces (influenza masks and germs, permitting). The boys unanimously class the women A-1. No better compliment could be given than that of one soldier who, ignorant of how the cooking was managed, later remarked to one of the helpers what "goody good" cake he had eaten. "But," he added, "The worst part of it was I didn't have enough." Think of that! We heard authoritatively that said convalescent's portion was about the size of a before the war loaf of home made bread. TRAINED MEN NEEDED TO EDUCATE CRIPPLES An urgent appeal for trained men to aid in re-educating war crippled has come to President W.A. Jessup from the Surgeon General of the U.S. Armory. Specifically, the communication asks for names and addresses of successful instructors or men in the draft classified I-A for limited service, who would be willing to be inducted into the work of the division of physical reconstruction. The letter states: "these instructors should be men of several years' experience in teaching one or more of the usual technical, trade, or commercial school branches, athletics, agriculture, and the fundamentals of the grammar school branches. They should have good personality and adaptability to new surroundings. "In addition to experiences instructors we need also skilled automobile repairmen, telegraph operators, shoe repairmen, carpenters, sign painters, machinists, and artisans of many kinds, men of skill and maturity who can show others how to work at these trades." Already reconstruction work is being undertaken in sixteen hospitals; but further extension is absolutely imperative, the surgeon general declares. ADVERTISED LETTERS Men Bath, S.X. Biasatti, S. Dohrer, Leonard Meaders, Wm. Niccola, J, Robert Norris, Ted Sullivan, M.J. Women Beckwith, Miss Florence Cole, Miss May Cone, Rev. M.J. Drydenburg, Miss Mina Fay, Miss Emma Fisher, Miss Mary Fountain, Miss Lena Whalen, Miss M.A. S.A.T.C. OFFICERS and Students We manufacture and carry in stock a full assortment of S.A.T.C. accessories. Everything you need. A FEW SPECIALS Officers' Serge Uniforms ... $25.00 Spiral Puttees..$3.50 Flannel Shirts..$3.00 Hat Cords, Insignia, Military Books, Sporting Goods and hundreds of articles listed in our catalog "H" Write for it Today ARMY & NAVY SUPPLY CO 210 West 42nd Street New York City Honderson, Miss Geneva Power, Miss Mary E. Smith, Miss Hazel Zahn, Miss Helen Verna Iliff, L.A. '18 from Eldora is expected at the Alpha Delta Pi house this week. Myrtle Keeley, a sophomore in the college of liberal arts, is now superintendent of schools, principal, [illegible] entire faculty of the two year [illegible] school at Baldwin, Iowa. THE BEAUTY SHOP Shampooing Hair Dressing Electric Scalp Treatment Hair Goods Toilet Articles Mrs. L.L. Kenyon, Proprietor 21 1-2 E. Washington Phone 1051 Quality Drugs Whetstones Quality Drugs MRS. H.R. MOORE SHAMPOOING 219 E. COLLEGE Strictly Soft Water PHONE 1110 There's One Real Answer To the Burning Question ? PYROLITE THE LONG-FLAME COAL YOU'RE SURE WHEN YOU BUY OF DUNLAP BY THE DAM PHONE 10 FOOTBALL Iowa City High School vs. Davenport IOWA FIELD FRIDAY, NOV. Game Called at 2:30 P.M. ADMISSION 35c
PAGE TWO THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Thursday, November 7, 1918 THE DAILY IOWAN The Student Newspaper of the State University of Iowa MEMBER IOWA COLLEGE PRESS A morning paper published for the period of the war three times a week-Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday-by The Daily Iowan Publishing company at 103 Iowa avenue, Iowa City Entered as second class matter at the post office of Iowa City, Iowa Subscription Rate $2.00 per year BOARD OF TRUSTEES C.H. Weller, chairman, E.M. McEwen, E.S. Smith, Gretchen Kane, Alice Hinkley, M. Elizabeth Hendee, Mary Anderson EDITORIAL STAFF Editor-in-chief Mildred E. Whitcomb Telephone Black 1757 Office Hours-8 to 12; 1 to 6 daily, Room 14, L.A. building Managing editor Rowena Wellman New Editor Agnes Kingsbury Humorous Editor Elizabeth Hendee Exchange Editor Ethyn Williams Feature Editor Ruth Stewart Sporting Editor G.D. Evans BUSINESS STAFF Romola Latchem-Business Manager Telephone 935 Office Hours-daily, 103 Iowa Avenue "I have never had a policy. I have simply tried to do what seemed best each day as each day came."-Lincoln WHO WAH WAH! Mrs. Charlotte Whitney Eastman who has just returned from Washington, D.C., tells the following incident which occurred while she was there: It was the night of the Liberty Loan campaign when the state of Iowa went over the top. In the largest motion picture theatre in the capital, the report of Iowa's great record was flashed upon the screen. "Iowa again is first over the top." In the middle of the theatre a man jumped upon a seat and began that old Varsity yell, Who, Wah, Wah. Then from remote corners of the building dozens of voices took up the cry and the whole theatre in the nationa's capital rang with Who Wah Wah! Who Wah Wah! Iowa, Iowa! Who Wah Wah! "HOLD!' Practically all the victories of the Allies from the first stand on the Marne in 1914 to the surrender of Bulgaria, Turkey and Austria may be condensed into the word "Hold!" Marshall Joffre's order of Sept. 5, 1914, commanded the French troops to hold every inch of ground occupied and die in their tracks rather than yield. At Chauteau Thierry last July the same principle governed the American marines and infantry. "Hold!" That is the word for Liberty bond subscribers. F.O. Wetmore, president of the First National Bank of Chicago sums up the case in this way: "The people responded most loyally and liberally in their subscriptions to the Fourth Liberty Loan. Unless the purchasers now hold and pay for their bonds their action in buying has been of little benefit. Every purchaser, therefore, to make his loyalty and liberalty one hundred percent must save and pay for his bonds, when he or she will have in addition that grand and glorious feeling of being the owner outright of the most choice investment in the world." A subscriber who keeps his payment pledge wins a real Marne victory over temptation to "quit." A subscriber who fails, needlessly, suffers a terrible moral defeat. NO PLANS YET FOR ANNUAL Plans for the new Hawkeye are indefinite as yet, according to Prof. C.H. Weller, chairman of the board of trustees. Only one student member of the board is in school this year and no meeting has been held. Last year's annual was successful financially. All expenses, amounting to over $5,000, were paid and $400 invested in war savings certificates for the benefit of the sinking fund. IOWA TICKET LAUNCHED Women Will Enter Actively in Class Politics This Year Iowa ticket is the name of the senior class ticket. Election will occur Monday afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock. The polling places will be announced later. Hand bills will be distributed among the voters early Monday. General election rules will hold for this class election. The following people appear on the Iowa ticket: President, Lillian Prentiss; Vice President, Albert Wilcox; Recording secretary, Helen Grotwohl; Corresponding secretary, Romola Latchem; Treasurer, Violet Blakely; Class representative, Mary Huebner; Athletic representative, Ronald Reed. This ticket is strongly approved by Mrs. Nellie S. Aurner, acting dean of women and by leading faculty members. The platform of the ticket is to "Carry On" and especially, the women pledge themselves to help with all war work this year and to carry on all policies for the good of the senior class. NOTICE TO STUDENTS Any case of sickness among student must now be reported to the office of Dr. Steelsmith, health commissioner of the University, telephone 526, or Mrs. Nellie S. Aurner, dean of women, telephone 2168. This new health ruling is designed to prevent cases of serious illness, and outbreaks of epidemics. It will be the duty of students at rooming houses to report such cases. This notice comes from the office of the dean of women. Y.W. MEMBERSHIP GROWS Outlook Is Favorable For Many New Members This Year Forty-four Y.W.C.A. triangles appear on the membership flag which hangs in the Y.W.'s new headquarters in Room 117 L.A. Building. As each triangle represents ten pledges, the total number of members is at least 440, of which 20 are faculty women. Although the campaign proper has closed, it is expected that within a month, the membership will number 600 strong. Many university girls who live in private homes throughout the city, were not personaally canvassed, because their addresses were unknown to the membership committee. However, anyone who wishes to join, may sign a pledge card at the secretary's office. Business men and faculty members will be asked to contribute to the Y.W. fund, of which $625 has already been promised. WANTS OF S.A.T.C. WILL BE SATISFIED Directors of the war camp community service canteen plan to sell one kind of home made food every afternon. Recently, a homesick S.A.T.C. was heard sighing for apple pie and milk. We have his fairy godmother's word that his wants will be satisfied tonight. The boys are not going to be allowed to forget what "food like mother used to make" tastes like if the women of Iowa City can prevent it. University volunteer workers are not needed yet, Mrs. Volland states. It is not the policy of the W.C.C.S. to allow girls to sell anything to the soldiers. However, University girls may be called upon to help make sandwiches or similar work. The women are confident they can get all the ssistance necessary at any time. For, one of them remarked "I have always got whot I wanted when I appealed to the girls." Ruth Rogers is entertaining her mother from Manning. CONVALESCENTS THINK COOKS ARE ALL O.K. If the old saying, "He who empties the plate must kiss the cook," were enforced, the women who prepared food for the convalescents at the law building would be overwhelmed with affectionate embraces (influenza masks and germs, permitting). The boys unanimously class the women A-1. No better compliment could be given than that of one soldier who, ignorant of how the cooking was managed, later remarked to one of the helpers what "goody good" cake he had eaten. "But," he added, "The worst part of it was I didn't have enough." Think of that! We heard authoritatively that said convalescent's portion was about the size of a before the war loaf of home made bread. TRAINED MEN NEEDED TO EDUCATE CRIPPLES An urgent appeal for trained men to aid in re-educating war crippled has come to President W.A. Jessup from the Surgeon General of the U.S. Armory. Specifically, the communication asks for names and addresses of successful instructors or men in the draft classified I-A for limited service, who would be willing to be inducted into the work of the division of physical reconstruction. The letter states: "these instructors should be men of several years' experience in teaching one or more of the usual technical, trade, or commercial school branches, athletics, agriculture, and the fundamentals of the grammar school branches. They should have good personality and adaptability to new surroundings. "In addition to experiences instructors we need also skilled automobile repairmen, telegraph operators, shoe repairmen, carpenters, sign painters, machinists, and artisans of many kinds, men of skill and maturity who can show others how to work at these trades." Already reconstruction work is being undertaken in sixteen hospitals; but further extension is absolutely imperative, the surgeon general declares. ADVERTISED LETTERS Men Bath, S.X. Biasatti, S. Dohrer, Leonard Meaders, Wm. Niccola, J, Robert Norris, Ted Sullivan, M.J. Women Beckwith, Miss Florence Cole, Miss May Cone, Rev. M.J. Drydenburg, Miss Mina Fay, Miss Emma Fisher, Miss Mary Fountain, Miss Lena Whalen, Miss M.A. S.A.T.C. OFFICERS and Students We manufacture and carry in stock a full assortment of S.A.T.C. accessories. Everything you need. A FEW SPECIALS Officers' Serge Uniforms ... $25.00 Spiral Puttees..$3.50 Flannel Shirts..$3.00 Hat Cords, Insignia, Military Books, Sporting Goods and hundreds of articles listed in our catalog "H" Write for it Today ARMY & NAVY SUPPLY CO 210 West 42nd Street New York City Honderson, Miss Geneva Power, Miss Mary E. Smith, Miss Hazel Zahn, Miss Helen Verna Iliff, L.A. '18 from Eldora is expected at the Alpha Delta Pi house this week. Myrtle Keeley, a sophomore in the college of liberal arts, is now superintendent of schools, principal, [illegible] entire faculty of the two year [illegible] school at Baldwin, Iowa. THE BEAUTY SHOP Shampooing Hair Dressing Electric Scalp Treatment Hair Goods Toilet Articles Mrs. L.L. Kenyon, Proprietor 21 1-2 E. Washington Phone 1051 Quality Drugs Whetstones Quality Drugs MRS. H.R. MOORE SHAMPOOING 219 E. COLLEGE Strictly Soft Water PHONE 1110 There's One Real Answer To the Burning Question ? PYROLITE THE LONG-FLAME COAL YOU'RE SURE WHEN YOU BUY OF DUNLAP BY THE DAM PHONE 10 FOOTBALL Iowa City High School vs. Davenport IOWA FIELD FRIDAY, NOV. Game Called at 2:30 P.M. ADMISSION 35c
Daily Iowan Newspapers