Daily Iowan, November 7, 1918
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Thursday, November 7, 1918 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE SOCIETY AND PERSONAL The Humanistic society will meet Monday at the home of Professor Wilson. Dr. Thompson will read a paper. Beneta Griffis of Tipton and Verna Tagge of Durant, a freshman last year, will be Home-coming guests at the Alpha Xi Delta house. Helen Hayes has been appointed to succeed Romola Latchem as custodian of the Ranney memorial library. Evalyn Marston is a guest of friends at the Pi Phi house and elsewhere in Iowa City. Miss Marston formerly taugh domestic science in the Iowa City high school. Florence Reynolds, freshman in 1916-17, is doing departmental teaching in the fifth, sixth, and seventh grades at Council Bluffs. Delta Zeta announces the pledging of Ruth Tisdale of West Union. Alma Kroeger, who is teaching English at Salem, is coming today to attend Homecoming. Harold Keeley, a freshman L.A. last year, has been commissioned second lieutenant at Fort Sheridan. He is now instructor in connection with the S.A.T.C. at College Sta-[missing rest of sentence]. Ada Yoder, Alpha Xi Delta, is in the isolation hospital with influenza. Joyce Brady began her work as a sophomore this week. Her return to the University was delayed by the serious illness of her mother. Hilda Taylor is a new instructor in the English department and succeeds Hertha Stebbens as assistant chaperone at Currier hall. Miss Taylor received her M.A. degree here in 1919 and since then has been on the faculty of Jamestown College, North Dakota. Gladys Wilson, a sophomore L.A. last year, is teaching at Harlan. Caroline Madsen is teaching science in the high school at Weldon. She was a freshman here in 1916-17. Alpha Theta announces the pledging of Isabel Naureth of Traer. A band of 25 pieces is planned for the naval unit of the S.A.T.C. at the University of Wisconsin. The mid-west debating league, consisting of Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin, has agreed to suspend intercollegiate debating activities until after the war. The young women of Cornell college are having military training; plans are being made at Central college, also, for drill for the girls. The S.A.T.C. men at the University of Illinois are now permitted to engage in athletics events on Sunday. The golf course, the gymnasium, the gridiron, tennis courts and the baseball diamonds are open for their use. Soccer football has been organized at Northwestern college, at Naperville, Ill. The Y.M.C.A. authorities have a plan on foot by which they hope to give shows at the various barracks at odd times. These shows will consist of some popular moving picture comedy and will last for about fifteen minutes. Official word has been received by Secretary LeSourd from Captain Robertson of the S.A.T.C. in which he states that the Y.M.C.A. is included within the campus. F.T. McGill, secretary of the Knights of Columbus, who is in charge of one of the K.C. huts at Camp Dodge, is here with a view to opening up one here for the S.A.T.C. [advertisement] ADMISSION $1.00--INCLUDING WAR TAX Alpha Xi Delta announces the pledging of Katherine Dignan of Eagle Grove and Ethel Giffy of St. Louis, assistant at the City library. Sunday morning, Gamma Phi Beta will hold initiation for Viva Barcaloux of Whiting, Grace Emery of Des Moines, Alberta Vasey of Grundy Center, and Frances Nelson of Dayton and Evlyn Babcock of Iowa City. Marjorie and Virginia Boyd will entertain their father, a graduate of the medical school in 1893, and their brother over the week end. Geraldine Greelis, Gamma Phi Beta, and a freshman in the University last year, is recovering from bronchial pneumonia. Miss Greelis has been teaching near her home at Dukerton. Helen Evans of Ottumwa has returned to her work. Etna Barr, Pi Beta Phi, entertained her mother and father from Manchester Saturday. Gilbert Fredrick of Waukon writes from Scotland where he is in the submarine chaser service of the U.S. Navy, that he keeps his Iowa papers under his mattress and often rereads them. Frederick was a sophomore in the college of dentistry last year, but left in the fall for the Great Lakes Naval Training station. Three of last year's alumnae: Veda Hindt who is teaching at Rinard, Charlotte Moody who is teaching at Dexter, and Edith Stewart of Ida Grove will be Home-coming guests at the Alpha Delta Pi house. Robert Dethlefs, Sigma No, and junior in the engineering college has received his commission as second lieutenant. NEW RULING TAKES EFFECT A new ruling, requiring all women students who desire to leave the city for over night or the week end to present a written notice at the office of the dean of women, goes into effect immediately. The notice must be brought in at least twenty-four hours before the student leaves. Blanks may be obtained at the dean's office. The blanks ask for the name, city address, the time of leaving, and destination of the student. The name and address of the hostess, the reason for leaving, and the probable time of return must also be stated. A new ruling, requiring all women students who desire to leave the city for over night or the week end to present a written notice at the office of the dean of women, goes into effect immediately. The notice must be brought in at least twenty-four hours before the student leaves. Blanks may be obtained at the dean's office. The blanks ask for the name, city address, the time of leaving, and destination of the student. The name and address of the hostess, the reason for leaving, and the probable time of return must also be stated. NEW RED CROSS QUOTA Nights when groups may work together at the Red Cross surgical dressing room can be arranged by communicating with Mrs. C.S. Grant. One sorority has already made plans to work Wednesday evening. The quota now is less than it has been, but fulfillment of it is urgent. 1080 pads, 600 five yard rolls, and at least 3000 mask are needed. The latter are necessary for school children who are required to have two. QUARANTINE IS DELAYED Inoculation Period Will Not Come Until After Homecoming Contrary to reports that are circulating, the S.A.T.C. will not be subject to quarantine for inoculations for a week at least. No definite time for the "clamping of the lid" is ventured by authorities, but it is thought that the detention will not go into effect until after the Iowa Minnesota game at the earliest. Th men must recuperate from [advertisement] VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory MAHAN & OGLE ORCHESTRA their weakened condition resulting from attacks of Spanish influenza and pneumonia before inoculations can be thought of. There will probably be three inoculations and vaccinations coming ten days apart. Inoculations will be for smallpox and the vaccinations will be for typhiod. MANY DAILIES AT OFFICE Students and Public are Permitted to Read Them Any Time A good selection of metropolitan, country and college newspapers may be found on the rack at the office of The Daily Iowan and University news service in room 14, liberal arts. Students and the public in general are welcome to come in at any time and look them over. Among the city dailies outside the state, the news service rack contains the New York Tribune, New York Evening Sun, Christian Science Monitor, and Kansas City Star. The Des Moines Register, The Sioux City Tribune, The Cedar Rapids Republican, and the Iowa City papers make up the daily list from the state. The ruling of the war industries board preventing free exchanges has considerably lessened The Iowan exchange list. However such papers may be found as the Michigan Daily, Daily Cardinal of Wisconsin, Indiana Daily Student, Ohio State Lantern, McGill Daily of McGill University in Canada, University of Washington Daily, Daily Illini, Kansas Industrialist, Daily Texan, Yale News, Coe College Cosmos, Scarlet and Black, U. I. U. Collegian, and other small college publications. Send the Iowan home. Send the Iowan home. [advertisement] DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. [advertisement] Garden Thursday Doris Kenyon IN "The Inn of The Blue Moon" ADMISSION 5c & 10c HENRY BENDER WOUNDED Lieut. Henry A. Bender, L.A. '16, has again been wounded on the firing line in France. Lieut. Bender is well known here, especially in athletic circles. He was captain of the 'gym' team in 1916. He arrived in France a year ago in August. PROF. JOB GOES TO CHICAGO Professor T.T. Job of rhe zoology department left Sunday for Chicago where he will take up work in the Chicago school of medicine and surgery, as assistant professor of anatomy. [advertisement] WDC TRADE MARK PRICE for price, grade for grade, there is no better pipe made than a W D C. You can get a pipe with the familiar triangle trade-mark in any size and shape and grade you want--and you will be glad you did it. W D C Pipes are American made and sold in the best shops at $6 down to 75 cents. WM. DEMUTH & CO., New York World's Largest Pipe Manufacturer Here is a pipe to be proud of in any company. Genuine French Briar, carefully selected, beautifully worked, superbly mounted with sterling band and vulcanite bit. [advertisement] BOOK AND CRAFT SHOP University Text Books and Supplies 124 EAST WASHINGTON STREET HOMECOMING DAYS Friday = Saturday Nov. 8th-Nov. 9th We will have a special sale on Furs Fur Coats, Fur Stoles and Muffs On these dates we will give a special discount on all Ladies' Serge Dresses and Ladies' Shirt Waists. F.J. Strub & Son [advertisement] SATURDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 9 DANCING FROM 7 TO 9:45 By Order of Commanding Officer of Training Camp.
Thursday, November 7, 1918 THE DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA PAGE THREE SOCIETY AND PERSONAL The Humanistic society will meet Monday at the home of Professor Wilson. Dr. Thompson will read a paper. Beneta Griffis of Tipton and Verna Tagge of Durant, a freshman last year, will be Home-coming guests at the Alpha Xi Delta house. Helen Hayes has been appointed to succeed Romola Latchem as custodian of the Ranney memorial library. Evalyn Marston is a guest of friends at the Pi Phi house and elsewhere in Iowa City. Miss Marston formerly taugh domestic science in the Iowa City high school. Florence Reynolds, freshman in 1916-17, is doing departmental teaching in the fifth, sixth, and seventh grades at Council Bluffs. Delta Zeta announces the pledging of Ruth Tisdale of West Union. Alma Kroeger, who is teaching English at Salem, is coming today to attend Homecoming. Harold Keeley, a freshman L.A. last year, has been commissioned second lieutenant at Fort Sheridan. He is now instructor in connection with the S.A.T.C. at College Sta-[missing rest of sentence]. Ada Yoder, Alpha Xi Delta, is in the isolation hospital with influenza. Joyce Brady began her work as a sophomore this week. Her return to the University was delayed by the serious illness of her mother. Hilda Taylor is a new instructor in the English department and succeeds Hertha Stebbens as assistant chaperone at Currier hall. Miss Taylor received her M.A. degree here in 1919 and since then has been on the faculty of Jamestown College, North Dakota. Gladys Wilson, a sophomore L.A. last year, is teaching at Harlan. Caroline Madsen is teaching science in the high school at Weldon. She was a freshman here in 1916-17. Alpha Theta announces the pledging of Isabel Naureth of Traer. A band of 25 pieces is planned for the naval unit of the S.A.T.C. at the University of Wisconsin. The mid-west debating league, consisting of Illinois, Michigan and Wisconsin, has agreed to suspend intercollegiate debating activities until after the war. The young women of Cornell college are having military training; plans are being made at Central college, also, for drill for the girls. The S.A.T.C. men at the University of Illinois are now permitted to engage in athletics events on Sunday. The golf course, the gymnasium, the gridiron, tennis courts and the baseball diamonds are open for their use. Soccer football has been organized at Northwestern college, at Naperville, Ill. The Y.M.C.A. authorities have a plan on foot by which they hope to give shows at the various barracks at odd times. These shows will consist of some popular moving picture comedy and will last for about fifteen minutes. Official word has been received by Secretary LeSourd from Captain Robertson of the S.A.T.C. in which he states that the Y.M.C.A. is included within the campus. F.T. McGill, secretary of the Knights of Columbus, who is in charge of one of the K.C. huts at Camp Dodge, is here with a view to opening up one here for the S.A.T.C. [advertisement] ADMISSION $1.00--INCLUDING WAR TAX Alpha Xi Delta announces the pledging of Katherine Dignan of Eagle Grove and Ethel Giffy of St. Louis, assistant at the City library. Sunday morning, Gamma Phi Beta will hold initiation for Viva Barcaloux of Whiting, Grace Emery of Des Moines, Alberta Vasey of Grundy Center, and Frances Nelson of Dayton and Evlyn Babcock of Iowa City. Marjorie and Virginia Boyd will entertain their father, a graduate of the medical school in 1893, and their brother over the week end. Geraldine Greelis, Gamma Phi Beta, and a freshman in the University last year, is recovering from bronchial pneumonia. Miss Greelis has been teaching near her home at Dukerton. Helen Evans of Ottumwa has returned to her work. Etna Barr, Pi Beta Phi, entertained her mother and father from Manchester Saturday. Gilbert Fredrick of Waukon writes from Scotland where he is in the submarine chaser service of the U.S. Navy, that he keeps his Iowa papers under his mattress and often rereads them. Frederick was a sophomore in the college of dentistry last year, but left in the fall for the Great Lakes Naval Training station. Three of last year's alumnae: Veda Hindt who is teaching at Rinard, Charlotte Moody who is teaching at Dexter, and Edith Stewart of Ida Grove will be Home-coming guests at the Alpha Delta Pi house. Robert Dethlefs, Sigma No, and junior in the engineering college has received his commission as second lieutenant. NEW RULING TAKES EFFECT A new ruling, requiring all women students who desire to leave the city for over night or the week end to present a written notice at the office of the dean of women, goes into effect immediately. The notice must be brought in at least twenty-four hours before the student leaves. Blanks may be obtained at the dean's office. The blanks ask for the name, city address, the time of leaving, and destination of the student. The name and address of the hostess, the reason for leaving, and the probable time of return must also be stated. A new ruling, requiring all women students who desire to leave the city for over night or the week end to present a written notice at the office of the dean of women, goes into effect immediately. The notice must be brought in at least twenty-four hours before the student leaves. Blanks may be obtained at the dean's office. The blanks ask for the name, city address, the time of leaving, and destination of the student. The name and address of the hostess, the reason for leaving, and the probable time of return must also be stated. NEW RED CROSS QUOTA Nights when groups may work together at the Red Cross surgical dressing room can be arranged by communicating with Mrs. C.S. Grant. One sorority has already made plans to work Wednesday evening. The quota now is less than it has been, but fulfillment of it is urgent. 1080 pads, 600 five yard rolls, and at least 3000 mask are needed. The latter are necessary for school children who are required to have two. QUARANTINE IS DELAYED Inoculation Period Will Not Come Until After Homecoming Contrary to reports that are circulating, the S.A.T.C. will not be subject to quarantine for inoculations for a week at least. No definite time for the "clamping of the lid" is ventured by authorities, but it is thought that the detention will not go into effect until after the Iowa Minnesota game at the earliest. Th men must recuperate from [advertisement] VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory MAHAN & OGLE ORCHESTRA their weakened condition resulting from attacks of Spanish influenza and pneumonia before inoculations can be thought of. There will probably be three inoculations and vaccinations coming ten days apart. Inoculations will be for smallpox and the vaccinations will be for typhiod. MANY DAILIES AT OFFICE Students and Public are Permitted to Read Them Any Time A good selection of metropolitan, country and college newspapers may be found on the rack at the office of The Daily Iowan and University news service in room 14, liberal arts. Students and the public in general are welcome to come in at any time and look them over. Among the city dailies outside the state, the news service rack contains the New York Tribune, New York Evening Sun, Christian Science Monitor, and Kansas City Star. The Des Moines Register, The Sioux City Tribune, The Cedar Rapids Republican, and the Iowa City papers make up the daily list from the state. The ruling of the war industries board preventing free exchanges has considerably lessened The Iowan exchange list. However such papers may be found as the Michigan Daily, Daily Cardinal of Wisconsin, Indiana Daily Student, Ohio State Lantern, McGill Daily of McGill University in Canada, University of Washington Daily, Daily Illini, Kansas Industrialist, Daily Texan, Yale News, Coe College Cosmos, Scarlet and Black, U. I. U. Collegian, and other small college publications. Send the Iowan home. Send the Iowan home. [advertisement] DAINTY LUNCHES between or after classes. Drop into WHITING'S PHARMACY On Dubuque St. [advertisement] Garden Thursday Doris Kenyon IN "The Inn of The Blue Moon" ADMISSION 5c & 10c HENRY BENDER WOUNDED Lieut. Henry A. Bender, L.A. '16, has again been wounded on the firing line in France. Lieut. Bender is well known here, especially in athletic circles. He was captain of the 'gym' team in 1916. He arrived in France a year ago in August. PROF. JOB GOES TO CHICAGO Professor T.T. Job of rhe zoology department left Sunday for Chicago where he will take up work in the Chicago school of medicine and surgery, as assistant professor of anatomy. [advertisement] WDC TRADE MARK PRICE for price, grade for grade, there is no better pipe made than a W D C. You can get a pipe with the familiar triangle trade-mark in any size and shape and grade you want--and you will be glad you did it. W D C Pipes are American made and sold in the best shops at $6 down to 75 cents. WM. DEMUTH & CO., New York World's Largest Pipe Manufacturer Here is a pipe to be proud of in any company. Genuine French Briar, carefully selected, beautifully worked, superbly mounted with sterling band and vulcanite bit. [advertisement] BOOK AND CRAFT SHOP University Text Books and Supplies 124 EAST WASHINGTON STREET HOMECOMING DAYS Friday = Saturday Nov. 8th-Nov. 9th We will have a special sale on Furs Fur Coats, Fur Stoles and Muffs On these dates we will give a special discount on all Ladies' Serge Dresses and Ladies' Shirt Waists. F.J. Strub & Son [advertisement] SATURDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 9 DANCING FROM 7 TO 9:45 By Order of Commanding Officer of Training Camp.
Daily Iowan Newspapers