Daily Iowan, November 19, 1918
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PAGE FOUR DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, November 19, 1918 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOR RENT-A single room for $7 in a modern home. Call Black 1664 at meal times. LOST-Grey kid glove. Call 2147 LOST-Will the party who exchanged and took a Stetson army hat with blue hat cord at Varsity dance notify J.E. Rock, C.I, Hdqt. FOUND-Army overcoat. Owner may have same by paying for ad. Call 1904 FOR RENT-Modern furnished room close in. Also light housekeeping rooms. 505 E Washington St. 25 LOST-In L.A. auditorium, a pocket book containing bills, change, and papers with name and address. Return to Dean Aurner's office. 26 LOST-A bunch of keys. Finder phone 2056. 25 SALESMAN WANTED: Men who can sell farmers preferred. Men who have sold in agricultural or packing enterprises will find by answering this ad, the best selling stock they have handled this season. Our men are selling 90 per cent of the prospects called on. Excellent leads furnished. Address: C.S. care of Iowan and writer will make an appointment by letter at any convenient place in the state. FORMER STUDENT DIES Velma Bolon of Iowa City, died Saturday morning at 10 o'clock after a week's illness of influenza which developed into pneumonia. Miss Bolon was a sophomore in the University in 1916-17. She was teaching at Sharon Center, but came home Nov. 8 to stay with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bolon of 302 Muscatine avenue. She is survived by her parents and a younger sister Marjorie. Prof. R.A. Kuever has returned from Emmetsburg, where he was engaged as an expert witness in a case involving the physiological action of drugs. [advertisment] MILITARY SALE AT OUR CAMPUS STORE Owing to the fact that the armistice has been signed, and peace is about to be declared, we will close out our entire Military Department in our TENT AT THE CAMPUS. SALE STARTS TUESDAY NOON NOVEMBER 19th, 1918 This Sale Is On All Military Goods At the TENT STORE ONLY A Saving of 10 to 25 per cent on all Military Goods Silk Khaki Hat Cords at...$.35 Cotton Khaki Breeches at...$4.45 Leather Hat Straps at...$3.20 Web Army Belts at... .50 Wool Army Shirts at... $5.95 U.S. Insignia Buttons... .18 Canvass Leggins...$1.40 Army Hats, all sizes...$3.50 Khaki Jersey Gloves... .65 A.D. Serge Uniforms at...$36.85 Best Quality Serge Uniforms at...$42.95 Stetson Army Hats at...$7.45 SALE ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT BREMER'S GOLDEN EAGLE [advertisement] IOWA-NORTHWESTERN FOOTBALL GAME Saturday, November 23 ON IOWA FIELD GAME CALLED AT 2 P.M. PRICES WILL BE ANNOUNCED LATER
PAGE FOUR DAILY IOWAN STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Tuesday, November 19, 1918 WANT ADS RATE 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOR RENT-A single room for $7 in a modern home. Call Black 1664 at meal times. LOST-Grey kid glove. Call 2147 LOST-Will the party who exchanged and took a Stetson army hat with blue hat cord at Varsity dance notify J.E. Rock, C.I, Hdqt. FOUND-Army overcoat. Owner may have same by paying for ad. Call 1904 FOR RENT-Modern furnished room close in. Also light housekeeping rooms. 505 E Washington St. 25 LOST-In L.A. auditorium, a pocket book containing bills, change, and papers with name and address. Return to Dean Aurner's office. 26 LOST-A bunch of keys. Finder phone 2056. 25 SALESMAN WANTED: Men who can sell farmers preferred. Men who have sold in agricultural or packing enterprises will find by answering this ad, the best selling stock they have handled this season. Our men are selling 90 per cent of the prospects called on. Excellent leads furnished. Address: C.S. care of Iowan and writer will make an appointment by letter at any convenient place in the state. FORMER STUDENT DIES Velma Bolon of Iowa City, died Saturday morning at 10 o'clock after a week's illness of influenza which developed into pneumonia. Miss Bolon was a sophomore in the University in 1916-17. She was teaching at Sharon Center, but came home Nov. 8 to stay with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bolon of 302 Muscatine avenue. She is survived by her parents and a younger sister Marjorie. Prof. R.A. Kuever has returned from Emmetsburg, where he was engaged as an expert witness in a case involving the physiological action of drugs. [advertisment] MILITARY SALE AT OUR CAMPUS STORE Owing to the fact that the armistice has been signed, and peace is about to be declared, we will close out our entire Military Department in our TENT AT THE CAMPUS. SALE STARTS TUESDAY NOON NOVEMBER 19th, 1918 This Sale Is On All Military Goods At the TENT STORE ONLY A Saving of 10 to 25 per cent on all Military Goods Silk Khaki Hat Cords at...$.35 Cotton Khaki Breeches at...$4.45 Leather Hat Straps at...$3.20 Web Army Belts at... .50 Wool Army Shirts at... $5.95 U.S. Insignia Buttons... .18 Canvass Leggins...$1.40 Army Hats, all sizes...$3.50 Khaki Jersey Gloves... .65 A.D. Serge Uniforms at...$36.85 Best Quality Serge Uniforms at...$42.95 Stetson Army Hats at...$7.45 SALE ENDS SATURDAY NIGHT BREMER'S GOLDEN EAGLE [advertisement] IOWA-NORTHWESTERN FOOTBALL GAME Saturday, November 23 ON IOWA FIELD GAME CALLED AT 2 P.M. PRICES WILL BE ANNOUNCED LATER
Daily Iowan Newspapers