Daily Iowan, November 21, 1918
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Thursday, November 21, 1918 The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Page Three A. R. SAYS THIS IS GOOD When you come to the end of a K. P. day, And you stand alone with your pots, And you think of the things that are far away As you scrape on the scorched spots, And the sergeant who gave you K. P. this day Cares not for your seeming pain For he smiles as you say, in a plaintive way, That you wish you were home again. Well this is the end of a K. P. day, And the end of your labors, too, And you turn your eyes to the stars and say That you're glad the day is through, And memory has painted the K. P. day With visions of brooms and mops And you sigh as they tell you to go your way And empty the kitchen slops This was sent me by a friend who said he found it somewhere but did not say where but I think it is pretty good as it is true to life, don't you? If you think this is good enough to print let 'er go but if it is not put it in the waste basket and forget it. Yours truly, A. R., Co. B. "The Bird of Paradise," the play that pleases theater goers season after season, will be seen at the Englert Theater, next Wednesday night, Nov. 27. It is one of the biggest and most novel of American successes and helped to make six actresses popular on the screen and stage. The play is the story of the Hawaiian Islands and American influence. It is not only picturesque but thrilling, and no stage scene has ever held more of the sensational than the volcanic picture of the last act. Florence Rockwell plays Luana, the unfortunate princess this year. FIRST RECITAL TONIGHT Miss Gretchen Swisher, pianist, will be presented tonight at 8 o'clock at the school of music annex in the first recital of the year. Miss Swisher will be assisted by Mrs. Charlotte Loveland Hinman, soprano, and wife of professor J. J. Hinman. [advertisement] S. A. T. C. OFFICERS and students We manufacture and carry in stock a full assortment of S.A.T.C. accessories. Everything you need. A FEW SPECIALS Officers' Serge Uniforms … $25.00 Spiral Puttees .. $3.50 Flannel Shirts .. $3.00 Hat Cords, Insignia, Military Books, Sporting Goods and hundreds of articles listed in our catalog "H" Write for it Today ARMY & NAVY SUPPLY CO 210 West 42nd Street New York City ADVERTISED LETTERS MEN Barrett, Frederick E. Benjamin, Ward Blodgett, L. W. Burke, Claude F. Burns, B. I. Condit, Brian C. Derksen, Arnold & Mrs. Fitzpatrick, Raymond Graham, Andy Kendall, Roy Kurley, Fred Leeney, Mearl Lindburg, Wallace Marks, C. W. (2) Moylan, Frank & Mrs. Pierce, Raymond WOMEN Christy, Mrs. Chas. Murray, Miss R. Niehlan, Miss Carrie Parker, Miss Florence Spenner, Mrs. John Taylor, Miss Bessie Triger, Miss Lela Wilkinson, Mrs. Elizabeth Max Mayer, P. M. CLUB POSTPONES MEETING The meeting of the Music Study club, which was to have been held at the home of Mrs. Preston Coast, has been postponed until December 11. The regular meeting of the club will be held December 4 at the home of Mr. Walter Pratt. [advertisement] GARDEN DORIS KENYON IN "THE STREET OF SEVEN STARS" also A good travel picture Admission 5c & 10c "Y" HAS FORMAL OPENING Prominent Men Will Give Talks---- Social Hour After Program Formal opening of the Y.M.C.A. will take place at 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon. A special program is being prepared. President Walter A. Jessup, Capt. George W. Robertson, and Prof. E. M. Faris are among the speakers. E. O. Pence of Chicago, one of the central department leaders of the Y.M.C.A., and George C. Pullman of Des Moines, state student secretary, will also speak. Orchestra music will be given. At the close of the meeting there will be a social hour. Marjorie Heberling is confined to her home with influenza. [advertisement] PASTIME Theatre Today & Tomorrow See the IOWA and NEBRASKA Football Game Played at Lincoln Oct. 3d also MONTAGUE LOVE in "TO HIM THAT HATH" A dandy show Admission 10c----15c [advertisement] ENGLERT THEATRE WED. NOV. 27 The Return of the Perennial Favorite Oliver Morosco Presents Richard Walton Tully's Fascinating Romance THE BIRD OF PARADISE The Play of a Woman's Soul A Brilliant Cast of Players, Including Florence Rockwell and the Famous Singing Hawaiians Mail Orders Received Now----Seat Sale Tuesday 9 a. m. Prices 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 Curtain at 8:15 [advertisement] [illustration of a pipe] Look at this one, A corking piece of genuine French Briar, sterling ring, vulcanite bit, the smoothest workmanship---a shape that makes it mighty convenient to have in your room W D C Trade Mark You will see WDC Pipes on every campus in the country-----American pipes for American men, and not bettered anywhere. You can get any shape, size and grade you want in a W D C. The best shops carry them at $6 down to 75 cents. WM. DEMUTH & CO., New York World's Largest Pipe Manufacturer [advertisement] We are making special prices on Coats, Suits and Dresses Friday And Saturday November 22 and 23 F. J. STRUB & SON [advertisement] [illustration of woman sitting with legs outstretched, saluting] ENGLERT THEATRE FRIDAY NOV. 22 Direct From The Auditorium Theatre, Chicago Prices ---$2.00----$1.50----$1.00----75c----50c----Prices Seat Sale Thursday Mail Orders Now The Comstock-Elliott Co. presents The Smartest and Brightest of All Musical Comedies "OH, BOY" by Guy Bolton and P.G. Wodehouse Music by Jerome Kern The 4th Princess Theatre (New York) Musical Comedy Success Jolly Tunes and Pretty Girls [advertisement] Admission $1.00----- War Tax Extra VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory CAHILL ORCHESTRA Saturday Evening November 23 Dancing From 7 to 9:45 By Order of Commanding Officer of Training Camp.
Thursday, November 21, 1918 The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Page Three A. R. SAYS THIS IS GOOD When you come to the end of a K. P. day, And you stand alone with your pots, And you think of the things that are far away As you scrape on the scorched spots, And the sergeant who gave you K. P. this day Cares not for your seeming pain For he smiles as you say, in a plaintive way, That you wish you were home again. Well this is the end of a K. P. day, And the end of your labors, too, And you turn your eyes to the stars and say That you're glad the day is through, And memory has painted the K. P. day With visions of brooms and mops And you sigh as they tell you to go your way And empty the kitchen slops This was sent me by a friend who said he found it somewhere but did not say where but I think it is pretty good as it is true to life, don't you? If you think this is good enough to print let 'er go but if it is not put it in the waste basket and forget it. Yours truly, A. R., Co. B. "The Bird of Paradise," the play that pleases theater goers season after season, will be seen at the Englert Theater, next Wednesday night, Nov. 27. It is one of the biggest and most novel of American successes and helped to make six actresses popular on the screen and stage. The play is the story of the Hawaiian Islands and American influence. It is not only picturesque but thrilling, and no stage scene has ever held more of the sensational than the volcanic picture of the last act. Florence Rockwell plays Luana, the unfortunate princess this year. FIRST RECITAL TONIGHT Miss Gretchen Swisher, pianist, will be presented tonight at 8 o'clock at the school of music annex in the first recital of the year. Miss Swisher will be assisted by Mrs. Charlotte Loveland Hinman, soprano, and wife of professor J. J. Hinman. [advertisement] S. A. T. C. OFFICERS and students We manufacture and carry in stock a full assortment of S.A.T.C. accessories. Everything you need. A FEW SPECIALS Officers' Serge Uniforms … $25.00 Spiral Puttees .. $3.50 Flannel Shirts .. $3.00 Hat Cords, Insignia, Military Books, Sporting Goods and hundreds of articles listed in our catalog "H" Write for it Today ARMY & NAVY SUPPLY CO 210 West 42nd Street New York City ADVERTISED LETTERS MEN Barrett, Frederick E. Benjamin, Ward Blodgett, L. W. Burke, Claude F. Burns, B. I. Condit, Brian C. Derksen, Arnold & Mrs. Fitzpatrick, Raymond Graham, Andy Kendall, Roy Kurley, Fred Leeney, Mearl Lindburg, Wallace Marks, C. W. (2) Moylan, Frank & Mrs. Pierce, Raymond WOMEN Christy, Mrs. Chas. Murray, Miss R. Niehlan, Miss Carrie Parker, Miss Florence Spenner, Mrs. John Taylor, Miss Bessie Triger, Miss Lela Wilkinson, Mrs. Elizabeth Max Mayer, P. M. CLUB POSTPONES MEETING The meeting of the Music Study club, which was to have been held at the home of Mrs. Preston Coast, has been postponed until December 11. The regular meeting of the club will be held December 4 at the home of Mr. Walter Pratt. [advertisement] GARDEN DORIS KENYON IN "THE STREET OF SEVEN STARS" also A good travel picture Admission 5c & 10c "Y" HAS FORMAL OPENING Prominent Men Will Give Talks---- Social Hour After Program Formal opening of the Y.M.C.A. will take place at 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon. A special program is being prepared. President Walter A. Jessup, Capt. George W. Robertson, and Prof. E. M. Faris are among the speakers. E. O. Pence of Chicago, one of the central department leaders of the Y.M.C.A., and George C. Pullman of Des Moines, state student secretary, will also speak. Orchestra music will be given. At the close of the meeting there will be a social hour. Marjorie Heberling is confined to her home with influenza. [advertisement] PASTIME Theatre Today & Tomorrow See the IOWA and NEBRASKA Football Game Played at Lincoln Oct. 3d also MONTAGUE LOVE in "TO HIM THAT HATH" A dandy show Admission 10c----15c [advertisement] ENGLERT THEATRE WED. NOV. 27 The Return of the Perennial Favorite Oliver Morosco Presents Richard Walton Tully's Fascinating Romance THE BIRD OF PARADISE The Play of a Woman's Soul A Brilliant Cast of Players, Including Florence Rockwell and the Famous Singing Hawaiians Mail Orders Received Now----Seat Sale Tuesday 9 a. m. Prices 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 Curtain at 8:15 [advertisement] [illustration of a pipe] Look at this one, A corking piece of genuine French Briar, sterling ring, vulcanite bit, the smoothest workmanship---a shape that makes it mighty convenient to have in your room W D C Trade Mark You will see WDC Pipes on every campus in the country-----American pipes for American men, and not bettered anywhere. You can get any shape, size and grade you want in a W D C. The best shops carry them at $6 down to 75 cents. WM. DEMUTH & CO., New York World's Largest Pipe Manufacturer [advertisement] We are making special prices on Coats, Suits and Dresses Friday And Saturday November 22 and 23 F. J. STRUB & SON [advertisement] [illustration of woman sitting with legs outstretched, saluting] ENGLERT THEATRE FRIDAY NOV. 22 Direct From The Auditorium Theatre, Chicago Prices ---$2.00----$1.50----$1.00----75c----50c----Prices Seat Sale Thursday Mail Orders Now The Comstock-Elliott Co. presents The Smartest and Brightest of All Musical Comedies "OH, BOY" by Guy Bolton and P.G. Wodehouse Music by Jerome Kern The 4th Princess Theatre (New York) Musical Comedy Success Jolly Tunes and Pretty Girls [advertisement] Admission $1.00----- War Tax Extra VARSITY DANCE Company A Armory CAHILL ORCHESTRA Saturday Evening November 23 Dancing From 7 to 9:45 By Order of Commanding Officer of Training Camp.
Daily Iowan Newspapers