Daily Iowan, November 21, 1918
Page 4
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Page Four The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Thursday, November 21, 1918 WANT ADS Rate 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOR RENT----A single room for $7 in a modern home. Call Black 1664 at meal times. LOST----Will the party who exchanged and took a Stetson army hat with blue hat cord at Varsity dance notify J. E. Rock, C. I, Hdqt. FOR RENT----Modern furnished room close in. Also light housekeeping rooms. 505 E. Washington St. LOST----In L. A. auditorium, a pocket book containing bills, change, and papers with name and address. Return to Dean Aurner's office. LOST----A bunch of keys. Finder phone 2056. SALESMEN WANTED: Men who can sell farmers preferred. Men who have sold in agricultural or packing enterprises will find by answering this ad, the best selling stock they have handled this season. Our men are selling 90 per cent of the prospects called on. Excellent leads furnished. Address: C. S. care of Iowan and writer will make an appointment by letter at any convenient place in the state. FOR SALE----Underwood No. 5 typewriter in very good condition, Tabulater and back spacer, will sell cheap. J. O. Maruth. LOST:----A black fox fur piece, Return to Alpha Chi Omega house. Will the young lady that got the little maltese kitten a week ago please call at the place. DR. STEELSMITH WILL ADDRESS FRESHMEN Dr. D. C. Steelsmith, newly appointed health commissioner of the University, will give an address on physical health at the freshman lecture today. Prof. W. E. Hays of the school of music will be present the last ten minutes to conduct singing. Dean Aurner is completing the program for the course of freshman lecturers for the year and will be able to announce the schedule by Sunday. HAWKEYES PRACTICE FOR NORTHWESTERN (continued from page 1) he is needed Scottie, who is battling a slight case of tonsillitis did not report but he is expected in the lineup soon. Parker has recovered from his injury and played the right half on the second team. Scanlon and Justin were good for long runs when they eluded the varsity on a cleverly played formation SIGNAL PRACTICE After the scrimmage both elevens lined up for a signal practice which lasted until it was too dark to see the oval. The pep shown by the varsity while in the signal drill gave evidence to the extent that every man on the team is ready to play the hardest game of the season. The Iowa team that takes the field Saturday will be one that plays football from the start to the finish. The line has shown a punch that is a credit to the best of teams and the quarter of backs are hitting harder than they ever hit, with this combination working smoothly as it has shown that it can, the Hawkeyes are ready to make Northwestern realize they scheduled a real team for Nov. 23, and one that is likely to hand them a jolt in their dreams of a high landing in the conference rating of elevens. President Chas. R. Van Hise, president of the Wisconsin state university, died in Milwaukee early Tuesday morning, according to information received here. Dr. Van Hise went to Milwaukee last Friday for an operation on his nose. Complications developed and meningitis followed. The S.A.T.C. men at the University of Illinois have been holding inter-company athletic events. Competition will be held between companies in football, basketball, baseball, track, soccor, swimming, and water-ball. The idea of the movement is to give the men in the unit some exercise and pleasure and some definite goal for which they might fight. Three French tables and two Spanish tables have been organized in the quadrangle dining room at Grinnell college. Some form of rotation will be used so that different girls will head the tables each week. French and Spanish will be spoken exclusively at lunch and dinner. SAVE TIME AND EAT AT Y Home-made pie and hot doughnuts are just a few of the many good things served at the Y.M.C.A. hut to the ever hungry S.A.T.C. men these crisp November days. The canteen service succeeds in satisfying the most particular appetite. Noon lunches at the "Y" save time and enable the men to enjoy a few minutes more dancing in the liberal arts corridors. Mrs. Parr of Burlington is visiting her granddaughter, Dorothy Banks at Currier Hall. Edda society will hold an important business meeting Thursday evening, from 8 to 8:30, at 112 East Bloomington street. Mrs. H. L. Kern of Charles City, and her son Howard L. Kern, attorney general of Porto Rico, visited last week with Irma Kern, freshman, at Currier hall. Miss Agnes M. Hall, Y.W.C.A student secretary on the North [central?] field staff, will be here for [several?] days the last of the [week?]. Miss Hall had been student [director?] for Nebraska on the United [States?] Work campaign, and will stop on her way back to Minneapolis. Octave Thanet literary [society?] will meet at the home of Dean Nellie S. Aurner Thursday evening at 7:30. [advertisement] YETTER'S The Big Store GREAT SELLING DRIVE STARTS FRIDAY MORNING---9 O'CLOCK An Irresistible Money Saving Event Special Purchases Effected At A Great Advantage Enables Us to render a real public service with sale prices so low as to be ordinarily out of the question. ----Under these circumstances the public is urged, for its own good, to lay in full supplies. Of Women's and Misses Wearing Apparel Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Furs, Silks, Dress Goods, Gloves, Neckwear and other Dress Accessories. All that you'll need for the Winter season. READ THE BIG BULLETIN [advertisement] IOWA-NORTHWESTERN Football Game SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23 On Iowa Field Game Called At 2 P. M. Prices $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 Tickets Now On sale at Whetstone's
Page Four The Daily Iowan State University of Iowa Thursday, November 21, 1918 WANT ADS Rate 10c a line or fraction: 20% discount on three or more insertions. Want ads cash in advance. FOR RENT----A single room for $7 in a modern home. Call Black 1664 at meal times. LOST----Will the party who exchanged and took a Stetson army hat with blue hat cord at Varsity dance notify J. E. Rock, C. I, Hdqt. FOR RENT----Modern furnished room close in. Also light housekeeping rooms. 505 E. Washington St. LOST----In L. A. auditorium, a pocket book containing bills, change, and papers with name and address. Return to Dean Aurner's office. LOST----A bunch of keys. Finder phone 2056. SALESMEN WANTED: Men who can sell farmers preferred. Men who have sold in agricultural or packing enterprises will find by answering this ad, the best selling stock they have handled this season. Our men are selling 90 per cent of the prospects called on. Excellent leads furnished. Address: C. S. care of Iowan and writer will make an appointment by letter at any convenient place in the state. FOR SALE----Underwood No. 5 typewriter in very good condition, Tabulater and back spacer, will sell cheap. J. O. Maruth. LOST:----A black fox fur piece, Return to Alpha Chi Omega house. Will the young lady that got the little maltese kitten a week ago please call at the place. DR. STEELSMITH WILL ADDRESS FRESHMEN Dr. D. C. Steelsmith, newly appointed health commissioner of the University, will give an address on physical health at the freshman lecture today. Prof. W. E. Hays of the school of music will be present the last ten minutes to conduct singing. Dean Aurner is completing the program for the course of freshman lecturers for the year and will be able to announce the schedule by Sunday. HAWKEYES PRACTICE FOR NORTHWESTERN (continued from page 1) he is needed Scottie, who is battling a slight case of tonsillitis did not report but he is expected in the lineup soon. Parker has recovered from his injury and played the right half on the second team. Scanlon and Justin were good for long runs when they eluded the varsity on a cleverly played formation SIGNAL PRACTICE After the scrimmage both elevens lined up for a signal practice which lasted until it was too dark to see the oval. The pep shown by the varsity while in the signal drill gave evidence to the extent that every man on the team is ready to play the hardest game of the season. The Iowa team that takes the field Saturday will be one that plays football from the start to the finish. The line has shown a punch that is a credit to the best of teams and the quarter of backs are hitting harder than they ever hit, with this combination working smoothly as it has shown that it can, the Hawkeyes are ready to make Northwestern realize they scheduled a real team for Nov. 23, and one that is likely to hand them a jolt in their dreams of a high landing in the conference rating of elevens. President Chas. R. Van Hise, president of the Wisconsin state university, died in Milwaukee early Tuesday morning, according to information received here. Dr. Van Hise went to Milwaukee last Friday for an operation on his nose. Complications developed and meningitis followed. The S.A.T.C. men at the University of Illinois have been holding inter-company athletic events. Competition will be held between companies in football, basketball, baseball, track, soccor, swimming, and water-ball. The idea of the movement is to give the men in the unit some exercise and pleasure and some definite goal for which they might fight. Three French tables and two Spanish tables have been organized in the quadrangle dining room at Grinnell college. Some form of rotation will be used so that different girls will head the tables each week. French and Spanish will be spoken exclusively at lunch and dinner. SAVE TIME AND EAT AT Y Home-made pie and hot doughnuts are just a few of the many good things served at the Y.M.C.A. hut to the ever hungry S.A.T.C. men these crisp November days. The canteen service succeeds in satisfying the most particular appetite. Noon lunches at the "Y" save time and enable the men to enjoy a few minutes more dancing in the liberal arts corridors. Mrs. Parr of Burlington is visiting her granddaughter, Dorothy Banks at Currier Hall. Edda society will hold an important business meeting Thursday evening, from 8 to 8:30, at 112 East Bloomington street. Mrs. H. L. Kern of Charles City, and her son Howard L. Kern, attorney general of Porto Rico, visited last week with Irma Kern, freshman, at Currier hall. Miss Agnes M. Hall, Y.W.C.A student secretary on the North [central?] field staff, will be here for [several?] days the last of the [week?]. Miss Hall had been student [director?] for Nebraska on the United [States?] Work campaign, and will stop on her way back to Minneapolis. Octave Thanet literary [society?] will meet at the home of Dean Nellie S. Aurner Thursday evening at 7:30. [advertisement] YETTER'S The Big Store GREAT SELLING DRIVE STARTS FRIDAY MORNING---9 O'CLOCK An Irresistible Money Saving Event Special Purchases Effected At A Great Advantage Enables Us to render a real public service with sale prices so low as to be ordinarily out of the question. ----Under these circumstances the public is urged, for its own good, to lay in full supplies. Of Women's and Misses Wearing Apparel Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts, Furs, Silks, Dress Goods, Gloves, Neckwear and other Dress Accessories. All that you'll need for the Winter season. READ THE BIG BULLETIN [advertisement] IOWA-NORTHWESTERN Football Game SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23 On Iowa Field Game Called At 2 P. M. Prices $2.00, $1.50, $1.00 Tickets Now On sale at Whetstone's
Daily Iowan Newspapers